Full text


Writ Head

344 Writ ‡ 16 Dec. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Hampshire. Inquisition. Fordingbridge. 18 Jan. 1420. [Persons].


Jurors: William Wodmanton ; Auger’ Frank; Walter Olde ; John Frogham ; Thomas Rill ; John Cook of Burgate ; John Cook of ‘Forde’; John Thornton ; Gregory Taillour ; Henry Kayne ; Geoffrey Paye ; and John Nicoll .


Eleanor, widow of Edward, son of Edward, formerly earl of Devon , knight , holds for life by demise of the earl, who died seised of the reversion, the manor of Lymington with the borough, annual value £20, the manor of Breamore, annual value £10, and the advowson of Breamore priory, belonging to the manor and worth nothing, all held in chief.

He died on 5 Dec. last. Hugh Courtenay, knight , is his son and next heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

345 Writ ‡ 16 Dec. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Berkshire. Inquisition [indented].n345_001 Abingdon. 8 Jan. 1420. [Brons].


Jurors: John London ; Robert Chamburlayn ; John Mayhewe ; William Cook of Steventon ; John Hopper ; John Toly ; Thomas Wybelyn ; William atte Mille ; John Palmere ; Walter Curteys ; William More of Milton ; and Walter Marcaunt .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Sutton Courtenay with the advowson of the church of the manor of the king in chief by knight service. The manor contains a messuage, 300 a. arable, annual value £10, 100 a. meadow, annual value 100s., 300 a. pasture, annual value 50s., 2 corn-mills, annual value 50s., a fulling-mill, annual value 6s. 8d., a free fishery in the river Thames, annual value 50s., and £30 assize rents from various tenements in Sutton Courtenay at Christmas, the Annunciation, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and Michaelmas.

[The Exchequer version says '300a. arable, annual value 100s.', with no mention of £10 or 100a. meadow, as does 936.]

There are £6 assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas from various tenements in Sutton Wick, part of the manor of Sutton Courtenay, and 40s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas from various tenements in Hawkridge, also part of that manor. Also in Hawkridge there are 100 a. wood, the pasture of which is worth 3s. 4d. yearly. The perquisites of the manor of Sutton Courtenay are worth 6s. 8d. yearly. The advowson of Sutton Courtenay is worth nothing.

Date of death and heir as in 344.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 3-4

E 149/115/5 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Two other additions have also been made to the Sutton Courtenay details.

Writ Head

346 Writ ‡ 16 Dec. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Buckinghamshire. Inquisition [indented]. Aylesbury. 11 Jan. 1420. [Manyngham].


Jurors: John Porter ; Richard Lambourne ; Robert Delafeld ; Richard Healder ; William Cauell ; Henry Gray ; William Gille ; Thomas Page ; William George ; Richard Bluet ; Hugh Hawes ; and Richard Mounday .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service: the manor of Waddesdon, annual value £4 12s., above £10 assize rents from free tenants within it at Easter and Michaelmas, and the advowson of 3 parts of the church of Waddesdon, annual value nil; the manor of Hillesden, annual value £6 13s., above £8 assize rents from free tenants within it at Easter and Michaelmas, and the advowson. He held of the earl of Oxford for 1/4 knight's fee the manor of Wavendon, annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as in 344.

[Exchequer copy, margin:.] Examined by Selby.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 5-6

E 149/115/5 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Writ Head

347 Writ ‡ 16 Dec. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to the escheator in Somerset and Dorset.

Inquisition Head

Somerset. Inquisition. Ilchester. 2 Jan. 1420. [Welyngton].


Jurors: John Gildon ; John Bridham ; John Magot ; John Brympton ; John Cornot ; William Note ; John Tyttisbiry ; John Smert ; Richard Benet ; William Trot ; John Bryce ; and William Basset .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service: the manor of Crewkerne and the hundred there, the advowson of the church of Crewkerne and a portion in the church pertaining to the manor, i.e. the portions of the deacon and subdeacon of the church and the portion of the chapel of Misterton in the church, and the advowson of the chantry of St. Mary in the church , and the chantry of St. Mary in the churchyard . The manor, hundred and advowson are held as part of the honor of Plympton in Devon. Annual values: the manor £21 4s. above £41 assize rents from the tenements of various free tenants in the manor at the four principal terms, i.e. Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Michaelmas; the hundred 40s. yearly; the manor of West Coker and the hundred there with the advowson of the church of the manor. Annual values: the manor £4 3s. 4d. above 100s. assize rents from the tenements of various free tenants at the four terms mentioned above; the hundred 20s.; the manor of Hemington with the advowson of the church of the manor, annual value of the manor £6 8s. above 10 marks assize rents from various tenants at the four terms mentioned above; the manors of Hinton St. George and Mudford, 2 messuages in Yeovil, 2 messuages in Kingstone, a messuage and 30 a. arable in ?Bishop's Hull and a messuage and 1 a. meadow in Chard, all of which the earl granted in tail male to his brother Hugh de Courtenay, knight . Hugh survives and is seised. The manor of Hinton St. George is held of the abbot of St. Mary Graces next the tower of London , annual value £10, service unknown; the manor of Mudford is held of Walter Romsey , annual value £10, service unknown. The following are all held of the earl of March : the 2 messuages in Yeovil, annual value 6s. 8d., service unknown; the 2 messuages in Kingstone, annual value 6s. 8d., service unknown; the messuage and 30 a. arable in ?Bishop's Hull, annual value 2s. 4d., service unknown; the messuage and 1 a. meadow in Chard, annual value 6s., service unknown.

