Full text


Writ Head

353 Writ devenerunt ‡ 2 March 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to the mayor and escheator of the town of Calais.

Inquisition Head

Calais. Inquisition. 20 Aug. [Orwell].

[The right hand side of the document is missing: deficiencies have been supplied from 388.]


Jurors: … [4 names missing]; Roger Lunt ; William Archebalde ; Geoffrey Mendham ; Thomas Godeale ; John Hawys ; Nicholas de Guisnes ; Ralph Cole ; and Robert ….

After the death of [John], Lord Darcy, who held in chief of ‪ Henry IV , and by reason of the minority [of his son and heir Philip, there came into the hand of Henry IV 2 tenements, annual value] 6 marks, in the street which leads from the market place to the castle, as appears by an inquisition returned to Chancery. [CIPM XIX, no. 974.] [ Margaret widow of John Darcy , who survives,] holds 1/3 in dower and 2/3 remain in the king's hand. [The tenements are] held of the king by service of providing 2 watchmen.

Philip Darcy died on 2 Aug. 1418. Elizabeth, aged 2 1/2 years and more, and Margery, aged 1 1/2 years and more, are his daughters and next heirs. John Darcy is his brother and heir male, aged 14 years and more.

[See also 388.]

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

354 Writ devenerunt ‡ 2 March 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Middlesex. Inquisition. Westminster. 10 Feb. 1420. [Spondon].


Jurors: Robert Nek ; John Clerk ; Adam Barbour ; John atte Legh ; John Wagehorn ; John Fenyngley ; Thomas Totesham ; Richard Couper ; Richard Anable ; Richard Johnson ; John Doget ; and Walter Smyth .


After the death of John, Lord Darcy , who held in chief of ‪ Henry IV , and by reason of the minority of his son and heir Philip Darcy, knight , who died a minor in the king's wardship, there came into the king's hand an annuity of £40 payable at the Exchequer at Easter and Michaelmas. The annuity was granted by Edward [III], the king's great-grandfather, to John Darcy , great-grandfather of Philip Darcy, knight , whose heir Philip was, i.e. son and heir of John, formerly Lord Darcy , son and heir of Philip Darcy , brother and heir of John Darcy , son and heir of John Darcy the son, and came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV . Margaret, widow of John, formerly Lord Darcy , holds 1/3 in dower by assignment of ‪Henry IV , with reversion to Philip Darcy, knight , son and heir of John, Lord Darcy , and his heirs, and 2/3 are in the king's hand for the reasons mentioned above.

Date of death as in 353. Elizabeth, aged 2 1/2 years and more, and Margery, aged 1 1/2 years and more, are his daughters and next heirs.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 3-4

E 152/9/489/3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections have also been made.

Writ Head

355 Writ devenerunt ‡ 2 March 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to the escheator in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

Inquisition Head

Derbyshire. Inquisition [indented]. Chesterfield. 24 April 1420. [Plumley].


Jurors: John de Shawe of Brampton ; Roger Wygley of Wigley ; John de Shawe of Somersall ; Robert Brayllesford of Brailsford ; Robert Gilleson of Brimington ; John de More of the same; Robert Hynkershill of Chesterfield ; John othe Wode of Brimington ; Robert Wright of Ashover Roger Fox of Tupton ; John Somourby of Beighton ; John Smyth of Tupton ; William Stubbyng ; John Caskyn ; John Shawe of Chanderhill ; and John Leek of North Wingfield .


After the death of John, Lord Darcy , who held in chief by knight service, and by reason of the minority of his son and heir Philip Darcy, knight , who died a minor in the king's wardship, there came into the king's hand the manor of Eckington, annual value £32, and a mediety of the advowson of the church of Eckington, of which John Ingelby is rector, and which Elizabeth, wife of Philip, Lord Darcy , father of John named in the writ, held in dower of the inheritance of John's son Philip by assignment of John, and which on the death of Elizabeth, who survived John named in the writ, came into the hand of ‪ Henry IV because of the minority of John's son Philip. According to an inquisition taken after Elizabeth's death by William Ulkarthorp, formerly ‪ Henry IV's escheator in Derbyshire, the lands were taken into the king's hand, where they remain.

Philip died on 2 Aug. 1418 aged 20 years and no more. Elizabeth, aged 2 1/2 years and 5 months, and Margery, aged 1 year and 1 month, are his daughters and next heirs.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 5-7

E 152/9/494/1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Nottinghamshire. Inquisition [indented]. Nottingham. 6 May 1420. [Plumley].


