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Inquisition Head

Suffolk. Inquisition. Henhowe. 25 July. [Wynter].


Jurors: John Halle ; John Rous ; John Leuerich ; William Maykyn ; William Dyere ; John Ma..wode ; William Thurston ; William Waryn ; John Tallich ; Peter Monk ; Simon Galion ; and John Large .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or another in his demesne as of fee or by service, but was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the manors of Acton called `Rokewodes', `Lyes' and `Baleysdene' in Acton and of the manor of Brockley called `Ingham'. By a charter dated at Acton on 31 Dec. 1399 he granted them, by name of all his lands, tenements, rents and services in Acton, Long Melford, Groton, Brockley, Hartest, Whepstead and Lawshall to Thomas Swynborne , Edmund Thorp and Robert Corbet junior , knight s, John Rokewode , Richard Wythermerssh , all deceased, and Richard Waldegrave , Andrew Botiller , knight s, Robert de Teye , Richard Baynard , Simon Prentys, parson of Little Cornard , and Richard, perpetual vicar of Assington , who survive. The feoffees still hold. There are in the manor of `Rokewodes' and `Lyes', held of the king of the honor of Peverel by knight service, 110 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 10 a. meadow worth yearly 3s. 4d. an acre, 30 a. underwood which can be cut every tenth year when it is worth 3s. 4d. an acre, but nothing this year because it was cut 3 years ago, 30 a. pasture worth yearly 6d. an acre, and 40s. assize rents from Acton, Groton and Long Melford at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. There are in the manor of `Baleysdene', held of Alice Bryan of her manor of Acton , service unknown, 200 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 8 a. meadow worth yearly 2s. an acre, 30 a. underwood which can be cut every tenth year when it is worth 3s. 4d. an acre, but nothing this year because it was cut 2 years ago, and 7s. assize rents in Acton at the above terms in equal portions. There are in the manor of Brockley, held of Gerard Fodryngey of his manor of Brockley , service unknown, a site, annual value nil, 200 a. arable worth yearly 3d. an acre, 10 a. meadow worth yearly 2s. an acre, 12 a. underwood worth yearly 3s. 4d. an acre but nothing this year because it was cut 4 years ago, and 20s. assize rents in Brockley, Whepstead, Hartest and Lawshall at the above terms in equal portions.

He died on 26 April last. John Rokewod is his son and next heir, aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/62/7 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Shelford(Writ Clerk)


  • John Halle
  • John Rous
  • John Leuerich
  • William Maykyn
  • William Dyere
  • John Ma..wode
  • William Thurston
  • William Waryn
  • John Tallich
  • Peter Monk
  • Simon Galion
  • John Large


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