Full text


Writ Head

619 Writ devenerunt ‡ 11 Nov. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

His grandfather held of Richard II in chief, his father died a minor ward of Henry IV and he died a minor ward of Henry V.

Inquisition Head

York. Inquisition. Doncaster. 22 Nov. [Manston].


Jurors: John Fowler ; John Gamill ; Hugh Gamill ; John Pek of Wadworth ; Robert Cook of the same; Ralph Forester of Edlington ; William Burton of the same; Richard Besewell of the same; Thomas Boresdale ; Richard Stanys ; Thomas Bussell ; and James Fulsam .


Because of the minority of Fulk son and heir of Fulk son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn , knight, a minor in the king's wardship, the manor of Edlington, formerly Fulk Fitzwaryn's, came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV on the death of John Marchall of Betley who held it for life by Fulk's demise, reversion to Fulk and his heirs. It passed to ‪ Henry V for the same reason and remains with him. There are in the manor a garden which was once the site of the manor, annual value 2s., 7 ruinous tofts, annual value nil, 9 bovates, annual value 4s. 6d. each, 4 bovates, annual value 6s. each, 5 bovates, annual value 4s. each, 4 cottages, annual value 12d. each, a piece of meadow, annual value 6s. 3d., 80 a. wood, annual value nil, 3s. 3d. assize rents at St. Martin in winter and Whitsun in equal portions. In inquisitions held before Robert Morton, escheator , on a writ of 14 ‪ Henry IV, and before Edmund Fitzwilliam, escheator , on a writ of 2 Henry V, the manor of Edlington and the tenements in Edlington were said to be the same. The manor is held of Henry Wawesour of his manor of Hazelwood by service of a pair of spurs yearly.

He died on 21 Sept. last. Elizabeth wife of Richard Hankeford, esquire , is his sister and next heir, aged 17 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 1-2

E 149/119/9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

620 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Gloucestershire. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester. 4 Nov. [Whityngdon].


Jurors: John Joce ; Walter Toky ; John Gerald ; James Gayner ; John Fenne ; Thomas Raa ; Henry Cosyn ; John Limryde ; Richard Tirell ; Walter Richeman ; John Felpes ; and John Wynyard .n620_001


Because of the reasons given in 619 no lands came into the hand of ‪ Richard II . Long before he died Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Bentham and the advowson of the chantry belonging to the manor, and by his deed gave the the manor to John Cauche, formerly vicar of Wantage , William Briddesmere , John Croke and John Marchall of Betley to pay his debts, to reward his servants according to their merits and afterwards to enfeoff his son Fulk. They enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life in the manor contrary to the form of the gift. Fulk the son, a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV , entered the manor and it was taken into the king's hand. Fulk the son afterwards married Anne and died, 1/3 being assigned to her in dower. Because of the minority of their son Fulk 2/3 remained with ‪ Henry IV and came into the hand of Henry V. The 2/3 are held of the earl of Stafford , service unknown, and there are in them 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 2/3 garden, annual value nil above its enclosure and maintenance, 6 virgates, annual value 26s. 8d., 18 a. meadow, annual value 16s., 32 a. mature and dense wood, annual value nil above its use for repairs and fencing, 10 cottages and 30 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 20s. yearly at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 6 tofts leased to various tenants at will paying 3s. at the same terms, and 16s. 7d. assize rents at the same terms. The following portions of knight's fees in Bentham came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV for the reasons given above: 1/20 fee which William Castyll holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which John Sewyn holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/40 fee which Richard Daunedede holds, annual value 2s. 6d. when it occurs; and 1/20 fee which John Berklay, knight , holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs. The fees held by Castell and Sewyn were afterwards assigned to Anne in dower, and 2/3 came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 3-4

E 152/9/492/1/1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

621 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Hereford and the Adjacent March of Wales . Inquisition. Hereford. 8 Nov. [Russell].


Jurors: John Schellewyk ; William Chamberneyn ; Thomas Horsnet ; Richard Watyes ; John Broune of King's Pyon or Canon Pyon; Thomas Patrich ; William Atkyns ; John de la Chambre ; John Stoppart ; Richard Bene ; John Bedell ; and Hugh Watyes .n621_001


