Full text


Writ Head

811 Writ ‡ 28 May 1421. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to William Cambrigge, lord mayor and escheator of the city of London . Endorsement certifying that his town house taken into the king's hand.

Inquisition Head

London. Inquisition. Guildhall. 4 Aug. [Caumbrigge].


Jurors: Walter Clerk ; John Clerk ; John Parker ; ?Guy Petirson ; Robert Ketyng ; William Godefrey ; Thomas Osbarn ; Richard Pynchebeek ; John Catour ; John Trillowe ; Henry Fellowe ; and John Oseley .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of a town house in the parish of St. Mary Somerset in Queenhithe ward, annual value 10 marks. It is held of the king in free burgage as the entire city of London is held.

He died on 27 April last. John Arundell is his son and next heir, aged 15 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

812 Writ ‡ 28 May 1421. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire.

Inquisition Head

Cambridgeshire. Inquisition. Croxton. 20 Aug. [Bury].


Jurors: Thomas West ; William Ratford ; Richard Ratford ; Alan Couper ; Nicholas Mounford ; John Wodeward ; John Bocher of Caxton ; John Treelef ; John Wright of Caxton ; Walter Sebern ; William Cook of Longstowe ; and Thomas Harpour of Eltisley .


He held the manor of Croxton in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief, service unknown. There are in the manor 106s. assize rents, 200 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 13 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre and 34 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. an acre.

He died on 21 April last. John Arundell is his son and next heir, aged 13 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 3, 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Huntingdonshire. Inquisition. Great Gransden. 21 Aug. 1421. [Bury].


Jurors: William Boteler ; John Yoman ; Richard Rede ; John Disshere ; William Rede ; John Graunt ; Walter Pernell ; Walter Goodgame ; William Friday ; Thomas Heryng ; Thomas Byndelburgh ; and Walter Balery .


He held the manor of Great Gransden in his demesne as of fee of the earl of March , service unknown. There are in the manor a grange, a cattle-shed, a sheepfold, annual value nil, 56s. assize rents, 100 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 12 a. meadow worth yearly 14d. an acre and 20 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. an acre.

Date of death and heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Kent. Inquisition [indented]. Elham. 1 Oct. [Charryngworth].


Jurors: John Brygge ; Thomas Janecok ; Thomas Not ‘Taylour’; Simon Vsbarn ; William Shotwade ; Thomas Martyn ; Thomas Goodman ; Thomas Chaunseler ; William Gendur ; ?Nicholas Ketyngerton ; Thomas Lad ; and William Marchall .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne as of fee or by service of the king or others. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Postling and, as John de Arundell, Lord Arundel and Mautravers , granted it by an indenture to Bartholomew Brokesby , John Harewell senior , John Brace , esquire s, Thomas Gower of Woodhall and Nicholas Saucer to hold from Michaelmas 1416 during the life of Joan de Beauchampe, Lady Abergavenny , on condition that if Joan impleaded John or his heirs male in a court of record concerning the earldom of Arundel or its castles, townships, lordships, manors, lands, tenements, rents, services, hundreds, return of writs, forest, chases and liberties, as appeared in a fine of [oct. Trin.] 1347 [CP 25/1/287/43, no. 401] between Richard, earl of Arundel , quer., and John de Alresford and John Sprott , chaplain s, def., or concerning any other lands, or if she expelled Richard's widow Eleanor from her dower lands, should she survive him, John and his heirs could re-enter the manor, the indenture not withstanding. Bartholomew and his co-feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. Thomas Gower of Woodhall afterwards quitclaimed to his co- feoffees, who remain seised of the manor, which is held of the king of his duchy of Cornwall , service unknown, annual value £20.

He died on 22 April last. Heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 6-7

E 152/9/498/3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Norfolk. Inquisition. Mileham. 6 Oct.[Lexham].


Jurors: Robert Canon ; Thomas Warde ; William Wotton ; John Mechell ; John Crudde ; John Pottere ; William Mascall ; Henry Broun ; Thomas Barbour ; Richard Plombe ; Henry Smyth ; and John Bukke .


