Full text


Writ Head

229 Writ mandamus ‡ 28 May 1419. [Haseley]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to the mayor and escheator of the town of Bristol.

Inquisition Head

Bristol. Inquisition [indented]. 14 June. [Nuton].


Jurors: John Spyne ; David Ruddok ; Phillip Guyan ; John Boughan ; Robert Belamy ; Edmund Broun ; Thomas Norreys ; John ?Low.. ; Gilbert Roper ; John Parys ; John Snethe ; and John Bertram .


He held in his demesne as of fee a hall with adjacent shop in the suburbs of Bristol in `Stipestret' of the king in free burgage, annual value 10s.;
also a messuage with adjacent garden in the suburbs at the end of `Stipestret' between the hospital of St. Bartholomew and the lane called `Stipestret', by making and sustaining the mayor and corporation at Epiphany, facing the same messuage, annual value 26s. 8d.
He also held to himself and his heirs of the mayor and corporation 3 empty shops in the suburbs in `Horsstret' by fealty and 2s. rent, held from time immemorial, annual value nil.
Also to himself and his heirs a garden on St. Michaels Mount' in the suburbs by the grant of Martin ..ubbe and Roger Pye, smith , on condition of re-enfeoffing Martin and Roger and their heirs. Notwithstanding that he was several times asked by Martin and Roger to re-enfeoff, he did not do so because the garden is held of the king in burgage, annual value 2d.
William Turvyse , Thomas Walssh , webber, Nicholas Power , Maurice Taillour , Thomas Tiler , ... Salle, mercer of Bristol , have occupied the garden since his death and taken the profits.

He died without heirs on 31 July 1416.

William Pownam ... the messuage with garden adjacent and 3 shops in `Horsstret' have held since his death without legal title, and John Bunstelton, mason of Bristol , occupied the hall and shop... and took the profits to the use of John Malverne , bastard son of Thomas, because Thomas Malverne bequeathed the hall and shop to his heirs before Adam Abraham , William Nele and others legally, the grant of Bristol being obtained.
TNA reference

C 138/38/38b mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
hall, shopa (1 x hall shop) -
Value10s.10s. (=120d.)
Total: £1 16s. 8d. (=440d.)
messuage, gardena (1 x messuage garden) -
Value26s. 8d.£1 6s. 8d. (=320d.)
Total: £1 16s. 8d. (=440d.)
shops3 (3 x shops) -
Valuenil (=0d.)
Total: £1 16s. 8d. (=440d.)
St. Michaels Mount
gardena (1 x garden) -
Value2d.2d. (=2d.)
Total: 2d. (=2d.)



No holding extent information available.



  • Haseley(Writ Clerk)


  • John Spyne
  • David Ruddok
  • Phillip Guyan
  • John Boughan
  • Robert Belamy
  • Edmund Broun
  • Thomas Norreys
  • John ?Low..
  • Gilbert Roper
  • John Parys
  • John Snethe
  • John Bertram


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