Full text


Inquisition Head

Northamptonshire. Inquisition. Nassington. 30 April 1422. [Compworth].


Jurors: John Warde ; William Payte ; Henry Mason ; Robert Obberly ; William Bryan ; Robert Bolion ; Philip Claydon ; Thomas Roulande ; Thomas Mason ; Peter Cobbe ; Nicholas Baron ; William Hoothorpe ; and John Parker .n749_001


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the following lands and tenements in Tansor: a virgate called demesne land, paying 13s. 4d. at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions; a several fishery in the river Nene extending from `Gotherstoke [=Cotterstock] flowdegatespyt' as far as a certain willow called `Anyswelogh' at the end of the mill-pond of Perio, paying yearly 12d.; and 2s. assize rent at the same terms from Thomas Tue. There are also a messuage, a toft and 2 virgates, held at will by John Warde , paying 18s. 8d. at the same terms; a messuage and 1/2 virgate and 1 1/2 a. meadow held at will by Robert Mason , paying 12s. 4d. at the same terms; 1/4 virgate formerly held by John Balle , paying 40d. at the same terms; 2 messuages and 1/2 virgate held at will by William Petyt , paying 13s. 4d. at the same terms; 1/4 virgate held at will by Henry Mason , paying 40d. at the same terms; and a yearly rent of 20s. at the same terms held by Margery widow of Hugh de Holt and of which Hugh and his ancestors were seised from time immemorial.

He died on 28 March 1421. Hugh de Camoys is his kinsman and next heir, i.e. son of Richard son of Thomas named in the writ, aged 7 years and more.

[Exchequer copy, foot:.] From 28 March 1421 to 16 Nov. 1422, being 1½ years and 52 days: [sic - an incomplete apportionment calculation].

TNA reference

C 138/57/29 mm. 3-4

E 149/125/12 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Alton. 19 January 1422. [Wayte].


Jurors: John Stake ; Nicholas atte Mer ; Walter Malanger ; Phillip Colyn ; John Webbe ; Peter Swayn ; Thomas atte Burgh ; Henry Scot ; William Clerc of Lasham ; John Skardeyn ; William Smyth of Lasham ; and John Tortyngton .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of

a messuage, a garden, 50 a. arable and 40 a. wood in Lasham, held of the king in chief for 9d. yearly, paid at Winchester castle, and and suit at the hundred of Odiham, annual value 53s. 4d., and of 26s. 8d. rents of assize there.
He held for his life by letters patent [CPR 1399-1401, 46]
Portchestercastle with the borough of the town, service unknown, annual value nil after the salaries of the constable, porter, warrener, armourer, reeve and sergeant of the castle and town, which salaries amount to £25 14s. 10d., viz. the constable £6 13s. 4d., the porter 60s. 8d., the warrener 40s., the armourer £4 10s., the reeve 5s., the steward [sic] 26s. 8d.

He died on 28 March 1421. Heir unknown.

TNA reference

C 138/57/29 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 749A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.

Inquisition Head

Sussex. Inquisition. Broadwater. 27 May 1421. [Bekke].


Jurors: Thomas Gramford ; John Goryng ; Ralph Veske ; Nigel Brook ; Thomas Fulfan ; John Wolder ; Robert Smyth ; John Semblaunt ; Robert Tayllour ; John Smyth ; John atte Wode ; and Thomas Petybon .n750_001


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of others in demesne or by service, because long before his death by a charter dated 22 July 1415 he granted his manors of Broadwater, Hawkesbourne, Barcombe and Bevendean, the advowsons of the churches of Broadwater, Rusper and Itchingfield, the chantry of Broadwater, a messuage there formerly held by Thomas Edward and 6s. 8d. yearly rent from a messuage formerly held by Henry Eyloff , to John Wakerynge, clerk , William Cheyne , John Mortymer, knight , John Babyngton , Richard Steyvecle , John Broket and Geoffrey Colet , who survive seised, and William Lesyngby , John Rome and John Corby , clerks, deceased. The manors of Broadwater and Hawkesbourne and the advowsons of Broadwater, Rusper and Itchingfield and the 6s. 8d. yearly rent are held of John, Earl Marshal , of his honor of Bramber by knight service; the manors of Barcombe and Bevendean are held of Beatrice, countess of Arundel , of her honor of Lewes by knight service. By a charter dated 10 June 1407 and shown to the jurors Thomas granted his manors of Trotton, Didling, Elsted and Dumpford and the advowson of the church of Trotton to Geoffrey Colet and Guy Fairfax , who by their charter of 1 July 1407, also shown to the jurors, demised the manors and advowson to Richard Fairfax and Thomas Dautre . By their charter of 21 July 1407 Richard and Thomas demised them to John Corby, clerk , and Walter Askham . By their charter of 11 Aug. 1407 John and Walter demised them to William Kynwolmerssh , who survives seised, and Thomas Cervyka, clerk , deceased. The manors except Elsted and the advowson are held of John Bohwn, knight , of his manor of Cowdray by knight service; the manor of Elsted is held of the bishop of Exeter of his manor of Chidham, service unknown. Also long before he died, by a charter dated at Trotton 22 July 1415, he granted his manor of Fyning to John Mortymer, knight , William Cheyne , Richard Steyvecle , John Broket and Geoffrey Colet , who survive seised, and William Lesyngby and John Corby, clerk, deceased. The manor of Fyning is held of the abbot of Durford of his manor of Durford, service unknown.

He died on 27 March last. Heir as in 749.

[Exchequer copy, margin:.] Examined by Squyry. Nothing at the account.

TNA reference

C 138/57/29 m. 5

E 149/125/12 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Surrey. Inquisition. Dorkyng . 8 June 1421. [Bekke].


