Full text


Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Westbury on Severn. 10 Sept. [Saundres].


Jurors: Henry Crook ; John Polleyn ; John Eyton ; Richard Hambrok ; Walter Werkesborgh ; Richard atte Hay ; John Estmere ; John Bedale ; John Hert ; Roger Martyn ; Thomas Page ; and Thomas Heynes .


Jointly with Joan his wife, who survives him, he held 22 marks rent from 2 parts of the manor of Sandhurst by Gloucester, which parts they held by the grant of William Beaumont for the term of their lives. By an indenture dated 10 April 1397 and shown to the jurors, they gave them to John Bysley , Emma his wife and their heirs and assigns for the same term, rendering 22 marks, with reversion after the deaths of John and Joan to Thomas son of William Beaumont .

The 2 parts of Sandhurst are held of the abbot of Gloucester , service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

He died on 27 July last . William his son and heir is aged 21 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/87/39 mm. 1-2

E 149/97/12 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 6 Sept. [Veel].


Jurors: John Straunge ; Simon Chamberleyn ; William Coulard ; William Placer ; William Purye ; John Noblet ; Robert Jolyff ; Thomas Wyseman ; John Thurlewynde ; Walter Goldsmyth ; John Lyveden ; and William Knaplok .


He held the manor of Haydon jointly with Joan his wife by the grant of Thomas Brokhampton , John Wake, clerk , and William Kyngeston to them and the heirs of his body by their charter shown to the jurors. It is held of the bishop of Salisbury by knight service, annual value £20.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/87/39 mm. 3-4

E 149/97/12 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

984 [Writ: see 983 .]

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 26 Aug. 1412 [Veel].


Jurors: John Rollere ; John Walweton ; Robert Walsham ; William Roucestre ; John Peny ; Henry Hymerford ; William Merdene ; William Ponton ; John Wardrobe ; John Lyveden ; William Veel ; and William Knaplok .


Jointly with Joan his wife by the grant of Thomas Hertyscote and John Lopynford by a fine of 1397 made with royal licence [CP 25(1)/201/32, no.44; CPR 1396–9 , p.150] he held to them and their heirs male with successive remainders to Robert his son, the heirs male of his body, and his own right heirs:

Hardington Mandeville, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Merryfield, the manor, 3 parts of Thomas Beauchamp, knight , a half of the fourth part of the abbot of Athelney and the other half of the abbot of Muchelney , services unknown, annual value of the whole £20.

Upper and Lower Adber and Hummer, 1 messuage and 2 1/2 carucates, of Elizabeth countess of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value 100s.

By the same fine he held half the manor of Chilton Cantelo for life with successive remainders to his sons William, John and Robert and the heirs male of the bodies of each in turn. The manor is held of John Roggers , service unknown, annual value of the half 100s.

He also held jointly with Joan his wife in fee tail:

White Lackington, 6 a. and half of 10 a. arable and 1 a. wood, by the grant of Robert Langebrok and Christine his wife by another fine [CP 25(1)/201/32, no.50], of Thomas Beauchamp, knight , service unknown, annual value 2s.

Ashford and Ilton, 1 messuage, 8 a. arable and 1/2 a. meadow, by the grant of Robert Langebrok and Christine his wife by another fine [not found], of the abbot of Athelney , service unknown, annual value 3s.4d.

White Lackington, 13 a. arable and 1 a. wood, by the grant of John Mocheldevere of Wick by Langport and Edith his wife by another fine [CP 25(1)/201/33, no.38], of Thomas Beauchamp, knight , service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.

White Lackington, Clayhanger and Isle Abbots, 30 a. arable, 1/2 a. meadow and 2 a. wood, by the grant of John Moure by his deed to them and the heirs of John, of the same Thomas, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

Yenston, Staundon and Bowden, 12 messuages, 300 a. arable, 40 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture and 21 a. wood, by the grant by charter of John Wake, chaplain , Thomas Brokhampton and William Kyngeston to them, and their heirs and assigns, of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/87/39 mm. 3, 5

E 149/97/12 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 30 Aug. [Bromford].


Jurors: Robert Crook ; John Peverell ; John Carswyll ; William Grylleston ; William Walrond ; Roger Wyke ; John Crosse of Sidford ; John atte Wylle ; William Frensheston ; Thomas Molys ; Henry Wyllesdon ; and John atte ?Heghes .


He held half the manor of Harberton in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service jointly with William Hankeford by the grant of Cecily Turbervyll by a fine made with the king’s licence [CP 25(1)/45/70 no.16; CPR 1388–92 p.255] to them and John Hille , now deceased, and his heirs, annual value 20s.

He held the manor of Silverton jointly with Joan his wife for their lives on condition that if she should marry again after his death it would remain to John his son and his heirs male, half by the grant of Bartholomew Pyle , John Talbot and Thomas Wyke , and the other half by the grant of John Talbot , Bartholomew Pyle and John Hille, clerk , of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

He held for life 8 messuages, 3 carucates, 8 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture and 20 a. wood in Edgcumbe, Norton, ‘Tachethorne’, Wabble, ‘Knyhteslond’ and Shooleymoor by the grant of Bartholomew Pyle , Thomas Wyke and William Kyngeston to him with remainder to William his son, to hold until such time as the manor of Merryfield with lands and tenements in Somerset and Dorset should descend to him. If he inherited them before, or if he died before succeeding to them, they should descend to Thomas son of John and his heirs male. They are held of the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s, Exeter, service unknown, annual value 100s.

He also held jointly with Joan 2 messuages and 2 carucates in Dean and Littlecombe in the manor of Branscombe for the term of their lives by the grant of Thomas Bytelysgate with reversion to him and held of him, service unknown, annual value 40s.;
and similarly half of 1 messuage, 1 carucate and 4 a. meadow in Salcombe Regis by the grant of John Morton and Agnes his wife to them and Thomas their son and his heirs male, of the same dean and chapter, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.

Also jointly with Joan for the term of their lives he held the manor of Lustleigh by the grant of William Burleston with remainder to John their son and his heirs male, of the earl of March , service unknown, annual value 100s.

He held for life 200 a. of hilly land called Kingsdon by the grant of William Bonvyll, knight , with reversion to Alice, widow of William, who survives, of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.;
and 100 a. arable in Womberford by the grant of Clement Jew with reversion to William Jew , of John Dypham , service unknown, annual value 20s.

Jointly with Thomas his son he held 1 messuage and 100 a. arable in Rodsworthy, Veraby and Foxcroft, parcel of the manor of Rose Ash, by the grant of Thomas Nitheway , with the reversion of 1 messuage, 100 a. arable and 10 a. meadow which Robert Cawodelegh and Goodeth his wife hold for the term of their lives in Rodsworthy, to them and the heirs of Thomas, of the lord of Rose Ash , service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/87/39 mm. 6-7

E 149/97/12 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Hardington Mandeville
Total: -
Total: -
Upper and Lower Adber, Hummer
Total: -
Chilton Cantelo
Total: -
White Lackington
Total: -
Ashford, Ilton
Total: -
White Lackington
Total: -
White Lackington, Clayhanger, Isle Abbots
Total: -
Yenston, Staundon, Bowden
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Veel(Escheator)


  • John Rollere
  • John Walweton
  • Robert Walsham
  • William Roucestre
  • John Peny
  • Henry Hymerford
  • William Merdene
  • William Ponton
  • John Wardrobe
  • John Lyveden
  • William Veel
  • William Knaplok


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