Full text


Writ Head

588 Writ devenerunt ‡ 17 March 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Warwickshire. Inquisition. Warwick. 26 March. [Castell].


Jurors: Roger Bulston ; Thomas Erglas ; Robert Crook ; William Propheta ; Roger Tone ; William Myles ; Edmund Bykenhill ; Thomas Tubbe ; William Petifer ; Richard Nichols ; William Gormound ; and John Ilger .


By the death of Thomas Ralegh who held in chief by knight service of ‪ Henry IV and because of the minority of his son and heir William the following lands came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain with the present king: 1/2 toft, 30 a. arable and 2 a. meadow in Lower Shuckburgh, held of William Shukkeburgh , service unknown. Annual values: 1/2 toft nil, the 30 a., 2s. 6d., and the 2 a., 10d.

William died without heirs of his body on 28 Dec. last. Joan wife of Gerard Braybroke, esquire , daughter of Thomas Ralegh , is his sister and next heir, aged 19 years and more.

[Exchequer copy, margin:.] Examined by Selby.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 1-2

E 149/116/4 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

589 Writ devenerunt ‡ 8 Feb. 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Oxfordshire. Inquisition. Deddington. 15 March. [Broun].


Jurors: John Fuppes ; Robert Broun ; Thomas Holbert ; Thomas Catesone ; Thomas Dauy ; Ralph Caton ; William Holbert ; John Couper ; Richard Dene ; William Hogges ; Thomas Stanford ; and John Lodbrok .


For the reasons given in 588 there remain in the king's hand the manor of `Spaldyngysfe' in Mollington, the manor called `Sagesfe' in Great Bourton, a virgate in Williamscot and 2 a. in Cropredy. All were assigned in dower to Joan widow of Thomas Ralegh , who survives, by Thomas Bekyngham, formerly escheator of ‪ Henry IV ; as were all the lands which William Baylly , Ralph Caton and Agnes Soutere held in the manor of `Spaldyngysfe', the lands which Thomas Broun holds and a close called 'Apholt' which John Symmes holds in the manor of `Sagesfe' and a virgate in Williamscot which Lorica Toky held. The rest of the manors, lands and tenements came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain in the hand of the present king.

The manor of `Spaldyngysfe' is held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight's fee. There are in the manor 3 messuages and 2 cottages, annual value nil, 300 a. arable, annual value 33s. 4d., 20 a. meadow, annual value 8s. 4d., all values excluding the lands and tenements allotted to Joan.
The manor of `Sagesfe' is held of the lord of Nottingham of his manor of `Oldebrygg', service unknown. There are in the manor 4 messuages, annual value nil, 200 a. arable, annual value 12s. 2d., 15 a. meadow, annual value 7s. 6d., and 1/2 d. assize rent paid by the hands of William Thanewell at Michaelmas, all values axcluding the lands allotted to Joan in dower.
Cropredy. The 2 a. meadow, annual value 6s. 8d., are held of the heirs of Thomas Cotteford, knight , service unknown.
Williamscot. The virgate is held of the bishop of Lincoln , service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 588.

[Exchequer copy, foot:.] Apportionment of 55s. 6d. p.a. from 28 Dec. 1419 to 28 April 1420, being 1 quarter and 31 days: 15s. 3d. [Struck through:] Apportionment of 68s. 6d. p.a. from 18 Dec. 1420 to the following Easter, being 70 days: 13s. 1 1/2d.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 3-4

E 149/116/4 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Wiltshire. Inquisition [indented]. Salisbury. 24 Feb. [Persones].


Jurors: John Bryd ; Robert Bacham ; Robert Coufold ; Ralph Temple ; Nicholas Leye ; Thomas Gereberd ; John Gilberd ; John Billyndon ; Thomas Crab ; Walter Bacham ; John Nicholas ; and Simon Vnewyne .


For the reasons given in 588 there came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain in the hand of the present king

20 a. dry meadow and hill pasture in Ashton Keynes , held of the heir of Lord Despenser in socage, annual value 8s.

Date of death and heir as in 588.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the inquisition has also been corrected.

Inquisition Head

591 Hampshire. Inquisition [indented]. Fordingbridge. 26 Feb. 1420. [Persones].


Jurors: Walter Olde ; Thomas Rule ; John Toriton ; John Gore ; Geoffrey Pay ; Gregory Godde ; Peter Bakere ; William Knyght ; Robert Symkyn ; John Body ; John Kymbell ; and Geoffrey Webbe .


For the reasons given in 588 there came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain in the hand of the present king in the Isle of Wight the manor of Walpen, 4 messuages, 6 cottages, 10 tofts and 2 carucates in `Wode', 6 messuages, 8 cottages, 6 tofts and 3 carucates in Chillingwood and 2 little closes in Haven Street.