He held in his demesne as of fee tail, i.e. to him and his heirs male, of the king in chief by knight service, 2/3 castle, township and manor of Castle Acre and the manor of Mileham by grant of John de Alresford and John Sprot , chaplain s, to Richard, earl of Arundel , and his heirs male by Eleanor, daughter of Henry of Lancaster senior, formerly earl of Lancaster , by the fine recited in 814. Annual value of the 2/3 castle nil. There are in the 2/3 township and manor £10 16s. 4d. assize rents at Michaelmas, the Purification, Whitsun and St. Peter's Chains equally; 9 virgates held at will, annual value with customs and works 7s. each; and 51 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. an acre. There are in the manor of Mileham £12 assize rents at the above terms equally; 14 virgates held at will, annual value with customs and works 8s. each; 18 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre; and 300 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. an acre.

Date of death and heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 8-9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Shropshire and the Adjacent March of Wales. Inquisition [indented]. Shrewsbury. 29 Oct. [Hord].


Jurors: Edward Acton ; Walter Pyrie ; William Forster ; John Bolle senior; John Grafton ; William Clubury ; Richard Hord senior ; Thomas Trencher ; Thomas Newold ; John Newold ; Richard Ruyton ; and John Knyght .


He held in his demesne as of fee tail, i.e. to him and his heirs male, 2/3 castles, townships and manors of Clun and Oswestry , and the manors of Heath, Church Stretton, Lydley Heys, Acton Round , Wroxeter and Hints, settled as in the fine recited in 814. There are in the 2/3 £40 assize rents, 200 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre, 40 a. meadow worth yearly... an acre, 2 water-mills, annual value £10, 300 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. anacre, and 100 a. wood worth yearly 12d. an acre. There are in the manor of Heath 10s. assize rents, 20 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre, 10 a. meadow, annual value 10s., and 20 a. [unspecified], annual value 5s. There are in the manor of Church Stretton £7 assize rents, 50 a. arable worth yearly 12d. an acre, 20 a. meadow, annual value 40s., and 100 a. wood, annual value 60s. There are in the manor of Lydley Heys 4 marks assize rents, 100 a. arable, annual value 40s., 20 a. meadow, annual value 40s., 60 a. pasture, annual value 13s. 4d., and 40 a. wood, annual value 13s. 4d. There are in the manor of Acton Round 8 marks assize rents, 200 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre, 20 a. meadow, annual value 40s., 20 a. pasture, annual value 20s., and 40 a. wood, annual value 20s. There are in the manor of Wroxeter 6 marks assize rents, 200 a. arable, annual value 4 marks, 60 a. pasture, annual value 20s., 40 a. wood, annual value 2 marks. There are in the 2/3 manor of Hints 5 marks assize rents, 200 a. arable, annual value 50s., 100 a. pasture, annual value 20s., and 12 a. wood, annual value 6s. 8d. He also held the castle, township and manor of Shrawardine at farm for a term of years beginning at Michaelmas 1418 by demise of Beatrice, countess of Arundel , who held them for life by grant of Edward de Cherlton of Powis, knight , Robert ..obelowe , Thomas Harlyng , clerk s, John Boerley , David Holbach and John Tauk , the king's licence having been obtained, to Thomas, earl of Arundel , and his wife Beatrice for life, rendering yearly to Beatrice 100 marks at Easter and Michaelmas equally. He also held the manor and lordship of Ruyton with its members Bucknell, Clunbury, Clunton, Cound and Upton Magna, £12 rents from the manors of Dodington, Hints and `...ampton' and the castles, manors and townships of Clun and Oswestry, and 1/3 rents and profits of the lordship of `Temset', all held at farm for a 60 year term by demise of Beatrice, who held them in dower, rendering 400 marks yearly to her at Whitsun and St. Martin equally.

He died on 23 April last. Heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 10-11

E 149/125/15 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

817 Writ ‡ 28 May 1421. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Surrey and Sussex.

Inquisition Head

Sussex. Inquisition. Chichester. 10 July. [xxx].


Jurors: Richard Buterle ; Roger Gunter ; William Ernele ; Thomas Hunston ; William Walton ; John Wiltschire ; Thomas Preston ; John Whightryng ; John Exton ; William Warnecamp ; William atte Welle ; and William Smyth of Eastergate .


