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Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition, taken pursuant to a royal writ. Gloucester. 5 Aug. 1416. [Stoughton].

[Partly illegible: text in square brackets has been supplied from CFR 1413-22, p. 175.


Jurors: ... ; Richard Sloo; John Poleyn; John Eyton; James Gayner; Nicholas Bailly; John Burnell; ... ...borgh; Thomas Snailham; and John Dene.


Ralph Russell, knight, alias [Ralph Russell of the Isle of] Wight, father of Maurice, named in the writ, was lately seised of the manor of Dyrham in his demesne as of fee, and by his charter, shown to the jurors, dated [at Romsey 19 Aug. 1369], he granted the manor to Maurice son of Ralph, and Isabel daughter of /[Edmund de Chelerey with] the advowson of the church of the manor, with reversion of a messuage and a virgate of land [which Thomas Russell] held for the term of his life, 20 a. land which William de Cheltenham held for the term of his life, / ... land which Thomas Piers held for the term of his life, as parcel of the manor, described as [his manor of Dirham, 20 a. land, 20a. of land, and a messuage and a virgate of land] which Thomas Russell, William de Cheltenham and Thomas Piers [respectively] held for term of their lives, to Maurice and Isabel and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion to Ralph and his heirs and assigns. Maurice and Isabel were seised and Thomas, William and Thomas attorned to them. Afterwards Maurice married Isabel and they had issue: Margaret, now wife of Gilbert Denys, knight, and [Isabel, now wife of] John Drayton, knight. Thomas Russell, William de Cheltenham, and Thomas Piers afterwards died, and Maurice and Isabel entered the lands as in the reversion as parcel of the manor. Isabel afterwards died and Maurice survived and continued his estate during his life and died seised. The manor and advowson are held of the king in chief by knight service and are worth ....nti pounds yearly.

Maurice died 27 June 1416. Margaret and Isabel survive aged 30 and more and 26 and more.

Long before his death Maurice was seised of ½ manor of Aust in demesne as of fee, which he granted by indented charter, shown to the jurors, dated 10 May 1416, among other manors, lands, and tenements, and described as his manor of Aust, to William Hankeford, knight, Robert Hulle, justice of the Common Bench, William Cheyny, knight, Maurice Brwne, knight, Robert Poynes, Hugh Deuerell, John Jwn, Robert Stanshaw, Edmund Forde, and John ?Boef, and their heirs and assigns. Afterwards Maurice by a writing dated 21 June 1416, shown to the jurors, confirmed their estate in the manor described as all his manors, lands, tenements, and advowsons contained in the said indented charter. They were seised in demesne as of fee. The moiety is held of the bishop of Worcester, service unknown, and is worth 100s. yearly.

He held in demesne as of fee a toft and 2 ½ virgates called ?’Berne...e’ and a messuage and a virgate of land called ‘Salesburyes’ within the manor of Dyrham, worth 30s. yearly, of whom held or by what service not known.

Thomas Russell is his son and next heir, aged 3 years and more.

TNA reference

E 149/107/12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 686A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX.



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  • Stoughton(Escheator)



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