Full text


Writ Head

676 Writ to assign dower ‡ 5 March 1421. [Wymbyssh].

The abbot of Jervaulx has been ordered to take her oath not to marry without royal licence. The escheator of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire ordered to assign dower from the lands taken into the king’s hand owing to the death of John, lord Darcy and the minority of her husband Philip. Assignment to be in presence of the lessees of his lands and the next friends of his daughters and heirs, Elizabeth and Margery [CCR 1419-22, p. 103].

Inquisition Head

Derby. Assignment of dower. Eckington. 12 Aug. [Wilburgham].


The following are assigned to Eleanor, lady Darcy, in the presence of the lessees of Philip’s lands and tenements and of Philip's next friends and heirs, in the manor of Eckington: 2 messuages and 3 bovates held by Robert Hasilhurste , rendering yearly 13s. from a mill, suit of court and 9d. customary payment called `le stothe'; a messuage and a bovate held by the same Robert, rendering yearly 2s. 6d., suit of mill, suit of court, a hen at Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter, 1 1/2d. for harrowing works, 18d. for autumn works, and 18d. for `le stoth'; all lands and tenements called `Couldwell' held by John Marschall by knight service, paying 1/2 lb. cumin yearly; a portion of meadow called `Briggrene' held by the same John, rendering 4s. yearly; 2 tofts, 2 bovates and 1/4 bovate held by Robert de Balne , rendering 6s. 8 1/2d., suit of mill, suit of court, 2 hens at Christmas, 10 eggs at Easter, 3d. for harrowing works, 3s. and 3s. for `le stoth'; a toft with croft in the tenure of Robert Whitheved , rendering 2s. and suit of court twice a year; a messuage and a portion of land held by John Leestone , rendering 15d. yearly and suit of court twice a year; a messuage at `Jurdengape' held by the brethren of the guild of St. Mary, rendering 16d. yearly and suit of court twice a year; a messuage and a bovate formerly held by John Dobson and now by Robert Surett , rendering yearly 2s. 6d., suit of court, suit of mill, a hen at Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter; 1 1/2d. for harrowing works, 14d. for autumn works, and 18d. for `le stoth'; a toft formerly held by Robert Whitebrest , now by Margery de Causo for 4s. yearly; a toft formerly held by the same Robert and now held by Beatrice de Benteley for 3s.; a toft formerly the same Robert's, now held by Maud Annesley for 3s. yearly; a messuage with a croft called `le Whetcrofte' held by Richard Nelesthorpe , rendering yearly 2s. and suit of court twice a year; a toft held at will by Hugh de Chestreshyr , rendering 2s. 6d. yearly and suit of court twice a year; a toft held by William Darcy , chaplain, rendering 4d.; a messuage and a bovate held by John Stroke , rendering yearly 2s., suit of court, suit of mill, a hen at Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter, 1 1/2d. for harrowing works, 18d. for autumn works and 18d. for `le stoth'; 6d. and suit of court twice a year from a free toft held by Thomas de Chestreshire ; a cottage held by Hugh Watson , rendering yearly 12d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill, 2d. for autumn works, 1d. for `teddyng' and 2d. for `le stoth'; a messuage and 1/2 a. held by Thomas Piper and Philip Jere , rendering yearly 2s. and suit of court twice a year; a messuage held by the brethren of the guild of St. Mary, rendering yearly 3s. and suit of court twice a year; 2 messuages with `colaynlane' and `valianelane' held by James Abney and Cecily Mason , rendering yearly 8s. 10d. and suit of court; 2 messuages and 3 bovates