He held in his demesne as of fee tail, i.e. to him and his heirs male, of the king in chief by knight service the manors of Westbourne, Stansted, East Lavington, Woolbeding, Preston, East Hampnett, Westhampnett, Poling, Lyminster, Pallingham, Dunhurst, Wonworth and Alversham; the forest and chases of Arundel; the entire river and fishery of Arundel and its oversight and maintenance from the sea as far as Pallingham; the hundreds of Poling, Rotherbridge, Easebourne, Box, Stockbridge and Westbourne; return and execution of writs in the rapes of Arundel and Chichester; courts, liberties, and courts of forests and chases; 2/3 castle, township and manor of Arundel; the manors of Up Marden and Orfold; all with knight's fees, advowsons of churches, chapels, chantries and other benefices, courts, views of frankpledge, forfeitures, fines, amercements, franchises, liberties and other emoluments and perquisites and profits by gift and feoffment of John de Alresforde and John Sprot , chaplain s, to Richard, earl of Arundel , and his heirs male by Eleanor by fine as in 814. There are in the manor of Westbourne and Stansted a manor house, park and forest, annual value nil; £26 13s. 8d. assize rents and 2 lb. pepper at Michaelmas, Christmas, the Annunciation and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist equally; 1 lb. cumin at Christmas; 27 virgates held at will, worth yearly with customs and works 6s. each; 200 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 160 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; 10 a. meadow worth yearly 14d. an acre; a mill, annual value 20s.; and perquisites of courts, annual value 26s. 8d. There are in the manor of East Lavington £8 14s. assize rents at the same terms equally; 300 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 200 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; 500 a. pasture for sheep worth yearly 1d. an acre; and 11 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre. There are in the manor of Woolbeding 72s. 2d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 200 a. arable worth yearly 3d. an acre; and 107 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre. There are in the manor of Preston 29s. 3d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 60 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; and 86 a. pasture worth yearly 1 1/2d. an acre. There are in the manor of East Hampnett 60s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 120 a. arable worth yearly 5d. an acre; 160 a. arable worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 23 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre. There are in the manor of Westhampnett 7s. 8d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 160 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; and 34 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre. There are in the manor of Poling 76s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 140 a. arable worth yearly 8d. an acre; 180 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 24 1/2 a. meadow worth yearly...d. an acre. There are in the manor of Lyminster £4 3s. 8d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 200 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre; 160 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 11 a. 3 roods of meadow worth yearly 10d. an acre. There are in the manor of Pallingham and Dunhurst a hall with 4 chambers, a kitchen, bakehouse, stable and grange, annual value nil; a park, the agistment of which is worth yearly 44s.; £14 assize rents of free and customary tenants at the same terms equally; 200 a. arable worth yearly 2d. an acre; 400 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; 60 a. meadow worth yearly 8d. an acre; and perquisites of court, annual value 16s. There are in the manor of Wonworth 60s. assize rents at the same terms equally; 120 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 240 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 24 a. arable worth yearly 10d. an acre. There are in the manor of Alversham 9s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 60 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; and 16 a. meadow worth yearly 8d. an acre. Annual value of the 2/3 castle and manor of Arundel nil; there are £7 16d. assize rents at the above terms equally; a mill, annual value £6 13s. 4d.; and 92 a. meadow worth yearly 6d. an acre. There are in 2/3 manor of Up Marden 34s. 7d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 100 a. arable worth yearly 3d. an acre; 60 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 125 a. pasture for sheep worth yearly 1d. an acre. There are in the 2/3 manor of Orfold 13s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 60 a. arable worth yearly 3d. an acre; 80 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; and 41 a. 3 roods of meadow worth yearly 8d. an acre. Annual value of the hundreds of Poling, Rotherbridge, Easebourne, Box, Stockbridge and Westbourne, 100s.; annual value of the liberties listed above, 60s. He also held in his demesne as of fee: the manor of Cudlow in which are 107s. 8d. assize rents at the above terms equally; 300 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre, 200 a. pasture worth yearly 2 1/2d. an acre and 15 a. meadow worth yearly 10d. an acre. Of whom and by what service it is held are unknown; the manor of Barecourt and Wildbridge in which are £4 10s. assize rents at the above terms in equal portions, 200 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 4 virgates held at will, each worth 7s. yearly with works, 80 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre and 12 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre. Of whom and by what service it is held are unknown; the manor of Linch and Todham in which are 74s. [?9]d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions, 140 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 80 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre, 400 a. pasture for sheep worth yearly 1d. an acre and 13 a. meadow worth yearly 11d. an acre. Of whom and by what service it is held are unknown; the manor of Almodington of the bishop of Chichester by knight service. There are in it £4 0s. 3d. assize rents at the above terms in equal portions, 120 a. arable worth yearly 6d. an acre and 118 1/2 a. pasture worth yearly 2d. an acre; the manor of Stopham of John Pelham, knight , service unknown. There are in it 40s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions, 80 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre, 200 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre and 26 a. meadow worth yearly 8d. an acre; the manor of Old Shoreham of the Earl Marshal , service unknown. There are in it 29s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions, 60 a. arable worth yearly 5d. an acre and 107 a. pasture worth yearly 1 1/2d. an acre; the service of a chaplain of the college of Arundel to celebrate divine office daily in the castle for the souls of Richard, earl of Arundel , the founder of the college, his predecessors and heirs for ever, annual value nil.

