Full text


Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition York 22 Oct. [fitz William].


Jurors: John Clay ; William Fenton of Kilnwick Percy ; William Dautry ; Robert Stabeler ; John Jakelyn ; Richard del Clay ; William de Fenton of Pocklington ; John Peresson of ?Driffield ; John att Marr ’; William Thornton ‘del Holme’ ; William More of Malton ; and Richard Lellom .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by baron service:

Helmsley, the castle and manor extending in Pockley, Carlton, Beadlam and Oswaldkirk, as 1 barony, annual value £45 6s.8d.

Harome and Hagg, the manors, annual value £40.

Linton upon Ouse, the manor, annual value £31 13s.4d.

Howsham, the manor, annual value, £24.

Garton on the Wolds, the manor, annual value £40.

As farmer of Beatrice lady de Roos and by her grant he held the manor of Thornton in Craven for life of the manor of Spofforth, service unknown, anual value £20; and 4 messuages, 15 cottages, 4 burgages and 12 bovates in Helmsley, formerly of Robert Flaynburgh , of the manor of the castle of Helmsley, service unknown, annual value £4.

He died on 1 Sept. last. John his son and heir is aged 17 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 1-2

E 149/102/4 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition Pocklington 10 Jan. 1415 [de la Hay].


Jurors: Thomas Mapulton ; John Swynton ; Richard Siluereghe ; John Wodcok ; William de Brandesby ; John Jhonson of Flaxton ; William Danby ; William Kepwyk ; John Halberne ; Richard Spenser of Langtoft ; William de Santon ; and Robert Ledes .


Findings as last, omitting the paragragh beginning ‘As farmer of Beatrice …’ except that the manors of Harome, Hagg, Linton, Howsham and Garton were held 'by the service of the said barony' (in E 149 corrected by interlineation to 'as parcel of the barony'), that the annual value of Garton on the Wolds is given as £10, and that John his son was aged 17 'on 1 October last'..

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 3-4

E 149/102/4 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Several additions have also been made to the findings.

Writ Head

239 Writ. 14 Sept. 1414. [[torn]].

Addressed to the escheator of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Inquisiton [indented]. Newark 29 Oct. [Leek].


Jurors: Ralph Outhorp ; John Burton ; John Marchal ; John ?Morewode ; Norman Knyght ; John ?Awedy ; Thomas Reynard ; John Bates ; William Romewode ; John Danyel ; John Whetely ; and Thomas Cromwell .


He held the manor of Orston with its members of Orston, Scarrington, Screveton, Car Colston and Kneeton for life by the grant of Beatrice lady de Roos by her indenture shown to the jurors, with reversion to her and her heirs, of the king in chief in socage as ancient demesne of the Crown, annual value £32 9s.10d.

He held the reversions of the manors and advowsons of Warsop and Eakring, because long before his death he granted them to Richard Schropshire and Thomas Gower , who survive, and Richard de Garton, clerk , and John de Corby , now deceased, for their lives with reversion to himself and his heirs. Warsop is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £14 12s.4d., Eakring of Edward Hastyng of his manor of Wellow, service unknown, annual value £13 3s.8d.

He also held a rent of a rose at Midsummer from the manor of Sutton upon Trent with the reversion of the manor after the death of Robert de Thornburgh, esquire , to whom John de Roos , his brother, whose heir he was, granted it for life. It is held of the earl of Westmorland of the honor of Richmond in socage, annual value £10 13s.6d.

He held certain shops in Sutton upon Trent of the manor, service unknown, annual value 5s.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 5-6

E 149/249/3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE Inquisition [indented]. Pleasley 2 Nov. 1414 [Leek].


Jurors: William ofthe Grene constable of Pleasley ; Ralph Trusseley bailiff of Pleasley ; Robert Kyghley of the same; Roger Stubbyng of the same; John Daweson of the same; John atte Persons of the same; Nicholas Wyndeley of the same; Roger Palterton of the same; Robert atte Persons of the same; John Gatelesse of the same; William Hebbe of Shirebrook ; Robert Maysham keeper of Plesleypark ; and William Fox of Duckmanton .


