Full text


Writ Head

583 Writ ‡ 12 May 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Fordingbridge. 30 May. [Persons].


Jurors: William Arney ; Thomas Dey ; Thomas Ryll ; John Fregham ; Henry Kaym ; John Toryngton ; Gregory Taillour ; John Pelley ; John Fraunceys ; Geoffrey Pay ; William Toryngton ; and William Knyght .


He held of the king in chief in his demesne as of fee 1/2 manor of Tangley by service of 1/4 knight's fee. There are in the moiety £6 assize rents paid by various tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions. Annual value of the moiety above the assize rents nil. He held to him and his legitmate heirs by his wife Margery in fee tail the manor of Niton in the Isle of Wight by grant of his father John Keynes senior to him and Margery and the heirs of their bodies as appears by an indenture shown to the jurors dated 12 March 1397, concerning the manor of Niton among others. Margery predeceased John junior . The manor is held of Philippa, duchess of York , service unknown. There are in the manor 12 messuages, 6 tofts, annual value nil, a mill and 3 gardens, annual value 6s. 8d., 400 a. arable, annual value 3 marks 3s. 4d., 12 a. meadow, annual value 13s. 4d., 200 a. pasture, annual value 13s. 4d., 40 a. wood, annual value 3s. 4d., and 5 marks assize rents from various free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas in equal portions.

He died on 4 May last. Joan wife of John Speke , his and Margery's daughter, is his next heir, aged 22 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/51/95 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A minor correction has also been made.

Writ Head

584 Writ 12 May 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition. Sherborne. 10 June. [Welyngton].


Jurors: Peter Pynford ; Simon Chamberleyn ; Richard Fauntleroy ; John Lyueden ; John Dare ; William Ryder ; Henry Panter ; William Knappelok ; Robert Dolyng ; Walter Goldsmyth ; John Langerygge ; and Robert Dare .


He held no lands in chief or by service in the county. By a fine levied quin. East. and afterwards oct. Mich. 1419 [CP 25/1/291/64, no. 83] between John Keynes senior , quer., and John Bruer , Robert Spret, clerk , Richard Holt, clerk , Hugh Ponchardon and John Roller , def., of the manors of Stoke Wake, Caundle Wake and Hill and of 40 a. meadow and 100 a. pasture in Stoke Wake, Pulham and Hill and of other lands in Devon and Somerset, John Keynes senior acknowledged the manors and tenements to be the right of Richard as those which Richard, etc., had of the gift of John. John Bruer , etc., granted that the manor of Caundle Wake, which Nicholas Keynes and his wife Maud hold for life, should revert to John Keynes senior in tail male, then to the heirs of the body of John Keynes senior . Failing the heirs of the body of John Keynes senior, a moiety of the manors and tenements should remain to Thomas Pyllond , son of his sister Joan, and the heirs of Thomas's body, reversion to his sister Alice and the heirs of her body, remainder to the right heirs of John Keynes senior . The other moiety should remain to Alice and the heirs of her body, reversion to Thomas and the heirs of his body, reversion to the right heirs of John Keynes senior . By virtue of the fine John Keynes senior was seised in demesne as of fee tail of the manors of Stoke Wake and Hill, tenements in Stoke Wake, Pulham and Hill and the remainder of the manor of Caundle Wake. John Keynes senior had issue John Keynes named in the writ, Richard, who survives, William, deceased, and Nicholas and Edmund, who survive. By an indenture sealed with a seal of arms and dated 20 Dec. 1419, shown to the jurors in evidence, John Keynes senior granted the manors, lands and tenements for life to John Hals , John Stourton of Preston, Henry Foleford , Robert Veele and his son Nicholas Keynes , all of whom survive. John Keynes senior died seised of the reversion, which descended to John Keynes named in the writ. The reversion of the manor of Stoke Wake is held of the abbess of Shaftesbury in right of her church, service unknown, annual value £20. The reversions of the manors of Pulham and Hill and of the lands and tenements in Stoke Wake, Pulham and Hill are held of Thomas Colyn , service unknown, annual value 100s. John Keynes senior was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Caundle Wake and by an indenture dated at Caundle Wake 5 Aug. 1418 granted it in tail male to his son Nicholas Keynes and Nicholas's wife Maud, daughter of John Moleyns of South Petherton . John Keynes senior died seised of the reversion which descended to John Keynes named in the writ as his son and heir and he died seised of it. The reversion is held of the prior of Woodspring , service unknown, annual value £8.