Date of death and heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 14, 16

E 149/125/15 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'Mar...' has also been changed to 'the sea'.

Inquisition Head

Surrey. Inquisition. Dorking. 22 July 1421. [Bekke].


Jurors: Roger Nettylfelde ; John Lucas ; John Chaper ; Nicholas Cunegroue ; William atte Rydeforthe ; John atte Hethe ; John Hambreche ; William Arnold ; Stephen Ballehorne ; Thomas Squyer ; Walter Skameill ; and Henry Plecchynhurst .


He held in tail male jointly with his wife Eleanor, who survives, the manors of Buckland and Colley by gift and feoffment of John Berkeley, knight , William Stourton , John Clyvedon , Robert Veel and John Burnell in tail male, remainder to the right heirs of John, as appears by a charter shown to the jurors dated 12 June 1409. There are in the manor of Buckland £8 18s. 4d. assize rents at Michaelmas, Christmas, the Annunciation and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist equally; 300 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 100 a. pasture for beasts pastured in common worth yearly 2d. an acre; 200 a. pasture on the down worth yearly 1d. an acre; 28 a. pasture [?recte meadow] worth yearly 12d. an acre; and a warren, annual value 66s. 8d. There are in the manor of Colley 21s. 4d. assize rents at the same terms equally; 60 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 100 a. pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre; and 12 1/2 a. [?meadow] worth yearly 10d. an acre.

Date of death and heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 14-15

E 149/125/15 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

819 Writ, melius inquirendo, ‡ 1 March 1422. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford .

Inquire of whom and by what service the manors of Buckland and Colley are held.

Inquisition Head

Surrey. Inquisition. Leatherhead. 2 Aug. [Wymeldon].


Jurors: Edmund Redeston ; Richard Waleys ; John Wynhelme senior ; John Dilman ; Richard Ware ; John Kygow ; Thomas Wrenne ; John Wayte ; John Vnderwode ; Adam Bo[unclear: m] ; Robert Roge ; and John Powke .


The manor of Buckland is held of the countess of Worcester of the honor of the castle of Gloucester , service unknown. The manor of Colley is held of Beatrice, countess of Arundel , of her castle of Reigate , service unknown.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the inquisition has also been corrected.

Inquisition Head

Wiltshire. Inquisition. Amesbury. 20 Dec. [Wayte].


Jurors: John Carre ; John Merimille ; John Iuy ; John Appelby ; Robert Grateley ; Thomas Babbestoke ; Henry Bottenham ; Thomas Aylewyn ; Walter Bruther ; William Wale ; John Dyer ; and Geoffrey Flynt .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of 2/3 manor of Knighton, annual value 4 marks, held of William Esturmy, knight , service unknown. By an indenture dated 12 July 1408 shown to the jurors, as John Arundell, Lord Mautravers , he granted his manors of Boyton, Corton, Winterbourne Mautravers, `S...', Coate and Great Somerford and the advowsons of the churches of Boyton and Great Somerford to John Berkeley, knight , William Stourton , deceased, John Clyvedon , Robert Veel and John Burnell on condition that within a certain time they should convey them to John Arundell , his wife Eleanor and the heirs male of their bodies, reversion to the right heirs of John. By a charter dated 12 June 1409, shown to the jurors, the feoffees granted the manors and advowsons, all held of the earl of Salisbury , annual value £20, to John and Eleanor, who survives, in tail male, remainder to the right heirs of John. By another indenture dated at Lytchett Matravers on 27 Oct. 1399, also shown to the jurors, John Arundell, Lord Mautravers , demised the manors of Sherrington, Codford St. Peter, Elston and Orcheston St. George with the advowsons of Sherrington and Orcheston St. George for life to John Persons , who survives seised of free tenement, rendering £20 yearly at Sherrington, i.e. £10 at Easter and £10 at Michaelmas. The manors of Sherrington, Codford St. Peter and Elston are held of the king in chief by knight service, the manor of Orcheston St. George of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Stapleford and by an indenture dated at Stapleford 12 Oct. 1402, as John de Arundell, Lord Arundel and Mautravers , granted it to Bartholomew Brokesby , John Harewell senior , John Brace, esquire , Thomas Gower of Woodhall and Nicholas Saucer from Michaelmas 1402 during the life of Joan de Beauchampe, Lady Abergavenny , under the conditions imposed by the fine recited in 814. Bartholomew and his co-feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. Thomas Gower of Woodhall afterwards quitclaimed to his co- feoffees, who remain seised of the manor, which is held of the duchy of Lancaster of the honor of Trowbridge , annual value £3. By another indenture dated at Lytchett Matravers on 30 Oct. 1413, shown to the jurors, John granted the manor of Hill Deverill for life to John Burnell , who survives seised of his free tenement. The manor, annual value 4 marks, is held of the earl of March of his manor of Cranborne , service unknown.

