Full text


Inquisition Head

Cambridgeshire. Inquisition. Great or Little Wilbraham. 26 May. [Hewyssh].


Jurors: John Huberd ;n250_001 John Hore ; John Wilkyn ; John Hamond ; Robert Herd ; William Rousquyer ; John Crips ; John Malyns ; Nicholas Driuere ; Roger Morteyn ; Stephen Smyth ; and John Wryght of Ickleton .


He held in his demesne as of fee 2 a. arable, annual value 12d., and 10d. rent in Kneesworth of Ralph Nevyll, earl of Westmorland , of the honor of Richmond, service unknown.
Long before his death by his charter dated 21 Aug. 1397, shown to the jurors, he gave to Robert Tyrwhyt , Richard Gegge , Laurence Trussebut , Ralph de Adderley , Oliver Groos , John Boys , Robert de Martham and Robert Rous and their heirs and assigns the manor called `Bryans' in Stow cum Quy, and he held no part of it after that date. Robert Tyrwhyt, Ralph de Adderley, Oliver Groos, John Boys and Robert Rous survive and are seised.
It is held of the earl of Westmorland , service unknown, annual value 106s. 8d.

He died on 10 April last. Brian de Stapilton, knight his son and heir is aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 1-2

E 149/115/6 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Yorkshire. Inquisition [indented]. Bedale. 22 June. [Chauncellor].


Jurors: John Ayscough ; Peter de Multon ; John Knayton ; John Haward ; Thomas Kirkeby of ?Whitwell ; Thomas Stretford ; Thomas Frytheby ; Robert Walker of Bedale ; William Horn of Askham Bryan ; Robert Patrik of Snape ; John de Neuton of Cowling ; and Alan Cole of the same.n251_001


He held to himself and his heirs male of his body in fee tail the manor of Cotherstone, 1/2 manors of Bedale and Askham Bryan, and 1/2 advowson of Bedale, by the grant of Laurence de Thornhill, parson of Bedale , John de Syngelton, parson of Melsonby , and Walter de Brandon, parson of Lamas , by a fine of East. three weeks 1354 [CP 25/1/287/ 44, no. 498], shown to the jurors, granting them to his father and mother, Miles de Stapelton of Bedale, knight , and his wife Joan, and his father's heirs male [sic]. He also held in his demesne as of fee 8 tofts, 6 bovates and 44 a. arable in Ovington and Romaldkirk and the advowson of Melsonby. All these manors, advowsons and lands are held of Ralph Nevyll, earl of Westmorland , of the honor of Richmond, service unknown, annual values:

Cotherstone 20 marks,
1/2 Bedale 20 marks,
1/2 Askham 100s.,
8 tofts, 6 bovates and 44 a. arable in Ovington and Romaldkirk 2 marks,
Bedale church £40,
Melsonby church 10 marks.
By his charter dated 7 Oct. 1409, shown to the jurors, he granted to his son Edmund de Stapilton , William de Sheffeld, clerk , and John Boys , all of whom survive, 2/3 of 1/2 manor of Bainton called `le Westhall' except a messuage and 2 bovates which Robert Conyers then held for life, and of which he granted the reversion, together with the reversion of 1/3 after the death of Margaret de Sheffeld , who held it in dower of Thomas de Sheffeld, knight . Robert Conyers and Margaret de Sheffeld did fealty and Margaret died long ago.
The whole manor of Bainton is held of the Earl Marshal of the manor of Thirsk as 1/2 knight's fee, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 250.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 3-4

E 149/115/6 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Lincolnshire. Inquisition. Swineshead. 30 June. [Henege].


Jurors: William Randesson of Bicker ; John Gerard of the same; William Wryghte of Swineshead ; John Brygge of Wigtoft ; Thomas Barnby of the same; John Chapman of Donington ; William Derby of the same; Nicholas Holand of Bicker ; John Smyth of the same; Alexander Fychet of the same; John Bown of Swineshead ; and Lambert Cassesson of the same.


By his charter dated 7 July 1414 and shown to the jurors he granted to Robert Brewes, knight , Oliver Groos, esquire , William de Sheffeld , William Evenwode , Thomas Russell, clerk , and Robert Rous , 2/3 of 1/2 manor of Bicker in Holland and the reversion of 1/3 of 1/2 after the death of Margaret widow of Thomas de Sheffeld, knight , who held it in dower, to hold to them and their heirs and assigns. She attorned to them and died long before this inquisition.

They held the whole manor of Ralph Nevyll, earl of Westmorland , of the honor of Richmond, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 250. [Cf. CCR 1419-22, p. 12.]

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 5-6

E 149/115/6 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A small number of corrections have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Berkshire. Inquisition. Abingdon. 5 June. [Lyle].


Jurors: John Meteford ; John Fysshere ; Richard Goderych ; John Mayn ; John Kene ; William Knyght ; William Benefeld ; Nicholas atte Feld ; John Reve ; Robert Banastre ; John Otour ; and Nicholas Brounyng .


Long before his death by his charter, dated at North Moreton on 6 Aug. 1397 and shown to the jurors, he granted to Brian de Stapilton and his wife Cecily the manor of North Moreton to hold to them and his lawfully begotten heirs male. By another charter of the same date he granted to Brian and Cecily 3 messuages, 60 a. arable, 8 a. meadow and 6s. rent called `Hemsayes' in North Moreton as all the lands and tenements formerly held by William de Hemsay in North Moreton to hold to them and their heirs and assigns subject to a condition detailed in the charter. Brian and Cecily survive.