Walpen. The manor is held of the duchess of York of the castle of Carisbrooke by knight service. There are in the manor 30 messuages, annual value nil, 20 tofts, annual value 3s. 4d., 800 a. arable, annual value £16 13s. 4d., 40 a. meadow, annual value 13s. 4d., 100 a. pasture, annual value 16s. 8d., 10s. assize rents from various tenements there at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions, and a windmill, annual value 6s. 8d., all held in the same way as the manor.
Annual values: 4 messuages and 6 cottages in `Wode', nil; 10 tofts, 3s. 4d.; 2 dovecots in the 2 carucates, nil; 4 gardens nil; 300 a. arable, 50s.; 19 a. meadow, 10s.; 100 a. pasture and moor, 6s. 8d.; 100 a. wood, 3s. 4d; 6 messuages, 8 cottages and 6 tofts in Chillingwood, nil; a dovecot in the 3 carucates in Chillingwood, nil; 6 gardens, nil; 300 a. arable, 37s. 6d.; 20 a. meadow, 10s.; 80 a. pasture, 6s. 8d.; 80 a. wood, 3s. 4d.
The 2 closes in Haven Street contain 10 a. arable, annual value 12d., and are held of John Hore by service of 12d. yearly at Michaelmas for all services.

Date of death and heir as in 588.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 5, 7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

592 Writ melius inquirendo ‡ 1 April 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Refers to CIPM XVIII, no. 1104, which found that Thomas Ralegh held 2 crofts and heath in Haven Street. Inquire what interest Thomas had in them.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Fordingbridge. 11 April. [Persones].


Jurors: William Holte ; Walter Olde ; John Gore ; John Thoryton ; Thomas Rule ; Peter Baker ; Geoffrey Pay ; William Knyght ; John Body ; William Parell ; John Kymbell ; and Robert Symekyn .


Thomas Ralegh held 2 small crofts of arable and furze in Haven Street in the Isle of Wight in his demesne as of fee.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 8-9

E 149/12xxx

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Herefordshire. Inquisition. Hereford. 2 March. [Russell].


Jurors: Richard Hope ; William Thomkyns ; John Herberd ; Thomas Nasshe ; Walter Loue ; John Hauc ; Symon Kynge ; Ralph de Egleton ; Thomas Maddeston ; John Page ; John Maugne of Pixley ; and William Cotte .n593_001


For the reasons given in 588 there came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain in the hand of the present king 1/4 manor of Westhide and all the lands and tenements, part of the 1/4 manor, which John Cook , John Lovell , Henry Thomas and Gregory Tayllour held, and a tenement which John Cot held, and 2 parcels of woods called `Westwode' and `Cokhutlond', all of which were assigned in dower to Thomas Ralegh 's widow Joan by John Harry, escheator of ‪ Henry IV . Because of William's minority the remainder of the 1/4 manor came into the hand of the present king. It is held of the heirs of Adam de Everyngham, knight , service unknown.

Westhide. There are in the 1/4 manor 3 messuages, annual value 6d., 2 tofts, annual value 6d., 300 a. arable, annual value 33s. 4d., 20 a. meadow, annual value 13s. 4d., and 20 a. pasture, annual value 3s. 4d., and 30 a. wood, annual value 5s., not including the lands assigned to Joan.

Date of death and heir as in 588.

[The Exchequer copy has an apportionment calculation at the foot.]

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 10-11

E 149/116/4 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Writ Head

594 Writ melius inquirendo ‡ 1 April 1420 [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Refers to CIPM XVIII, no. 1108, which found that Thomas Ralegh held 1/4 manor of Westhide. Inquire what interest Thomas had in it.

Inquisition Head

Herefordshire. Inquisition. Hereford. 15 April. [Russell].


Jurors: Richard Hope ; William Thomkyns ; John Herbard ; Thomas Nassh ; Walter Loue ; Geoffrey Laverente ; John Bene ; John Lovell ; Simon Kynge ; John Hauk ; Thomas Lovell ; and John Pyper .n594_001


Thomas Ralegh held in his demesne as of fee, i.e. to him, his heirs and assigns, 1/4 manor of Westhide.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 12-13

E 149/120/14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Gloucestershire. Inquisition. Gloucester. 16 March. [Whityngton].


Jurors: James Gayner ; Robert Monemouthe ; Richard Mille ; John Staure ; John Clerk ; John Notlyn ; John Hemmyng ; Walter Boghan ; John Fauconere ; John Bourne ; John Adams ; and John Chaunterell .


