Full text


Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Petersfield. 8 Oct. [atte Borgh].


Jurors: John Staflegh ; Geoffrey Hore ; Peter Bernard ; William atte Halle ; Simon Smyth ; Laurence Mone ; Geoffrey atte Gate ; John Haycrofte ; Henry Hore ; Alan Stonehard ; John Champion ; and Simon Paye .


After the death of John Straunge her first husband she held the manor of Chawton, with reversion to Gilbert Talbot, knight , son of Ankaret, sister of John son of John Straunge . It is held of the duchy of Lancaster, by the rent of a pair of spurs price 6d., at Michaelmas, annual value £20.

Gilbert Talbot is aged 30 years and more.

She died on 29 Sept. last. Richard earl of Warwick is her heir, being the son of Thomas de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick , her brother and heir, aged 28 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/21/48 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

592 Writ. ‡ 5 Oct. 1416. [Wymbyssh]. Teste Thomas, duke of Clarence.

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Stowmarket. 17 Oct. [Hethe].


Jurors: William Eston ; John Pyn ; John Pauele ; Geoffrey Hotot ; John Scarbot ; Edmund Cuttyng ; Edmund Neve ; John Fuller ; John Milys ; Thomas Furbeshoure ; John Hell ; and John ?Tounny [E: Thomesson].


She held the manors of Haughley, annual value £97 10s.11d., and Thorndon, annual value £35.17s.7 3/4d. in dower of William Ufford , by assignment in the chancery of Richard II . By letters patent of 12 Sept. 1385 [CPR 1385–9, p.24] Richard II granted that the manors which she then held with reversion to the king should remain to Michael de la Pole and the heirs male of his body. Isabel attorned to Michael for them and the reversion descended to William now earl of Suffolk , being the son of Michael, son of Michael, and the next heir male. He was 20 years of age on 16 Oct. last. Both manors are held of the king in chief by knight service.

She also held the castle and vill of Orford, the manor of Parham, the advowson of the priory of Campsey Ash, the manor and advowson of Ufford, the manor and lordship of Sogenho, the manor and lordship of Windervile and the quay and haven of Woodbridge for the term of her life by the grant of William Phelipp , Robert Asshefeld , Thomas Wroxham and Henry Sergeant , with reversion after her death to Robert de Wylughby, knight, lord of Eresby , by letters shown to the jurors. Robert, son and heir of William de Wylyghby is still alive, aged 26 years and more. Isabel attorned to him.

The manors and lordships of Sogenho and Windervile and the quay and haven of Woodbridge are held of the king in chief of the castle of Norwich by knight service, annual value 13s.4d.; the manor and advowson of Ufford of the Earl Marshal of his manor of Dunningworth, service unknown, annual value £10; and the manor of Parham with the advowson of Campsey Ash of Roger Swyllyngton of his manor of Wissett, service unknown, annual value 100s.

Date of death as above. Richard earl of Warwick , aged 26 years and more, is her next heir by blood.

There is a clear fold mark down the middle of the Chancery copy of the inquisition (m. 4).

TNA reference

C 138/21/48 mm. 3-4

E 149/108/3 mm. 2-3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Attlebridge. 29 Oct. 1416. [Hethe].


Jurors: Roger Parker ; Walter Silkeman ; Robert Jonyour ; John Coche ; Simon Savyour ; Richard atte Wode ; John Rauen ; John Kitton ; John atte Horne ; Peter Smyth ; John Wysse ; and William Love .


She held the manor of Costessey in dower of William Ufford by the grant of Richard II , annual value 182 marks 21d. with reversion to Katherine, Elizabeth and Isabel, daughters of Michael de la Pole, late earl of Suffolk , in the king’s ward, in virtue of letters patent of Richard II [CPR 1381–5, pp.449–50] granting the reversion to Michael, their great-grandfather, in exchange for 180 marks from Kingston upon Hull, rendering 28s.5d. yearly to the king and £10 to the queen. Afterwards on 20 Aug. 1385 Richard II quitclaimed to Michael both the 28s.5d. and the £10 to the queen. The manor is also charged with a yearly rent of £10 to the abbey of Bon Repos. Katherine is aged 4 years and more, Elizabeth 3 years and more and Isabel 1 year and more.

William Ufford She held the manor of Hickling and the advowson of the priory on the day that he died by the grant of William Phelipp , Robert Ashefeld , Thomas Wroxham and Henry Sergeant , with reversion after her death to to ?Robert ?Skales lord of Newsells, who survives. The reversion was granted by Phelipp, Ashefeld, Wroxham and Sergeant, by letters patent shown to the jurors, to Robert ?Skales late lord of Newesell, father of lord Robert Skales who survives, and the heirs male of his body, remainder to his right heirs. Isabel attorned to Robert the father. Robert the father died long before the death of Isabel; Robert is his son and heir male and was aged ?9 on 17 July. The manor and advowson are held of Ralph earl of Westmorland of the honour of Richmond by service of ..s. rent called 'wardefee', annual value ?40 marks.

Date of death as above. Richard earl of Warwick , aged 26 years and more, is her next heir, being the son of Thomas , her brother.

TNA reference

C 138/21/48 mm. 3, 5

E 149/108/3 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The previously illegible passages have also been added and a number of corrections made.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • William Eston
  • John Pyn
  • John Pauele
  • Geoffrey Hotot
  • John Scarbot
  • Edmund Cuttyng
  • Edmund Neve
  • John Fuller
  • John Milys
  • Thomas Furbeshoure
  • John Hell
  • John ?Tounny


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