Date of death as in 814, heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 17-18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

821 Writ 28 May 1421. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset. The endorsement of execution does not indicate whether an inquisition was produced for Somerset.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition. Shaftesbury. 25 Sept. [Caraunt].


Jurors: Robert Brice ; William Cole ; William Walkeleyn ; Robert Merssh ; John Selby ; Thomas Selby ; Walter Yonge ; William Wodemore ; Richard Frauncis ; William Smyth ; William Donpayn ; and William Eyre .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief, but held in his demesne as of fee: the manor of Lytchett Matravers, held of the earl of March of the manor of Cranborne , service unknown, and the advowson of the church there: there are in the manor the site, annual value nil, [?100]s. assize rents, 100 a. wood, annual value 50s., 50 a. arable and 50 a. meadow, annual value 50s.; the manor of Woolcombe, held of the bishop of Salisbury of the manor of Yetminster , service unknown, and the advowson of the church there: there are in the manor the site, annual value nil, 100s. assize rents, 100 a. arable, 100 a. pasture and 30 a. meadow, annual value 100s.; a messuage, a virgate, annual value 6d. above the rent mentioned below, a meadow called `Hymondesmede' in `le Westhide' in Wimborne St. Giles and 1/4 wood of `Hide' in Chettle which William Franciscus formerly held of the prior and convent of Christ- church rendering 13s. 4d. at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas for all services except foreign service; the manor of Loders, held of the abbot of Forde , service unknown, annual value £10, which he demised for life by charter, shown to the jurors, dated at London on 1 March 1417, to William Wenard , who survives, rendering £10 yearly, i.e. £5 at Easter and £5 at Michaelmas; the manor of Worth Matravers, held of the earl of March of the manor of Marsh- wood , annual value 20 marks, and the advowson of the church there, which he gave in fee to Robert de Ponynges , John Berkele, knight , Robert More , William [?Nyman ] and John Persons ; the manors of Wootton Fitzpaine, East Morden, Philipston and Bere Regis, which, as John de Arundell, Lord Arundel and Mautravers , he granted by an indenture dated at Stapleford on 12 Oct. 1416 to Bartholomew de Brokesby , John Harewell senior , John Brace, esquire , Thomas Gower of Woodhall and Nicholas Saucer from Michaelmas 1416 during the life of Joan de Beauchampe, Lady Abergavenny , under the conditions imposed by the fine recited in 814. Bartholomew and his co-feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. Thomas Gower of Woodhall afterwards quitclaimed to his co- feoffees, who remain seised. The manor of East Morden is held of the same earl of the manor of Marshwood , service unknown, annual value 20 marks. The manor of Langton Matravers is held of the abbess of... , service unknown, annual value 53s. 4d. The manor of Bere Regis is held of the bishop of Salisbury of his manor of..., service unknown, annual value 40s. He held jointly in tail male with his wife Eleanor, who survives: the manor of Frome Whitfield, held of the earl of March of the manor of Marshwood , service unknown, annual value £16, and the advowson of the church, free chapel and chantry there, by feoffment of John Brut of Hindon and Walter Frome, clerk , in a charter, shown to the jurors, dated at Frome Whitfield on 8 July 1415; the manor of Wimborne St. Giles and Frenches, held of the earl of March , service unknown, annual value 40s., by demise of John Berkeley, knight , William Stourton ,deceased, John Clyvedon , Robert Veel and John Burnell in a charter of 12 June 1409, shown to the jurors.