Date of death and heir as in 583. Richard Keynes son of John Keynes senior is his brother and heir male, aged 33 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/51/95 mm. 3-4

E 152/9/495/1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Somerset. Inquisition. South Petherton. 10 June. [Welyngton].


Jurors: Robert Mountagu ; John Seyncler ; William Faukener ; William Bowedyche ; John Mede ; Ralph Peny ; John Hardegrey ; Richard Basset ; John Talbot ; Richard Seyncler ; Ralph Seyncler ; and Thomas Serle .


He held the manors of Dowlish Wake and West Dowlish in fee tail by grant of Walter Soureye made to John Wake for life and after his death to John Keynes , his wife Isabel and the heirs of their bodies. John Keynes and Isabel entered after the death of John Wake and were seised in their demesne as of fee tail. John and Isabel had issue Thomas Keynes father of John Keynes father of John Keynes junior . The manors are held of the king of his honor of Trowbridge, part of his duchy of Lancaster, by knight service. There are in the manor of Dowlish Wake 20 messuages, 12 cottages and 10 tofts, annual value nil, a mill, annual value 6s. 8d., a dovecot, annual value nil, 300 a. arable, annual value 40s., 10 a. meadow, annual value 10s., 400 a. pasture, annual value 13s. 4d., 100 a. wood, annual value 3s. 4d., and 100s. 2d. assize rents from various tenants at Michaelmas and the Nativity of St. John the Baptist in equal portions. There are in the manor of West Dowlish 10 messuages, 6 cottages, 4 tofts and 2 gardens, annual value nil, a corn-mill, annual value 3s. 4d., 100 a. arable, annual value 20s., 10 a. meadow, annual value 8s., 100 a. pasture and moor, annual value 8s. 6d., 100 a. of mature wood, annual value 4s., and £3 0s. 6d. assize rents from various tenants at the four usual terms in equal portions. John Keynes father of John Keynes named in the writ was seised of the manors by the grant of Walter, died seised in his demesne as of fee tail and the manors descended to John Keynes named in the writ as his son and heir according to the form of the gift. By the fine mentioned in 584 John Keynes senior acknowledged the manors of Chipley and Compton Martin and a messuage, a carucate and 20 a. meadow in Withiel Florey and the advowson of the church of Compton Martin and other lands in Devon and Dorset to be the right of Richard Holt, by which gift the deforciants, John Bruer , Robert Spret, clerk , Richard Holt, clerk , Hugh Ponchardon and John Roller , were seised. In the same fine the deforciants granted the manor of Chipley and the tenement in Withiel Florey to John Keynes and the male heirs of his body, and granted the reversion in the manor and advowson of Compton Martyn after the death of Richard Michell , who holds it for his life, to John Keynes senior and the male heirs of his body, remainder of one moiety to Thomas Pyllond , son of his sister Joan, and the heirs of Thomas’ body, remainder to his sister Alice and the heirs of her body, remainder to the right heirs of John Keynes senior ; remainder of the other moiety to Alice and the heirs of her body, reversion to Thomas and heirs of his body, remainder to the right heirs of John Keynes senior . By virtue of the fine John Keynes senior was seised of the manor of Chipley and the tenements in Withiel Florey in fee tail, and had issue John Keynes named in the writ, Richard, who survives, William, deceased, and Nicholas and Edmund, who survive. John Keynes senior died seised of the reversion to the manor and advowson of Combe Martyn, after whose death the manor of Chipley and the tenements in Withiel Florey and the reversion of the manor and advowson of Combe Martyn descended to John Keynes junior named in the writ as son and heir of John Keynes senior, and he died seised of such estate therein. Richard Mychell still lives. The manor of Chipley is held of the king as of the honour of Trowbridge by knight service, annual value 40s. The tenements in Withiel Florey are held of William ?Haukester knight , John Hals , Henry Foleford , John Stourton of Preston , John Brewer clerk , Ralph Eustas clerk , Robert Spret clerk and William ?Merlewe as of the manor of Cudworth, annual value 40s. [service not stated]. He held the manor and advowson of Combe Martyn in service and not in demesne of the heirs of the earl of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value nothing before it arises.

Date of death and next heir as in 583, heir male as in 584.