Jurors: John Langton ; William Porter of Elton on the Hill ; John Morchagh of Mansfield ; Richard Selfton of the same; John Dogett of Basford ; John Moresse of the same; Richard Tapurhele of Arnold ; Robert Balard of the same; Robert Spencer of Papplewick ; John Edwalton of Arnold ; Richard Sucar of Sutton in Ashfield ; John Hellesdale of Arnold ; and Richard Ryddynge of Bulwell .


After the death of John, Lord Darcy , who held of ‪ Henry IV in chief by knight service, and because of the minority of his son and heir Philip Darcy, knight , who died under age and in the king's wardship, there came into the king's hand the manor of Kirkby in Ashfield, annual value £10, and a messuage in East Retford, annual value 3s. 4d., of the king in burgage, service unknown. According to an inquisition taken by William Ulkarthorp , formerly ‪ Henry IV's escheator in Nottinghamshire [CIPM XIX, no. 975], after John's death the lands were taken into the king's hand, where they remain. John's widow Margaret holds 1/3 in dower by assignment of ‪ Henry IV .

Date of death and heirs as in 355.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 16-17

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

357 Writ devenerunt ‡ 2 March 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Yorkshire. Inquisition. Thirsk. 3 Oct. [Chaunceller].

[The top of this document is faded and, on the left-hand side, badly galled.]


Jurors: William Clyff ; Thomas de Laten ; John Schipley ; Thomas de Seton ; John Chilton ; William Paull ; John de Cowton ; John Tranholm ; John Welbery ; John Newton of Cowling ; John de Knayton ; and John Palesser .n357_001.

The following came into the king's hand on the death of John, Lord Darcy , who held of ‪ Henry IV in chief, and by reason of the minority of his son and heir Philip Darcy, knight , who died under age and in the king's wardship,: 2/3 manors of Temple Hirst, Notton, Yarm, Aislaby, a ruinous messuage, 6 ruinous cottages, 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow in Upsall, a toft, a bovate in Ormesby called `Lofthousland', 10 1/4 knight's fees in Yarm, Kildale, Normanby, Lazenby, Nunthorpe, Ayresome, Thormanby, Ormesby, Upsall, Crathorne, Acomb, Linthorpe, Thornton, Marton, Tollesby, Roxby, Tanton, Liverton, Aislaby, Picton, Seaton, Skelton, Tocketts, Brotton, Moorsholm, Marske, Stainsby, Hemlington, Coulby, Pinchinthorpe, Boulby, Kirk Leavington, Lackenby, Barnaby, Barwick, Kilnwick and the advowson of a mediety of the priory of Guisborough, the manor of Temple Newsham except the townships and hamlets of Newsham, Halton, Colton, Skelton and Osmondthorpe which Elizabeth, widow of Philip, late Lord Darcy , father of John named in the writ, held in dower by assignment of John, as appears by an inquisition taken after John's death [CIPM XIX, no. 978]. Of the manors and lands not excepted 1/3 is held in dower by Margaret widow of the said John Darcy , who survives, by assignment of the king, and 2/3 of the said lands are in the king's hand for the above reason. The 2/3 manor of Temple Hirst are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 10 marks; 2/3 manor of Newsham, except as excepted, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10; 2/3 manor of Yarm of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 100s.; 2/3 manor of Notton of the king of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, annual value 10 marks; 2/3 manor of Aislaby of the heirs of Lucy de Thwenge , service unknown, annual value above £10 paid to Thomas Darcy , and other outgoings; 40d.; 2/3 messuages, cottages, lands and tenements in Upsall and Ormesby are held of Robert Conyers, knight , service unknown, annual value above a rent to John Lofthous , 2s. The 10 1/4 fees, with the advowson of the mediety of the priory, are held of the king in chief by knight service and are worth 5s. yearly. No other lands etc. remain in the king's hand following the death of John Darcy , but by the death of Elizabeth, widow of Philip, Lord Darcy , John's father, and by reason of the minority of Philip Darcy, knight , named in the writ, the townships of Newsham, Halton, Colton, Skelton and Osmondthorpe, which Elizabeth held in dower by John's assignment, came into the king's hand, where they remain, and are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Philip named in the writ died on 2 Aug. 1418. Elizabeth, aged 2 years and more, and Margery, aged 1 year and more, are his daughters and next heirs. John Darcy , his brother and heir male, is aged 15 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 8-9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections have also been made.

