Full text


Inquisition Head

Oxfordshire. Inquisition. Thame. 17 Dec. [Waget].


Jurors: Robert atte Nassh ; Peter Mapulderham ; John Elys ; Thomas Welles ; Thomas Bonde ; Nicholas Hesyndon ; Thomas Bate ; Henry Clere ; Hugh Benet ; John atte Nassh ; Richard atte Nassh ; and John Moyn .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee but held for life in dower of the inheritance of Maud wife of Thomas Chaucer and Margaret wife of John Arundell , daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh , 2 messuages, 2 1/2 virgates, 2 a. arable and 1 1/2 a. meadow in Tythrop. John and Emma Burgherssh had issue Margaret and Maud, who survive. John died and the reversion of the premises descended to Margaret and Maud. Long before Emma's death a fine was levied mor. St. Martin 1417 [and afterwards quin. East. 1418: CP 25/1/291/64, no. 68] between John and Margaret Arundell, quer., and Thomas and Maud Chaucer, def., by which def. granted for themselves and the heirs of Maud that a moiety of the lands in Tythrop which Emma held for life of Maud's inheritance should remain on Emma's death to quer., holding of def. and the heirs of Maud. Emma attorned to John and Margaret Arundell, became their tenant in the moiety and died seised. The other moiety descended on Emma's death to John and Margaret Arundell in right of Margaret. The estate, called the manor of Tythrop, is held of the heirs of Gilbert Was and William Saundersdon by knight service, but by what portion of a fee the jurors do not know, annual value 40s.

She died on 25 Sept. last. Maud and Margaret, both aged 30 years and more, are her heirs as well as John Burgherssh's.

TNA reference

C 138/53/114 mm. 1-2

E 149/121/13 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Buckinghamshire. Inquisition. Wendover. 11 Jan. 1421. [Whappelod].


Jurors: John Howes ; John Pycot ; John Cartere ; Thomas Bristowe ; Matthew Fysshere ; Peter Wycheley ; Roger Leyghton ; John Gynes ; Robert Walssh ; John Paddeworth ; Richard Hyne ; and Robert Kyppyng .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee but held in dower for life of the inheritance of Maud wife of Thomas Chaucer and Margaret wife of John Arundell , daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh , 3 tofts, a dovecot, 2 1/2 virgates, 8 a. meadow and 6d. rent in Kingsey and 4s. rent in Towersey at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, and 1/3 wood and underwood in Kingsey and Towersey. John Burgherssh and Emma had issue Margaret and Maud, who survive. John Burgherssh died, Emma survived and the reversion of the premises descended to Margaret and Maud. By the fine recited in 648 Thomas and Maud granted for themselves and the heirs of Maud that a moiety of the premises, also called the manor of Kingsey, which Emma held for life of Maud's inheritance and which ought to revert to Thomas and Maud and the heirs of Maud, should remain to John Arundell and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies, holding of Thomas, Maud and the heirs of Maud in fee. Emma attorned to John and Margaret, became their tenant in the moiety and died seised. Thus both moieties descended on Emma's death to John and Margaret and are held of the heirs of John Nernute, knight , for 1/30 knight's fee, annual value 6s. 8d. The 2 1/2 virgates contain 40 a. arable worth 6d. an acre. Annual value of each acre of meadow 12d., of the 1/3 wood and underwood nil.

TNA reference

C 138/53/114 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Lincoln. Inquisition. Louth. 11 Jan. 1421. [Feriby].


Jurors: John Boteler of Burwell ; John Kygges ; John Copeldon ; Ralph Caylesthorp ; Robert Couper of Louth ; Robert Caylesthorp ; Thomas Hagham ; John Chapman of Withcall ; John Counterfot ; William Raper of Manby ; Simon Mychell of Skendleby ; and John Abberd of the same.