[Exchequer copy, at foot:] It happened that the same Thomas [Pyllond] died without heirs of his body and so the moiety remained to Alice, sister of John Keynes, and the heirs of her body.

TNA reference

C 138/51/95 mm. 3, 5


ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.

Writ Head

586 Writ ‡ 12 May 1420. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Humphrey, duke of Gloucester.

Addressed to the escheator in Devon and Cornwall.

Inquisition Head

Devon. Inquisition. Ashburton. 13 June. [Jaybyn].


Jurors: John Boyvyle ; William Werthe ; John Furs ; John Holcombe ; Nicholas Babbecombe ; John Takell ; John Whele ; Thomas Whitewey ; William Halghwell ; Walter Skoketor ; William Halghell ; and Nicholas Hemston .


He held no land of the king in chief in demesne or by service, but by the fine mentioned in 584 levied between John Keynes senior , quer., and John Bruer, clerk , Robert Spret, clerk , Richard Holt, clerk , Hugh Ponchardon and John Roller , def., of the manor and hundred of Winkleigh and 2 messuages, a toft, a carucate, 30 a. meadow and 4 a. alders in Exeter and Warrington in Devon and other manors in Dorset and Somerset, acknowledged them to be the right of Richard as of his gift, for which Richard regranted them to John and rendered them to him in the same court to hold to him and his heirs male, remainder to the heirs of his body. By the same fine John, Robert, Richard, Hugh and John granted for themselves and the heirs of Richard that a messuage, a toft, a carucate, 30 a. meadow and 4 a. alders in Warrington which Nicholas Keynes and his wife Maud, who survives, held for life, and which ought to remain to John etc., shall remain to John Keynes in tail male, and failing his male heirs to the heirs of his body. If he has no heirs of his body, a moiety of the manors, hundred, 2 messuages, a toft, a carucate, 30 a. meadow and 4 a. alders shall remain to Thomas Pyllond , son of John Keynes 's sister Joan, and the heirs of his body, reversion to Alice, sister of John Keynes , and the heirs of her body, reversion to Thomas and the heirs of his body, remainder to the right heirs of John Keynes . By virtue of the fine John Keynes was seised in his demesne as of fee tail male of the manor of Winkleigh, the hundred of Winkleigh, a messuage in Exeter and the remainder of the tenements in Warrington. They descended to his son John Keynes junior according to the form of the fine. John Keynes junior had issue Joan now wife of John Speke , who survives, and died without male heirs. The manor of Winkleigh and the hundred of Winkleigh are held of the heir of Lord Despenser by knight service. There are in the manor 40s. 4d. rent from various tenements paid by various tenants at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas, 23 messuages and 12 cottages, annual value nil, 200 a. arable, annual value 26s. 8d., 20 a. meadow, annual value 28s., 2 water-mills, annual value 26s. 8d., and 200 a. mature wood, annual value 8s. Annual value of the hundred and its profits, 22s. 8d., of the remainder of the manor of Winkleigh, nil. One of the messuages, in Exeter, is held of the king in free socage, annual value 6s. 8d., the other messuage, a toft, a carucate, 30 a. meadow and 4 a. alders in Warrington, are held of the king of his manor of Bradninch, part of the duchy of Cornwall, service unknown. John Keynes junior also held in fee tenements in Warrington by service and not in demesne of the king of the same manor, service unknown, annual value 40s., annual value of the remainder nil before it occurs. He also held in his demesne as of fee jointly with his wife Margery, deceased, and the heirs of their bodies by grant of his father John Keynes a messuage and a carucate in `Thorry' in Hartland hundred, as appears by a charter shown to the jurors in evidence and dated 12 March 1397. The messuage and carucate are held of John Dynham, knight , in free socage by service of 6d. and 1 lb. pepper rendered yearly at ?Buckland Dinham at Michaelmas, annual value 30s. John Keynes senior and his wife Joan were formerly seised in their demesne as of fee of 2 messuages, 2 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 200 a. moor and a moiety of 6 a. wood in Black Torrington and Halwill called `Whiteleylond' and `Redefernlond' and by a fine of quin. Trin. 1415 [CP 25/1/45/76, no. 29] granted them to Henry Foleford and his wife William (Willelma) for two years for the rent of a rose at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, reversion to Nicholas Keynes and William Keynes for the same rent paid to John and Joan and the heirs of John for the life of John Keynes of [Winkleigh], reversion to Edmund son of John Keynes senior