Full text


Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition. High Wycombe. 9 June. [James].


Jurors: Geoffrey Hychynden ; William Clerk of High or West Wycombe ; William ?Etemede ; Richard Westende ; William Fermer ; Walter Chambre ; ?John Kene ; Robert Bugge ; David Kene ; William Nernyte ; William Shepwassh ; and Thomas Est .


In Hambleden he held 1 messuage, 100 a. arable, 2 a. meadow, 40 a. pasture and 20 a. wood. The messuage 80 a. arable, 20 a. pasture and 15 a. wood are held of the abbot of Eynsham by a yearly rent of 6s.8d. They lie to the west of the road called Skirmett which leads towards Henley on Thames. The remainder are held of Margaret Lescrope , lady of … by a rent of 29s.8d. and suit of court at Hambleden every 3 weeks.

He also held 1 toft of Isabel Malyns , lady of Henton in Skirmett, by a yearly rent of 12d., and 3 cottages in Ibstone of the warden of Merton College, Oxford, by a rent of 20d. and suit of court at Ibstone every 3 weeks, annual value together 26s.8d.

He died on 14 Dec. last. Reynold son and heir of Thomas, his late brother, is his heir, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 1-2

E 149/106/1 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

572 Writ melius inquirendo . 7 Aug. 1416. [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 571; inquire as to his estate and in what vill the toft is situated.

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition. Hambleden. 14 Aug. [James].


Jurors: Geoffrey Hichynden ; David Kene ; John Kene ; John Blakpoll ; William Fermer ; Henry Mayn ; William Nernyte ; William Etemede ; Richard Westend ; Thomas Couentre ; William Shepwassh ; and Robert Bug . [in the Exchequer copy the jurors are re-ordered and Blakpoll, Mayn and Couentre do not appear: in their places are William Clerk of High or West Wycombe ; Walter Chambre ; and Thomas Est ; and Etemede's and Westend's surnames appear as 'de Etenode' and 'Westenede'.]


He held in his demesne in fee simple the messuage and lands in Hambleden and the cottages in Ibstone. Likewise the toft which is in the vill of Skirmett in the parish of Hambleden.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 3-4

E 149/106/1 m. 1 (inq.), 3 (writ)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE Inquisition [indented]. Oxford. 4 May. [Bekyngham].


Jurors: William Moderby ; John atte Watere ; William Bodyndon ; William Bochour ; William Badby ; Thomas Bate ; George Maskall ; John Bartelot ; John Cowper ; Richard Urry ; Thomas Perorvale [E: Persyvale]; and John Smyth .


He held the manor of Little Haseley in his demesne in fee simple of the duchy of Lancaster as 3 parts of a knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.

He held in his demesne in fee 5 marks rent from lands formerly ‘atte Stoke’ in Clare.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 5-6

E 152/9/466/1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. His estate in the lands in Clare has also been clarified.

Writ Head

574 Writ. ‡ 28 Dec. 1415. [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to Nicholas Wotton, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

LONDON Inquisition [indented]. 28 March 1416. [Wotton].


Jurors: John Blakeden ; Robert Halle ; William ?Gelowe ; Alan Bret ; Richard Waltham ; John Serle ; John Nasyng ; John Arnold ; [E adds: John Moore ; John Manne ; John atte Water ; these names appear to have been subsequently struck through] and John Tolynton .


He held in the following parishes in his demesne in fee simple of the king in free burgage as all London is held:

St. John Zachary, St. Anne and St. Mary Staining, 1 house in which he lived and 54 shops with solars above, annual value £20.

St. Vedast, Foster Lane, 1 messuage and 16 shops with solars, annual value 100s. Long before his death he granted 1 shop with solar to Thomas Mounde, citizen and goldsmith of London , and Margaret his wife to hold for their lives and that of the survivor, rendering 12s. yearly.

St. Giles without Cripplegate, 1 garden called ‘Jewyngardyn’, annual value 100s.

St. Botolph without Aldersgate, 1 house with 12 shops.

He died on 14 Dec. last. The infant now in the womb of Christina his wife is his heir, or failing that Reynold son of Thomas his brother.

