Full text


Writ Head

645 Writ ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Gloucester and the Adjacent March of Wales. Inquisition [indented]. Tewkesbury. 12 Nov. [Whityngton].


Jurors: James Gayner ; John Venne ; Thomas Raa ; Richard de Aure ; John Wynward ; Nicholas Kynyet ; Walter Rycheman ; John Smyth ; Richard Stokke ; Richard Mede ; Thomas Pershore ; and Simon Drynkewater .


He held no lands or tenements of the king in chief or of another in his demesne as of fee in the county and march. By letters patent of 15 Oct. 1389 [CPR 1388-92, p. 118], shown to the jurors, the prior and convent of Ste. Barbe en Auge were licensed at the request of John Cheyne, knight , to demise the manor or priory of Beckford in Gloucestershire and Lincolnshire for life to John Cheyne, knight , deceased, his wife Margaret, afterwards the wife of William Harle , and their son John Cheyne, knight , named in the writ. By virtue of the licence the prior and convent demised to them for life the manor or priory of Beckford and the manor of Colsterworth in Lincolnshire by their charter of 20 Nov. 1389. John, Margaret and John were seised of 20 messuages, 10 cottages, a water-mill, 12 carucates, 20 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture, 20 a. mature wood, 10 a. brushwood, and a fishery in Beckford; 10 messuages, 5 cottages, 5 carucates, 20 a. meadow and 20 a. pasture in Grafton; 20 messuages, 10 cottages, 10 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture and 10 a. brushwood in Ashton under Hill, part of the manor or priory of Beckford. John Cheyne, knight , named in the writ died seised of that estate, and Margaret survives. The manor or priory of Beckford is held of the king in chief by knight service. One of the 20 messuages in Beckford is a capital messuage and garden called the site of the manor or priory, annual value, with 2 dovecots, 2s., annual value of the other 19 messuages 9s. 6d. at [6d.] each. Other annual values in Beckford: 10 cottages 2s. 6d. at 3d. each; a mill 12d.; 12 carucates £6 at 10s. each; 20 a. meadow 20s. at 12d. an acre; 20 a. pasture 20d. at [1d. an acre]; 20 a. mature wood 2s., its pasture 2s.; 10 a. brushwood 2s.; a fishery 12d. Annual values in Grafton: 10 messuages and gardens 3s. 4d. at 4d. each; 5 cottages 10d. at 2d. each; 5 carucates 50s. at 10s. each; 20 a. meadow 20s. at 12d. an acre and 20 a. pasture 3s. 4d. at 2d. an acre. Annual values in Ashton under Hill: 20 messuages and gardens 10s. at 6d. each; 10 cottages 2s. 6d. at 3d. each; 10 carucates 50s. at 10s. each; 40 a. meadow 40s. at 12d. an acre; 20 a. pasture 3s. 4d. at 2d. an acre; 20 a. brushwood 3s. 4d. at 12d. an acre. View of frankpledge is taken twice a year after Easter and Michaelmas at the site of the manor, annual value 2s.

He died on 28 June last. Anne Cheyne is his daughter and next heir, aged 11 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/53/113 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

646 Writ ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Lincoln. Inquisition [indented]. Corby. 16 Nov. [Belwode].


Jurors: John Noble of Burton Coggles ; John Gybon of the same; John Rycard of Corby ; Thomas Medley of ‘Ouerthorp’; John Medley of Bulby ; Anthony Grensham of Irnham ; John Styver of Edenham ; John Barkar of Bourne ; John Spenser of Corby ; John Whyte of Irnham ; John Cook of the same; and John Nycoll .


