E-CIPM 20-127: JOAN

Full text


Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Northampton. 21 Sept. [Grene].


Jurors: Wymer de Preston ; William Fortho ; Thomas Wakelyn ; John fitz John ; John Hertwell ; Henry Hertwell ; John Wykemyll ; John Dytton of Bradden ; Geoffrey Balde ; James Colcombe ; Thomas Adyngton ; and John Illyng .


On 8 Feb. 1395 Lewis de Clyfford , Richard Stury and Thomas Latymer , knights, Richard Dudley , John Warwyk and William Lane, chaplain , by their deed shown to the jurors, granted the manor and advowson of Paulerspury, which John Paveley, knight , had granted to them, to Joan his widow to hold to herself for her life and to her executors for 1 year more, without impeachment of waste and with remainder to themselves. This reversion they granted to Isabel, then wife of John Paveley junior, knight , and now the wife of John Seynt Johan , to hold to her and her heirs and assigns. Joan attorned to Isabel.

Afterwards on 12 July 1403 Joan by her deed, also shown to the jurors, granted all her estate in the manor except an interior court in the house called the gatehouse with the house, and excepting the advowson and the herbage, fishery and hunting in the new park and a meadow called ‘le Newmedwe’ and a garden next the graveyard of the manor with free ingress and egress to and from all these, to John Seynt Johan , Isabel his wife, Oliver their son, Thomas Wodevile , John Wylkotes , William Poulet and John Bovere for the life of Joan on certain conditions contained in the deed, provided always that immediately after the death of Joan John Seynt Johan and Isabel and their heirs and assigns could enter the manor as of ancient right without any payments or claims whatsoever from Joan on account of her occupation of the manor, excepting always that her executors should have free ingress and egress and reasonable time for administration without impediment by John Seynt Johan and Isabel or anyone acting in their name.

John Seynt Johan and Isabel are still alive, Isabel being aged 40. The whole manor should remain to them and the heirs and assigns of Isabel. It is held of the king of the honor of Peverel as half a knight’s fee, annual value £30.

Joan died on 1 Feb. 1414. Margery wife of John Bryan of Worcestershire is her kinswoman and heir, being the daughter of Sybil her sister, aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 138/5/55 mm. 1-2

E 136/148/1

E 149/102/17

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Clerk(Writ Clerk)


  • Wymer de Preston
  • William Fortho
  • Thomas Wakelyn
  • John fitz John
  • John Hertwell
  • Henry Hertwell
  • John Wykemyll
  • John Dytton of Bradden
  • Geoffrey Balde
  • James Colcombe
  • Thomas Adyngton
  • John Illyng


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