Full text


Commission Head

264 Commission. 16 July 1418 [CPR 1416-22, p. 203]. [Gaunstede]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to William Paston , William Wallere , Edmund Carleton , John French and John Dam to inquire what lands and tenements she held in Suffolk, and how the vills of Chelmondiston and Woolverstone with the soke are held of the king in chief and by what service, quorum 2, as in writ diem clausit extremum.

Writ Head

Writ. ‡ 16 July 1418. [Gaunstede].

Royal mandate to the sheriff to summon a jury to be before the above five commissioners at a day and place specified by them.

Inquisition Head

Suffolk. Inquisition [indented]. Ipswich. 21 April 1419. Before all the commissioners.


Jurors: Richard Bloubolle ; Thomas Predes ; Thomas Giffard ; John Bishop of East Bergholt ; Thomas Dysing of Braham ; Richard Adgor of Tattingstone ; Richard Pyllon of Braham ; Thomas Hotard ; Robert Florete ; John Dypere ; Richard Baldewyn ; and Richard Hoberd .


She held for her life in demesne and in socage of the king as of his soke of Chelmondiston 2 mills and 120 a. arable and pasture in Chelmondiston and Woolverstone by the grant of Gilbert Debenham , Richard Wethermerssh , Ralph Chamberlayn and Clement Spicer , with remainder to Thomas Wolverston and the heirs male of his body, by 20s. rent and suit of court at the king's soke.
She held in socage for life an ancient manor called ‘Wolverstonhalle’ in Woolverstone, Chelmondiston, Freston, Holbrook, Harkstead, Erwarton and Kirton by grant of the same Gilbert, Richard, Ralph and Clement with remainder as above, held of the prior of Leighs for 3s. 6d. rent.
She held in socage for life in Woolverstone a tenement called `Lophames' with appurtenances in Woolverstone, Freston, Holbrook, Harkstead, Erwarton and Kirton with the advowson of the church of Woolverstone belonging to the tenement by grant of the same Gilbert, Richard, Ralph and Clement with remainder as above, one parcel thereof held of the manor of Holbrook for 29s. 2d. yearly rent, another parcel of the manor of Freston for 1 lb. 'cumin' and a pair of gilded spurs yearly, another parcel of Lord de Wylughby for 4d. yearly rent, and another parcel of the prior of Leighs for 11s. 2d. yearly rent.
She held in socage for her life a tenement called ‘Cabeton’ in Woolverstone, Chelmondiston and Holbrook, remainder as above, a parcel thereof held of the manor of `Harkstead for 7s. yearly rent, and another parcel of the prior of Leighs , for 3s. yearly rent.
She held the manor of Holbrook of Thomas, earl Marshal , by service of 1 knight’s fee.
She held the manor of Tattingstone of the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich in socage by service of 1....
She held a manor in East Bergholt called `Spencers' of Thomas Erpyngham and the Master of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in England by ?13s. yearly rent.
She held a tenement called ?‘Boytons’ in East Bergholt and ?Bentley of John [? Brayhan.., ?Nicholas ?Talmage and ??Ann ?Groue/Grette] by fealty and 10s. yearly rent.
As to how the vills of Chelmondiston and Woolverstone with the king’s soke are held of the king in chief and by what service: they are not held of the king in chief but there are in these vills divers tenures, of which certain tenements are held of the king in socage, certain of Lord de Wylyghby , certain of the manor of Woolverstone, certain of the tenement called ‘Lophames’, certain of the tenement called ‘Cabeton’, certain of the manor of Holbrook, certain of the manor of Tattingstone, certain of the manor of Erwarton, certain of the manor of Harkstead, certain of the prior of Leighs , certain of the prior of Holy Trinity, Ipswich , certain of Augustine de Stratton , certain of the prior of St Peter, Ipswich , certain of the manor of Freston and certain of the manor of ‘Shotlehall’ in Kirkton, but the jurors know nothing of how and by what service they are held, except those held of the king in chief and those which Elizabeth held. And as for the soke, they say that the king has a certain lordship in Chelmondiston which is called ‘la Sokne de Chelmyngton’ by reason of which lordship the king’s tenants yearly render to him 100s. 10d. and do suit of court.

TNA reference

C 138/40/50 mm. 1-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is substantially new, containing much material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI, and some corrections to it.




No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Bloubolle
  • Thomas Predes
  • Thomas Giffard
  • John Bishop of East Bergholt
  • Thomas Dysing of Braham
  • Richard Adgor of Tattingstone
  • Richard Pyllon of Braham
  • Thomas Hotard
  • Robert Florete
  • John Dypere
  • Richard Baldewyn
  • Richard Hoberd


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