Full text


Writ Head

632. Writ de dote assignanda. ‡ 22 Feb. 1415. [Gaunstede].

For Eleanor, who was the wife of Richard, son and heir of Thomas late lord Despenser, who held in chief of Henry IV and whose lands held in fee simple were forfeited by judgement against him in parliament; and (Richard) was kin (consanguinei) and heir of Elizabeth who was the wife of Edward le Despenser, knight, mother of Thomas. The king has taken her oath. Dower to be assigned from lands held by Elizabeth in her own inheritance, and as jointly feoffed with Edward her late husband in fee tail or in dower from the entailed inheritance (hereditate..in tallia) of Richard, and of other lands which came to Richard by entails made to his ancestors and which are in the king’s hands because of his minority. [CCR 1413–19, p. 175]

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. Upton upon Severn. 29 Aug. [Beauchamp].


Assignment from all the holdings of Richard son of Thomas le Despenser in tail in Worcestershire, in the presence of Thomas Fulthorp and Thomas Wylughby , attorneys of Eleanor, and of Thomas Gower , attorney of Richard Beauchamp of Abergavenny, knight , and Isabel his wife.

Firstly in the manor of Upton upon Severn:

In the site of the manor 3 bays of the grange to the west end of it; a 3rd part of the house roofed with stone next the dovecot to the north; a 3rd part of the dovecot with a 3rd part of the profits; a 3rd part of the garden to the west from the hay by the moat to the ‘milberyetre’, then to the hay outside the garden ditch with a 3rd part of the house called ‘ berghous ’ to the end of the garden to the west with free ingress and egress. Of the demesne arable 1 field called Buryfield 6 1/2 a. and 1/3 of 1/2 a.: of the field called ‘Colynghurst’ 11 1/3 a.; a 3rd part of the serfs’ land and pasture of ‘Fyrsshemore’ to the north, the serfs assigned to Richard Beauchamp and Isabel … a 3rd part of the profits of … extending at 13s.4d.; the demesne pasture called ‘Magna Colynghurst’ … a 3rd part of the wood called ‘Hokewode’ … a 3rd part of ‘Hokefelde’ wood adjacent to … parts; 12 a. meadow in the meadow called ‘Emede’ in the west and north.

Rents and services: of the borough of Upton, 10s.2d.; of William Longmour , Edwin Chamflour , John Grymenhall , William Mulleward , Robert Pryket , John Lorymer , John Newman , Richard Delemere , and John Machen , [tenants].

Foreign rents of Upton, 116s.5 1/4d.: Robert Cachefrenssh , Isabel Beaumont , Robert Lechemere , William London in ‘Overhomme’, John Knyzt , John Jankyns in ‘Overhomme’, Thomas Kerdyf , John Cachefrensh, junior , messuage called ‘Eynonestenement’, John Bracy and William Grafton, tenement called ‘Talnace’, Henry Jakes , William Lykenore for ‘Lytellokescroft’, John Cade , Henry Wenlond, parcels in ‘Gylesfeld’, Walter Rychardes , John Batte , Walter Rycardes, tenement in Longdon Heath, Adam Skynner , Robert Packer, a cottage in ‘Oldestrete’, William Wacheharm , Richard Ruyhales , John Sherreve, tenement called ‘Rypplestenement’, John Cachefrenssh, tenement called ‘Cachfrenshetenement’, Thomas Hanley, mill and croft, John Jankyns, meadow in ‘Overhomme’, Sibyl Salwey , John Beyla , in ‘Mancroft’, William Pyper , in Hankenesford’, John Flemmyng , in ‘Kyngeshull’, John Cachefrenssh , curtilage called ‘Baldwyneshey’, John Syrcok, tenement formerly of John Clerk , Sibyl Salwey , Richard Wotton , John Mulleward , Thomas Wereman, 1 capital messuage, and Isabel Beaumond , tenants.

Customary rents of the manor of Upton, 101s.1d.: tenement formerly of John Hale , now of William Lote ; tenement formerly of Richard Fryday , now of John Kyng ; tenement of Henry Alford ; tenement, curtilage and meadow formerly of le Bouthes, now of Nicholas Saleway ; tenement of Walter Alford ; 3 tenements formerly of Adam Whatende , now of Walter Hope ; 1 day’s land with croft of Adam Passonour ; land in ‘Colynghurst’ held by Richard Gekmere and John Newman ; croft formerly of John Blake , now of John Dyer ; curtilege called ‘Tegres’ held by the same John; croft called ‘Schepenes’ of John Cachefrensh ; messuage of Serlo Gryffith; land formerly of Adam Hicokes , now of Walter Richardes ; messuage and land of William Grafton .

