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Writ Head

614 Writ ‡ 22 Nov. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Addressed to William Caumbrigge, mayor and escheator of the city of London. [Dorse:] Certificate that no lands held of the king could be discovered by inquisition or any other means.

Inquisition Head

London. Inquisition. Guildhall. 30 July 1421. [Caumbridge].


Jurors: William Pykeman ; John Parker ; John Rotelond ; John Flessh’ ; Thomas Hesey ; William Wolstyn ; Arthur Holy ; Richard Welles ; Alan John ; Laurence Harlewyn ; John Gardener ; and William Welton .n614_001


He held no lands, rents or tenements within the liberty of the city or in the suburbs of the king or others either in demesne or by service.

He died on 27 Oct. last. John Doreward is his son and next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/52/104 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Essex. Inquisition [indented]. Chelmsford. 6 Dec. [Darcy].


Jurors: William Dauy ; James Hogge ; John Peuerell ; William Holdelyn ; Thomas Chapman ; Richard Martill ; John Pichard of Castle Hedingham or Sible Hedingham; John Rede ; Roger Stace ; John Wolward ; Richard Stainer ; and John Belamy .


He held in his demesne as of fee: `Raurethehalle' manor and 2 tenements called `Delamares' and `Borelles' with 200 a. arable belonging to them in the same township [?Rawreth]. There are within the manor a site with various buildings, annual value nil, 300 a. arable, annual value 4d. an acre, 100 a. pasture, annual value 6d. an acre, 10 a. meadow for hay, annual value 18d. an acre when mown, 4 a. mature wood, annual value 12d. an acre, 120 a. salt marsh, annual value 4d. an acre, and £8 annual rent at Easter and Michaelmas from various tenants in the townships of Rawreth, Rayleigh and Hadleigh. The manor is held of the king in chief for 1 knight's fee. Of whom the 2 tenements and 200 a. arable called `Delamares' and `Borelles', annual value 8 marks, are held is unknown; `Dorewardes' manor in Bocking with 4 tenements called `Gooses', `Masones', `Paytones' and `Mottes' with 103 a. arable belonging to them, annual values: the arable 3d. an acre, and the tenements 20d. There are in the manor a site with various buildings, annual value nil, a dovecot, annual value 2s., 188 a. arable, annual value 3d. an acre, 20 a. pasture, annual value 4d. an acre, 30 a. meadow for hay, annual value 20d. an acre, and 100s. yearly rent at the above terms from various tenants in Bocking, Braintree and Stisted. Of whom and by what service the manor and the tenements are held is unknown, as is their values; the manor of Leaden Roding in which are a site with various buildings, annual value nil, a dovecot, annual value 2s., 500 a. arable, annual value 4d. an acre, 20 a. pasture, annual value 6d. an acre, 12 a. meadow for hay, annual value 20d. an acre when mown, 40 a. mature wood, annual value 3d. [?an acre], 66s. annual rent at the above terms from various tenants in Leaden Roding, White Roding and `Hystren' and a three-weekly court, annual value nil. Of whom and by what service the manor is held is unknown; `Oldehalle' manor in Tendring with the advowson of the church of that township, annual value 12d. There are in the manor 3 ruinous farm buildings, annual value nil, 300 a. arable, annual value 2d. an acre, 3 a. meadow for hay, annual value 12d. an acre, 12 a. underwood, annual value 3d. an acre, and 36s. annual rent from various tenants at the above terms. Of whom the manor and advowson are held is unknown; 1 a. arable in `Gaggewelle', annual value 6d., and the advowson of that township, annual value 20d. Of whom they are held is unknown. He was seised jointly with his wife Isabel, who survives, of: `Olyvers' manor in Stanway, a tenement and 200 a. arable in Stanway called `Belhouse' by grant of Richard Baynard and Ralph Chambirlein to them and the heirs of John. Annual value of `Belhouse' 10 marks, but of whom and by what service it is held is unknown; 2 tenements, a