Full text


Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition, ex officio [indented]. Newton Poppleford. 24 Sept. 1417. [Fortescu].


Jurors: Thomas ?...thewery ; John ?Mar... ; John ?Ly... ; John Duke ; John Bridham ; John Axe ; Richard Craunter [?Traunter]; Nicholas Underclyf ; Ralph Faryndon ; Richard Borne ; and John Lake of Rockbeare .


Katherine widow of Humphrey Stafford held the manors of Blackborough and Woodford by the grant of Thomas Tille and John Chirchehill by a fine of 1377 [CP 25/1/288/50, no. 806] between them and John Cobbeham of Blackborough and Katherine then his wife by which Thomas and John granted them back and rendered them in court, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies with successive remainders to the heirs of the body of John Cobbeham , William de Bonevill, knight , for life, William son of William Bonevill , John brother of William son of William, the heirs of the body of each in turn, and the right heirs of John Cobbeham .

John Cobbeham , William Bonevill and William his son died without heirs of their bodies. John Bonevill had issue William Bonevill, knight . Katherine afterwards married Humphrey Stafford and held Woodford of William le Souche , son and heir of William le Souche, knight , a minor in the king’s ward, of the castle of Totnes by knight service, annual value 20 marks; and Blackborough of Edward earl of Devon by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Katherine died on 8 Aug. 1417. William Bonevill, knight , son and heir of John, is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/29/72 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Commission Head

836. Commission to William Frye and John Bosun. 16 Feb. 1418 [Shelford]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

She held of William, son and heir of William la Zouch, knight, who held in chief; inquire as writ mandamus. By keeper and council. [CPR 1416–22, p.140.]

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 2 April 1419 [Bosun].


Jurors: John Dauney ; Walter Pollard ; Richard Seintcler ; John Fillegh ; John Crosse of Sidford ; John Chepman of Honiton ; Bartholomew Pyle ; John Knolle ; Thomas Nytheway ; William Knyght of Bicton ; Henry Whityng ; and William Grilleston .


She held the manor of Blackborough and Woodford by the grant of Thomas Tille and John Chirchehull , as above. The manor of Blackborough extends in Kentisbeare, half of which manor is held of the prior of Christchurch , service unknown, annual value £8, and the other half of Robert Chalouners, knight , service unknown, annual value 8 marks; the manor of Woodford of William son and heir of William la Zouche, knight , of the castle of Totnes, annual value 20 marks.

She also held for life 1 messuage, 1 carucate and 6 a. meadow in Foxhill, and 1 messuage, 1 carucate and 10 a. meadow in Cockhayes, by the grant of John Whytyng with remainder to himself. He is still living. Foxhill is held of Fulk, son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, a minor in the king’s ward, by knight service, annual value 40s., Cockhayes of Robert Chalouners, knight , service unknown, annual value 40s.

She died on 1 Aug. 1417. Robert Wyke is her son and heir aged 24 years and more. William Bonvile is aged 24 years and more.

He held the premises from her death until 16 July 1418. John Everard has held since then.

TNA reference

C 138/29/58 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Bath. 18 Oct. [Hylle].


Jurors: Richard Champeney ; John Ory ; Walter Grene ; Robert Philippe ; Robert Wallie ; John Eton ; William Radestoke ; Henry Cokerell ; William Phelippus ; John Northfolke ; Thomas Kyngton ; and Laurence Hertewill .


John Churchehulle, esquire , held the manor of Yeovilton in his demesne as of fee and granted it to John de Cobbeham, knight , Katharine his wife, the heirs of their bodies and his right heirs. John died 16 and more years past. Katharine continued to hold it until she died on 8 Aug. 1416 without heirs by John. Katharine wife of Walter Hungerford, knight , and Eleanor wife of William Talbot, knight , daughters of Thomas Peverell , son of Elizabeth, one daughter of John de Cobbeham , father of James de Cobbeham , father of John, father of John, knight , husband of Katharine; and Isabel wife of Robert Hulle of Spaxton, daughter of Richard, son of John Inkepen , son of Philippa, the 2nd daughter of John de Cobbeham , father of James, and John Baumpfeld son of Thomas Baumpfeld , brother of John son of John Baumpfeld , son of Isabel the 3rd daughter of John de Cobbeham , are the kinsfolk and heirs of John de Cobbeham , late husband of Katharine Stafford. Katherine Hungerford , Eleanor, Isabel and John Baumpfeld are all aged 30 years and more.

Of whom the manor, annual value £20 3s.4d., is held is unknown.

William Bonvyll, knight , has taken the profits since her death on 8 Aug. 1417.

What other holdings she had in Somerset is unknown.

TNA reference

C 138/29/72 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The writ associated with this inquisition in the print edition correctly belongs with no. 838 and its details have been transferred there.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET Inquisition [indented (on left edge)]. Ilchester 20 Jan. 1418 [Stourton].


Jurors: William Forde ; John Virgyn ; Hugh Kene ; Richard Wayte ; Edward Sparhauke ; Roger Smyth ; R... Geffrey ; John Legburn ; William ?[unclear: B]rut ; John Maschall ; John Garde ; and Robert Peytevyn .


She held the manor of Yeovilton by the grant of Thomas Tille and John Churchehulle by a fine of 1377 as above [no. 835].

Henry Goulde and Walter Walsshe held half the manor of Lillesdon in their demesne as of fee, and 8 1/2 marks rent which John Beauchamp, knight , and Joan his wife rendered for a messuage, land, garden and close. John and Joan held these premises of Henry and Walter for the term of their lives by their grant. By a deed of 21 Sept. 1380 they granted them to William Bonvill, knight , for life with successive remainders to Richard brother of John, son of William Bonvill , for his life, then to John Cobbeham , Katharine his wife and the heirs of his body, and finally to William Bonevile, knight , and his heirs and assigns.

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition ex officio [indented]. Ash. 5 Oct. 1417. [John Fortescu].


Jurors: Richard Crook ; William Baak ; Gilbert ?Draynek ; John Calwe ; Walter Pyper ; Robert Beketon ; Richard ?Nordon ; Thomas Uppecote ; John Lange of ‘Este...’; John Geade ; Nicholas Stonhous ; and Roger Gyngu[unclear: er] .


She held in dower for life 2 messuages, 40 a. arable and meadow, and 3s. rent in Hilton, by assignment of Elizabeth Charleton , daughter and heir of John de Cobbeham, knight , with reversion to herself. She died on 14 Oct. 1400 without heirs of her body. Katherine wife of Walter Hungerford, knight , Eleanor wife of William Talbot, knight , Isabel wife of Robert Hille of Spaxton and Thomas Bamfelde are the next heirs of Elizabeth Charleton , daughter of John de Cobbeham , late husband of Katharine … as above [no. 837]. They are of full age, Katharine Hungerford, Eleanor Talbot and Isabel Hille 26 years and more, John son of John Bamfeld , son of Isabel, 3rd daughter, 30 years and more.

The premises are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 25s.7d.

She died on 8 Aug. 1417.

Walter Charleton has taken the issues in the meantime.

TNA reference

C 138/29/72 m. 3

E 149/109/6 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Fortescu(Escheator)


  • Thomas ?...thewery
  • John ?Mar...
  • John ?Ly...
  • John Duke
  • John Bridham
  • John Axe
  • Richard Craunter
  • Nicholas Underclyf
  • Ralph Faryndon
  • Richard Borne
  • John Lake of Rockbeare


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