Full text


Writ Head

120 Writ ‡ 24 July 1418. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Inquisition Head

Devon. Inquisition. Exeter. 20 Sept. [Talbot].


Jurors: Thomas Denys ; Thomas Pyllond ; Robert Lytelton ; William Squyer ; Thomas Kyngeslond ; Henry Langbeare ; William …; Roger Thorne ; Gilbert Bysshop ; William Ryke ; Gervase Frenshe ; and Thomas Mason .


Long before his death by his charter, dated 3 April 1418 and shown to the jurors, he granted to John Preston, parson of St. Ewe , John Jaybien , John Butte , John Cork and Thomas Nethercote , who survive, his manors of Huish, Yardbury and Stowford and all messuages, lands and tenements in `Bourlond', and all services, reversions and holdings there and elsewhere in Devon with the advowsons of Huish and Stowford, to hold for their lives and the term of his life, with remainder to the heirs of his body and the right heirs of Walter Colshull , his grandfather, on certain conditions, he being about to go overseas in the king's service. If he did not go or returned at any time he might reclaim the premises and hold them as before; and if on the journey or whilst abroad he was captured and held to ransom, these feoffees being unwilling or refusing to pay for his release, then he or his attorneys might re-enter the premises and hold them as before; and if he should die abroad or on the journeys his feoffees from these premises and others in Cornwall should pay all his debts, and those of his father, John Colshull, esquire, according to his will, and give £200 to Joan and Anne, his daughters, for their marriages, or if they both died before marriage, for the salvation of his soul. Lastly if his wife Anne should be pregnant at the time of his gift gift then after payment of the debts and legacies and after the death or marriage of the daughters to apply £100 to the maintenance of any son or daughter so born.

Huish manor is held of Robert Chalons, knight , of his castle of Great Torrington by knight service, annual value 5 marks;
Yardbury of Robert Astorp, clerk , service unknown, annual value 6 marks;
Stowford of Robert Chalons, knight , of the same castle, annual value...;
the messuage and lands and tenements in `Bourlond' of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon , in socage of the castle of Okehampton, annual value 26s. 8d.

He died on Tuesday after the translation.... John his son and next heir is aged 2 years and more.

[Torn, parts missing.]

TNA reference

C 138/34/41 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Some previously illegible words and phrases have also been added.

Writ Head

121 Writ ‡ 24 July 1418. [Wymbyssh]. Teste John, duke of Bedford .

Inquisition Head

Cornwall. Inquisition. Liskeard. 10 Sept. [Talbot].


Jurors: Edmund Beket ; Stephen Brenewich ; Robert Heye ; Robert Pyne of Ham ; Thomas Colyn ; John Josep ’; Robert …; John ?Cal ...; John Thorndon ; Walter Forde ; Gilbert Draynek ; and William Philip .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Manely and St. Ewe and the advowson of St. Ewe of the king in chief as of the crown by knight service, and 1/4 borough of Truro and a water-mill there of the king in burgage by a rent of 1/4d., all by the grant of William Hywyssh to William's sister Emma (mother of John Colshull, who was the heir of her body) and the heirs of her body, remainder to her right heirs, and also 100 a. wood in Swannacot of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall of the castle of Launceston, service unknown, annual values,