The findings of 645 as to the grant from the priory are repeated. In addition John, Margaret and John named in the writ were jointly seised in 6 messuages, 4 cottages, 7 carucates, 12 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture, and 20 a. underwood and view of frankpledge in Colsterworth; 4 messuages, 3 cottages, 3 carucates, 6 a. meadow, 10 a. pasture, and 20 a. underwood in Somerby; a messuage, 2 carucates, 5 a. meadow and 9 a. pasture in `Ho[ghton]'; and 4s. assize rents in Grantham in Lincolnshire, part of the manor or priory of Beckford, which is held of the king in chief by knight service. John named in the writ died seised and Margaret survives. Annual values in Colsterworth: 6 messuages 3s. at 6d. each; 4 cottages 12d. at 3d. each; 7 carucates 46s. 8d. at 6s. 8d. each; 12a. meadow 12s. at 12d. each; 20a. pasture 20d. at 1d. each; 20a. underwood 20d. at 1d. each. Annual values in Somerby: 4 messuages 2s. at 6d. each; 3 cottages 9d. at 3d. each; 3 carucates 20s. at 6s. 8d. each; 6a. meadow 6s. at 1s. each; 10a. pasture 10d. at 1d. each; 20a. underwood (boscalium) 20d. at 1d. each. Annual values in ‘Ho[ghton]’: 1 messuage 8d.; 2 carucates 12s. at 6s. each; 5a. meadow 5s. at 12d. each; 10a. [sic] pasture 10d. at 1d each. The 4s. rent in Grantham is paid at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and St Andrew the apostle by equal portions. The view of frankpledge held … at … called ‘Courtplace’, annual value 12d. By a fine [CP 25/1/144/152, number 19] dated 25 June 1406 between John Cheyne knight named in the writ and Elizabeth his wife, querents, and John Cheyne knight and Margaret his wife, deforciants, shown to the jurors, John Cheyne knight and Margaret his wife granted the manor of Bulby in Lincolnshire to John Cheyne knight named in the writ, by the name of John Cheyne son of John, and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of his body, to hold of John Cheyne knight and Margaret his wife and Margaret’s heirs, rendering a rose at Midsummer Day, remainder to John Cheyne knight and Margaret his wife and Margaret’s heirs. By virtue of the fine he died seised of the manor. And ?Margaret, still living, is seised thereof. The manor of Bulby is held of Margaret by service of a rose at Midsummer Day for all service. In the manor there are 10 messuages, annual value 5s. at 6d. each; 7 cottages, annual value 21d. at 3d. each; 10 carucates, annual value 40s. at 4s. each; 40a. meadow, annual value 40s. at 12d. each; 50a. pasture, annual value 4s. 2d. at 1d. each; 50a. underwood (boscalia), annual value 4s. 2d. at 1d. each; £6 rents of assize, payable at Easter, Midsummer, Michalemas and … by equal portions; and a three-weekly Court Baron, annual value ….

Death and heir as in 645.

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.

TNA reference

C 138/53/113 mm. 3-4

Writ Head

647 Writ ‡ 10 Nov. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Addressed to to William Caumbrygge, mayor and escheator of the city of London. [Dorse:] Certificate that the tenement and 4 shops were taken into the king's hand.

Inquisition Head

London. Inquisition [indented]. Guildhall. 28 June 1421. [Caumbrigge].


Jurors: William Pykeman ; John Parker ; John Rotelond ; John Flessh’ ; Thomas Hesey ; William Wolstyn ; Arthur Holy ; Richard Welles ; Alan John ; Laurence Harlewyn ; John Gardener ; and William Welton n647_001


He died on 29 June 1420 seised in his demesne as of fee of a tenement with 4 shops annexed in the parish of St. Dionis Backchurch in Lime Street ward, annual value 13s. 4d. The tenement and shops, not leased when this inquisition was taken, are held of the king in free burgage as the entire city is held.

Anne Cheyne is his daughter and next heir, aged 12 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/53/113 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Noble
  • John Gybon
  • John Rycard of Corby
  • Thomas Medley of ‘Ouerthorp
  • John Medley of Bulby
  • Anthony Grensham of Irnham
  • John Styver of Edenham
  • John Barkar of Bourne
  • John Spenser of Corby
  • John Whyte
  • John Cook
  • John Nycoll


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