Also in Upton: a 3rd part of: the fishery called ‘le Were’ and of the profits of it, of the view of frankpledge, of the court, of markets and fairs, and of the fee farm of the manor owed yearly by the bishop of Worcester and his tenants.

Hanley Castle: in the castle, the great chamber at the end of the hall to the west with 2 stone towers in the same hall; 2 great chambers to the north opposite the great chamber called the ‘Grystenchambres’ with the rooms below, 3 towers in the south with a 4th in the corner to the south, a 3rd part of the bakehouse and kitchen next the corner tower, a 3rd part of the palisade and moat around the castle next the 4 towers to the south, with free ingress and egress; so that she maintains this and pays the fees of the officers; free entry and egress of the chapel; a 3rd part of the garden of Hanley manor from the gate straight to the hedge to the west towards the moat round the castle.

Also a 3rd part of Hanley park, extending in length from ‘Caldefordebrugge’ to the gate called ‘chirchposterne’, and in breadth from the ‘Combecrosse’ to the pond called ‘le Squabbe’. From the pasture and meadow of Hanley manor: ‘Houghleyes’ furlong held by Richard Tele and Richard Trygge ; ‘Rammeshurst’ pasture by John …ade and Thomas Wyse ; ‘Bedeleshattes’ pasture by William Clerk and William Baker ; and parcels of ‘Westmore’ meadow.

Rents of free tenants there, 114s.1/4d.: Richard Taillour for tenement formerly of Robert Outhred ; Richard Tele, tenement once of Adam Bernard ; Philip Mulleward, tenement once of William Spete ; John Simpson, junior , tenement formerly of his father; John Boner, tenement once of Richard Smylte ; John Carpenter, tenement once of Margery atte Wode ; John Tele, tenement once of Richard Tele ; Robert Cockes, tenement once Frebern; John Ferrour, tenement once of John Bryce ; William Hanley, tenement once of Richard Shepherd ; Richard Trigge, tenement once of John Frenssh ; Nicholas Whitemere, tenement once of William Whitemere ; Richard Taillour, tenement once of Thomas Kade ; Richard Pecok, tenement once of Adam Pecok ; Thomas Wode (?) … Robert Boter ; Richard Hake and Robert Sampson, tenement once of Adam Foster (?); land formerly of William Wake ; William Whitemere , … ‘Chirchende’ at ‘Borley’ formerly of Adam Porter ; Geoffrey Chaumberleyn, tenement once of Richard Codyngton ; Robert Stok and William Baker, land formerly of Richard Bandy ; John Bradewell, tenement formerly of William S …; John Wilkes, tenement formerly of Robert Lechmere …; Robert Lechmere ; John Passoner and his parceners(?), tenement formerly of William Palmer ; John Grove tenement formerly of John Tracy ; Roger Attestrete, tenement formerly of his father; William Whitemere for ‘Elescroft’; John Grove, tenement formerly of Walter Grove ; William Pecy … Wary …; John Bradewelle, tenement formerly of William Hergodyn ; John …; John Gerard, tenement formerly of John Parys … William Map … Simon Hayward ; Adam Saundres formerly … lyng; John Frewyn, tenement formerly of Adam Frewyn ; Robert … formerly John Alisson; the same Robert, tenement formerly of Bysshop Irl …;…; ‘Hanley per le Rode Syche’; James Wodeward, tenement formerly of John Wodeward … John Torb , Waill, new assart; Thomas Hentelowe, tenement once of John Hu …; Thomas Parker, tenement once of Thomas Webbe ; John Porter, land formerly of Richard Wy …; Roger atte Kytchen , tenement once of John Souter ; Adam Rogers, tenement formerly of John Kyng ; Amice Kynges, tenement formerly of Adam Porter ; John Frewyn … John Lee ; John Garde, tenement formerly of Adam Bloundell ; William Grove, tenement formerly of Edward de la Mare ; Ralph Syred, tenement formerly of John Syred ; and Robert atte Rudde , tenement formerly of Hugh Huwet .

Also 15s.4d. from 46s. … £10 at Michaelmas … and rent from land for making clay … a 3rd part of 1/2 quarter of oats from the vill of Colwall … manor of Hanley … 42 hens at 21d.