Panel of jurors, Aldersgate ward, 28 March.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 7-8

E 152/9/460/4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

575 Writ plenius certiorari . ‡ 18 May 1416. [Gaunstede].

Adressed to Nicholas Wotton mayor. Order, together with ‘discreet knights of your bailiwick’, to cause Christine to be examined by women per ubera et ventrem in omnibus modis quibus melius certiorari to discover whether or not she is pregant; and if the women find her pregnant, to inquire when they believe she became pregant (de tempore quo ipsam creddiderunt fore paritura); on petition of Reynold Barantyn, who claims that although Christine is not pregant, he cannot have livery because of the findings of the previous inquisition.

Inquisition Head



Jurors: (none)


Nicholas Wotton, mayor and escheator , with Robert Chichele , William Crowmere , discreet citizens, and Elizabeth Curyell , Elizabeth Fraunceys , Rose Louth , and Katharine Frenssh examined Christina and did not find her pregnant. Seals of Nicholas, Robert and William appended.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 9-10

E 152/9/460/9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

576. 27 Oct. 1418. [Haseley.]. Teste John, duke of Bedford.

Addressed to Nicholas Wotton, late mayor and escheator. Pursuant to petition by Reynold Barantyn that, although he did homage to the king and had livery, his lands were re-seised into the king’s hands due to the omission of the names of John atte Water, John More, and John Man, jurors, from 574 by the negligence of William Pynwell, under-escheator. Inquire if the jurors were impanelled and their names omitted by scrutiny of books, rolls, and other memoranda in your keeping. Per consilium.

[Dorse] Nicholas Wotton, mayor and escheator , confirms that the names were omitted by the negligence and ignorance of William Pynwell , and the other jurors swore to the findings as returned.

Inquisition Head


(m. 12) Memorandum that William Pynwell , examined in Chancery, acknowledged that he wrote the inquisition and that the names of the three jurors were omitted only by his negligence and Nicholas Wotton swore similarly, and both submitted themselves to the king’s grace. William Pynwell acknowledges a debt of £100 to the king payable at Easter next, otherwise to be raised from his goods and chattels in Herefordshire and elsewhere, teste John, duke of Bedford, 7 March; the condition of the obligation is that it will be void if William comes in person in the chancery in a month of Easter next to do and receive as the king’s court considers fit.

(m. 13) Panel of jurors, 34 names with 12 marked sworn (jur'), of which 9 preceded by a cross and 3 (those alleged to have been omitted from the inquisition) by defic: Aldersgate +. John Blakeden sworn . Richard Heisy . Simon Sewale . Simon Bodham +. John Halle sworn . John Russell +. William Gelowe sworn . William Trystowe ` Thomas Chalingfor . Richard Ketford [struck through: + Peter ?Tor... sworn . John Standelf def. John atte Water sworn . John Tewkysbury . William Fowcher . John Broun . William Turnell +. Alan Bret sworn +. Richard Waltham sworn . John Trygelowe .[John deleted] Thomas Osbarn defic. John Moore sworn +. John Serle sworn +. John Arnold sworn defic. John Man sworn +. John Nasyng sworn . John Bone +. John Tolynton sworn . John Westyerd . William Hunt . Richard Baron . Robert Bastewyk j . John Barker j . John Prentoft . Robert Blake . Saturday after the Annuciation. [dorse:] And the jurors say on their oath that Drew Barantyn died seised of a messuage quinquag’ [end incomplete] mercur’.

(m. 14) Proceedings in Chancery, reciting: (1) a petition or bill from Reynold Barantyn to Thomas, bishop of Durham (in French), describing the findings of the inquisition, the omission of the jurors’ names from the returned inquisition, the reseizure of the lands, the examinations of Pynwell and Wotton before the chancellor, William Hankeford, and Simon Gaunstede, Keeper of the Rolls, and requesting a writ ordering that the inquisition be amended and the lands restored with the issues, (2) the endorsement of the bill, being a record of the council’s decision (in French) that a writ under the Great Seal go to Wotton to certify concerning the omission of the names, (3) the original writ d.c.e. and inquisition referred to in the bill, and (4) the writ for livery to Reynold addressed to Wotton; recording that William Babyngton who sued for the king said that the writ of livery was wrongly issued because the inquisition had only 9 jurors; and the lands and issues should be reseised; reciting: (5) the writ to Richard Merlawe mayor ordering this, 17 Feb. 1417, and (6) another writ to Nicholas Wotton, regarding the omission of the jurors [above], 27 Oct. 1418; and Wotton’s return; and recording Reynold’s petition that the inquisition be judged without defect and the lands restored; the council’s decision that it be accepted as good in law; and agreement between Reynold and the council that he pay 200 marks in the hanaper for livery with the issues from the above 16 August.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 11-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM contains much new material which did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX, and some corrections to it.