Because of the reasons given in 619 1/3 manors of Monnington on Wye and Dilwyn, 1/3 mill and the advowson of 1/3 church belonging to the manor of Monnington, held undivided by James, Lord Audley , and Thomas Huls , 1/3 castle, manor and hundred of Llandovery and the commots of Perfedd and Hirfryn in the march of Wales came into the hands of ‪ Richard II and ‪ Henry IV . After the death of Fulk the son his widow Anne was allotted 1/3 manors and mill in dower: 2/3 and 1/3 castle, manor, hundred and commots in the march remained with ‪ Henry IV because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk and came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain. The 2/3 of 1/3 manor of Monnington is held of the earl of Warwick by knight service of the honor of Colwyn and there are in it 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 60 a. arable, annual value 26s. 8d., 8 a. meadow, annual value 8s., 40 a. in a close called `le park', annual value nil above the enclosure there, 2/3 of 1/3 pasture called ` le comoun more', part of the manor of Monnington, annual value nil because the tenants of the manor have common pasture in it throughout the year, 18s. assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 4 cottages and 8 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 16s. at the above terms in equal portions, and 2/3 of 1/3 water-mill, annual value 20s. The 2/3 manor of Dilwyn are held of the duchy of Lancaster by service of 1/30 knight's fee and there are in it 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 40 a. arable, annual value 18s., 6 a. meadow, annual value 4s., 8 a. wood, annual value nil above the enclosure, 80 a. pasture, annual value 6s. 8d., 53s. 4d. assize rents at the above terms in equal portions, and 12 cottages and 24 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 12s. at Christmas and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in equal portions.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 7-8

E 149/119/9 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

622 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Staffordshire. Inquisition. Penkridge. 18 Nov. [Legh].


Jurors: John More of Penkridge ; William Reynald of Cannock ; Thomas de Chilterne ; William Walter ; John Palmer of Penkridge ; John Warde of Bridgeford ; John Betheme ; John Pixstoke ; John de Egynton ; William Buffrey ; William de Salt ; and Ralph de Orchard n622_001


For the reasons mentioned in 619 1/3 castle of Heighley and the park there, the township of Betley, the manors of Tunstall and Horton and 30s. rent in Over Longsdon came into the hands of ‪ Richard II and ‪ Henry IV . After the death of Fulk the son his widow Anne was allotted 1/3 of 1/3 castle, park, township, manors and rent in dower and 2/3 came into the hands of ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk. The 2/3 of 1/3 castle, park and township are held of William Betteley in socage by service of 1d., annual value nil. There are in the 2/3 township of Betley 40s. assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions; 2/3 of 2 water-mills, ponds and fisheries there, annual value 20s., and 2/3 of 1/3 fair and market there, annual value 3s. 4d. The 2/3 of 1/3 manor of Tunstall are held of the heirs of Alan de Greseley , service unknown. There are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 44 1/2 a. arable, annual value 2s., 8 a. meadow, annual value 2s., 400 a. wood, pasture and heath, annual value 8s., £6 assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, £4 farm at Martinmas and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in equal portions from iron-ore workings let to various tenants, 16s. from various works of tenants there at the Purification and St. Peter's Chains, 26s. 8d. from tallage there at Martinmas, 2/3 of 1/3 of 2 water-mills, annual value 10s., and 2/3 of 1/3 perquisites and profits of courts there, annual value 6s. 8d. The 2/3 of 1/3 manor of Horton and 2/3 of 1/3 rent in Over Longsdon are held of the earl of Stafford for 2s. There are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 44 1/2 a. arable, annual value 2s., 8 a. meadow, annual value 2s., 400 a. wood, pasture and heath, annual value 8s., £4 assize rents at Ascension and Martinmas in equal portions, 44s. rent at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas in equal portions from 2/3 of 1/3 pasture called `Horton Hay' leased to various tenants at will, 2/3 of 1/3 of 2 water-mills there, annual value 10s., 2/3 of 1/3 perquisites and profits of courts there, annual value 4s., and 3s. 4d. from various works of tenants there at St. Peter's Chains.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 11-12

E 149/119/9 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

623 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Shropshire and the Adjacent March of Wales. Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 15 Nov. [Hord].


Jurors: Robert Lee of Uffington ; Urian Seyntpiere ; Thomas Dod ; Thomas Cleobury ; Richard Betton of Betton ; William Betton of Berwick ; Thomas Coneway ; William Gwyn of Whittington ; William Beyston of Bayston ; William Richardson ; Edward de Whityngton ; and David ap Yeuan ap Wilkok n623_001


