Full text


Writ Head

804 Writ ‡ 20 April 1421.[Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset.

Inquisition Head

Somerset. Inquisition. Milborne Port. 12 June. [Caraunt].


Jurors: John Milburne ; John Dounton ; Ralph Manton ; Richard Wayte ; William Ponton ; John Broun ; John Lange ; William Palmer ; Roger Kerner ; John Wayte ; Robert Dolyng ; and William Colas .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or by service of the king in chief, but held jointly with his wife Michael (Michaela), who survives, a messuage, 16 a. arable and 1 a. meadow in Hinton St. George, 3 messuages with curtilages, 40 a. arable, 6 a. meadow and 10 a. moor in Craft, 14 a. arable in Merriott, a messuage and 1/2 carucate in Yenston and 3 messuages and a carucate in Henstridge by feoffment, shown to the jurors, of Avice widow of Stephen Derby, knight , to his son Robert, Michael and the heirs of Robert, as all her lands, tenements, rents, services, reversions and common pasture in Hinton St. George, Craft, Merriott, Yenston and Henstridge in Somerset. They are held of John Denebard , service unknown, annual value 40s., except the messuages and lands in Yenston and Henstridge, which are held of Thomas, earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value 40s. He was seised in right of Michael of 40s. rent from lands and tenements which Nicholas Edmund holds in Charlton Horethorne with the homage and service of Nicholas and his heirs, which Peter Plecy granted by a fine, shown to the jurors, to his kinsman John Plecy , formerly Michael's husband, and his heirs. John Chaundeler, bishop of Salisbury , Master John Titelyng, clerk , Thomas Maundevyle, clerk , John Sparwe and Richard Bradewaye formerly held for life the manor of Buckshaw, reversion to Robert Derby and his heirs as son and heir of Avice, widow of Stephen Derby, knight , by feoffment of Robert Colyngborn, clerk , and John Langeford to the bishop, John, Thomas, John, Richard, Avice, Humphrey Stafford, knight , Master Thomas Tynkelden, clerk , John Savage , deceased, and Avice's heirs. By deed shown to the jurors Robert quitclaimed his right to the bishop, John Titelyng and John Sparwe and died. By deed also shown to the jurors, the bishop, John Titelyng , Thomas Maundevyle , John Sparwe and Richard conveyed the manor of Buckshaw to Michael for life, reversion to Walter son of Walter Derby , nephew of Robert Derby , and the heirs of his body, reversion to certain other persons. The manor is held of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value £10.

He died on 31 March last. Walter son of Walter Derby is his kinsman and next heir, i.e. son of Walter brother of Robert Derby , aged 7 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/59/49 mm. 1-2

E 152/9/500 dorse

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

805 Dorset. Inquisition. Blandford Forum. 14 June 1421. [Caraunt].


Jurors: Nicholas Latymer ; Simon Chamberlayn ; Ralph Belton ; Robert Brice ; John Lyueden ; William Chetell ; John Straunge ; William Goffe ; William Walkeleyn ; Thomas Best ; Thomas Gandy ; and Richard Fraunce .


He held no lands or tenements in demesne or by service of the king in chief, but was enfeoffed jointly with his wife Michael, who survives, of 5 messuages, a toft, 50 a. arable, 10 a. meadow, 5 a. wood and 16 a. pasture in Sherborne and of a messuage and 24 a. arable in Trill by gift and feoffment, shown to the jurors, of Avice widow of Stephen Derby, knight , to her son Robert, Robert's wife Michael, and the heirs of the body of Robert. Of the messuages in Sherborne, 2 are held of the bishop of Salisbury in socage and three of the abbess of Sherborne for 13d. yearly, and the lands are held of the bishop of Salisbury by knight service, annual value £7. The messuage and land in Trill are held of John Horsyce , service unknown, annual value 13s. 4d. Long before he died Robert, as Robert Derby son and heir of Stephen Derby, knight , by an indenture shown to the jurors and dated at Langton Long Blandford 12 March 1421 granted to William Frye , Ralph Walyssh , John Fauntleroy of Dorset , Robert Rempston of Godlingston , Robert Colyngbourne, parson of Langton Long Blandford , and William Bret, chaplain , his manors of Littleton, Rollington, Langton Long Blandford, the advowson of the church of Littleton and the chantry of Langton Long Blandford, and all his lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions in Littleton, Rollington and Langton Long Blandford which Henry le Gulden , his great-grandfather, acquired to himself, his wife Elizabeth and his heirs from John Botyler, knight , of Wymering , on condition that they make an estate in fee simple in them to Robert, reversion to Michael and the heirs of her body by Robert, reversion to Robert's nephew Walter, son of Walter Derby , and the heirs of his body, reversion to Walter's brother William and the heirs of his body, reversion to Robert's sister Margaret, wife of Morgan Gough , and the heirs of her body, reversion to Robert's kinsman Thomas, son and heir of Roger Gulden of Handley , and the heirs of his body, reversion to Thomas's sister Joan and the heirs of her body, remainder to Robert's right heirs on the side of his mother Avice, daughter and heir of Alan Gulden, knight . By an indenture of 27 March 1421 dated at Langton Long Blandford Robert granted to the same feoffees all the lands of Richard Hache in Blandford St. Mary.... By an indenture dated at Langton Long Blandford on 2 May 1421 the feoffees conveyed to Robert's widow Michael the manors of Littleton, Rollington and Langton Long Blandford, and the advowsons of Littleton and of the chantry of Langton Long Blandford. They also demised to her the manor and adowson of Long Blandford, all lands in Littleton, Rollington and Long Blandford, reciting the settlement mentioned above.... Annual values: the manor and advowson of Littleton, 64s. 0 1/2d.; the manor of Rollington, held of the earl of March by knight service, 60s.; the manor of Langton Long Blandford, held of the same earl by knight service, 100s.; the advowson of the chantry of Langton Long Blandford, held of the same earl , service unknown; lands in Littleton held of the heir of John de Sancto Claro in socage, 12d.; lands in Rollington and Langton Long Blandford, held of earl of March by knight service, 2s. The manor and advowson of Long Blandford are held of the king in socage for 1d. yearly by the sheriff at the Exchequer: there are in it 8 messuages, annual value nil; a close called `le grete conynger', 3 a., annual value 12d.; 241 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 34 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre; and 150 a. hill pasture worth yearly 1d. an acre.

Date of death and heir as in 804.

[Both versions of the inquisition are faded and much is illegible.]
TNA reference

C 138/59/49 mm. 1, 3

E 152/9/500

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Caraunt(Escheator)


  • Nicholas Latymer
  • Simon Chamberlayn
  • Ralph Belton
  • Robert Brice
  • John Lyueden
  • William Chetell
  • John Straunge
  • William Goffe
  • William Walkeleyn
  • Thomas Best
  • Thomas Gandy
  • Richard Fraunce


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