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Writ Head

28 ‡ Writ to assign dower. 20 Oct. 1422. [Wymbyssh].

Reissue by Henry VI of writs of Henry V dated 15 July which ordered the escheator of Buckinghamshire to take her oath not to marry without royal licence and the escheator of Hertfordshire to assign dower from her husband's lands in the presence of the lessees of the lands, those writs not having been executed before Henry V died. [CCR 1422–9, p.4].

Inquisition Head

Hertford. Weston. Indenture between John Kyrkeby, escheator, and Margery Argentein. 20 Sept. 1423.


He released to Margery to hold in dower the following 1/3 manor of Weston called `Argenteins' in Weston, Willian and Baldock, in the presence of Nicholas Hiwisch and John Tolle, the king's feoffees for the manor: 1/3 of 2 crofts comprising 6 a. pasture called `Gilesbernescroftes' in Weston to the east; 3 a. of a plot of Alice Lovelok in a field called `Atthil' to the south; 1 a. of 3 of John Isowde for 10 1/2d. to the north; 1 a. and 1 1/3 roods of 4 a. of John Chapman to the east; 1 1/2 a. and 1/3 of 1/2 a. of 5 a. of John Skreven to the south; 1 1/2 and 1/3 of 1/2 a. of Henry Grene to the north; a messuage and 1/2 virgate of Geoffrey Custauns; a messuage and 1/2 virgate of John Irlond: a messuage and 1/2 virgate of John Skreven; 1 a. of John Holbrook; 1/3 messuage and 18 a. of Ralph Werres; 7 a. formerly of William Cumberlowe which John Edom separately holds at will of the farmers; with all the rents and services of the above named; also the rents and services of John Meryweder for a tenement formerly held by his father; John Isowde for 3 a. in a croft called `Fyppescroft'; William Underwode for land called `Parkers'; Richard Jay for a tenement once held by Nicholas Yerdele; Walter Fage for certain plots called `Mordoneslond'; Hugh Smyth for a plot formerly held by William Dorynall; Walter Kyrkeby for a plot; Peter Poule for a plot formerly of John Fenour; John West for a plot; John Hogoun for a croft formerly of Roger Knyght; John Polyght senior for lands in Weston and Baldock; and 1/3 of all the profits of courts and waste in Weston, Willian and Baldock.

TNA reference

C138/30/13 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

29 [Writ: see 28.]

Inquisition Head

[Hertford] Indenture assigning dower, as above [28], Great Wymondley or Little Wymondley.


The escheator released the following as being 1/3 manor of Wymondley in Little Wymondley, Great Wymondley, Stevenage and Wallington: a new hall called `Somerhalle', various chambers, passages, parts of gardens, little stable, grange and sheepfold; and a 1/3 of a large number of small holdings. Amongst the places named were `Angerescorn', `Angershott', `Belengersheme', `Besselshot', `Blakelondfeld', `Blakherm', `Botwestcroft', `Boycroft', `Brache', `Bradefeld', `Bradfeldgrove,' `Brembelybrade', `Chalwcroft', `Chercheacre', `Cherchecroft,' `Codylonde', `Copeswyk', `Cosynesland', `Crondellefeld', `Crotedelefeld', `Depondell', `Godfreyecroft', `Grenelane', `Grenshire', `Gretstonweye', `Hangyngbrade', `Haydychros', `Hayecroft', `Heyfeld', `Holmpese', `Kylhambush', `Ladyelles', `Langlegh', `Leycroft', `Makelfeld', `Melkwelle', `Melle-weye', `Mokwellecroft', `Northed', `Nosburgh', `Perywellehed', `Roffhedenmade', `Rookholte', `Rosshodenshot', `Smalthornshot', `Smalthornweye', `Smiththornshot', `Stokden', `Stokkyng', `Tetemwode', `Tertemeweweye', `Thretenacres', `Tomelenesbrade', `Toppescroft', `Warampalmeres', `Welewykegrene', `Wellecroft', `Whetentfelde' and `Wodefelde'; the following tenants were named: John Barbour , John Bertelot , John Blak , William Bryd , Eustace and John Burre, Nicholas Bygrave , John Carter , Richard Chapman , Thomas Cook , John Cosyn , John Deye , Lucy Frankeleyn , Alice and John Grene, William Hampton , John Henlowe , John Hokeman , John Hune , Sampson Ingold, Thomas Kerbode , Thomas Lay , Adam Perewelle , William Pryde , Lucy Rayson , John Ros , John Russell , Thomas Stebbyng , John Style , Roger Thacchere , Richard Trot , Thomas Tyler , John Walsh , John Warner , Thomas Wodelond , and John Wryghte . The escheator also allotted to her 1/3 of various rents, a barbed arrow, a cock, 1 lb. pepper etc. and 1/3 of the profits of courts, view of frankpledge, wards, reliefs, escheats and other rights of lordship.

TNA reference

C 138/30/13 mm. 11, 13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XXI has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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