For the reasons mentioned in 619 1/3 castle of Redcastle and its members, i.e. Weston under Redcastle, Hawkstone, Kenstone and Marchamley, 1/3 manor of Edgmond, the castle and lordship of Whittington and the advowsons of the churches of Whittington and Selattyn belonging to the castle in the march of Wales came into the hands of Richard II and ‪ Henry IV . After the death of Fulk the son his widow Anne was allotted in dower 1/3 of 1/3 of Redcastle and its members, which are indivisible, 1/3 of 1/3 manor of Edgmond and 1/3 castle and lordship of Whittington: 2/3 were taken into the hand of ‪ Henry and remain with IV Henry V. The 2/3 Redcastle, annual value nil, and its members are held of John Harecourt by 2/3 of 1/3d. There are there 2 virgates, annual value 10s., 12 a. meadow, annual value 12s., 40 a. wood called `Northwode', the annual value of the pasture 4s., 6 a. wood called `Marchumleyclyf', annual value nil, 30s. assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 6 cottages and 18 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 18s. at the above terms in equal portions, 2/3 water-mill, annual value 10s., 6 cottages burnt and destroyed at various times by Welsh rebels, annual value nil. The whole manor of Edgmond with the town of Newport are held of the king in chief by service of a mewed sparrow-hawk. There are in 2/3 of 1/3 manor 1/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 2 virgates, annual value 10s., 6 a. meadow, annual value 6s., 26 2/3 a. marsh, annual value nil because the tenants of the manor have pasture in it throughout the year, 40s. assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 6 cottages and 24 a. arable belonging to them held by tenants at will paying 50s. at the above terms in equal portions. The 2/3 castle, annual value nil, and lordship of Whittington are held of the king in chief for 1/20 knight's fee. There are in the 2/3 256 a. arable, annual value 26s. 8d., 80 a. meadow, annual value 53s. 4d., 1,200 a. forest called Gobowen and `Mechiatte super montem', annual value nil above the fee and gage and the upkeep of the beasts there, 1,200 a. forest called Babbinswood, annual value nil except as above, 1,000 a. moor called `Penereymore', annual value nil, £12 assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 30 cottages, 60 a. arable and 20 a. meadow belonging to them held by various tenants at will paying 60s. at the above terms in equal portions, 60 cottages and 100 a. arable belonging to them vacant for lack of tenants and in the lord's hand, annual value nil because burnt and destroyed by Welsh rebels, 2/3 perquisites and profits of courts of the hundred of Whittington, part of the lordship of Whittington, annual value 30s., 2/3 of 2 water-mills, annual value 40s., and 2/3 of 2 fulling-mills, annual value 26s. 8d.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 15-18

E 149/119/9 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

624 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Wiltshire. Inquisition. Marlborough. 13 Nov. [Persons].


Jurors: Thomas Crekkelade ; Thomas Canynges ; Thomas Horon ; John atte Pitte ; John Henton ; Robert Forde ; John Clyve ; Thomas Stone ; John Wyke of Groundwell ; William Bernewey ; William Byde ; and William Bayly n624_001


For the reasons given in 619 no lands came into the king's hand. Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, was seised in his demesne as of fee of 1/2 manors of Crofton and Stanton and the advowson of the church of Stanton at alternate turns of presentation and by his charter granted the moieties to John Cauche, formerly vicar of Wantage , John Croke , William Bruddusmere and John Marchall of Betley on trust to pay his debts, to reward his servants according to their merits and then to enfeoff his son and heir Fulk. Contrary to the form of the gift, they enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life. Fulk the son afterwards entered the moieties and the advowson and because of his minority they were taken into the hand of ‪ Henry IV . Fulk the son married Anne and after his death she was allotted in dower 5 messuages, 4 tofts, 8 virgates, 6 a. arable and 13s. 4d. assize rents in the moiety of Stanton, the residue coming into the hand of ‪Henry V, where it remains, because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk. The moieties are held of the earl of Hereford in socage. There are in the 1/2 manor of Stanton a capital messuage, annual value nil, 60 a. demesne arable, annual value 15s., 4 a. demesne meadow, annual value 4s., 60 a. pasture, annual value 5s., 7s. assize rents at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas in equal portions, 4 messuages and 4 virgates belonging to them held by various tenants at will paying 16s. at the four terms mentioned above. There are in the moiety of Crofton a toft that is the site of the manor, annual value nil, 40 a. demesne arable, annual value 13s. 4d., 4 a. meadow, annual value 6s., 20 a. pasture, annual value 7s., 60 a. mature and dense wood, annual value of the pasture nil, 6 messuages and 6 virgates belonging to them held by various tenants at will paying 20s. at the four terms mentioned above in equal portions, and 8s. assize rents paid at the same terms. For the reasons mentioned in 619 the following portions of knight's fees in Stanton came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV : 1/2 fee which Thomas Hobbes holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee which Ingram Hampton holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/40 fee which Robert Medeman, clerk , holds, annual value 2s. 6d. when it occurs; 1/30 fee which John Burgeys holds, annual value 3s. 4d. when it occurs; and 1/4 fee in Artington which the heir of Henry de Guldeford holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs. A 1/3 of the portions of fees held by Hobbes, Hampton and Gyldeford were assigned to Anne in dower and 2/3 came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 19-20

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

625 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Berkshire. Inquisition. Wantage. 26 Oct. [Brouns].