Date of death and heir as in 344.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

Dorset. Inquisition. Sherborne. 3 Jan. 1420. [Welyngton].


Jurors: Peter Penyford ; Simon Chamberleyne ; John Baret ; William Ryder ; John Hillary ; John Lyueden ; Thomas Cave ; Robert Jolyf ; Robert Dolyng ; William Knaploke ; William Morton ; and John Dare .


He held the following manors and advowsons of the king in chief by knight service: Iwerne Courtney, annual value £7 3s. above assize rents of 20 marks at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and Michaelmas; Hill, annual value £8; Ibberton, annual value £4 7s. 8d. above assize rents of 100s. at the same four terms, and the advowson of the church of that manor; the advowson of the priory of Loders, annual value nil; Corton and the advowson of the chantry there, held of the earl of March for an unknown service, annual value 40 marks, which he granted to his brother Hugh Courtenay, knight , in tail male, remainder to Hugh Courtenay , the earl's son.

Date of death and heir as in 344.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 7, 9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

349 Writ ‡ 16 Dec. 1419. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford .

Inquisition Head

Cornwall. Inquisition. Launceston. 5 Jan. 1420. [Foleford].


Jurors: Stephen Trenewyth ; William Trelauney ; Nicholas Tregodek ; John Treludek ; William Bale ; Robert Tremaill ; Richard Palmer ; William Tharapp ; John Lange of ‘Estecote’; William Benalne ; Robert Tremaill ; and John Nytherton .


He held of the king in chief in service, by knight service as parcel of his honor of Plympton, a corn-mill and 6 a. ?land in 'Hoskyns'; a messuage and 20 a. arable in Lanjore; a messuage and 11 a. arable in Polmarken; a messuage and 20 a. land in ‘..ryngeworthy’, a toft and 100 a. arable in Clies; 6 a. arable in Lithiack; and the manor of Baddaford by service of a knight's fee and 6s. 8d. yearly at the feasts of St. Andrew and St. Peter and St. Paul in equal portions. [All the above was held of him by William Were son of William Were .] He was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor and advowson of Sheviock, the manors of Antony, Tregantle, Trelowia, Portlooe, and Treluggan, the manor and advowson of Landulph, the manors of Leigh and Landren, the manor and advowson of North Hill, moieties of the manors of Treverbyn and Tregamere with toll of tin there, the boroughs of East Looe and Crafthole, 11 messuages and 12 a. arable in St. Austell with toll of tin there, the advowson of St. John , and 50 a. arable in `Lamana' with the advowson of the chantry or free chapel pertaining to them, and a messuage and 16 a. land in Little Deviock, and a messuage and ½ Cornish a. in ?Biryco, and [by charter] dated at Tiverton on 10 March 1411, shown to the jurors in evidence, granted them to his son Hugh de Courtenay and the heirs of his body. Hugh is still seised. The earl was seised in fee and in reversion and Hugh held of him in socage for £50 yearly. The earl held in service to him and his heirs: 11 messuages, 100 a. arable and … wood in …, a messuage and … a. arable in Raphael, and a toft and 60 a. arable in ‘Appeldorner’ as parcel of the said manor of Sheviock, held of John Cornewaill and Elizabeth his wife in her right as of the castle of Trematon by knight service, the residue of the manor of Sheviock is held of the abbot of Tavistock , annual value of the manor, £25 13s. 4d. [the manor of Antony] of the abbot of Tavistock , service unknown, annual value.... the manor of Tregantle held of William Talbot knight , service unknown, annual value 52s. 8d. the manor of Trelowia of..., service unknown, annual value 100s. the manor of [Portlooe] of William Palton knight , service unknown, annual value £10. the manor of Treluggan of the bishop of Exeter , service unknown, annual value £4. the manor of Landulph of John Dyneham knight , service unknown, annual value £6. the manor of Leigh of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value.... the manor of Landren of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall as of the fee of the watch land (feodo terre vigiliarum) in...... yearly at Michaelmas for all service, annual value 30s. the manor of North Hill of the heir(s) of Thomas Spenser , service unknown, annual value 20s. ...[in his] moiety of the manor of Treverbyn, 9s. 2d. rent issuing from ?free tenants there at Christmas, Easter, Midsummer and Michaelmas......, held of John Herle knight , service unknown, [?and] 6 messuages, a corn-mill, 1 Cornish a. arable......, held of John Herle knight , service unknown, [and]...... 6 messuages and 2 Cornish a. arable, held of John Cornewaill and Elizabeth his wife in her right [?as of the castle of Trematon] as parcel of the manor of Treverbyn [and] the residue of the manor he held of William Treg... , service unknown,.... ... [in his] moiety of the manor of Tregamere,...... [2 lines illegible]... manor of Tregamur with toll of tin, annual value 40s. the borough of East Looe of William Palton knight , service unknown, annual value 10s. the borough of Crafthole of the abbot of Tavistock , service unknown, annual value £-- 20s. 3d. 11 messuages and 12 a. arable in St. Austell of the prior of ?Tywardreath , service unknown, annual value.... the advowson of Sheviock of the abbot of Tavistock , service unknown. the 50 a. arable in ‘Lamana’ with the advowson of the chantry or free chapel of the king as of the duchy of Cornwall in socage by service of 10s. as of the fee of the watch land (feodo terre vigiliarum), payable at Michaelmas, annual value 20s. the messuage and 16 a. arable in Little Deviock of the heir of John Marys in socage, annual value 10s. the messuage and ½ Cornish a. in Biryco of the prior of Launceston , service unknown, annnual value....