For the reasons given in 588 there came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV and remain in the hand of the present king a messuage and 2 carucates in Turkdean, [?part of] the manor of Norcott, 2/3 manor of Lassington with the advowson of the church of Lassington belonging to the manor, the manor of Edgeworth with the advowson of the church of Edgeworth belonging to the manor, and 1/3 manor of Ley . There were assigned in dower to Thomas Ralegh 's widow Joan from the manors by Edward Lodelowe, escheator of Henry IV,

a messuage and 2 carucates in Turkdean, held of the king of the honor of Wallingford;
2/3 manor of Lassington, held of the archbishop of York of his manor of Churchdown
; all lands and tenements which John Tancarde and Walter Pallmere hold; a croft called `Bothelescrofte'; and a parcel of wood called `Stepheneswode', all part of the manor of Edgeworth. The rest of the manors are in the king's hand because of the minority of Thomas's son William.
The manor of Norcott is held of the heir of Lord Despenser in socage. There are in that manor 4 messuages and 6 cottages, annual value nil, 200 a. arable, annual value 20s., 200 a. pasture, annual value 16s. 8d., and 20s. assize rents paid yearly by various free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.
The manor of Edgeworth and the advowson of the church of the manor are held of the heir of Lord Talbot of his manor of Painswick, service unknown. There are in that manor 10 messuages and 6 cottages, annual value nil, 400 a. arable, annual value 54s., 200 a. pasture, annual value 10s., 30 a. meadow, annual value 20s., 40 a. wood, annual value 3s. 4d., and the advowson, annual value nil, all values above the land assigned to Joan.
The 1/3 manor of Ley is held in socage of the heir of Lord Talbot. There are in the 1/3 16 messuages, 10 cottages and 10 tofts, annual value nil, 300 a. arable, annual value 33s. 4d., 100 a. pasture and moor, annual value 8s. 4d., 40 a. meadow, annual value 20s., and 13s. 4d. assize rents paid by various free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.
Annual value of the advowson of Lassington belonging to 2/3 manor there, nil.

Date of death and heir as in 588.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 14-15

E 149/116/4 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Devon. Inquisition. Exeter. 6 March. [Foleford].


Jurors: Walter Pollard ; John Biry ; Richard Barry ; Geoffrey Bowey ; William Vppecote ; Thomas Bykelegh ; Henry Salterne ; John Barry ; John ..dchild ; Henry Person ; William Wollecomb ; and John Pree .


No lands or tenements in demesne came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV by the deaths of Thomas Ralegh and his son William or remain in the hand of the present king. William died seised as of fee and right of the following: the reversion of the manor of West Hagginton which Thomas, by the name of Thomas Ralegh of Charles, by his indenture dated 6 Sept. 1403 and shown to the jurors in evidence, demised to Thomas Kyngeslond , who survives, for life, rendering £8 6s. 8d. to Thomas and his heirs at Easter and Michaelmas yearly in equal portions, remainder to Agnes wife of Thomas Kyngeslond and John son of Thomas and Agnes, already dead, rendering £11 to Thomas Ralegh and his heirs at the same terms. By virtue of that demise Thomas Kyngeslond was and still is seised, and the £8 6s. 8d. rent and the remainder came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV on the death of Thomas Ralegh and remain in the hand of the present king because of William's minority. William held the manor of Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , by knight service of the honor of Okehampton now in the king's hand because of the death of the former earl, Hugh's father Edward Courtenay , annual value 53s. 4d. above the £8 6s. 8d. rent; the remainder of the manors of Charles and West Buckland and a messuage, a carucate and 40 a. wood in Walson and 1/2 manor of Curtisknowle which Thomas Ralegh as Thomas Ralegh of Charles by his indenture dated 28 Dec. 1402 and also shown to the jurors in evidence demised to Thomas Kyngeslond for life by name of the manor of Charles with appurtenances in West Buckland, Walson and Curtisknowle, rendering to Thomas and his heirs £18 yearly at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. The remainder and £18 rent came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV on the death of Thomas Ralegh and into the hand of the present king, where they remain, by reason of William's minority. William held the remainder of the manor of Charles of Hugh, earl of Devon , by knight service of the honor of Okehampton, now in the king's hand for the reason given above, annual value 10s. above the £18 rent. The manor of West Buckland is held of the heir of Thomas de Ayssh of the manor of Rose Ash by knight service, annual value above the £18 rent, 5s. The messuage, carucate and 40 a. wood in Walson are held of the heir of John de Cobham, knight , of the manor of Cobham Week by knight service, annual value above the £18 rent, 3s. 4d. The moiety of the manor of Curtisknowle is held of the heir of Clarice widow of John Berye by knight service, annual value above the £18 rent, 3s. 4d. None of the above lands is held in chief. By letters patent of 24 Feb. 1407 [CPR 1405-8, p. 296], shown in evidence to the jurors, ‪ Henry IV committed the keeping of the lands of Thomas Ralegh or Raweley, tenant in chief, to William, Lord Willoughby .

Date of death and heir as in 588.

TNA reference

C 138/51/96 mm. 22-23

E 149/116/4 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Frank(Writ Clerk)


  • Walter Pollard
  • John Biry
  • Richard Barry
  • Geoffrey Bowey
  • William Vppecote
  • Thomas Bykelegh
  • Henry Salterne
  • John Barry
  • John ..dchild
  • Henry Person
  • William Wollecomb
  • John Pree


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