Jurors: Thomas Cokerell ; Thomas Burwell ; Thomas Frankeleyn ; John Denford ; John Toke ; William Tanner ; William Blagroue ; John Cook ; John Gyfford ; Roger Bosse ; Richard Tanner ; and William Newman n625_001


No lands came into the king's hand for the reasons mentioned in 619 because long before he died Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, enfeoffed John Cauche, formerly vicar of Wantage , John Croke , William Briddysmere and John Marchall of Betley in the manor and hundred of Wantage for the purposes mentioned in 624, and they enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life, remainder to Fulk son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, in fee, contrary to the form of the gift. On the death of Philip, Peter Beseles , formerly Berkshire escheator, took an inquisition at Abingdon [CIPM XIX, no. 210], by which it was found that Philip held the manor and hundred for life, reversion to Fulk son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV , by gift of the feoffees named above. The escheator took the manor and hundred into the king's hand. Afterwards Fulk son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, showed charters and muniments of feoffment in Chancery and sought livery of the manor and hundred. By a writ of 7 May 1407 [CCR 1405-9, p. 203] Thomas Chaucer , Berkshire escheator, was ordered to remove the king's hand and to deliver the issues to him. Fulk married Anne and after his death she was allotted in dower 1/3 manor and hundred, and 2/3 came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk and then into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain. The 2/3 manor and hundred are held of the duke of Gloucester of his earldom of Pembroke, service unknown, paying 66s. 8d. hidage at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions by the sheriff of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. There are in the 2/3 manor 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 2/3 dovecot, wasted and ruinous, annual value 4d., 4 carucates, annual value 53s. 4d., 50 a. meadow, annual value 50s., 200 a. hill pasture, annual value 16s. 8d., 2 a. pasture in 2 closes called `Mores', annual value 2s., £12 assize rents at the Annunciation and Michaelmas in equal portions, 12 cottages and 36 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 40s. yearly at the above terms, 6 tofts with curtilages leased to various tenants at will paying 6s. yearly at St. Peter's Chains, a market held on Saturdays, annual value of 2/3 3s. 4d., 2/3 of 2 fairs held yearly, annual value 3s. 4d., 2/3 perquisites, issues and profits of courts, annual value 26s. 8d., and £4 from various autumn works of ploughing, mowing and carting and other works leased to various tenants at will at St. Peter's Chains, 2/3 water-mill, annual value 13s. 4d. Annual value of the 2/3 hundred 12s. For the reasons mentioned in 619 the following portions of knight's fees in Wantage came into the hands of ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V: 1/4 fee which Richard Wydeford holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/8 fee which Alice Wydeford holds, annual value [?12s.] 6d. when it occurs.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 23-24

E 149/119/9 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

626 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Somerset. Inquisition. Taunton. 2 Nov. [Welyngton].


Jurors: Thomas Chippele ; John Dodyngton ; Richard Mauncell ; Nicholas Walrond ; William Halswelle ; John Richere ; Thomas Symmes ; William Wrentemor ; John Parson ; John Magot ; Robert Crosse ; and William Note .n626_001