held by Robert Bollefor , rendering yearly 6s. for outlying land, suit of court, suit of mill, 3 hens at Christmas, 15 eggs at Easter, 4s. 6d. for autumn works, 4 1/2d. for harrowing works and4s. 6d. for `le stoth'; a grange next the tenement of Gilbert Weld held by William Smyth , rendering yearly 1d.; a messuage and a bovate held by John Lethewek , rendering yearly 2s., suit of court, suit of mill, a hen at Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter, 1d. for harrowing works, 18d. for autumn works and 18d. for `le stoth'; 5s. 9d. and suit of court twice a year from a bovate of free land held by Randolph de Kendall . `Bromley': a messuage, 2 bovates and 2 a. arable held by Peter Turnour , rendering yearly 8s. 0 1/2d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill and 3s. for `le stoth'; a messuage, 2 bovates and 2 a. arable held by Roger Stronge , rendering yearly 11s. 2d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill and 3s. 11 1/4d. for `le stoth'; a messuage and a bovate held by William Balne , rendering yearly 4s. 2d., suit of court, suit of mill and 20 1/4d. for `le stoth'. `Rigeway': a messuage and 3 bovates held by John Alkas , except a new house and `le kylnyere', rendering 11s. 0 1/2d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill and 4s. 6d. for `le stoth'; 7s. 5d., suit of court twice a year and suit of mill from a free messuage and 2 bovates held by the brethren of the guild of St. Mary; a `ryddynge' containing 4 a. held by the same guild, rendering yearly 16d.; 15s. and suit of court twice a year from a free messuage, 2 1/2 bovates and 2 a. 3 roods of outlying land held by Robert Dolsyne ; a messuage, a bovate and 2 a. outlying land held by John A [sic], rendering yearly 4s. 6d., suit of court, suit of mill and 18d. for `le stoth'; a messuage, a bovate, 3 a. outlying land and 11 a. arable formerly held by Robert Dolsyne and now by Alice Atwell , rendering yearly 10s. 0 1/2d., suit of court, suit of mill and 18d. for `le stoth'; a piece of arable and meadow held by John de Norton , rendering yearly 16d. and suit of court twice a year; a messuage and 3 1/2 bovates held by Richard Memot , rendering yearly 13s. 3d., suit of court, suit of mill and 5s. 3d. for `le stoth'; a messuage and a bovate held by Alice Pynder , rendering 3s. 6d., suit of court, suit of mill and 18d. for `le stoth'. `Moresburgh': 16d., suit of court and suit of mill from a messuage and a bovate of free land held by Philip Memot ; 7s. and suit of court from a messuage and 2 bovates of free land held by William Tylly ; a messuage and 1 1/2 bovate held by John Ramley ?as lands in `Hasteler' are held (secundum tenuram Hasteler), rendering yearly 22 1/2d., suit of court, suit of mill and 2s. 3d. for `le stoth'; a bovate called `Longgrene' held by William Smyth , rendering yearly 12d. and suit of court twice a year; a cottage and 1/2 bovate held by Thomas Coker , rendering yearly 2s. 7d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill, 2d. for autumn works and 2d. for `le stoth'; a messuage and a bovate held by William Burdon , rendering yearly 2s. 6d., suit of court, suit of mill, a hen at Christmas, 5 eggs at Easter, 1 1/2d. for harrowing works, 18d. for autumn works and 18d. for `le stoth'; a cottage held by John Pyndor , rendering yearly 16d., suit of court twice a year, suit of mill, 2d. for autumn works and 2d. for `le stoth'; a bovate held by Alice Pyndor , rendering 5s. yearly and suit of court twice a year; 6d. and suit of court twice a year from a free toft held by Margaret Ryggeway . `Spykhyll': a cottage and a bovate held by John Keton , rendering yearly 5s. 4d., suit of court, suit of mill and 20d. for `le stoth'; 1/2d. and suit of court twice a year from a messuage and 2 bovates which Robert Hasilhirst holds by knight service; a messuage and a bovate held by John Lethwek , rendering yearly 3s. 6d., suit of court, suit of mill and 18d. for `le stoth'; moiety of a bovate held by William Smyth , rendering yearly 2s., suit of court, suit of mill and 9d. for `le stoth'. `Hasteler': a messuage, 1/2 bovate and 1/4 of 1/2 bovate held by John Cade , rendering yearly 2s. 2 1/2d., suit of court, suit of mill, 1d. for harrowing works, 13 3/4d. for autumn works and 18d. for `le stoth'; a bovate called `Milnfeld' and 2 a. outlying land held by the same John, rendering yearly 4s. 1d., suit of court, suit of mill and 18d. for `le stoth'; a messuage, 1/2 bovate, 1/4 bovate and a bovate held by William Fitzjohn , rendering yearly 2s. 2 1/2d., suit of court, suit of mill, 1 1/4d. for harrowing works, 13 1/4d. for autumn works and 18d. for `le stoth'; 3s. 4d. from 2 bovates and 7 tenements in `Waltrethorpe' held by... de Mounkby; a piece of land called `Hyngaudlee' held by John de Kyrke , rendering yearly 6s. 8d.; a piece of land called `le Cloghfeld' held by Philippa widow of Robert G...ehird , rendering yearly 4s.; a messuage called `Bargayneplace' held by Robert Surett , rendering yearly 6d. called `6 tally silvestre'; all issues of the lordship of Harthill which John Cokayn, knight, holds by knight service; the upper mill called `le Emyln super Rodor' held by Roger de Preston , rendering yearly 62s. 2 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/2d. Within the manor there: a large chamber, a small chamber adjoining and the cellar underneath both on the south side, part of a garden on the south side and a dovecot, with free ingress and egress at the lower gate. In the outer court: 3/4 of the great grange on the east with free ingress and egress. 5 a. demesne arable at `B...llok', 2 a. arable at `Swayneshams', 3 a. customary land at `Elmetoft', 1 1/2 a. and 3/4 of 1/2 rood of meadow in the meadows of `Moresburgh' held by John Smyth and his brother Richard, rendering yearly 9s. 0 1/2d.; 2 1/2 a. demesne arable at `Swaynlond', 1 a. at `Midelstrete', 1 a. at `Pypworth', 2 a. arable at `Kyrkball', 2 a. at `Bodeladdore', 1 a. and 1/3 rood of meadow in the meadow of `Moresburgh' held by William Fitzthomas , rendering yearly 7s. 5d. and 3/4 of 1/2d.; 36 1/2 a. demesne arable, i.e. 5 a. at `Tonnewell'; 4 1/2 a. at `Merekelwell'; 7 a. at `Spetelflatt'; 21 a. at `Flaxley' held by Adam de Lethwyk , rendering yearly 15s. 2 1/2d.; 1 a. demesne meadow in `Bristrostom' held by John Wright , rendering yearly 20d., 3 a. demesne meadow in `Sowtermedewe', rendering yearly 6s.; 3 1/2 a. demesne meadow in `le Kerr' on the south, rendering yearly 6s. 8d.; a piece of demesne meadow called `Pynderflet', rendering yearly 8d.; a piece of demesne herbage called `Bulhagh', rendering yearly 8d.; 1/3 pasture, i.e. the middle part, in the park there called `le Oxpasture', rendering yearly 6s. 8d., 13s. being rendered for the whole; 1/3 pasture in the same park with wood growing on it called `le okenbank' and `le vyneyerd' on the east, rendering yearly 3s. 5 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 summer and winter agistment in the park, rendering yearly 3s. 4d.; 1/3 wood and underwood in the park on the east; 1/3 wood called `Hyhwod', i.e. the middle part; 1/3 common pasture with wastes as well as waifs, strays, forfeitures and casual profits of the lordship with free ingress and egress to all the abovementioned portions.

