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Writ Head

491 Writ de dote assignanda . ‡ 26 Feb. 1416. [Wymbyssh].

The king has taken her oath not to marry without royal licence; assignment to take place in presence of next friends of heir and farmers. Per ipsum regem [CCR 1413-19, p. 267].

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Assignment of dower, in the presence of John Gargrave, attorney of Robert Waterton , farmer of the manor or lordship, Sowerby [undated] [Hilleyerd].


Assigned: £9 15s. 1 1/2d. in assize rents as a 3rd part of £29 5s. 4 1/2., beyond £6 payable to the prior of Lewes and 30s. to the prior of ‘Warton’ (?Watton ):

Adam del Rodys , 6s.8d

John Swyft , 3s.3d.

John Whytelee , 9s.6d.

Richard Swyft , 3s.4 1/2d

Alice Talvas , 10s.5 1/2d.

Margery Rybourden , 9s.5d.

Thomas Wylde , 8s.9d.

Robert de Townende , 6s.4d.

Robert de Prestelay , 9s.1d.

William del Hole , 8s.7d.

Richard de Rodes , 6s.9d,

William Prestelay , 7s.5d.

William Dykson , 10s.6d.

Henry del Hole , 11s.1d.

Richard Wade , 18s.

Matthew Yvesson , 22s.11d.

Richard Johnson 25s.

Richard Slawdon , 12s.6d.

Thomas Brokesbank , 10s.

John Yvesson , 9s.10d.

Also a 3rd part of the park called ‘Erindene’ lying to the west, the surrounding fence being damaged and in need of repair.

A 3rd part of 2 watermills, called ‘Warley’ and ‘Sowland’, now totally destroyed.

A 3rd part of the profits of waifs, strays and tolls, and of the profits of the courts less a 3rd part of the fees of the steward.

33 marks, 4s.5 1/2d. being 1/3 of 100 marks from the revenues of the county of York, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

133 marks, 4s.5 1/2d. being 1/3 of 400 marks from the customs in the port of Kingston upon Hull, payable similarly.

TNA reference

C 138/17/71 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

491A Writ de dote assignanda. 26 Feb. 1416. [Wymbysch].

Addressed to Nicholas Wotton, mayor. The king has taken her oath not to marry without royal licence; assignment to take place in presence of next friends of heir and farmers. Per ipsum regem [CCR 1413-19, p. 267].

Inquisition Head

LONDON Assignment of dower, in the presence of John Gobion, John Panter, John Knyghte, and other friends of Richard, son of Richard, heir of Edward [no place, undated] [Wotton].


Assigned: £64 5s. 11d., as 1/3 of £192 10 ½ d. which Edward held in demesne as of fee tail to him and the male heirs of his body, by grant of Richard II to Edmund, Edward’s father, to receive yearly from the customs of wool, coriorum, et pelium ?launtarum, in the port of the city, by the hands of the customers, collectors, farmers, or other occupiers at Easter and Michaelmas

TNA reference

E 152/9/460/6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM 491A is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XX.



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