For the reasons given in 619 the manor of Pylle and the advowson of the church of the township came into the hands of ‪ Richard II and ‪ Henry IV . After the death of Fulk the son his widow Anne was assigned 1/3 manor of Pylle in dower and 2/3 and the advowson came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain. The manor is held of the abbot of Glastonbury for 1/3 knight's fee. There are in the 2/3 manor 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, a garden, 2 a., the pasture of which is worth 16d. yearly, 42 a. arable worth 6d. an acre yearly, 18 a. meadow worth 11d. an acre yearly, 4 a. pasture worth 6d. an acre yearly, 40 a. mature wood, annual value of the pasture 5s., 5s. 2d. assize rents paid by various free tenants at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas in equal portions, 14 tenements in each of which is a messuage and 16 a. arable and meadow, annual value 6s. 4d. each paid by various customary tenants there at the above feasts. Because of the minority of Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, the manor of Huntspill and the advowson of the church of that township came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV on the death of Isabel, widow of William Cogan, knight , who held jointly with William, grandfather of Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, whose heir Fulk son of Fulk was, i.e. son of Elizabeth daughter of William Cogan , by grant of William Luscote , John Radyngton , John Waskam and John Elys, formerly vicar of Meare . On the death of Fulk the son 1/3 manor of Huntspill and 3 messuages, 44 a. arable and 12s. rent from the remaining 2/3 were assigned to his widow Anne in lieu of 1/3 of 1/3 manor of Wigborough, and the remaining 2/3 of Huntspill and the advowson came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain. The manor of Huntspill is held of the king in chief for 1/2 knight's fee. There are in the 2/3 manor 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 2/3 dovecot, annual value 16d., 2/3 garden, 2 a., the pasture of which is worth 2s. yearly, 206 a. arable worth 7d. an acre yearly, 120 a. and 14 a. meadow worth 8d. an acre yearly, 86 a. pasture worth 7d. an acre yearly, 4 a. reeds, the crop of which is worth 12d. an acre yearly, 36 tenements in each of which is a messuage and 16 a. arable, annual value 14s. each paid by various customary tenants there at the above terms in equal portions, 14 cottages worth 5s. each paid by various customary tenants there at the same terms, a fishery, annual value 40s. paid by customary tenants at the same terms in equal portions, 6s. 4d. assize rents yearly at the same terms, and perquisites, issues and profits of courts, annual value 6s. 8d. For the same reason 1/3 manor of Wigborough came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV on the death of Isabel, widow of William Cogan, knight , who held it in dower, and afterwards came into the hand of ‪ Henry V on the death of Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, and because of the minority of his son Fulk. The manor of Wigborough is held of the king in chief by knight service. There are in the 1/3 manor 1/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 1/3 garden, 1/2 a., annual value 4d., 40 a. arable worth 6d. an acre yearly, 20 a. meadow worth 8d. an acre yearly, 10 a. pasture worth 6d. an acre yearly, 26s. 8d. rent paid by various free tenants at the above terms in equal portions, and 6 tenements worth 4s. each paid by various customary tenants at the same terms. Also for the reasons given in 619 the following fee and portions of knight's fees came into the king's hand: 1/2 fee in Alstone which Thomas Pomeray holds of the manor of Huntspill, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Saltay which Joan widow of Walter Tilly holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Upper Weare which John Hampton holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Lower Weare which Richard Powere holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1 fee in Burnham which William Wicham holds, annual value 100s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in the hundred of Bempstone which the heir of the earl of Ormond holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Huntspill which Lord Harington holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Worston which Lady de Powlet holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Alstone which Thomas Brooke, knight , holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Huntspill which John Vernay , John Pokyswille , John Wyvelescomb , John Dabernon and Richard Clopton hold, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Huntspill which John Norton holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Huntspill which William Gascoigne and Robert Herward hold, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Crokesham which the heir of the earl of Ormond holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which Henry Briton holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which William Govey holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which Richard Jewell , William Northlode and Christine Michell hold, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/40 fee which Robert Chaumberlayn holds, annual value 2s. 6d. when it occurs; 1/4 fee which John ?Bremyng holds of Lord Harington, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/10 fee which William Whittok holds, annual value 10s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which John Gilberd holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in East Pennard which the abbot of Glastonbury holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Low Ham which John Berkele, knight , holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in `Dudeputte' and Overton, which John Raymond holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; and 1/30 fee in Pylle which John Loryng holds, annual value 20d. when it occurs. The following were assigned to Anne in dower: 1/2 fee in Alstone which Thomas Pomeray, knight , holds; 1/2 fee in Saltay which Richard Boyton holds; 1/4 fee in Worston which Lady de Paulet holds; and 1/4 fee in Alstone which Thomas Broke, knight , holds.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 27-28

E 149/119/9 m. 6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

627 Writ devenerunt ‡ 10 Oct. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Devon. Inquisition. Exeter. 12 Nov. [Jaybyn].


Jurors: John Crokker ; Robert Lytelton ; William Gilbard ; Nicholas Speccote ; Thomas Pyllond ; Henry Person ; William Werthe ; William Blynche ; John Spenser ; Richard Whitelok ; Robert atte Wode ; and Roger Thorne n627_001