She held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of another in her demesne as of fee but held in dower for life of the inheritance of Margaret wife of John Arundell and Maud wife of Thomas Chaucer , daughters and heirs of John Burgherssh , 1/3 manor of Skendleby except 2 a. arable in it, 1/18 profits of a market held on Saturdays at Partney, 1/18 profits of tolls of fairs there every year on the eves and feasts of St. Mary Magdalen, the Assumption and the Nativity of St. Mary, and 4 a. arable, 1 rood, 1/3 of 2 a. meadow and 10s. assize rents in Partney. The 1/3 manor of Skendleby except the 2 a. is held of the king in chief for 1/50 knight's fee. Annual value of the site of the 1/3 manor nil. There are in the 1/3 manor 50 a. arable worth 3d. an acre. Annual values of each of the 4 a., 1 rood and 1/2 of 2 a. meadow 12d. There are also in the 1/3 6 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 12d., and £2 0s. 10 1/2d. assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions. Annual value of the 1/18 market 3s. and of the tolls of fairs 3s. 4d. John Burgherssh had the markets and fairs by grant of Henry V . The 1/3 meadow and 10s. rent are held of Lord Beaumont of his castle of Folkingham, service unknown.

Date of death and heirs as in 648.

TNA reference

C 138/53/114 mm. 5-6

E 149/124/13 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Essex. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 18 Jan. 1421. [Darcy].


Jurors: John Starlyng ; Richard Hatton ; William Scargyll ; John Hathelok ; John Jermayn ; John Talbot ; John Spillyng ; John Osebarn ; Thomas Bouyndon ; John Melkere ; John Bubbe ; and John Petche .


She held no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee but held jointly with John Burgherssh the manor of Hatfield Peverel by feoffment of William Sutton , William Godwyn , John Drury , clerks, and Thomas Brendon to John and Emma and the heirs of John in fee. John and Emma had issue Margaret and Maud, who survive. John died, Emma survived and the reversion descended to Margaret and Maud. By a fine levied mor. St. Martin 1417 [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 69], shown to the jurors in evidence, between Thomas Chaucer and Maud, quer., and John Arundell and Margaret, def., def. granted that 1/2 manor of Hatfield Peverel, which Emma held of Margaret 's inheritance and which ought to revert to def. and the heirs of Margaret, should revert to quer. and the heirs of their bodies, holding of def. and the heirs of Margaret in fee. Emma attorned to Thomas and Margaret, became their tenant in the moiety and died seised. The other moiety descended by hereditary right after the deaths of John Burgherssh and Emma to Thomas and Maud and the heirs of Maud. The manor is held of the countess of Stafford of her manor of Pleshey by fealty and 12d. yearly at Michaelmas. Annual value of the site nil. There are in the manor 100s. assize rents at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, 100 a. demesne arable worth 4d. an acre, 30 a. meadow worth 12d. an acre and 200 a. wood, annual value nil because it is dense and without pasture.

Date of death and heirs as in 648.

TNA reference

C 138/53/114 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

651A Writ de partitione facienda . 3 May 1421. [Wymbyssh].

To the escheator of Lincolnshire. The homage of Thomas Chaucer , who married Matilda, one of the daughters and heirs of John de Burgherssh, knight , and Emmato William Caumbrygge, mayor of City of London and escheator his late wife, has been taken for her purparty of the lands which Emma held in dower for her life of the inheritance of Matilda and Margaret, wife of John Arundell , the other daughter and heir, by reason of Thomas having had issue by Matilda, and the homage and fealty due from John for Margaret’s purparty, by reason of John’s issue by Margaret, has for 20s. paid in the hanaper been respited until Easter. Order to take security from all four for payment of a relief and to make a partition Emma’s lands between them in presence of Thomas and John Arundel, and to give them seisin. [CFR 1413-22, p. 398.]

Inquisition Head

[Partition not extant.]
TNA reference

E 149/121/13 m.3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 651A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Smyth(Writ Clerk)


  • Robert atte Nassh
  • Peter Mapulderham
  • John Elys
  • Thomas Welles
  • Thomas Bonde
  • Nicholas Hesyndon
  • Thomas Bate
  • Henry Clere
  • Hugh Benet
  • John atte Nassh
  • Richard atte Nassh
  • John Moyn


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