TNA reference

C 138/54/124 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Two other additions have also been made to the opening paragraph.

Inquisition Head

Nottingham. Assignment of dower. Kirkby in Ashfield. 10 Aug. 1421. [Wilburgham].


The following are assigned to Eleanor, lady Darcy, in the presence of the lessee[s] of Philip’s lands and tenements and of Philip's next friends and heirs, in the manor of Kirkby in Ashfield: 1/3 of 2/3 of 1 lb. cumin from Edmund Parpond with all his services for a messuage and 8 bovates held by knight service; all the services from 1/2 knight's fee held by Ralph Cressy in Selston; 2s. 6d. from 1/2 bovate held by William Babyngton and formerly by John Coke by knight service; 2d. and all services from a moiety of 1/2 cottage held by the same William and formerly by Roger Cok by the same service; 1d. from 1/2 tenement in `Wodham' called `Barnplace' held by the prior of Felley by fealty; 1/3 of 1/2d. from 24 a. arable in Kirkby Woodhouse held by John Brokstow by knight service, suit of court, 3 ploughing works and a reaping work; 6s. 8d. from 1/3 carucate held by John de Langton by knight service; the rent and service from 1/3 garden in Kirkby in Ashfield held by the same John by knight service; 1/2d. from the moiety of a messuage and a bovate held by Richard Wiloghby by knight service; 6s. 3d. and 1/3 rosary coin at Christmas from a moiety of 2 messuages and 4 bovates held by Robert Barry by knight service; 1 rood and a virgate on `Hundhill' held by John de Strelley for 1/6 d.; 1/3 sparrow-hawk or 12d. yearly at the Assumption and a messuage and a bovate in Gunbyin Lincolnshire held by John Helwek ; a croft in Kirkby in Ashfield called `Parkourcrofte' held by William de Kyrkeby for 10s. yearly; 2 messuages, a bovate and 3s. held by John Smyth for 8s. yearly; a garden and 1/2 bovate held by John Stubbynge for 2s. 6d. yearly; a messuage and a bovate held by William Jay for 6s. yearly; all held by Robert Samon : a messuage, a bovate and 1 rood for 7s. 2d. yearly; a toft with croft and 1 rood, formerly held by Richard Herstok , for 3s. yearly; a cottage and 2 a. arable for 2s. yearly; 2 a. arable, formerly held by John Strong , for 12d. yearly; a building on `Hundhyll' for 9d. yearly; 7 strips of arable at `Westwodegate' for 10d. yearly; a cottage, formerly held by Agnes Ryland , for 12d. yearly; a messuage and a bovate held by Richard Watson and formerly by John Moreby for 7s. yearly; a messuage, 1/2 bovate and 1/3 bovate formerly held by William Herstoft for 6s. yearly; a messuage held by William Miln for 3s. yearly; a bovate held by Robert Stubbyng and formerly by William Stubbyng for 4s. yearly; a cottage with garden held by John Wroe for 18d. yearly; 1/3 of certain lands and tenements held by the rector there for suit of mill and 1/3 reaping works; 1/3 of 2/3 water-mill there accustomed to pay yearly 5s. 9 3/4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 site of the manor there with the orchard on the north held by the rector; a portion of demesne pasture called `le cowpasture', annual value 13s. 4d.; a piece of demesne meadow called `Halmedew', annual value 8s.; a portion of demesne meadow called `Synderhilmedewe' with a garden, annual value 16d.; the following demesne arable: in `Herdewykfeld': 1/3 of 2/3 in the longer part of `Shortjuvemweng' on the south; 5 strips in the shorter part of the same furlong on the south; 4 strips in the east part of `Brerewonge'; 6 strips in the south part of `Rysewonge'; 8 furlongs in the south part of `Redewonge'; a strip in `le Medilfurlong' on `Smalwelwong' on the south part of the land of William Kyrkeby , i.e. in `le Northparty'; 4 strips in another furlong there east of William's land on the south; 5 strips in the shorter part of the furlong called `Walleywong' on the south; 2 strips in the longer part of the same furlong on the south; 2 strips in 1/3 furlong on the south; 3 strips [sic]; in `Brisfeld': 7 strips in `Fauconerwong', 1/3 of 2/3 on the south; 9 strips in `Baysclyfwonge' on the south; 2 1/2 strips in a furlong called `Petystorth' on the south; 10 strips in the furlong called `Parkyatewong' on the west; 5 strips in the furlong called `Wynderhilwonge' on the south; 5 strips in the furlong at `Twacross' on the east; 3 strips in the furlong abutting the river Leen on the south; 3 strips in the furlong called `le Milnhyll' next `le Lidyate' on the south; 2 strips in the furlong called `Asshewelsyk' on the west; in `le Westfeld': 10 strips in the longer part of `le Westwodgatewonge' on the east; 3 strips in the shorter part of the same furlong on the east; 7 strips in `Suttondykwonge' on the west; 6 strips in `Symacrewonge' on the south; 7 strips in `Borehilwonge' on the south; 3 strips in `Unthankwonge' on the south; 11 strips in `Weststubengwonge' on the south; 3 strips in the furlong called `Galferow' on the south; 1/3 of 2/3 wood in the park on the north of `del Newdyk' on the east as delimited by the metes and bounds; 1/3 of 2/3 wood in the same park on the south side of the same ditch; 1/3 common pasture, a court, waifs, strays, forfeitures and other casual profits of the lordship with free ingress and egress to all the above portions of land.

