Full text


Writ Head

166 Writ melius inquirendo CIPM XIX, no. 369. ‡ 2 Nov. 1414. [Gaunstede].

Regarding CIPM XIX, no. 369, inquire by whose grant or how she held jointly with Philip.

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE Inquisition Winchester 7 Nov. [Uvedale].


Jurors: William Martyn of Barton Stacey ; William Esyngton ; Nicholas Baily ; John Bisshop ; John Clyue ; Edward Estwode ; John Carpenter ; William Martyn of 'Eston' ; Thomas Lange of Dummer ; John Bernard of Dummer ; John Clement ; and John Baily of Woodmancote .


She held the manor of Dummer jointly with Philip her late husband, of the king, then prince of Wales , of the honor of Wallingford by knight service, by the grant of William Pante, rector of Farleigh Wallop , and John vicar of Hampstead Norris , to them and the heirs of their bodies.

Margaret wife of John Coudray and Maud wife of Peter Coudray are their daughters and heirs, aged 14 years on 1 May last and 13 on 27 May.

TNA reference

C 138/7/16 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

167 Writ mandamus . ‡ 12 Nov. 1414. [Maupas].

Regarding lands held of Henry IV.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE Inquisition East Ilsley 20 Nov. [James].


Jurors: Roger de le Reuer ; John Kebulwyk ; John ?Gryge ; Thomas Parnecote ; John Waleys ; Thomas Malton ; Richard Iremonger ; William Hertrugge ; Richard Michell ; William Iuster ; John Iuster ; and William Huruyle .


William Waryn, clerk , held the manor of Lyford in his demesne as of fee and by charter granted to Philip Popham , Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of his body a yearly rent of 10 marks from it payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas with a clause of distraint. The manor is held of the abbot of Abingdon by knight service.

Philip had issue Philip, Margaret and Maud and died. Philip the son died without heirs of his body.

Elizabeth died on 25 July 1409. Margaret wife of John Couderay and Maud wife of Peter Couderay are their daughters and heirs, ages as above.

William Loveney has taken the rent since her death by the grant of Henry IV [CFR 1405–13, p.116].

TNA reference

C 137/7/16 mm. 1-2

E 149/102/21

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • Roger de le Reuer
  • John Kebulwyk
  • John ?Gryge
  • Thomas Parnecote
  • John Waleys
  • Thomas Malton
  • Richard Iremonger
  • William Hertrugge
  • Richard Michell
  • William Iuster
  • John Iuster
  • William Huruyle


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