Date of death and heir as in 344.

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 10-11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.

Inquisition Head

350 Devon. Inquisition. Exeter. 9 Jan. 1420. [Foleford].


Jurors: William Ferrers ; William Fortesty ; William Jewe ; William Gilberd ; William Hillersdon ; William Werthe ; Richard Holand ; John Crewys ; John Vautort ; Richard Denshull ; Robert Lytelton ; and Robert Wey .


He held in fee of the king in chief by knight service: £18 6s. 8d. yearly from the profits of the county from the sheriff of Devon at Easter and Michaelmas; the honor of Plympton and the following, all held of it: the castle, manor, hundred and borough of Plympton: annual value of the castle, honor, manor and hundred, £12 15s. above £20 2s. 2d. assize rents. The burgesses held the borough of the earl and his predecessors at fee-farm for £24 2s. 2d. paid at the four usual terms to the receiver of the borough; the manor, hundred and borough of Tiverton, and the advowson of 3 parts of the cure in the church of Tiverton: annual value of the manor £11 13s. 2d. above £33 13s. 4d. assize rents; the hundred 40s.; the advowson, nil. There are £20 8s. 5 1/2d. assize rents from the borough and 46s. 8d. perquisites of the borough court; the manor and hundred of Exminster: annual value of the manor £4 6s. 6d. above £6 assize rents at the four usual terms; the hundred 40s.; the manor of Topsham, annual value 100s. 6d. above £12 assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Twigbear, annual value 42s.; the hundred of Wonford, annual value 40s.; the hundred of Hayridge, annual value 40s.; free fishery in the river Exe, annual value 10s.;1 a. arable in Woodleigh and the advowson of the church which belongs to it, annual value 12d.; 3 a. arable in Stoke Damerel and the advowson of the church which belongs to them, annual value 2s.; the advowsons of the churches of Throwleigh, Milton Damerel, St. Leonard, Exeter, the priory of St. James, Exeter, and of the abbey of Buckland, annual value nil; a messuage, a carucate and 10 a. meadow in Bottisford, annual value 53s. 4d.; £8 yearly of rent from demesne lands in Holbeton at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and Michaelmas; the honor of Okehampton and the following, all held of it: the honor, castle, manor and borough of Okehampton and the advowson of the chantry of Brightley belonging to the manor: annual values: the honor, castle, and manor 62s. 2d. above £12 assize rents from various free tenants at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and Michaelmas; £7 assize rents paid at Michaelmas by the reeve from burgages in the borough of Okehampton; 26s. 8d. perquisites of court there; the manor of Sampford Courtenay, annual value 55s. above £10 assize rents at the four usual terms, the advowson of the church of Sampford Courtenay and the chantry of Sticklepath belonging to it; the manor of Cherbere, annual value 2s. above 40s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas; the manor of Dolton, annual value 53s. 4d. above 60s. assize rents at the four usual terms, and the advowson of Dolton which belongs to the manor; the manor and borough of Chulmleigh, the advowson of the church and 6 prebends in it which belong to the manor; annual values: the manor 31s. 4d. above £7 assize rents at the four usual terms; 100s. assize rents from the borough paid at the four usual terms by the reeve; 6s. 8d. perquisites of court; the manor and borough of Chawleigh and the advowson of the church belonging to the manor; annual values: the manor 71s. 4d. above £18 assize rents at the four usual terms; 40s. assize rents from the borough paid at Michaelmas by the reeve; 2s. perquisites of court; the manor of Newnham, annual value 37s. 8d. above 50s. assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Exe Island, annual value £8 above 100s. assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Kenn, annual value 45s. 4d. above £26 assize rents at the four usual terms, and the advowson of the church and chantry belonging to the manor; the borough of Kennford, 60s. assize rents paid at the at the four usual terms by the reeve; the manor of Whimple, annual value £4 6s. above £10 assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Aylesbeare, annual value £4 8s. 4d. above £6 