TNA reference

C 138/54/124 mm. 1, 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A further addition has been made to the opening paragraph.

Inquisition Head

Middlesex. Assignment of dower. Westminster. 17 March. [Charyngworth].


Assignment made in the presence of Christopher Boynton and John P... , farmers of Philip's lands, and of William Fitzhugh, knight, next friend of Elizabeth and Margery, Philip's daughters and heirs, of 13 marks 4s. 5d. and 1/3 of... as 1/3 of 40 marks, formerly Philip's and part of an annuity of £40 payable at the Exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas and which his father John held by grant of Edward [III] to John Darcy , great-grandfather of Philip Darcy, knight, and which came into the king's hand because of the minority of Philip's son John. Margaret, widow of John, formerly Lord Darcy , holds 1/3 in dower. [Much of the document is defective: cf. 354].

TNA reference

C 138/54/124 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The surname Boynton has also been corrected.

Inquisition Head

Northumberland. Assignment of dower. Hadston, Belford, Easington, Lowick, Wooler. 12 Aug. 1422. [Cerff].


Made in the presence of the keeper and the lessees of Philip's lands and tenements. Hadston: a messuage, 1 1/2 husbandland, arable and meadow, held by Thomas Hunt , annual value 36s. 8d.; Belford: a messuage and a husbandland held by William Gray , annual value 16s.; a cottage held by William Michelson , annual value 3s.; a cottage held by William de Ridell , annual value 20d.; 1/3 demesne lands as marked by bounds on the east and held by John de Roche , Alan del Hall , John Wakefeld and William Greateword , annual value 7s. 4 3/4d.; 1/3 profits of a mill formerly held by Elizabeth, Lady Darcy , and now by John Heddon , annual value 10s. 4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; Easington: 1/3 of all lands and tenements in the 1/3 which was Elizabeth, Lady Darcy's, on the east, held by William Jopson , annual value 16s. 6d.; Lowick: a messuage and a husbandland held by Thomas Alanson , annual value 13s. 4d.; a piece of demesne arable held by the same Thomas, annual value 6s. 8d.; 1/3 waste messuage and 1/3 husbandland held by John Broune , annual value 5s. 6 1/2d.; assize rents assigned in dower to Elizabeth, Lady Darcy, arising from the lands of William Taillour and Thomas Kellowe , annual value 3s.; assize rents from the lands of the same William and Thomas, annual value 17 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; Wooler: 1/3 of a waste called `le Midelward' and 1/3 of 2/3 of `del Westward' and `le Estward' in the east part of a waste called Cheviot.

TNA reference

C 138/54/131 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A further addition has been made to the opening paragraph.

Inquisition Head

York. Assignment of dower. [Illegible.] [Barton].

TNA reference

C 138/54/131 mm. 3-4, 6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Lincoln. Assignment of dower. Torksey. 15 July 1422. [Denton].