and the heirs male of his body, remainder to John Keynes senior and Joan and the right heirs of John senior. By virtue of the fine Nicholas and William are now seised, and Edmund survives. Joan afterwards died seised and John Keynes senior died seised of the rent of a rose and of the remainder of the lands and tenements, annual value of the remainder nil before it happens. John Keynes junior also held by service or in demesne 2 messuages, 1 1/2 carucate, 140 a. pasture, 140 a. moor, a moiety of 6 a. wood in the township of Black Torrington called Whiteleigh , held of Amaury Fitzwareyn , service unknown, annual value 30s. John also held all the residue of the tenements contained in the fine, which residue is in the township of Halwill called ‘Radefernlond’, of Robert Cary , service unknown, annual value 12s. John Avenell held to himself and his heirs the manor of Loxbeare of him by knight service, annual value nil except when the tenant dies; John Keynes junior held the manor of Lashbrook , and, in his demesne as of fee of the earl of Devon of his manor of Okehampton, 2 messuages, a carucate and 100 a. pasture in West Flares in the manor of Lashbrook, annual values: 2 messuages nil, a carucate, which contains 40 a. arable, 16s. 8d., 100 a. pasture 6s. 8d., and the residue of the carucate nil. John Keynes junior also held in his demesne as of fee: of Amaury Fitzwareyn , service unknown, a messuage and a ferling in Buckpitt with 1/2 a. called `Nomanslond', annual value of the messuage nil, of the ferling, which contains 30 a. arable, 6s., the 1/2 a., 4d., and the residue of the ferling nil; of Roger Foghler , service unknown, the moiety of a ferling, which contains 12 a. arable and 2 a. meadow, in Coryford , annual value 6s. 8d. the residue nil; of the heirs of Thomas Asseton , service unknown, a messuage, 16 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 20 a. pasture and moor in Bridgerule, annual value 10s.; of the heirs of Ralph Lapflode , service unknown, a messuage and 2 ferlings in 'Smythencote', annual values: the messuage nil, the 2 ferlings, which contain 60 a. arable, meadow, pasture and moor, 10s., and the residue of the ferling nil; of the inheritance of his mother Joan, formerly wife of John Keynes senior , the hundred of Black Torrington, held of Amaury Fitzwareyn by service of 13s. 4d., annual value 40s. Richard Foghler held to himself and his heirs a messuage and a carucate in Bridgerule of him by service of 4s. yearly. John Keynes junior was seised of the rent and held the messuage and carucate from the heirs of Thomas Assheton , service unknown. John White held to himself and his heirs a messuage and a carucate of land in Northcote of him by service of 10s. yearly rent. John Keynes junior held the rent in his demesne as of fee and held the messuage and carucate in his demesne as of fee of Amaury Fitzwareyn , service unknown. William Snow held to himself and his heirs a messuage in Black Torrington of him by service of 12d. yearly. John Keynes junior was seised of the rent and held the messuage in service of Amaury Fitzwareyn , service unknown. The heirs of John Denyes of Gidcote held to them and their heirs the manors of Alwington and Portledge and the church of Alwington pertaining to the manor of John Keynes junior by knight service, annual value nil except after the death of the tenant. John Keynes junior held them of Phillip Wybbyry and his heirs as of his manor of Northleigh , service unknown. John Choham held to himself and his heirs a messuage and 2 ferlings of land in Coham of him by service of 2s. yearly. John Keynes junior held the messuage in service of Amaury Fitzwareyn , service unknown. John Keynes junior held in his demesne as of fee a messuage and ferling of land in Clawton of Humphrey Courtenay as of his manor of Clawton, service unknown,. The messuage is worth nothing. The ferling contains 20 acres of arable land, meadow, pasture and moor, annual value 10s. The residue of the ferling is worth nothing. John Keynes junior held the manor of Lobb for life by the law of England of the inheritance of his wife Margery of the heirs of Robert Louelott by a deed between her and John junior , service unknown. There are in the manor £4 assize rents from various tenements paid by various tenants, 10 messuages and 7 cottages, annual value nil, 300 a. arable worth 2d. an acre, 15 a. meadow, annual value 15s., 400 a. pasture called `Wastlond' worth 1/2d. an acre, and the residue of the manor nil. He also held in his demesne as of fee in Winkleigh 2 messuages, 32 a. arable and 6 a. meadow of the heir of Lord Despenser, service unknown, annual values: 2 messuages nil, 32 a. arable 6s. 8d. and 6 a. meadow 6s.