Date of death as in 814, heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 19-20

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Gloucestershire and the Adjacent March of Wales. Inquisition. Gloucester. 28 June.[Tracy].


Jurors: John Lymeryk ; William Tymberhull ; Robert Monemouth ; Robert Branche ; Hugh Notelyn ; John atte Venne ; Henry Ingram ; Richard Butte ; John Solars ; John Stonehous ; William Payn ; and John Kyngton .


He held no lands or tenements in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief or others. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee in the manors of Shurdington, Stonehouse, King's Stanley, Woodchester and Stoke Orchard and by an indenture dated at Stapleford on 12 Oct. 1416, as John de Arundell, Lord Arundel and Mautravers , granted them to Bartholomew Brokesby , John Harewell senior , John Brace, esquire , Thomas Gower of Woodhall and Nicholas Saucer to hold from Michaelmas 1416 during the life of Joan de Beauchamp, Lady Abergavenny , under the conditions imposed by the fine recited in 814. Bartholomew and his co-feoffees were seised in their demesne as of fee. Thomas Gower of Woodhall afterwards quitclaimed to his co-feoffees, who remain seised. The manor of Shurdington is held of Walter Wodeburn of his manor of Badgeworth ; the manors of Stonehouse and King's Stanley of the king of the honor of Wallingford ; the manor of Woodchester, of the manor of Minchinhampton, and the manor of Stoke Orchard, both of Thomas, earl of Salisbury . All the services are unknown. Annual values: Shurdington, 100s.; Stonehouse, [?40s.]; King's Stanley, £8; Woodchester, 8 marks; Stoke Orchard, 100s.

Date of death as in 814, heir as in 812.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 21-22

E 149/125/15 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

823 Commission to Richard Laken, knight , Hugh Burgh , Roger Thornes and the sheriff , 12 May 1422 [CPR 1416-22, p. 444]. [Gaunstede]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester .

To inquire what lands, wards, marriages, reliefs and escheats pertaining to the king have been concealed from him in Shropshire,

Inquisition Head

Shropshire. Inquisition. Shrewsbury, before all the commissioners. 4 June 1422.


Jurors: Roger Corbet ; Hugh Harnage ; Hugh Cresset ; John Leghton ; William Poynour ; Richard Hord of Bridgnorth ; William Halghton ; John Onneslowe ; Urian Seympere ; Griffith Kynaston ; Thomas Laweley ; and William Coton .


John de Arundell, Lord Arundel and Mautravers , held in his demesne as of fee unspecified castles, townships and manors which were settled by John Alresford and John Sprot, chaplain , on Richard, earl of Arundel , and his heirs by Eleanor, daughter of Henry of Lancaster, earl of Lancaster , by the fine recited in 814. Richard was seised and had issue by Eleanor Joan, countess of Hereford , Richard, Alice, countess of Kent , John and Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury . On the death of Richard the castle, township and manor of Shrawardine descended according to the form of the fine to his son and heir Richard, to Richard's son and heir Thomas, earl of Arundel , and to Thomas's kinsman and heir John Arundell, knight , i.e. son of John son of John son of Richard, a minor in the king's wardship. The castle, township and manor are therefore in the king's hand during John's minority. Annual value of the castle, its garden and park nil. There are in the manor and township of Shrawardine with its members £24 2s. 7d. assize rents at Michaelmas and the Annunciation equally, 22 virgates held at will in various hamlets worth yearly 5s. 4d. each; and 230 a. pasture worth yearly 1 1/2d. an acre.

John Arundell son of John Arundell, knight , was aged 13 years and more on 21 April 1421, the day of his father's death.

TNA reference

C 138/59/51 mm. 23-24

E 149/125/15

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



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  • Richard Laken, knight(Commissioner)


  • Roger Corbet
  • Hugh Harnage
  • Hugh Cresset
  • John Leghton
  • William Poynour
  • Richard Hord of Bridgnorth
  • William Halghton
  • John Onneslowe
  • Urian Seympere
  • Griffith Kynaston
  • Thomas Laweley
  • William Coton


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