Made in the presence of the lessees of Philip's lands and tenements and of the next friends of his heirs. 1/3 of 2/3 of a chamber in the east part of Torksey held by Thomas Wayt ; 2 strips in the south part of `Conyngwong', representing 1/3 of 2/3; 1/3 of 2/3 of 2 `dalowhilles' on the south next Brampton; 7s. 4 3/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d. representing 1/3 of 1/2 assize rents in Belchford, Goulceby and Donington on Bain from customary tenants there; 2s. 11 1/2d. and 1/3 of 2/3 of 1/4d. from 1/3 of 2/3 assize rents in Alkborough; 4s. 5 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d. from 1/3 of 2/3 assize rents in Waddington; 1/3 of 2/3 passage of the river [Trent] at Torksey, annual value 13 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 of 1/2 profits of courts and 1/3 of 2/3 of the other 1/2; 1/3 of 2/3 of 1/2 `ffysshegarthe' on the north, with the profits of the other 1/3, annual value 1 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 4s. 5 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d. which is 1/3 of 1/2 free farm in Alkborough formerly assigned in dower to Elizabeth, Lady Darcy , deceased; 11s. 1 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d. which is 1/3 of 1/2 free farm in Belchford, Donington on Bain and Goulceby assigned to Elizabeth; 6s. 8d. which is 1/3 of 1/2 free farm in Waddington assigned to Elizabeth; 6s. 4 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/4d., which is 1/3 of a certain farm in Torksey called `toftmole'; 8s. 7d. and 1/3 of 1/2 of 1/4d. which is 1/3 farm there called `landmole'; 13s. 4d. which is 1/3 farm there called `two pond toll'; 1/3 of 1/2 messuage in the east part of Torksey held by Thomas Wayt , annual value 20d.; 1/2 furlong called `Conyngwong', formerly Elizabeth's, and 1 a., annual value 3d.; 1/3 of 1/2 profits of the passage of the river Trent at Torksey, formerly Elizabeth's, annual value 20d.; 1/3 of 1/2 customary payment called `brewstergeld' levied on each brew, formerly Elizabeth's, and 1/3 of 2/3 of the remainder, formerly John, Lord Darcy 's; 1/3 of 1/2 `Marton toll' from Donington on Bain, Torksey and Marton called `in toll', `oute toll' and `over thwart toll', formerly Elizabeth's, and 1/3 of 2/3 of the remainder, formerly John, Lord Darcy's, and leased at farm to Robert Grenake of Torksey for £7 9s. 2d. yearly. Assignment of dower. Gate Burton. 16 July 1422. 1/3 of 2/3 capital messuage there on the west and a bovate held by Thomas del Hill , paying yearly 2s. 8d.; 1/3 of 2/3 of a bovate held by Thomas Kymson of Marton, paying yearly 13 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 of a bovate on the east held by William Alyngton , paying yearly 13 1/4d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 3 strips in Gate Burton held by the same William for 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 bovate as marked by bounds on the west, held by Thomas Michaelman , paying yearly 10 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 portion of meadow in `Leemerssh' as marked by bounds on the east, in the lord's hand and paying yearly 13 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 of 2 roods of meadow as marked by bounds on the east, held by John Rasyn in Brampton, paying yearly 4d.; 1/3 of 2/3 passage of the river Trent there held by John Collyng , paying yearly 13s. 4d.; 16d. which is 1/3 of 2/3 free rent of John Kendalle from lands and tenements in `Ritford'; and 1/3 of 2/3 of `Hornebywod' as marked by bounds on the south. Assignment of dower. Knaith. 17 July 1422. 