Full text


Writ Head

9 Writ, melius inquirendo. ‡ 7 Nov. 1413. [Maupas].

Addressed to William Crowemer mayor and escheator of London. Recites CIPM XIX, no. 488. Inquire by whose grant or in what way she held 2 messuages, 9 shops with solars and 5 cottages etc. in fee tail.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 11 Dec. [Crowmere].


Jurors: Robert Smyth ; John Valent ; John Mounde ; John Rous ; Nicholas Chaundeler ; Robert Holand ; John Brette ; John Market ; John Caunturbury ; John Slapley ; Nicholas Wardale ; and William Evesham .


She held in fee tail 2 messuages, 9 shops with solars above, 5 cottages with chambers and a wharf in the parish of All Hallows the Great. William Tarent , Walter Mydilton, clerk , and Richard Mauffe held these premises in their demesne as of fee and granted them to Nicholas Loveyn, knight , and Margaret then his wife to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies. Their daughter Margaret married Richard Chaumberleyn and had issue Richard. Richard the father died and Margaret married Philip Seincler, knight , and had two sons, John and Thomas.

Richard the son is next heir of Margaret.

TNA reference

C 138/1/10 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Tonbridge. 15 Dec. [Horden].


Jurors: John Dorkynghole ; John Baker of Penshurst ; Adam at.. .... [ms blank in E]; Henry Ramherst ; Thomas atte Halle ; William Deryngge ; John Reade ; William Grobbe ; John Viel ; John Salman ; John Pycot junior ; and Thomas Sampson .


She held more than was found in the former inquisition [CIPM XIX, no. 656], namely in Penshurst: 30 a. called Letherham, annual value 6d. the a. and 33 1/2 a. meadow called ‘Langemede’, annual value 12d. the a., of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, services unknown; 2 a. meadow called ‘Jakelynsmede’ and 1 a. called ‘Brookmed’ of Walter atte Foorth , service unknown, annual value 12d. the a.; the advowson of a chapel or chantry in Penshurst and 45s. rent from free tenants in Penshurst, Chiddingstone, Bidborough and Leigh, of the earl of Stafford of his castle of Tonbridge, service unknown. The earl holds of the archbishop of Canterbury .

The rent and the tenements from which it is derived are held by common law and ‘francfee’ and should descend to Richard son of Margaret and of Richard Chamberleyn her first husband, as next heir. He is aged 22 years and more. The holdings of the prior and of Walter atte Foorth are in gavelkind and should be divided between male heirs, namely Richard Chamberleyn the son, John his brother aged 19 years, and John Seyntcler aged 16 on 1 June last, and Thomas his brother, aged 10 years, the sons of Margaret and Philip Seyntcler.

TNA reference

C 138/1/10 mm. 3-4

E 149/90/9 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition ex officio Tonbridge. 22 Dec. 1413. [Horden].


Jurors: Thomas atte Halle ; William Deryng ; John Rede ; John Baker of Penshurst ; Adam atte Stone ; John Dorkynghole ; Henry Ramherst ; William Grubbe ; John Viel ; John Salman ; Thomas Sampson ; and John Pygot .


She held in Penshurst: 30 a. called Letherham [… as in last to ‘archbishop of Canterbury’ , then]

Philip Seyncler survived his wife and held all the premises by the courtesy of England from the date of her death until 15 May 1408. Since then Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury , has held them in right of his liberty.

TNA reference

E 149/90/9 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • John Dorkynghole
  • John Baker of Penshurst
  • Adam at.. ....
  • Henry Ramherst
  • Thomas atte Halle
  • William Deryngge
  • John Reade
  • William Grobbe
  • John Viel
  • John Salman
  • John Pycot junior
  • Thomas Sampson


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