For the reasons given in 619 the manors of Holne and Nymet Tracy and the advowson of the church of Nymet Tracy, the manors of Warkleigh and Marwood and the advowsons of their churches, the manor and borough of Ilfracombe, which are the same, the manors of Up Exe, Beer Charter or Beer, St. Mary Church, 2 messuages, a carucate, a ferling, 20 a. meadow, 10 a. wood and £14 assize rents in Lower Creedy, Haske, Crediton, Shillingford and Totnes, the advowson of the church of Satterleigh, the manor of Kingston with `Marwyll', which is part of it, all came into the hands of ‪ Richard II and ‪ Henry IV . There are in Totnes 3 a. wood and £14 rent, part of the manor of Little Totnes, which is the same as Totnes. There are in Lower Creedy a ferling, 12 a. meadow and 6 a. wood. There is a messuage in Crediton. There are in Shillingford a messuage and a carucate, and in Haske 8 a. meadow and 1 a. wood. After the death of Fulk the son 1/3 manors of Holne, Nymet Tracy, Warkleigh, Ilfracombe, Up Exe, St. Mary Church, Marwood with the advowson, 26s. 8d. rent in the manor of Beer Charter, 1 a. wood and £4 3s. 4d. in the manor of Little Totnes, 1/3 ferling, 4 a. meadow and 2 a. wood in Lower Creedy and Haske, 1/3 manor of Kingston and the advowson of Satterleigh were assigned to his widow Anne in dower. The 2/3 manors of Holne, Nymet Tracy and the advowson, Warkleigh, Ilfracombe, Up Exe, St. Mary Church and Beer Charter, except the 26s. 8d. rent there assigned to Anne, 2 a. wood and £9 6s. 8d. in the manor of Little Totnes, 2/3 ferling, 8 a. meadow and 4 a. wood in Lower Creedy and Haske, a messuage in Crediton, 2/3 manor of Kingston and a messuage and a carucate in Shillingford came into the hand of ‪Henry V because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk and remain with the king. The 2/3 manor of Holne are held of the king by knight service and there are there 2/3 capital messuage called `le logge', annual value nil, 2 a. meadow, annual value 6s., 2/3 water-mill, annual value 6s. 8d., 40 a. mature wood called `Durpark' enclosed for beasts of the chase, annual value of the pasture nil beyond the grazing, 200 a. mature wood, annual value of the pasture nil, 15s. 4d. assize rents at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas in equal portions, and 30 messuages and 640 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 110s. at the above terms in equal portions. The 2/3 manor of Nymet Tracy are held of the king in chief by knight service and there are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 80 a. arable, annual value 26s. 8d., 8 a. meadow, annual value 8s., 40 a. pasture, annual value 26s. 8d., 40 a. mature wood, the pasture of which is worth 2s. yearly, 2/3 water-mill, annual value 6s. 8d., 67s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, 6 messuages and 180 a. and 13 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 36s. at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions, and 2/3 perquisites, issues and profits of courts, annual value 20d. The 2/3 manor of Warkleigh are held of the heirs of Robert Fitzpayn , service unknown, and there are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 40 a. arable, 2 a. meadow and 12 a. pasture leased to Roger Bright, farmer of the manor, for life paying 20s. at the four principal terms, 40 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 6s. 8d., 2/3 water-mill, annual value 3s. 4d., 35s. 8d. assize rents at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions, 18 messuages and 18 ferlings belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 72s. at the four principal terms. The 2/3 manor of Ilfracombe are held of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown, and there are there 2/3 50s. assize rents at the four principal terms in equal portions and 2/3 of 2 water-mills, annual value 4s. 4d. The 2/3 manor of Up Exe are also held of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown, and there are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 100 a. demesne arable, annual value 33s. 4d., 10 a. meadow, annual value 6s. 8d., 40 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 3s. 4d., 2d. assize rents at Michaelmas, 2/3 water-mill, annual value 8s., 10 messuages and 140 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 40s. at the four principal terms in equal portions. The 2/3 manor of St. Mary Church are held of John Dynham, knight ,service unknown, and there are there 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 40 a. demesne arable, annual value 13s. 4d., 2 a. meadow, annual value 2s., 14 a. pasture, annual value 14d., 26s. 8d. assize rents at the four principal terms in equal portions, 6 messuages and 160 a. and 4 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 40s. at the four principal terms in equal portions. The manor of Beer Charter is held of the abbot of Cleeve , service unknown. There are in the manor a capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 40 a. demesne arable, annual value 26s. 8d., 7 a. demesne meadow, annual value 3s. 6d., 6 a. mature and dense wood, annual value of the pasture nil, 20s. assize rents above the 26s. 8d. assize rents assigned to Anne in dower, paid at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions, and 2 tofts and 32 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 8s. at the four principal terms. The 2/3 manor of Lower Creedy are held of the heirs of John de la Pomeray, knight , service unknown. There are in the 2/3 manor 2/3 ferling, annual value 26s. 8d., 8 a. meadow, annual value 24s., and 4 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 2s. 8d. The tenements in Haske are also held of John de la Pomeray, knight , service unknown. There are in that township 8 a. meadow, annual value 16d., and 1 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 1d. The 2/3 manor of Little Totnes are held of the heirs of Lord Zouche of his castle of Totnes in socage. There are in the 2/3 manor 2 a. wood, annual value of the pasture 6d., and £9 6s. 8d. assize rents at the four principal terms mentioned above. There are in Shillingford a messuage and a carucate held of the abbot of Torre in socage, annual value 13s. 4d. There is in Crediton a messuage held of the bishop of Exeter in socage, annual value 12d. The 2/3 manor of Kingston are held of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown. There are in the 2/3 manor 