1/3 of the courts within the manor, all the chambers, upper and lower, in the lower court from the west end of the hall as far as the river Trent with free ingress and egress by the lower and outer door and in the chapel there; 1/3 outer court, a stable on the south side ofthe outer door and part of the great grange from the side doors to the east end, also with free ingress and egress; 1/3 orchard and `le vynyerde' there as marked by bounds on the south; 11 a. demesne arable in the south part of a furlong called `Southdayll'; 2 a. demesne arable in the south part of a furlong called `le Clyff'; 4 1/2 a. demesne arable in the south part of a furlong called `Peisland'; 8 1/2 a. arable and 1/3 of 1/2 a. demesne arable in a furlong called `le Halgh' between `North' and `South' on the west; 4 a. and 3 roods arable in the south part of another furlong; 1 1/2 a. arable in a furlong called `Holgate'; 2 a. demesne arable in the south part of a furlong called `Bromwale'; 5 a. demesne arable in the south part of a furlong called `Bundcroft'; 10 a. demesne arable in a furlong called `Lydbergh'; 1/2 a. arable in the south part of a furlong called `Shepcotrodes'; a bovate lying dispersed in the fields of Gate Burton; 1 a. and 1 1/2 rood of meadow belonging to the bovate; 5 a. meadow in the south part of `la Southmerssh' abutting the Trent; 1/2 a. in the south part of `le Orteyerd'; 1/3 several pasture under `le clyff' called `le Southmerssh' on the west; 1/3 pasture called `le Poytt' in `le Southmerssh' for `le oxpasture' lying in `le Mersshdyk'; 2 a. in the west part of a furlong called `Oytelaund' with free ingress and egress; 1/3 ruinous court on the west with 1/3 casual profits of the lordship; 2s. with 1/3 service of John Philipot for his free tenement in Stow held by knight service; 16d. yearly and 1/3 service of John Ludyngton for a free messuage and 2 bovates held by knight service; 1 bushel and 1 qr. wheat, 1 bushel and 1 qr. barley for a payment called `milnedole' from the last John; 1 bushel and 1 qr. wheat and 1 bushel and 1 qr. barley for the same payment from the reeve of Willoughton; 1/2d. and 1/3 service of John Assheton for 1/2 a. free land; 15d. and 1/3 service of John Wilkynson from 2 free messuages; 12d. and 1/3 service of John Jaket, chaplain, from a free messuage; 2s. and 1/3 service of Thomas Taillour for a free messuage; 12d. and 1/3 service from William Mawndevill for a free messuage; 12d. and 1/3 service of Robert Jonson for a free messuage; 1/3 lb. pepper and 1/3 service of Robert Martyn and Richard Hardfyssh ; 2d. and 1/3 service formerly of Margery Trehampton and now of William Tetford for certain free lands; 20s. from Richard Warde for a messuage and 2 bovates in Knaith; a messuage and a bovate formerly held by John Synderby and now by Thomas Meysand , paying yearly 11s.; a messuage and a bovate formerly held by William Selers and now by the same Thomas, paying yearly 11s.; 3 butts of land held by the same Thomas, paying yearly 6d.; 1 1/2 a. meadow in `le Northmerssh' held by John Warde and Andrew Brampton , paying yearly 6s.; 2 messuages and 2 bovates held by John Moreby , paying yearly 18s.; 2 waste gardens held by the same John, paying yearly 8d.; the ruinous capital messuage of Upton with a close called `Calecrofte' and 8 strips held by Roger de Burton , paying yearly 33s. 4d.; and 1/3 park of Knaith as marked by bounds on the south. Assignment of dower. Kexby. 18 July 1422. 1/2 great grange within the precincts of the manor on the east; a garden called `le orcheyerd' and a garden called `le Kilnh..segarth'; 1/3 garden called `le Strawegarth' on the east; 1/3 close called `Brakencrofte' on the south with free entry and exit over the highway to the other part of the close on the west; the following demesne arable in `le Northfeld': 4 strips in the south part of `Rosefurlong' as far as `Padmer' on the west; 2 strips in the south part of `le Midledale'; 3 strips in the south part of a furlong called `Brache' on the south of `Bradesyke'; 5 strips in the south part of a furlong on `Breche' next `Wodgate'; 5 strips in the south part of a furlong next Upton cross; 4 strips in the south part of a furlong next the garden of the abbot of Barlings; 2 strips on the east under `les Wilowes'; 2 strips in the east part of a furlong at `Prestbrygdale' and a butt of land on `le Esthill'; 4 strips in the north part of a furlong on `Hesylles' and a butt of land on `Normanhedland'; the following demesne arable in `Northestfeld': 2 furlongs in the east part of a furlong called `Orchardale'; 5 strips on the east part of a furlong on `Wandirburghwell'; 6 strips in the south part of a furlong called `Haverbergh' and a butt of land on `Esthill'; 6 strips in the south part of a furlong called `Whetebergh'; 5 strips in the east part of a furlong on `le Northfurlang' and a butt of land on `Brakesyk' on the north; as 1/3 of 4 strips in `Landfurlang', a strip in the east part; 7 strips in the south part of a furlong called `Langlandes'; 7 strips in the south part of a furlong on `Morefurlang'; the following demesne arable in `le Southestfeld': a headland on the west under the butt of land called `le Grenedyk'; 3 strips in the north part of a fallow butt of land in `le Bathom' next `Grenedyk'; 5 strips in the south part of a furlong on `Haverbergh' against the butt of land on `le Estull' next `Wilyngh...ere'; [?another] 3 strips lying together on the south against that butt; 5 strips in the east part of a furlong on `Hengtonge'; 6 strips in `Weytfurr' and a butt of land on the east; 8 strips in a furlong on `Fixholes' and a butt of land on the west; the following demesne arable in `le Southwestfeld': 3 strips on `Shortbutt' and a butt of land on `le hedland' of John Ayston ; 3 strips lying together and a butt of land with John Ayston's mill on the west; 6 strips lying together and a headland abutting `Segesyke'; 3 strips lying together and a headland abutting `Wodgaite'; a furlong on `Southholme' containing 9 strips and a butt of land on the south; a strip on `Rysefurlang' and a butt of land on `Westill'; a meadow at the south end of `Tille' containing 8 `swathes' next the acre of Norman Olyver ; 1/2 a. meadow containing 6 `swathes' on the north side of the bridge at Kexby; 1 a. meadow containing 10 `swathes' on the south side of the meadow of the prioress of Heynings in `le Tille'; 2 `swathes', as 1/3 of 6 `swathes', on the south side of the prioress's 3 `swathes'; 1 1/2 a. meadow in the farthest part of `Tille' on the north; 1/3 of 5 fallow strips on the north side of that 1 1/2 a.; 14 a. meadow in the south part of `Magelinore'; and 1/3 `Thirlbywode' with pasture 75 virgates wide on the south. Assignment of dower. Southorpe. 19 July 1422. 1/3 site of the manor on the east, with 1/2 the great grange on the east; a messuage and tenement in the township belonging to a moiety of the lordship; 1/3 fallow furlong next the grange of the manor in `le Westfeld' on the east; 1/3 furlong called `Bralendale' in the east part of the same field; 1/3 furlong called `Oxdale' on the east; 1/3 furlong called `Northlangdale' on the east; 1/3 of 11 strips there on the south; 1/3 of 7 strips in the east part of `le Botham'; the following demesne arable in `le Northfeld': 1/3 furlong called `Tounedale' in the east part of the field; 1/3 furlong called `le Northdale' containing 40 strips also in the east; 1/3 of 8 strips there in the east formerly held by tenants; 3 strips in the south part at `les Threthornes'; 4 1/2 strips there in the east; a strip in the east part of the fields of Northorpe; 3 strips there also in the east; a strip in the south part; the following demesne arable in `le Estfeld' and `Southfeld': 1/3 furlong called `Fayrgresdale' in the east part; 1/3 furlong called `Helledale' in the south part; 6 strips in the east part in a furlong between the township and the grange; 1/3 furlong called `Crepelyngdale' in the east part below the township of Tunstall; 1/3 meadow at the south end of that furlong; 1 a. meadow in `Magelmore' held by William Sumpterman ; 5 a. meadow in the south part of `le Northenge'; 1/3 `syke' of meadow between the grange of Southorpe and the township on the east.

TNA reference

C 138/54/131 mm. 5, 7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A further addition has been made to the opening paragraph and the assignment's date has also been corrected.



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