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Inquisition Head

Norfolk. Inquisition. East Dereham. 5 April. [Lexham].


Jurors: Henry Appehagh ; John Downy ; John Russell ; Thomas Halere ; William atte Sloth ; William Burdele ; William Daye ; Adam Godyeue ; Walter Wethyrby ; William Lyntok ; Alexander Payn ; and Geoffrey Fox .


She held for life the manor of Flockthorpe and the advowson of the church of Hardingham by demise of Thomas Camoys, knight , reversion to Thomas and his heirs. By a fine of oct. Mich. 1370 [CP 25/1/167/172, no. 1424] between John de Arundell, knight , quer., and Thomas Camoys , def., Thomas granted that the manor and advowson, which Elizabeth as Elizabeth widow of Ralph Camoys, knight , held for life of the inheritance of Thomas, to whom they ought to revert, should revert to John de Arundell and the heirs of his body and failing his issue to his brother and heir Richard. Elizabeth attorned to John de Arundell. During Elizabeth's life John had issue John, to whom the reversion descended. John son of John de Arundell had issue John, who died, and the reversion descended to that John's son John, aged 30 years and more. She died on 14 Dec. last seised of the manor and advowson of free tenement. They are held of the king in chief by knight service. There are in the manor £8 assize rents at Michaelmas, St. Andrew, Easter and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in equal portions, 7 virgates held at will, worth yearly 5s. each, 14 a. meadow worth yearly 16d. an acre, and 150 a. pasture worth yearly 3d. an acre.

TNA reference

C 138/57/47 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Bedfordshire. Inquisition [indented]. Bedford. 29 March. [Whappelode].


Jurors: John Kent of Edworth ; Bennet Gernon ; William Mylys ; Robert Mylys ; Nicholas Heruy ; John Adam of Renhold ; John Broyn ; Richard Stokes of Pavenham ; John Tayllard ; John Plowryght ; John Baa ; and John Grenefeld .


She held no lands or tenements in the county in demesne as of fee of the king in chief or another. William Bukbrygge, clerk , and John Joseph, chaplain , were formerly seised in demesne as of fee of the manor of Wrestlingworth and by a deed dated at Wrestlingworth on 9 June 1376 granted it for life to Elizabeth as Elizabeth widow of Edward Kendale, knight, junior , remainder to William Croyser, knight . By his charter dated at `Maydecroft' 12 June 1378 William granted the reversion to Reynold de Grey, lord of Ruthin , Gerard Braybrook , knights, John Malyns , William Traylly and Philip Herneys . Elizabeth attorned to Reynold, Gerard, John, William and Philip, who by a charter dated 29 June 1380 granted the reversion to William Croyser and his then wife Elizabeth. Thomas and Elizabeth Barre held for life of Elizabeth of William and Elizabeth Croyser and attorned to them. William Croyser died and Elizabeth married John Grey and they were seised of the reversion in right of Elizabeth. By a fine levied oct. St. John the Baptist 1390 and afterwards quin. Mich. 1391 [CP 25/1/289/56, no. 224] between Thomas de Percy, knight , Master William de Asshton, clerk , Thomas de Hungerford, knight , and Robert de Whyteby, clerk , quer., and John Grey and Elizabeth, def., in which John and Elizabeth acknowledged the manor to be the right of Robert and granted that the manor, which Thomas Barre and his wife Elizabeth held for her life of the inheritance of Elizabeth wife of John, should revert to Thomas, William, Thomas and the heirs of Robert. Thomas, William, Thomas and Robert were seised of the reversion by virtue of the fine and by a charter dated at Westminster 18 Feb. 1404 granted it to Thomas, duke of Exeter , by the name of Thomas Beaufort son of John, duke of Lancaster , and the heirs of his body, reversion to John, earl of Somerset ,and the heirs of his body, reversion to the earl's sister Joan, countess of Westmorland , and the heirs of her body, remainder to ‪ Henry IV and his heirs as dukes duke of Lancaster. Thomas and Elizabeth attorned to Thomas, duke of Exeter . The manor, annual value £8 7s., contains 30s. assize rents at Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Michaelmas and Christmas in equal portions; £4 5s. rent from free tenants, tenants at will and customary tenants at the same terms in equal portions; a ruinous dovecot, annual value 2s.; 202 a. arable, 2/3 of which are worth yearly 44s. 7d. and 1/3 nil because it lies fallow and in common; 1 a. meadow, annual value 2s.; and pleas and perquisites of courts worth yearly 3s. 4d. The manor is held of the king in chief of the manor of Huntingdon for 1/2 knight's fee.

She died on 15 Dec. last. John son of Thomas Barre junior is her kinsman and heir, aged 10 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/57/47 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Hertfordshire. Inquisition ex officio. Hitchin. 22 July 1421. [Darcy].


Jurors: John Flexman ; Edward Amacell ; William Tylere ; Luke Coterell ; William Croyler ; Hugh Campion ; John Siberne ; John Paten ; Henry Northey ; John Le… ; … …; and Edward Legat .


[Parts of the remainder is illegible..]

she held in the vill of Hitchen in dower from Edward Kendale for her life, the manor of Hitchen, annual value £10, reversion after her death belonging to Edward, son and heir of Richard late earl of Cambridge, brother of Edward, late duke of York, a minor in king’s wardship, the manor is held of the king in chief by knight service.

She died … Dec. 1420 ['... feast of the conception of the blessed virgin Mary last'].

The issues and profits since her death … … John … of ?Kimpton, … … came into the hand of the king by his escheator

TNA reference

E 149/124/7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is almost entirely new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Darcy(Escheator)


  • John Flexman
  • Edward Amacell
  • William Tylere
  • Luke Coterell
  • William Croyler
  • Hugh Campion
  • John Siberne
  • John Paten
  • Henry Northey
  • John Le…
  • Edward Legat


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