… chace … from ‘Baldeattewey’ extending in length to the stream called ‘Merebroke’ and in breadth from the road called ‘Oldehadeway’ to the ditch of the old hill … of Blackmore Park in the chace, in length from the pit at ‘Baldruggestile’ to the oak next … at Le ‘Hillestile’, and in breadth from the ‘posterior’ to the ‘Slade’ in ‘Overlauner’.

Of the park called Cliffey Wood, a 3rd part … of John Sampson to the part called ‘Boturwellesmedewe’ and in breadth from Cliffey Wood to the land of John Bernard below the fence which … the close of John Sampson . Also a 3rd part of Malvern chase … which Richard and Isabel … so that Eleanor pays the fees and wages of the officers of the forest in the chase.

Also a 3rd part of the customary works of the manor of Hanley Castle yearly, a 3rd part of 2 mills and ponds with a 3rd of the profits, she paying the expenses during her life, a 3rd part of view of frankpledge and the court, she paying the fees of the officers of her part.

From the manor of Bushley, demesne lands, 1 parcel of land above ‘Beryassh’, another next ‘Berryassh’, 3 parcels above ‘Henley’, ‘Moreforlong’ and ‘Litelheye’, 1/2 a. above ‘Henley’ and parcels held by Robert Crocker , William Turnour , Richard Bydell , Walter March , Richard March , Hugh Smyth , William Crocker and Thomas Stok , and in ‘Midelwey’ by Richard Reve and Richard Handy ; of demesne meadow, 1 parcel called ‘Dokmede’ held by Richard Harmles and 1 parcel called ‘Oxlese’ held by William Hale .

Customary rents of Bushley manor: tenement of Hugh Penne, messuage of Richard Berdell , cottage of Richard Hobbes, close of Thomas Baker called ‘Cartershey’, messuages and lands of Thomas Baker , Robert Croker , John Lychefeld , John Frebern , Thomas Taillour , William Crokher , Nicholas Smyth , Hugh Igyn , Margaret Davy , Nicholas Ponder, parcel next ‘le Brodeheth’, Richard Mart , William Vy …, John Crokher , Thomas Taillour, cottage formerly of John Hobbes , and 2 a. called ‘Sondelond’ once of John March .

Of Bushley park, a 3rd part: from the great gate to the north by the glade of the park by a path through the middle of the wood to the gate called the posterne leading to Tewkesbury, with free ingress and egress; and also a 3rd part of the view of frankpledge and of the court at Bushley, she paying the fees and wages of her part in each case.

From the manors of Redmarley Dabitot and Immerstone: in the demesne, a field called ‘Chapelfeld’ held by Walter Berston, fields called ‘Berefeld’ and ‘Meryettesfeld’ with ‘Lynch’ wood held by Robert Bagull, field called ‘Pirycroft’ by John Berston, field called ‘Boynok’ by John Ricardes, fields called ‘Tadymere’ and ‘Kyngesfeld’ with demesne meadow called ‘Mullrehammede’ by Maud Jannes, demesne meadow called ‘Lollemede’ by Thomas Sandbed, 2 meadows below ‘Cur’ by Richard Skynnere ; and the rents and services of Thomas C …, John Cube , Robert S …, Richard Walker , Sybil Clerk , John Halyday , John Toney , Robert Carpenter , John Kylmescote , Richard Russell , Nicholas Body , Peter Wa…ell , William Restall , John Hende …, John Ricardes , Philip Snede , William Bradeford , John Kyng , Thomas Kyng , John Bradeford , John Man , William Peryton , John Baldewyne , Philip Baldewyne , Robert Bonde , William Smyth , John Berston , William Spylman , Agnes Bramcote , Robert Bowyare , Walter Ruyhales (?), William Carles , John Bradeford , Roger Bradeford, tenement called ‘Fretheplace’, Maud Jannes , Robert Man , William Hulle , Robert Clyvely , … William Longedon .

She will pay a 3rd part of an annuity of £20 to Hugh Mortymer, esquire , from the time of her marriage to Richard for the life of Hugh, from the manors of Redmarley Dabitot and Immerstone.

Also a 3rd part of the mill and its profits, if she repairs and maintains it, and of the view of frankpledge and the court with a 3rd part of the profits, she paying her part of the fees and wages of the officers, and the advowson of Redmarley Dabitot at the 3rd presentation, and 1 knight’s fee in Eldersfield which Thomas de Berkle once held extending at £30.

[Parts damaged and illegible; rents of individual tenants, and some details of holdings omitted ].

TNA reference

C 138/22/52 mm. 19-20

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'in tail in Worcestershire' has also been added.



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  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)



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