He held 2 tofts, 2 bovates and a parcel of wood in Pleasley park in his demesne as of fee of the heirs of John Waltham, late bishop of Salisbury , of his manor of Pleasley, by a rent of 1d. in place of 1 sparrowhawk, payable by the men of the hamlet of Shirebrook in the parish of Pleasley at Martinmas, annual value of the tofts and bovates 5s., but the pasture and herbage in the park nil because common.

He also held the reversion of a pasture lying next the above wood. This pasture is called ‘le Storth’ and is in the county of Nottingham in the parish of Warsop of which it is parcel. It should descend to Lord Roos and his heirs after the deaths of Richard Schropshire and Thomas Gower , who hold by the grant as above [no. 239].

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 5, 7

E 149/249/4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE Inquisition [indented]. Lincoln castle 27 Oct. [?Tournay].


Jurors: Thomas de la Launde ; John Mermyon ; William ?Eremyn ; John Helewell ; Robert Blyton ; Thomas Ingham ; Brian de la Mare ; Thomas Herlaston ; Richard Casterton ; John Gascrek ; John Kydale ; John Holme ; Thomas Peyntour of Barton upon Humber ; William atte Well ; John Nonneman ; Thomas Edlyngton ; John of the Hull ; and Thomas Croxby .


He held the manor of Wragby in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service as 1 barony, annual value £22 payable by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun.

He held the manor of Uffington jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, by the grant to them and the heirs of their bodies by William Rempston , John Quynton , William Furby and William Barford . It is held of the king in chief by knight service of the honor of the castle of Belvoir, annual value £40 6s.8d. payable by equal parts at the 4 terms.

He held a lordship in Elsham of the king of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, annual value 66s.8d.

Long before his death, by a fine of 1408–9 [Licence CPR 1408–13, p.25, fine not found] which was shown to the jurors, he granted the castle and manor of Belvoir to Thomas archbishop of Canterbury , William lord Wylughby , Richard Shropshire, esquire , Simon de Leek , William Babyngton , John Corby, clerk , and William Heton to hold for their lives with reversion to himself and his heirs. The manor and castle are one and not divided, held of the king in chief by knight service and a rent of 10 marks payable by equal parts at Michaelmas and Easter, annual value £22 payable by equal parts at the 4 terms.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 8-9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE Inquisition Grantham 24 April. [Tournay].


Jurors: William Boltham of Grantham ; John Chilburn of the same; Richard Schoburn of the same; Stephen Tristram of Sedgebrook ; John Adamson ; William Fogger of Manthorpe ; Roger Danyell of Belton ; John Boll... of ?Barkston ; John Tykhull of Honington ; Robert Clerk of Welby ; Ralph Wryght of Braceby ; and John Baldok of North Stoke .


He held the following knight’s fees, all parcel of the manor of Wragby:

Hatton, Panton and West Barkwith, 1 fee held by John de Tiryngham , extending at 100s.; and 1 fee held by the heirs of William Breton , £10.

West Torrington, Hardwick and Burgh on Bain, 1/2 and 1/8 fee, formerly held by Thomas Tertelly and William Hondesacre , and now by Peter de Melburne , £10.

Rand, Holton and Beckering, 1/2 fee held by Margaret Conestable and formerly by Nicholas Burdet, 10 marks.

Fulnetby, 1/4 fee held by John de Fulnetby, 100s.

Helethorp, 1/4 fee held by John de Knaresburgh and formerly by John Burdet, 5 marks.

Beckering, Holton and West Torrington, 1/4 fee held by Thomas de Bekeryng, 100s.

Kettleby Thorpe, 1/2 fee formerly held by John Nevyle and now by Robert Tirwhyt, 100s.