They hold the manor and 'Hemsayes' of the abbot of Dorchester , service unknown, annual value £20.

Date of death and heir as in 250.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 7-8

E 152/9/485/3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

Wiltshire. Inquisition [indented]. Marlborough. 3 June. [Wyke].


Jurors: William Shyrle ; John Belyngdon ; John Perham ; Thomas Martyn ; Walter Forde ; William More ; Thomas Heese ; Richard …uenes; William Bailly ; Thomas Benger ; Robert Forde ; John Sutton ; and John Shyrwode .


He held in his demesne in fee tail to himself and his heirs male the manors of Codford St. Mary and Hamptworth and 1/2 manors of Steeple Langford, West Dean and East Grimstead, except for the advowsons of Codford St. Mary, Steeple Langford and West Dean, by the grant of John Scot, parson of Middleton , and John Walkelate, parson of Waxham , by a fine of oct. Mich. 1351 [CP 25/1/287/44, no. 461] to Miles de Stapilton of Bedale, knight , and his wife Joan, father and mother of Miles, to them and the heirs male of their bodies. They hold the 1/2 manors of Steeple Langford, West Dean and East Grimstead, and alternate presentations to Codford St Mary , Steeple Langford and West Dean of the king in chief by knight service as 1/10 barony. Annual values:

Codford St. Mary manor £12,
church 10 marks;
Steeple Langford 1/2 manor £11,
church 20 marks;
West Dean 1/2 manor 11 marks,
church £8;
East Grimstead 1/2 manor 40s.
Hamptworth is held of the bishop of Winchester of his manor of Downton, service unknown, annual value 61s.

Date of death and heir as in 250.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

255 Writ ‡ 14 April 1419. [Haseley]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to the escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

Norfolk. Inquisition [indentedn255_001]. Norwich shire-house. 25 May. [Lancastre].


Jurors: Thomas Leget ; John Ilneye ; Robert Anoundy ; William Maget ; Richard Ballard ; Robert Warner ; Thomas Here ; Roger Shyrlok ; Roger Bowes ; Thomas Harald ; William Knyght ; and Henry Tateshale .


He held to himself and the heirs male of his body in fee tail in accordance with the fine of 1351 as in 254 the manors of Ingham, Waxham, Lamas, Horsey and Starston, except the advowsons of Ingham, Waxham and Lamas. He also held in his demesne as of fee a messuage called `Shrophamhalle' in Waxham, and the advowsons of Waxham, Lamas, the priory of Holy Trinity, Ingham, the chapel of St. Margaret, Waxham, and Starston. The manor of Ingham and the advowson of the priory are held of John Clyfton, knight , of the manor of Buckenham, annual values,

manor £10,
priory £10.
The manors of Waxham and Horsey and the advowsons of Waxham and the chapel of St Margaret are held of the abbot of St. Benet of Hulme , service unknown,
annual values the manors of Waxham and Horsey 10 marks,
the advowson of Waxham £6,
the chapel of St Margaret 6s.
The manor of Lamas with the advowson is held of the abbot of St. Benet of Hulme by fealty and a yearly rent of an arrow, annual values,
manor 100s.,
church 5 marks.
Of whom the messuage in Waxham is held and by what service is unknown, annual value 26s. 8d.
The manor of Starston is held of John Carbonnell, knight, service unknown, annual value 5 marks.
The advowson of Starston is held of the Ralph Nevyll, earl of Westmorland of the honor of Richmond, service unknown, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir as in 250.

[Exchequer copy, foot:.] Apportionment of £36 6s. 8d. p.a. from 10 April until ?14 …, being ?1 quarter and 5 days: ?£9 11s. 7d.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 11-12

E 149/115/6 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. A substantial number of corrections and other additions have also been made.

Inquisition Head

256 Suffolk. Inquisition [indented]. Halesworth. 20 May 1419. [Lancastre].


Jurors: Adam Seford ; John Thoord ; Simon Sterff ; Thomas Kenge ; John White ; John Puntyng ; Peter Potter ; Thomas Fraunceys ; Walter Ballard ; Robert Fuller ; Thomas Fynche ; and Roger Epps .


He formerly held the manor of Weybread by a fine of quin. East. and oct. Trin. [1417: CP 25/1/224/113, no. 35] between Robert Brewes, knight , Oliver Groos and John Boys , esquires, and William Sheffeld, clerk , def., and Miles de Stapilton , quer., by which the manor except 11s. 11 1/2d. was granted to them and the heirs of William Sheffeld with the homage of Edmund de Stafford and others [14 July 1419: CCR 1419-22, p. 12].

It is held of William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk , of the honor of Eye, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir as in 250.

TNA reference

C 138/39/47 mm. 11, 13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Codford St. Mary
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
Value10 marks£6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Total: £6 13s. 4d. (=1600d.)
Steeple Langford
Value£11£11 (=2640d.)
Total: £11 (=2640d.)
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
West Dean
Value11 marks£7 6s. 8d. (=1760d.)
Total: £7 6s. 8d. (=1760d.)
Value£8£8 (=1920d.)
Total: £8 (=1920d.)
East Grimstead
Value40s.£2 (=480d.)
Total: £2 (=480d.)
Value61s.£3 1s. (=732d.)
Total: £3 1s. (=732d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Haseley(Writ Clerk)


  • William Shyrle
  • John Belyngdon
  • John Perham
  • Thomas Martyn
  • Walter Forde
  • William More
  • Thomas Heese
  • Richard …uenes
  • William Bailly
  • Thomas Benger
  • Robert Forde
  • John Sutton
  • John Shyrwode


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