water-mill and 200 a. land and meadow called `Herryes' of Bocking and `Renkynes' of Bocking in Bocking and Stisted by grant of John Frere to them and the heirs of John, annual value £10, but of whom they are held and by what service is unknown. He was seised jointly with Isabel, Richard Fitznicholl , John Berkhamstede, clerk , and Thomas Curtays , of `Wareyneslond' containing 28 a. in Bocking, by grant of Robert Chapman of Coggeshall and others to them and the heirs of John, annual value 10s. but of whom and by what service they are held is unknown. He was formerly seised in his demesne as of fee of `Parkhalle' and `Morelles' manors in Gosfield and of a tenement and 100 a. arable and meadow called `Bredefordes' in Bocking and Braintree and by his charter shown to the jurors and dated at Gosfield on 9 June 1416 he granted to William Bourghchier, knight , William Loveneye, esquire , John Tyrell , John Doreward son of John Doreward, esquire , John Squery , William Aillemere , John Grene , Richard Fitznicholl , Thomas Roos, clerk , and Thomas Curtays `Parkhalle' manor in Gosfield, `Morelles' manor and its appurtenances in Gosfield, Sible Hedingham, Great Maplestead, Halstead and Bocking and `Bredefordes' in Bocking and Braintree to hold in fee simple, and they remain seised. Annual values: `Parkhalle' manor £10, `Morelles' manor 5 marks, and `Bredefordes' 40s. Of whom and by what service they are held is unknown. He was seised jointly with Master William Gray, clerk , John son of John Doreward, esquire , William Clopton of Long Melford, John Squery of Thaxted, Ralph Chambirleyn , Richard Fitznicholl , John Berkhamstede, clerk , Thomas Roos, clerk , Henry Perye and Thomas Curtays of the manors, lands, tenements, rents and services called `Borewyk', `Scoteneyes' and `Cardeux' in Toppesfield, Great Yeldham, Great or Little Maplestead, Haverhill, Sible Hedingham and elsewhere in Essex and Suffolk by grant of Robert Rikedon of Witham, annual value £20, but of whom and by what service they are held is unknown. He was also seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Stanway, annual value 20 marks, and by his charter shown to the jurors dated at Stanway 25 Dec. 1416 granted it and the advowson of the church there to Thomas Erpyngham , Simon Filbrigge , William Coggeshale , Thomas Swynbourne , John Cheyne , Robert Berneye , knights, John Hiende , John Boys , Richard Baynard , Robert Rykedon , Ralph Chambirlain , John Sebourgh , John Costantyn , William Aillemer , John Berkhamstede, clerk , John Grene and Richard Fitznicholl , who after John's death were to make an estate in them to Isabel for life in lieu of her right to dower in his other manors, which were to remain to his son and heir John in fee simple. They remain seised. Of whom and by what service they are held is unknown. He also held in his demesne as of fee 3 tofts called `Chambrys Storys' and `Parmynters' with 300 a. arable, and 8 a. meadow in Stanway, annual value 53s. 4d., but of whom and by what service they are held is unknown. He also held jointly with Isabel for life the manor or priory of Mersea in Essex by demise of Guy, abbot of St. Ouen , Rouen, in Normandy to Henry, bishop of Annaghdown in Ireland, John Doreward named in the writ and Isabel, the licence of ‪ Henry IV having been obtained [14 and 29 May 1400: CPR 1399-1401, pp. 284-5, 293]. ‪ Henry IV afterwards confirmed the grant by letters patent shown to the jurors [27 June 1400 and 28 March 1401:CPR 1399-1401, pp. 308, 480].

He died on 12 Nov. last. John Doreward is his son and next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/52/104 mm. 3-4

E 149/120/9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Mapilton(Writ Clerk)


  • William Dauy
  • James Hogge
  • John Peuerell
  • William Holdelyn
  • Thomas Chapman
  • Richard Martill
  • John Pichard of Castle Hedingham or Sible Hedingham
  • John Rede
  • Roger Stace
  • John Wolward
  • Richard Stainer
  • John Belamy


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