Coleby, 1/2 fee formerly held by John Kent and now by the heir of Robert Waselyn, 100s.

Melton Ross, 1/40 fee held by William Heton and John Roos , and formerly by Richard Freman , 6s.8d.; and 1/40 fee held by the same and formerly by Robert Frankys, 2s.6d.

Wootton, Thornton Curtis and Burnham, 1/2 fee formerly held by Saer Scabyn and now by the heirs of Stephen Heytefelde, 106s.8d.

Messingham, 1/2 fee formerly held by Michael de la Pole and now by the heirs of Gerard Sotehill, 5 marks; 1/16 fee there held by the abbot of Louth Park , nil because held in perpetual alms; and 1/16 fee held by the prior of Thornholme in perpetual alms.

Kingthorpe, 1/4 fee formerly held by John Tyndale and now by William lord la Zouch of Harringworth , 40s.

Burgh on Bain, 1/60 fee formerly held by Robert Ayre and now by Thomas Hauley, knight , 20d.

He also held the advowsons of Holton Beckering, £10, and Ropsley, 10 marks.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 10-11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE Inquisition, [indented]. Waltham on the Wolds 31 Oct [Harewell].


Jurors: Nicholas Joy of Stathern ; John Lathom of Ab Kettleby ; John Fenton of Waltham on the Wolds ; Roger Chause of Eaton ; William atte Persons of Goadby Marwood ; William Caldwell of Waltham on the Wolds ; William Warkenaby of Bescaby ; William Mot of the same; John Almod of Stonesby ; Ralph atte Kyrk of the same; William Greyve of Muston ; and Hugh Howet of Saltby .


Jointly with Margaret his wife by the grant of William de Rempston and William de Berford to them and the heirs of their bodies, he held of the king in chief of the honor of the castle of Belvoir by knight service, amounts unknown:

Bottesford, the manor and advowson with the advowson of the chantry there, annual value £32 4s.6d. payable by equal parts at the 4 terms.

Normanton, 1 carucate and 100s. rent payable at the same terms, annual value of the carucate 20s.

He also held in his demesne as of fee of the same honor by knight service, all as members of the manor of Belvoir castle:

Redmile, the site of the manor with 1 carucate there, annual value 33s.4d., and the reversion of 15 messuages, 1 windmill and 25 1/2 bovates in the vill there which Richard Shropshire holds for life by the grant of John de Roos , brother of William, whose heir he was, made with royal licence [CPR 1385–9, p.434] annual value £10 2s. payable at the 4 terms.

Belvoir Park in the parish of Redmile, annual value of the pasture nil beyond the maintenance of the game, the wages of the parker and the costs of enclosure.

Blakeburgh, a close of pasture so-called in the parish of Redmile and an enclosed croft called Leycroft in the parish of Bottesford, members of the castle and manor of Belvoir, annual value 42s.

By a fine of 1408–9 as above [no. 241] shown to the jurors, the castle and manor of Belvoir was granted to Richard Shropshire, esquire , Simon de Leek , William Babyngton and William Heton , and to Thomas archbishop of Canterbury and others now deceased, for the term of their lives with reversion to William de Roos and his heirs.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 12-13

E 149/102/4 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

244. Writ, Certiorari de feodis, ‡ 6 Feb. 1415. [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator in Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE Inquisition Bedford 19 April. [Derham].


Jurors: Thomas Fouke ; Richard Palle ; John Bodard ; John Canquest (sic), junior; John Caldecote ; John Carleton ; William Kempston ; John Caluyll ; John Wodham ; Richard Heywode ; John Cale ; and Richard Sampson .


He held the following in his demesne as of fee:

Oakley, 1 fee held by John de Reynes, knight , annual value £10.

Chawston, 1/2 fee held by Roger Hunte, 10 marks; and 2 messuages and 2 virgates there, held by the prior of Bushmead , part of fee unknown, 20s.