Writ Head

358 Writ devenerunt ‡ 2 March 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Northumberland. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne. 21 Sept. [Harbotell].


Jurors: John Mitford ; John Belasyse ; Simon Weltden ; Nicholas Turpyn ; John Fox ; Robert Elryngton ; Odervy Redley ; John Hogysson ; John Lee ; Richard Wettewang ; John Horsley ; and Weland Maudit n358_001.


He held of the king in chief 2/3 of the great waste called Cheviot forest, devastated by the Scots. A 1/3 manor and the advowson of the hospital of Wooler, held of Philip 's inheritance by the assignment of Philip's father John, came into the king's hand on the death of Elizabeth, formerly Lady Darcy , and by reason of the minority of Philip, annual value nil.

Date of death and heirs as in 357.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 12-13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

359 Writ devenerunt ‡ 18 Nov. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Lincolnshire. Inquisition. Gainsborough. 17 Oct. 1420. [Belwode].


Jurors: Thomas Stokwyth of Blyton ; John Draper of Laughton ; Robert Hertylpole of Gainsborough ; John Vlseby of the same; John Bercotys of Heapham ; John Huchon of Grayingham ; John Pymhest of East Ferry ; John Cooke of ‘Sterysgarth’ ; Nicholas Grene of Lea ; John Blenet of Wildsworth ; William Boos of Laughton ; and William Fermour of Northorpe .


After the death of John, Lord Darcy , who held of ‪ Henry IV in chief, and by reason of the minority of his son and heir Philip Darcy, knight , who died under age and in the king's wardship, there came into the king's hand: 1/2 manor of Torksey, held of ‪the in chief for 1/2 of 1/4 knight's fee, except 4 marks, 8s. and 6d. annual rents called `two pound toll, toftmale and landmale' in it, annual value 4 marks; a wood called `Hornebywode' in Gainsborough, annual value nil over and above the forester's fee and held of the prior of Thornholme , service unknown; a messuage, 7 bovates and 1/4 passage over the river Trent in Gate Burton, annual value 10s. and held of the heirs of Walter Cukesay of the manor of Lea as appears by an inquisition taken by Henry Westeby after John's death [CIPM XIX, no. 976]. Margaret, wife of John Darcy , held 1/3 of 1/2 manor, except as excepted, the wood, messuage, 7 bovates and 1/4 passage in dower by assignment of ‪ Henry IV , and the remaining 2/3 are in the king's hand. The following lands in the county came into the king's hand on the death of Elizabeth, wife of Philip, Lord Darcy , John's father, and remain with him: the manor of Knaith, annual value, including its members, 10 marks, held of the bishop of Lincoln , service unknown, with appurtenances in Stow, Upton, Kexby, Gate Burton and Gainsborough, with the advowsons of the priory of Heynings and the church of Knaith; 6 bovates in Upton and Kexby, part of the manor of Knaith, are held of the prioress of Heynings and of Norman Oliver , service unknown; the land in Gate Burton, part of the same manor, is held of the heirs of Walter Cukesey , service unknown; and land in Gainsborough, also part of the same manor, is held of Henry Percy , service unknown; the manor of Torksey with the yearly rent of 4 marks 8s. 6d. called `two pundtoll, toftmale and landmale' and a mediety of the advowson of Torksey priory and the advowson of the church of Southorpe, as appears by an inquisition taken by Henry Westeby after Elizabeth's death [CIPM XIX, no. 981]; the manor, annual value 10 marks, and the advowson of the priory are held of the king in chief by service of 1/4 knight's fee, and the advowson of Southorpe of the king of the duchy of Lancaster. The manor of Southorpe, annual value 40s., is in the king's hand because of the minority of Philip, son of John, and is held of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service.

Philip died on 2 Aug. 1418. Elizabeth, aged 3 years and more, and Margery, aged 2 years and more, are Philip's daughters and next heirs. John Darcy , Philip's brother and heir male, is aged [?16] years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/43/78 mm. 16-17

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections have also been made.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • Roger Lunt
  • William Archebalde
  • Geoffrey Mendham
  • Thomas Godeale
  • John Hawys
  • Nicholas de Guisnes
  • Ralph Cole
  • Robert …


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