Full text


Writ Head

331 Writ devenerunt . 18 March 1415. [Maupas].

Addressed to the escheator of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. Gilbert de Stonore son of Ralph de Stonore; Ralph held of Richard II in chief.

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE Inquisition Watlington 11 May. [Besyles].


Jurors: Richard Gyllot ; William Skyrmete ; ?John Deyer ; John Meuyse ; William Andreu ; William Colch’ ; John Smyth ; Thomas Hunte ; William Tanner ; Thomas Warner ; John Dawe ; and John Samon .


Owing to the death of Ralph de Stonore, knight , and the minority of Gilbert his son and heir the following came into the hands of Richard II [Cf. CIPM XVII, no. 543] and remain in the present king’s hands:

Stonor, the manor, held of the duke of Gloucester , service unknown.

Bixgwbbyn, the manor, held of the earl of Oxford .

Bixbrand and Bromsden, the manors, held of the king of the honor of Wallingford by knight service. Annual value of the 4 manors together only £4 owing to annuities granted from them.

Rycote, 4s. rent, of the king of the honor of Wallingford, service unknown.

Gilbert died on 2 Sept. 1396. Thomas his brother and heir is aged 21 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/12/34 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE Inquisition Wallingford 10 May 1415. [Besyles].


Jurors: William Arnyat ; William Rauenyng ; Robert ?Deffunte ; John Denby ; John Herte ; John Horlok ; William Daundese ; Nicholas Benet ; John Gylberte ; William Randolf ; Walter Forster ; and Nicholas Bocher of Sutton Courtenay .


The manor of Didcot came into the hands of Richard II owing to the death of Ralph de Stonore and the minority of Gilbert his son and heir [CIPM XVII, no. 544]. It is held of the king of the honor of Wallingford by knight service and remains in the present king’s hands, annual value £30.

He held 1 messuage and 2 carucates in Sotwell owing an annuity of £10 to William Beek for life; 1 carucate being held of the bishop of Winchester , the messuage and the other carucate of Isabel widow of Luke de Poynings of her manor of Basing, service unknown, annual value beyound the annuity nil.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/12/34 mm. 1, 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

333 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 18 March 1415. [Maupas].

Gilbert de Stonore son of Ralph de Stonore; Ralph held of Richard II in chief.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Inquisition [indented on left edge]. Northleach 4 May. [Poyntz].


Jurors: Matthew Clifford ; Robert Polham ; John Norman ; Hugh Spenser ; Thomas Walley ; Thomas Archebaud ; John Solers ; John Stonhous ; Henry Hunt ; Thomas Kene ; John Clemence ; and John Welyfed .


Owing to the death of Ralph de Stonore, knight , and to the minority of Gilbert his son, the following were taken into the hands of Richard II and remain in the present king’s hands, services, except for Henbury, unknown.

Henbury, lands and tenements, held of the bishop of Worcester by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £12.

Harnhill, the manor and advowson, held of the earl of Derby .

Doughton, lands and tenements, held of the heirs of Thomas de Brewes, lord of Tetbury , annual value with Harnhill £12.

Condicote, the manor and advowson, held of the [arch]bishop of York , service unknown, annual value 33s.4d.

Bourton on the Hill, lands and tenements with the advowson, held of Lord Despenser , service unknown, annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'Service unknown' has also been added, twice.

Writ Head

334 Writ devenerunt. ‡ 18 March 1415. [Maupas].

Gilbert de Stonore son of Ralph de Stonore; Ralph held of Richard II in chief.

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition Wendover 30 April. [Derham].


Jurors: John Abraham of Aylesbury ; John Merssh of the same; Richard Golehopp of the same; Edmund Seman of the same; John Gurney of Stoke Mandeville ; Henry Adam of the same; Richard Broune of Wendover ; William Broun of the same; Matthew Welman of the same; John Kyngham of Aston Clinton ; John Smyth of Wendover ; and Richard Hyne of the same.


The following came into the hands of Richard II owing to the death of Ralph de Stonore, knight , and the minority of Gilbert his son, and remain in the present king’s hands:

Aylesbury, 13s.4d. assize rents from various tenants, payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas, held of the king in chief of ancient demesne of the crown, service unknown; 20d. service rent from various tenants, held of the prebendary of Aylesbury by suit of court there yearly; 12 a. arable, annual value 8s., and 11 a. meadow 11s., held of the same by attending the view of frankpledge there; and 1 ruinous watermill, held of the heir of John Devereux by 18d. rent and suit of court twice yearly, annual value beyond that nil.

Walton, 1 messuage with garden, annual value nil, 21 a. arable 10s., 4 a. meadow 40d., all of the lord of Walton by a rent of 10s. and suit of court every 3 weeks.

Stoke Mandeville, 1 messuage annual value nil, 44 a. arable, 26s.8d., 6 a. meadow, 6s.8d., of the lord of Stoke Mandeville by a rent of 13s.4d. and attendance at the sheriff’s tourn twice yearly.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/12/34 mm. 6-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Gyllot
  • William Skyrmete
  • ?John Deyer
  • John Meuyse
  • William Andreu
  • William Colch’
  • John Smyth
  • Thomas Hunte
  • William Tanner
  • Thomas Warner
  • John Dawe
  • John Samon


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