assize rents at the four usual terms; the hamlet of Newton Poppleford, annual values: 50s. assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas, 10s. perquisites of court, and the advowson of the chantry there belonging to the manor of Aylesbeare; the manor of Houndbeare, annual value 21s. 4d. above 11s. assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Whitwell, annual value 64s. above 13s. 4d. assize rents at the four usual terms; the manor of Colyton, annual value £6 0s. 6 1/2d. above £13 6s. 8d. assize rents at the four usual terms, and, both belonging to the manor, the hundred, annual value 60s., and the advowson of the chantry; the borough of Colyford, £4 4s. assize rents from various burgages paid by the reeve at the four usual terms and 13s. 4d. perquisites of court; the manor of Whitford, annual value 114s. 8d. above £10 assize rents at the four usual terms, and the advowson of its chantry; the manor of Musbury, annual value £8 5s. above £12 assize rents at the four usual terms, and the advowson of the church of the manor; a messuage and a carucate in Bruckland, Trill and Smallicombe, annual value 33s. 4d.; 7 messuages, a carucate in Ponsford, annual value 40s., and a mill there, annual value 6s. 8d.; 1 a. arable in Alfington, annual value 4d., and the advowson of the church of Alfington belonging to it; a messuage, 100 a. arable and 6 a. meadow in Sellake, annual value 4s.; the advowsons of the prebends of Hayes, Cutton and Kenn in the chapel of Exeter castle, annual value nil; the advowsons of the abbey of Forde and the priory of Cowick, annual value nil; the manor of Farway, annual value 20s. above 40s. assize rents at the four usual terms, and the advowson of the church of the manor, of the heirs of Lord le Despenser of the honor of Gloucester, service unknown; a moiety of a fair at the Crolditch in Exeter, annual value 10s.; the hundred of Budleigh, annual value 40s., at fee-farm for 60s. yearly paid to the sheriff, as appears by letters patent of 26 July 11 Edwardn350_001 [not found] to Hugh Courtenay, earl of Devon , the earl's ancestor, i.e. father of Hugh, father of Edward, father of the earl [sic, recte father of Edward, father of Edward, father of the earl]; the reversions of the following: a messuage, garden of 1 a., 100 a. arable and 30 a. meadow with a close called `Sporemede' in Stedcombe, Mill Ham and Lucy Cleave, annual value 100s., held of the honor of Okehampton, which Edward, earl of Devon , was licensed to alienate by letters patent of 10 Feb. 1388 [not found], shown to the jurors, to John Barneburgh and his wife Maud, who survive, in tail male; the manors of Goodrington, Stancombe and South Allington, which Edward, earl of Devon , granted to his brother Hugh Courtenay, knight, of Haccombe, who survives, and the heirs of his body. The manor of Goodrington is held of the earl of March, service unknown, annual value £10. The manors of Stancombe and South Allington are held of the heir of Philip Boterford , service unknown, annual value of each 100s.; the manor of Slapton which the heirs of Guy Bryan held of Hugh named in the writ of the honor of Okehampton for 1 knight's fee. Hugh held of the bishop of Exeter by service of acting as his steward at his enthronement in Exeter cathedral: annual value nil unless the tenant dies; the manor of Dittisham which Robert Hulle of Spaxton held of Hugh, who held of the bishop of Exeter of the honor of Plympton for 1 knight's fee, service unknown: annual value nil unless the tenant dies; the manor of Pool Anthony which Nicholas Rede held of Hugh of the honor of Plympton of the king in chief for 1/4 knight's fee: annual value nil unless the tenant dies.

Date of death and heir as in 344.

[Exchequer copy, margin:.] Easter £236 16s. ½d..

TNA reference

C 138/42/75 mm. 10, 12

E 149/115/5 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Some previously illegible words have been added and a small number of other corrections and additions made.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.




  • Stephen Trenewyth
  • William Trelauney
  • Nicholas Tregodek
  • John Treludek
  • William Bale
  • Robert Tremaill
  • Richard Palmer
  • William Tharapp
  • John Lange of ‘Estecote
  • William Benalne
  • Robert Tremaill
  • John Nytherton


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