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE Inquisition. Newmarket. 16 June 1416 [Alyngton].


Jurors: John Jemys ; William Wolrych ; John Waleys ; John Carpenter ; John Kyng ; Richard Brette ; Thomas Carlton ; Walter Benyth ; Robert Clerke ; Richard Berhors ; John Barkere ; and John Lystere .


He held 2s.6d. in assize rents in Reach in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief; a separate fishery there, annual value 20d.; and a yearly leet on Monday before Ascension day, annual value 12d.; and also 15 a. in the fields of Burwell and 1 a. in those of Fordham, annual value 10s.

He died on 15 Dec 1415. Reynold son of Thomas his brother is next heir, aged 30 years and more.

William Bele of Exning in Suffolk and Thomas Seyncler of London have taken the issues since his death.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition ex officio. Henhow. 17 June 1416 [Hethe].


Jurors: William Gerard ; Thomas Dauy ; John Hethe ; Geoffrey Hog ; John Kyng ; Thomas Barkere ; John Couper ; Geoffrey Lord ; John Bele ; Henry Bole ; John Gardyner ; and Peter atte Hawe .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service: 180 a. and 24s. rent in Exning; 2 parts of the manor of Exning called ‘Valens’ formerly of Mary de Sancto Paulo , late countess of Pembroke ; a 3rd part of a 3rd part of that manor, formerly of Andrew Horne of Slinfold in Sussex, and Helen his wife; and the manor of Exning called ‘Jardyns’ except for 14 a. there; and a 3rd part of a 3rd part of the manor of Exning formerly of Robert Porter and Alice his wife, annual value £40 10s.

Similarly he held the manor and advowson of Frostenden in his demesne as of fee, of Lord le Fitzwauter, service unknown, annual value £40.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 577].

Memorandum that the above inquisition was adjudged null and void because it was not taken by an indenture between the escheator and the jurors named according to the procedure laid down by the statute of 34 Edward III for inquisitions taken ex officio.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 m. 18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK Inquisition. Henhow. 9 March 1416. [Hethe].


Jurors: Alan Noble ; Richard Her...y ; Thomas Peyton ; John Ingham ; John Fotour ; Robert Calf ; John Barkere ; Robert Tapyr ; Edmund Oclee ; Walter Nench ’; John Smyth ; and William Holdyrnesse .


He held in his demesne as of fee jointly with John Hale , Henry James , John Stodesbury and John Blok , clerks, and William Randolf , John Senycle , John Selman , John Fray , John Credy , William Estre , William Beel and John Wyssyngsete , and their heirs and assigns all the holdings listed in the above inquisition [no. 578].

He died on 15 Dec. last. Christina his widow is pregnant. Failing her child, Reynold is his next heir, age unknown.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 mm. 17, 19

E 149/106/1 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE Assignment of dower [Bekyngham].


Memorandum of assignment of rightful dower by Thomas Bekyngham according to a royal writ, to Christine who was the wife of Drew Barentyne, from all the lands and tenements in the escheator’s bailiwick that were Drew’s at the time of his death, and which came into the king’s hand after Drew’s death; in the presence of Reynold Barentyne, kin and heir, warned by the escheator; namely from all the lands and tenements that were once Percival Symeon’s in Little Haseley,which according to an extent returned to Chancery are worth £8.

TNA reference

C 138/20/43 m. 20

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John Blakeden
  • Robert Halle
  • William ?Gelowe
  • Alan Bret
  • Richard Waltham
  • John Serle
  • John Nasyng
  • John Arnold
  • John Moore
  • John Manne
  • John atte Water
  • John Tolynton


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