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 210 a. demesne arable, annual value 70s., 6 a. demesne meadow, annual value 6s., 100 a. pasture, annual value 16s. 8d., 34 messuages and 24 ferlings belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying £12 12s. at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions, 61s. 6d. assize rents at the same terms in equal portions, and 2/3 water-mill, annual value 5s. William Cogan, knight , was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Uffculme and married Isabel. After his death the manor, except for 4 marks rent, was assigned to Isabel in dower. On Isabel's death the manor, except the rent, descended to Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV , as William's kinsman and heir, i.e. son of Elizabeth daughter of William, and thus came into the king's hand. Afterwards 1/3 manor was assigned in dower to Anne after the death of her husband Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, and 2/3 manor came into the hand of ‪ Henry V because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk. There are in the 2/3 manor, which is held of the king in chief by knight service, 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil because wasted and ruinous, 104 a. demesne arable, annual value 34s. 8d., 28 a. meadow, annual value 18s. 8d., 2/3 park of 44 a., annual value of the pasture 18s., 28 a. hill pasture, annual value 4s. 8d., 2 fulling-mills, annual value 4s., 2/3 water-mill, annual value 6s. 8d., 14 messuages and 280 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying £4 at the four principal terms mentioned above, 14 cottages leased to various tenants at will paying 28s. at the same terms in equal portions, £4 16s. assize rents paid at the same terms in equal portions, and 2/3 perquisites, issues and profits of courts, 6s. 8d. Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Worlington and leased it to Walter Cornu , reversion to Fulk and his heirs in fee. Fulk died seised of the reversion and it descended to his son and heir Fulk, a minor in the wardship of ‪ Henry IV , and to that Fulk's son and heir Fulk, a minor in the wardship of Henry V . On Walter's death the manor therefore came into the hand of ‪Henry V and remains there. The manor of Worlington is held of John, earl of Huntingdon , of the manor of Fremington, service unknown. There are in the manor 7 messuages and 130 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying £4 6s. at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions. John Fitzwaryn was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Spitchwick and on his death it descended to Fulk son of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, a minor, as his heir, i.e. son of John's brother Fulk, and was taken into the king's hand, where it remains. The manor is held of Robert Ponynges, knight , of the manor of Stogursey by knight service. There are in the manor a capital messuage, annual value nil, a water-mill and a fulling-mill, annual value 13s. 4d., 100 a. arable, annual value 50s., 5 a. meadow, annual value 10s., 400 a. common pasture, annual value 6s. 8d., 22s. 4d. assize rents at Christmas, Whitsun and Michaelmas in equal portions, 30 messuages and 300 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 100s. yearly at the same three terms in equal portions. William Martyn, knight , was seised of the manor of Tawstock with the advowson of the church of the manor, and of other manors, lands and tenements in Devon in his demesne as of fee and had issue William, Joan and Eleanor. On William's death his son William entered and married Margaret. Joan married Nicholas de Audeley and Eleanor married Philip de Columbariis . William son of William died seised without issue and Joan and Eleanor and their husbands entered in right of Joan and Eleanor, the younger William's sisters and heirs. They assigned the manor and advowson of Tawstock to Margaret in dower. In a partition the reversion of the manor and advowson was assigned to Eleanor and Margaret attorned to Eleanor and Philip. By a fine shown to the jurors levied oct. Hil. 1335 [CP 25/1/286/38, no. 161] between Lewis de Cammeys, parson of Combe Martin , and Baldwin Dollemere [Aylmer in fine], quer., and Philip and Eleanor, def., def. acknowledged the manor and advowson of Tawstock to be the right of quer. and heirs of Lewis, as those which Margaret held in dower of Lewis's inheritance, and that it should revert to quer. for life, then to Ralph Basset junior , his wife Alice and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to Eleanor's right heirs. Philip and Eleanor died without issue; Nicholas and Joan had issue James and the aforesaid Alice; and Ralph and Alice had issue Ralph. Margaret, Ralph and Alice died, and after Margaret's death Ralph son of Ralph entered the manor and advowson of Tawstock. By a fine levied East. three weeks 1370 [CP 25/1/44/60, no. 381] between Thomas Daudeley , quer., and James de Audeley , kinsman and heir of Eleanor, i.e. son of Joan sister of Eleanor, by the name of James Daudeley of Hele, def., def. granted that the manor and advowson of Tawstock, which ought to revert to him and his heirs on Ralph's death, should revert to Thomas and the heirs of his body, with sucessive reversions in tail general to Thomas's brothers Roland and James, remainder to Thomas's right heirs. Thomas, Roland, James and Ralph son of Ralph all died without issue and the manor remained to Fulk Fitzwaryn as Thomas's right heir, i.e. son of Fulk son of Margaret sister of Thomas, and came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV because of Fulk's minority. Afterwards 1/3 manor and advowson was assigned in dower to Joan widow of Ralph Basset son of Ralph and 2/3 remained with the king. Joan's 1/3 passed to ‪ Henry IV on her death because of Fulk's minority. Fulk married Anne and died and 1/3 manor and advowson were assigned in dower to Anne and 2/3 came into the hand of ‪ Henry V because of the minority of Fulk's and Anne's son Fulk. The 2/3 manor are held of the king by knight service, and there are in the manor 2/3 capital messuage, annual value nil, 2/3 dovecot, annual value 8d., 2/3 garden, 1 1/2 a., annual value 12d., 256 a. demesne arable, annual value £6 8s., 8 a. demesne meadow, annual value 16s., 66 a. pasture, annual value 33s., 56 messuages and 52 ferlings belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying £26 at the four