John Keynes junior named in the writ was the son and heir of John Keynes senior and died on 4 May last without male issue. Joan, aged 22 years and more and now wife of John Speke , is the daughter and next heir of both John junior and Margery. John Keynes senior had issue by his wife Joan : John Keynes named in the writ, Richard, who survives, William, deceased, and Nicholas and Edmund, who survive. Richard is the brother and male heir of John junior according to the form of the entail in the fine.

TNA reference

C 138/51/95 mm. 6, 8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.

Inquisition Head

Cornwall. Inquisition. Saltash. 16 June 1420. [Jaybyn].


Jurors: John Kymbere ; Thomas Porter ; Nicholas Lolle ; Henry Waterman ; Richard Stacy ; John Portere senior ; Roger Heruy ; William Smyth ; Richard Baker ; William Perys ; Robert Weryng ; and Robert Geffrey .


John Keynes junior held no lands or tenements of the king in chief in demesne or by service. John Keynes senior , father of John named in the writ, and his wife Joan were seised in demesne as of fee of 8 messuages, 2 tofts, 2 carucates, 64 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture, 30 a. wood, 10s. rent and a moiety of 3 tofts, 51 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 60 a. pasture in Hele, `Loterygge', Tackbear, Bowden, Stratton, Efford, `Stonlond Bythestrond', Collaton, Pinchla, Kitleigh, Marsland, Crabbe, Burracot, Penhallym, Cardinham, Week St. Mary, Bradridge and Binamy. By a fine levied quin. Trin. and oct. Mich. 1415 [CP 25/1/34/35, no. 11], of which one part was shown to the jurors, between Henry Foleford and his wife William, quer., and John Keynes and his wife Joan, def., Henry acknowledged the lands to be the right of John as of his gift, for which John and Joan granted them to Henry and William and rendered them to them in the same court, to hold to them and Henry's heirs by William of John and Joan and the heirs of John for ever by service of 1/6 knight's fee, rendering 8 silver marks yearly, i.e. 2 marks at each of the following feasts: the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Michaelmas, Christmas and Easter. If Henry dies without heirs by William, reversion to William's heirs, remainder to John and Joan and the heirs of John. Joan died and John Keynes senior by his indenture, dated 24 July 1416 and shown to the jurors, granted that Henry and William should hold the lands of him and his heirs by service of 1/6 knight's fee, rendering yearly 5 marks at the above-mentioned terms in equal portions during Henry's life, William and her heirs by Henry rendering the full 8 marks to John, his heirs and assigns for ever after Henry's death. William died and by his indenture dated 1 Jan. 1418, and also shown to the jurors, John senior granted to Henry and his heirs by William all lands and tenements in Hele and `Loterygge' also called `Loteryggewode' to hold in free and pure socage for ever, rendering 27s. 8d. to him and his heirs at the above-mentioned terms in equal portions and paying 6s. as a relief. John senior by another indenture dated 3 April 1418, and also shown to the jurors in evidence, granted to his son Nicholas Keynes , Thomas Pyllond and John Bruer, parson of Dowlish Wake , the rent due from Henry and his heirs and the reversion of the lands and tenements, to hold for his life, reversion after his death to his son Edmund Keynes , remainder to his heirs for ever. Henry attorned to Nicholas, Thomas and John Bruer by his indenture dated 20 Aug. 1418, also shown to the jurors. John Keynes senior died seised of the rent and it descended to John Keynes junior , and on the death of John junior it descended to his daughter and heir Joan wife of John Speke , who survives. John junior also held lands in Devon by an unknown service and not in demesne of the heirs of Nicholas Keynes . Annual value of the reversion nil before it occurs. On Henry's death the lands and tenements descended to his son and heir by William, Baldwin Foleford , who survives, annual value 56s. 8d.

John Keynes senior had issue John Keynes junior , Richard, who survives, William, deceased, and Nicholas and Edmund, who survive. Date of death as in 583. Heirs as in 584.

TNA reference

C 138/51/95 mm. 6-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • William Arney
  • Thomas Dey
  • Thomas Ryll
  • John Fregham
  • Henry Kaym
  • John Toryngton
  • Gregory Taillour
  • John Pelley
  • John Fraunceys
  • Geoffrey Pay
  • William Toryngton
  • William Knyght


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