Full text


Inquisition Head

SURREY. Assignment of dower, pursuant to a royal writ. Southwark [undated] [Wyntereshull].

Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk, wife of Gerard Usfl...., John de Beauchaump, lady Bergevenny, and Margaret, wife of Roland Leynthale, knight, next heirs of Thomas the earl, warned to be present, [?did not] appear.


Assigned: the third penny (tercium denarium) issuing from 1/3 toll (reddit.. tolne.... custum..) in the vills of Guildford and Southwark, as her dower from the earl’s lands, tenements etc. in the county.

TNA reference

E 152/9/462/2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 671A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX


Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Assignment of dower, pursuant to a royal writ. Arundel 3 Mar. 1416. [Wyntereshull].

John Arundell, knight, kin and heir of the earl, warned to be present, did not appear.


Assigned: In the castle of Arundel. A chamber above the chapel, by the great chamber. Another chamber, with a closet (closett’) annexed. Another chamber, between the chapel and ‘le Pavedchaumbre’, called ‘Midelchaumbre’. Two small cellars under the said chambers. Item, ‘le Pavedchaumbre’ with two chambers annexed. Item, a chamber called ‘le Kagechaumbr.’ with a chamber beneath called ‘Helle’ with a small tower annexed. Item, ‘le Pavedaley’ with a house (domo) called ‘Skolehous’ with a garden annexed. Item, 1/3 great chapel viz. from the ‘deskes’ in the chancel to the east end of the same chapel. Item, a hall called ‘Percyeshall’ with all the houses and chambers annexed to it. Item, a house called ‘Plomerhous’. Item, 1/3 kitchen (coquine) with an oven (camino) and a house called ‘drylardyrhous’. Item, 1/3 bakery (pistrine) with a house called ‘Bultynghous’. Item a granary by the gate of the castle. Item a house with a prison to the north (ex parte boriali) of the said gate. Item, four chambers between the chamber of the constable and the new work. Item, a tower called Beaumoundystoure’ with 1/3 garden called ‘Northbaile’ to the west of the said garden. Item, 1/3 easement of the well (fontis) in the castle with free entry and issue in and out of the gate. Item, a stable outside the castle to the north of the gate at the first entrance towards (ad primum introitum versus) the castle. Item, 1/3 great barn (orrii) there to the north with free entry and issue. Item, 1/3 vert and venison (virid’ et venacionis) and easement within the park of Arundel, with free entry and issue. item, 20 a. meadow in a meadow called ‘Twentyacres’. Item, 26 a. meadow in a meadow called ‘Donemede’, 10 a. meadow in two meadows called ‘Hampschores’ and 3 a. meadow in a meadow called ‘Cotmede’. Item, 1/3 issues and profits of the fishery of Arundel. Item, I assigned to Beatrice the manors of East Dean and Singleton, with advowson of the church of Singleton, with the parks of East Dean and Downley, with the warrens of East Dean, West Dean, and Brinscombe, with the hundred of Singleton, pertaining to the manor, with other appurtenances except the warrens of Elyngeden and ?But....s. Item, I assigned to Beatrice the manor of Cocking with the park of Cocking, and all appurtenances. Item, I assigned the manor of Storrington, with the advowson of the church of the manor, and all appurtenances. Item, the hundred of Easewrithe, the hundred of Avisford, and the hundred of Bury. Item 1/3 vert and venison in the forest and chases of Arundel and the third penny (tercium denarium) of pannage and of all fines and amercements of trespassers of vert and venison or other trespassers in the forest. Item I assigned to Beatrice the manor of Offham with wood and fishery there with other appurtenances and 20s. rent from a messuage and 9 a. land in the manor of Wepham, which John Bonere holds. Item I assigned to Beatrice in the manor of Orfold, a field (campum) of land called ‘Chalfhamme’, a croft of land called ‘Fernycroft’, with three crofts of land to the north of the said croft, a meadow called ‘Holowmede’, 3 a. meadow called ‘Longepece’, a meadow called ‘Huntemede’, and a piece of meadow called ‘Holowmede’, with free entry and issue to and from these lands and meadows. Item I assigned to Beatrice services and rents of 5s. 9 ½ d. and 1/3 of ½ lb. (pondr) of cumin issuing from various tenants in the manor of Orfold, namely from: William Rownoure, 2s. 1d.; Richard Hifold, 1d. and 1/3 of 1/2lb. cumin; Richard Gylmyn, 12d.; Thomas Meryngden, 2s.; John Dunhurst, 6d.; Thomas Bowyere, 1 ½ d. Item, I assigned to Beatrice 7 knights’ fees of 21 fees in Petworth, Sutton, and Duncton which the earl of Northumberland holds. Item, 1 fee and 1/3 fee, of 4 fees in Midhurst, Ford, and Rustington, which John de Bown, knight, holds. Item, 1/3 of 1 fee in Strettington, which Thomas Seint Jon holds. Item, 1 fee in Lordington which William Bramschote holds. Item, I assigned to Beatrice the advowson of the priory of Tortington. Item, I assigned to Beatrice all liberties and franchises in the said hundreds, manors, lands and tenements assigned above.

E 152/9/462 also contains the following:

462 #1 Mostly illegible, relates to claim of dower by Beatrice, who was wife of Thomas, earl of Arundel, against Thomas de Camoys, knight, and others ... rot. 392. Michaelmas ...

462 #4 Writ to John de Arundel, knight, 29 Nov. Beatrice has complained that he has expelled her from her assignment at Arundel.

462 #5 Writ from sheriff of Sussex to his itinerant bailiffs: summons for Thomas de Camoys and others.

462 #6 Writ of livery (?) for John Arundell, 22 July 1416.

462 #7 Note of assignment of dower from the sheriffs tourn, viz. from the hundred of Avisford, 40s., from the hundred of Easewrithe, 28s., from the hundred of Poling, 6s. 8d., with 1/3 of all amercements in the said tourns. [No other details given.]

462 #8 Assignment of dower to Beatrice, countess of Arundell and Surrey, from the sheriff’s tourn [at] Arundell, and from rent of £11 6d. called ‘Shereuesgeld’ in the rape of Arundel, 8 Jan. 1423, by Ralph Wymbeldon, escheator, pursuant to a royal writ [cf. CIPM XXII, no. 236]. In the presence of William Ryman, one of the farmers of the lands late of John de Arundell, lord Mautreuers, kin and heir of Thomas, late earl of Arundell, and in the presence of John Lilie and William Hunte, next friends of John, son and heir of this John. Assigned: 40s. said rent issuing from various lands and tenements in the hundred of Avisford, 28s. rent issuing from various lands and tenements in the hundred of Easewrithe. 6s. 8d. rent issuing from various lands and tenements in the hundred of Poling, with 1/3 amercements and profits of the said tourn in the said rape held twice a year at Nomansland, delivered by the bailiff of the hundred.

462 dorse Copy of writ to treasurer and barons: Beatrice may be assigned dower without all her husband’s inquisitions being returned(?), 20 Jan. 1417.

TNA reference

E 152/9/462/1, 3-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 671B is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX




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  • Wyntereshull(Escheator)



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