principal terms mentioned above in equal portions, 24 cottages and 20 a. arable belonging to them leased to various tenants at will paying 24s. at the four principal terms in equal portions, £13 2s. 8d. aid from customary tenants at the Annunciation, 20s. at Easter for a customary payment called `beuenbyggen', 6s. 8d. at Easter for a customary payment called `childernesylver', 14s. at Easter from ploughing works, a park enclosed for beasts of the chase, annual value nil beyond their upkeep, 2 water-mills, annual value 26s. 8d., 15s. 8d. assize rents at the four principal terms mentioned above, and 2/3 perquisites, issues and profits of courts, 6s. 8d. For the reasons given in 619 the following knight's fee and portions of fees came into the hands of ‪ Richard II , ‪ Henry IV and ‪ Henry V, where they remain: 1/30 fee in Kingston which William Somayster holds, annual value 4s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which Walter Rogger holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/8 fee in Langstone which Walter Frode of Langstone holds, annual value 12s. 6d. when it occurs; 1/6 fee in Kingston which Joan Chausy holds, annual value 16s. 8d. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Michelcombe which John Jaycok holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Holne which William atte Brigge holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/8 fee in Holne which John Stephyn and Alexander Shuteman hold, annual value 5s. 8d. when it occurs; 1/10 fee in Up Exe which John Rogger holds, annual value 10s. when it occurs; 1 fee in Washbourne and Farmstone which the heirs of Robert Waysshburn hold, annual value 100s. when it occurs; 1/10 fee in Warkleigh which William atte Hulle holds, annual value 10s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee which John Avenell holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/50 fee in Newland which John Lymbare holds, annual value 18d. when it occurs; 1/10 fee in Warkleigh which Richard Brademore holds, annual value 10s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Hathercombe which Robert Blakewyll holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Hone which William Hone holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Rollstone which the heirs of Walter Rowyston hold, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Fishleigh which John Elys of Fishleigh holds, annual value 50s.; 1/4 fee in Westcott which Thomas Westcote holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Shutterford which John Skatford holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Beer Charter which Nicholas Fitzhugh holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which William Wydecombe holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/16 fee which John Phelip holds, annual value 6s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which Henry Symon holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee which William Boys holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/50 fee there which Henry Gordyng holds, annual value 18d. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which William Mayon [or Mayou] holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which John Bron holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which John Herry holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which John Knylle holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which John Palmer holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/30 fee there which John Parkman holds, annual value 4s. when it occurs; 1/35 fee there which Philip Pearde holds, annual value 4s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Marwood which Thomas Evyas holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Leigh which John Chidderlegh holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Foxhill which John Wyke holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee in Gaddon which John Hardyng holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/20 fee there which William Wynchestre holds, annual value 5s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Bradfield and Stenhall which John Walrond holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/26 fee in Woodrow which Richard atte Wode holds, annual value 4s. 6d. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Yondercott which Giles Daunton holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/2 fee in Fullingcott which John Taple holds, annual value 50s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Worlington which the heirs of John Yevelcombe and Thomas Hodelesford hold, annual value 25s. when it occurs; 1/6 fee there which William Gorewill holds, annual value 16s. 8d. when it occurs; 1/10 fee which William Molton holds, annual value 10s. when it occurs; 1/16 fee there which Alexander Pricche holds, annual value 6s. when it occurs; 1/4 fee in Marwood which Richard Spencer holds, annual value 25s. when it occurs. Afterwards 1/3 of the fees were allotted in dower to Anne: i.e. 1/35 fee in Beer Charter which Philip Pearde holds; 1/20 fee in Kingston which Robert Veale holds; 1/20 fee there which Walter Roger holds; 1/20 fee in Michelcombe which John Jaycok holds; 1/10 fee in Up Exe which John Logge [sic] holds; 1 fee in Washbourne and Farmstone which the heirs of Robert Wayssheburn hold; 1/2 fee in Warkleigh which John Avenell holds; 1/4 fee in Hathercombe which Robert Blakwyll holds; 1/4 fee in Hone which William Hone holds; 1/4 fee in Westcott which Thomas Westcote holds; 1/20 fee in Beer Charter which Nicholas Fitzhugh holds; 1/30 fee there which Henry Parkman holds; 1/20 fee in Gaddon which William Wynchestre holds; 1/26 fee in Woodrow which Richard atte Wode holds; 1/10 fee in Worlington which the heirs of Walter Melton hold; and 1/4 fee in Marwood which Richard Spenser holds. Afterwards 2/3 fees came into the hand of ‪ Henry V, where they remain.

Date of death and heir as in 619.

TNA reference

C 138/52/106 mm. 31-32

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

n627_001^: Same jury as 635.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • John Crokker
  • Robert Lytelton
  • William Gilbard
  • Nicholas Speccote
  • Thomas Pyllond
  • Henry Person
  • William Werthe
  • William Blynche
  • John Spenser
  • Richard Whitelok
  • Robert atte Wode
  • Roger Thorne


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