Colesden, 1/2 fee formerly held by Eleanor Mordaunt and now by William Mordaunt, 100s.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 14-15

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition Newport Pagnell 20 April 1415 [Derham].


Jurors: Richard Seybrok ; Robert Irtylburgh ; Richard Tourys ; Richard Stafford ; Roger Archer ; William Pynke ; William Knyght ; John Man ; Robert Holkyn ; William Coke ; Thomas Scalon ; and John Flyndene .


He held the following in his demesne as of fee:

Clifton Reynes, 1 fee held by John de Reynes, knight , annual value £10.

Stone, 1/2 fee held by John Barton , and formerly by John Bracy, 10 marks.

Cheddington, 1 fee held by the warden and masters of Merton College, Oxford, no value apart from their prayers.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 mm. 14, 16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition Malton 28 March 1415 [de la Hay].


Jurors: [most names illegible] Robert ... ; Richard de Lounde ; William de ?More ; Thomas Ha..thorp ; John de ... ; John D.. ; and John ...teney .


Knight’s fees and fractions of fees were held of him in the following places by the persons named, [most of the details are illegible]:

Oswaldkirk, William Stopham , Hugh Jarkenvill , John Pykeryng , the heirs of Henry Scrope , William Storton .

Ampleforth, John Jarkenvill , John Pikering , Thomas Kiriell , John Bukynvill .

Beadlam, John Multon .

Nunnington and Riccall, Thomas Grene, knight .

Barton le Willows, in Bulmer Wapentake, Joan Brews , William Hill.

Helmsley, Ellen Overton , Robert Percy , Beatrice de Roos , William Salton .

Youlton, Joan widow of Nicholas Ellerker , R …, Thomas Gower .

Ingmanthorpe, Robert Roos .

Middleton, John Cave , Marmaduke de More , the heirs of William son of Serlo, Robert Hilton , the heirs of Adam Coppendall …


Willitoft, the heirs of James Bosevyle .

Breighton, the heirs of James Roos .

Melbourne, Beatrice lady Roos.

Garton on the Wolds, Katharine Bromby, Alice de L … Adam Marschall .

Thixendale, Gerard Salvayn .

Leppington, Robert Trussebutte .

Acklam, William Levenynge , the heirs of John Croke , Hugh Cornewaylle , the heirs of Hugh Broune , Margaret Outryngton .

Rillington, the heirs of Thomas Clerk , John Rayhurst …


Sledmere, widow of Roger Scrope .

Barthorpe, Ralph Bygot .

Harswell and Thorpe le Street, Gerard Salvayn .

Bubwith, the heirs of John de Melsa .

East Heslerton and Scagglethorpe, … Driffeld.

Towthorp, Ralph Neville, earl of Westmorland .

Westow, Thomas Barton , widow of Robert de Buk , Walter Gower , the heirs of John Wodcok , Thomas Joyment , the heirs of Walter Marssh .

North Dalton, the heirs of John Bernak , William Gascoyne .

Thorpe Bassett

Howsham, Emma Perkin , Adam Lyster , Thomas Barton , William Lelman , John Freman .


Naburn, manor held by widow of William Palmes .

Bentley, the heirs of Thomas Bentley .

Seaton, Beatrice de Roos .

Millhouse Dale …

Bracken, the widow of Roger Scrope .

Warter, the heirs of John Freman , John Warrome , the heirs of Adam Freman and of William Dagon .

Kipling Cotes and Etton, the heirs of Adam Everyngham .

He also held the following advowsons:

Kirkham, Rievaulx and Warter priories, values nil beyond their prayers.

Kirby Misperton, chapel £30.

Linton, Pockley and Howsham, chapels, each 5 marks.

TNA reference

C 138/9/40 unnumbered (before m. 1) (writ)

C 138/17/73 (inq.)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The location of the inquisition has also been corrected.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)



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