Jurors: Roger Netilfold ; John Aschombe senior ; Roger Hokere ; John Chaper ; Nicholas Conegroue ; Robert Charesmore ; William Fulfen senior ; Thomas atte Lee ; John Sawyere ; Laurence atte Stone ; John Crabbe ; and Nicholas Smyth .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of others in his demesne as of fee because

long before his death, by the name of Thomas, lord de Camoys, knight , by his charter dated 22 July 1415, shown to the jury, he granted the manor of Wotton with the advowsons of the church of Wotton and the chapel of St John the Baptist of Oakwood to sir John Wakerynge, clerk , William Cheyne , sir John Mortymer, knight , John Babyngton , Richard Steyuecle , John Broket and Geoffrey Colet , who survive, William Lesyngby , John Rome and John Corby , clerk s, now deceased. The manor is held of Richard Beauchamp, earl of Worcester , in right of his wife and of the honour of Gloucester by knight service.

Date of death as in 750 and heir as in 749

TNA reference

E 149/125/12 m.2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 750A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.

Writ Head

751 Writ ‡ 18 April 1421. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator in Oxfordshire and Berkshire. The endorsement of execution does not indicate whether an inquisition was produced for Berkshire.

Inquisition Head

Oxfordshire. Inquisition. Thame. 2 June.[Waget].


Jurors: Richard Gelot ; Roger Radele ; Thomas Denton ; Richard Pippard ; Robert Nassh ; William Catermayn ; John Lynton ; John Elys ; John Reue ; John Machor ; William Reue ; and John Adelam .n751_001


He held for life according to the law of England of the inheritance of his wife Elizabeth a messuage and 2 carucates in Coombe and Chilworth held of the king for 1/2 knight's fee, annual value 100s.: i.e. the site of the messuage with a garden, annual value 6s. 8d.; 2 carucates containing 200 a. arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; 10 a. meadow worth yearly 12d. an acre; and a several fishery in the river Thames, annual value 6s. 8d. He also held a manor in Wheatley called `Camoys maner' of the abbot of Abingdon by knight service, annual value 100s.: i.e. the site of the manor with a garden, annual value3s. 4d.; 90 a. demesne arable, worth yearly 4d. an acre; 10 a. meadow, worth yearly 16d. an acre; a several pasture of 60 a. worth yearly 6d. an acre; 3s. 4d. rents of free tenants; and 20s. rents of tenants at will. He also held 2 messuages and 3 carucates in Toot Baldon, of which a messuage and 2 carucates are held of the king of the honor of St. Valery for 1/2 knight's fee, the other messuage and carucate of John Willycotes, knight , of the manor of Headington for 1/4 knight's fee. Annual values: 2 messuages and 3 carucates, £10, i.e. the sites of the messuages with their gardens, 10s., the 3 carucates, 300 a. arable, worth yearly 6d. an acre, and 20 a. meadow worth yearly 2s. an acre. He also held a manor in Great Milton called `Camoys maner' of the bishop of Lincoln by knight service, annual value 20 marks: i.e. the site of the manor with a garden, annual value 2s.; unspecified demesne land there worth yearly 4d. an acre; 20 a. meadow worth yearly 20d. an acre; 20s. rents of free tenants; and 11 marks 4s. 8d. rents of tenants at will.

Date of death as in 749. Hugh Camoys is his kinsman and next heir, i.e. son of Richard son of Thomas and Elizabeth, aged 5 years and more.

He died on 27 March last. Heir as in 749.

[Exchequer copy, margin:.] Examined by Selby.

TNA reference

C 138/57/29 mm. 6-7

E 149/125/12 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Norfolk. Inquisition. Watton. 4 Oct. [Lexham].


Jurors: Peter Hocham ; John Rokell ; William Harre ; Richard Wylton ; Thomas Maluerne ; Robert Shepherde ; John Smyth ; John Wrighte ; John Inglethorpe ; John Jonet ; John Beson ; and John Cappe .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Stow Bedon of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.

Date of death as in 750 and heir as in 749.

TNA reference

C 138/57/29 mm. 8-9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Huntingdonshire. Inquisition [indented]. Huntingdon. 24 July 1423. [Caldecote].


Jurors: John Child ; William Bygge ; William Pese ; John Belet ; John Asselyn ; Robert Sprenell ; John Swyft ; Robert Mokke John Maltere Roger Morre ; Thomas Aldy ; and John Belle .


He was seised in his demesne as of fee of a manor called `Camoys maner' in Great Stukeley held of ‪ Henry V in chief, service unknown. Annual values: the site 20d.; 11 1/2 virgates held by various customary tenants who pay 5 1/2 marks of silver at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions; a several pasture, 2s.; 180 a. demesne arable worth yearly 4d. an acre; and 10 a. wood, 3s. 4d. Richard Thirnyng, chaplain , John Bryd , John Heth and John Style , farmers of the manor, have occupied it and taken the profits from the time of Thomas's death.

Date of death as in 750 and heir as in 749.

[xxx..] This inquisition also appears in CIPM XXII, as no. 220.

TNA reference

C 138/8/70 m.1

E 149/125/12 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The acreage of demesne arable has also been corrected.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Wotton, Wotton, St John the Baptist of Oakwood
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Bekke(Escheator)


  • Roger Netilfold
  • John Aschombe senior
  • Roger Hokere
  • John Chaper
  • Nicholas Conegroue
  • Robert Charesmore
  • William Fulfen senior
  • Thomas atte Lee
  • John Sawyere
  • Laurence atte Stone
  • John Crabbe
  • Nicholas Smyth


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