Manely £12,
St. Ewe manor 53s. 4d.,
Truro, 1/4borough and mill 10s. 4d.,
100 a. wood in Swannacot £12.
John Colshull, esquire , his father, once held in his demesne as of fee 3 messuages and a carucate in Treworra and gave them to Richard Glyvyan and his wife Joan, who survives, for their lives rendering 60s. yearly to John Colshull, esquire, and his heirs at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter and Midsummer, by which Richard and Joan were seised. Richard then died and Joan married John Chenduyt of Bodannon. Then John Colshull, esquire, father of John Colshull, knight, died, and the reversion descended to John Colshull, knight, as son and heir of John Colshull, esquire. He died seised. By his indented charter, shown to the jurors and dated 29 January 1414 at Treworra, by the name of John Colshull, esquire , he granted to John Cork , who survives, the rent and all the services of John Cheynduyt, who survives, and Joan with the reversion of the 3 messuages and carucate, described as all that they held in Treworra, for the whole life of John Cork, rendering to John Colshill, knight, and his heirs during the life of Joan, wife of John Chenduyt, who survives, 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas, and after the death of Joan to John Colshill, knight, and his heirs 10s. at Michaelmas. John Chenduyt and Joan attorned to John Cork according to the form of the charter. Thus the 6s. 8d. rent and the reversion of the 3 messuages and carucate after the death of John Cork came to John Colshull, knight, of which he died seised.
He held the 3 messuages and carucate in Treworra of John Carmynowe in free socage, service unknown, annual value 4d.
John Colshull also held the manor of Swannacot, except the advowson and the woods belonging to the manor, and a carucate and 100s. rents, jointly with his wife Anne who survives, by the grant of his father John Colshull, esquire, by his indented charter shown to the jurors and dated 21 November 1407 at Tremadart to them by the names of John son of John Colshull, esquire, and his wife Ann and the heirs of their bodies, by the name of the manor of Swannacot, excepting the advowson and woods belonging to it, and all the lands of John Colshull, esquire, of Exe.
The manor and lands are held of the king as of the duchy of Cornwall of the castle of Launceston, service unknown, annual value, £10.
He held no more because by his indented charter, dated 3 April 1418 and shown to the jurors, he granted to John Preston, parson of St. Ewe , and others as in 120 the castle and isles of Scilly, the manors of Binamy, Stratton, Week St. Mary, Tremadart, Trenant, and Raphael and his lands in Liskeard, St. Cleer, Canalissey and Clease with the advowsons of Duloe, St. Ewe and Week St. Mary, and his manors and lands in Devon, to hold them all except the manor of Tremadart for the lives of the feoffees and his own life, and the manor of Tremadart for the life of Ann his wife, and after her death for the lives of the feoffees and his own life, remainder after the deaths of the feoffees and his death to the heirs of his body, in default of issue the castle and isles of Scilly and the manors of Binamy, Stratton, Week St. Mary and the advowson of Week St Mary to remain to the right heirs of Guy de Blankmonstre, late parson of the church of St Ewe , and the manors of Tremadart, Trenant, and Raphael and the lands in Liskeard, St. Cleer, Canalissey and Clease and the advowsons of Duloe and St. Ewe to remain to the right heirs of Walter Colshull , grandfather of John Colshull, knight, on these conditions, he being about to go overseas in the king’s service, that if he did not go or returned at any time he might reclaim the premises and hold them as before; and if he should die abroad or on the journeys then his feoffees should grant the manor of Tremadart to his wife Anne for her life and from the profits of the other permises should pay all his debts and those of his father, John Colshull, esquire, perform his will and that of his father, and give £200 to Joan and Anne, his daughters, for their marriages, or if they both died before marriage, for the salvation of his soul. Lastly, if his wife Anne should be pregnant at the time of his gift then after payment of the debts and legacies and after the death or marriage of the daughters they should apply £100 to the maintenance of any son or daughter so born according to their discretion.
The castle and isles of Scilly are held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall by service of 100 puffins or 6s. 8d. yearly at Michaelmas, annual value in time of peace £10 and in time of war nothing.
The manor of Binamy is held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall of his castle of Launceston, service unknown, annual value £30.
The manor of Week St Mary is held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall, service unknown, annual value 30s.
The manor of Tremadart is held of the earl of Salisbury as of his manor of Lantyan, by knight service, annual value 20 marks.
The manor of Trenant is held of Robert Asthorp, clerk , service unknown, annual value £10.
The manor of Raphael is held of Thomas Swynborn and Phillipa his wife, in right of Phillipa, as of their manor of Lanreath, by knight service, annual value £10.
The lands in Liskeard and St Cleer are held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall, service unknown, annual value £10 10s.
The lands in Canalissey are held of the bishop of Exeter as of his manor of Pawton, by knight service, annual value 50s.
The lands in Cleese are held of Thomas Arundell, knight , service unknown, annual value 2s.

He died on 12 July 1418. His son John is his next heir, as issue of his and his wife Ann’s bodies, aged 2 years and more.

[Exchequer copy, foot:] Apportionment of £16 3s. 8d. from 12 July to 14 November, 1 quarter and 51 days - £6 6s. 8d. And of 10¾d.

TNA reference

C 138/34/41 mm. 3-4

E 149/112/5 m. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM contains much new material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XXI.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
St. Ewe
Value53s. 4d.£2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
Total: £2 13s. 4d. (=640d.)
borough1/4 (0.25 x borough) -
mill -
Value10s. 4d.10s. 4d. (=124d.)
Total: 10s. 4d. (=124d.)
wood£12100 a. (100 x acre)£12 (=2880d.)
Value£12£12 (=2880d.)
Total: £12 (=2880d.)
messuages3 (3 x messuages) -
carucate (1 x carucate) -
Value4d.4d. (=4d.)
Total: 4d. (=4d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value£30£30 (=7200d.)
Total: £30 (=7200d.)
Week St Mary
Value30s.£1 10s. (=360d.)
Total: £1 10s. (=360d.)
Value20 marks£13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Total: £13 6s. 8d. (=3200d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Value£10£10 (=2400d.)
Total: £10 (=2400d.)
Liskeard, St Cleer
lands -
Value£10 10s.£10 10s. (=2520d.)
Total: £10 10s. (=2520d.)
lands -
Value50s.£2 10s. (=600d.)
Total: £2 10s. (=600d.)
lands -
Value2s.2s. (=24d.)
Total: 2s. (=24d.)



No holding extent information available.




  • Edmund Beket
  • Stephen Brenewich
  • Robert Heye
  • Robert Pyne of Ham
  • Thomas Colyn
  • John Josep
  • Robert …
  • John ?Cal ...
  • John Thorndon
  • Walter Forde
  • Gilbert Draynek
  • William Philip


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