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Writ Head

972 Writ. ‡ 20 Feb. 1412 [Thoralby].

Addressed to Robert Chichele, mayor and escheator

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. St . Bride’s church. 23 Feb. [Chichelee].


Jurors: John Turvey ; William Latham ; John Hille ; John Broke ; John Pershale ; John Chertesey ; Robert Croke ; John Lecche ; John Clay ; John Trumme ; John Cole ; and Thomas Duraunt .


He once held a messuage and garden in the king’s close of Fleet in the suburbs, the office of keeper of all prisoners in the king’s prisons and a rent of £6 14s.5d. from various lands and tenements in the city and suburbs in his demesne as of fee of Richard II in grand serjeanty, keeping the prisons and prisoners and taking 6d. for each day from the sheriffs and 2s.4d. from each man committed to prison for his fee. By his charter dated at London on 30 June 1380 and licensed by letters patent [CPR 1377–81 , p.524] he granted all these holdings to Richard de Ravenser , John de Hermesthorp and William de Sleford , clerks, Robert Martell , John de Herlyngton and John Slory, junior . So they held.

Richard de Ravenser died. Then Robert Martell and John Slory released their rights to John de Hermesthorp , William de Sleford and John de Herlyngton by royal licence. Then these three granted all except the rent to Lawrence de Allerthorp, canon of St. Paul’s , Master William de Waltham , Thomas Haxey and George de Louthorp , canons of Salisbury, John Slory and Robert de Rodyngton to hold for the life of Roger with remainder to John, the eldest son of Roger, and Helen, John’s wife, daughter of Robert Agas of Waltham , and the heirs and assigns of John, and by their charter of 31 Aug. 1395 they also granted the rent of £6 14s.5d. to John de Sapurton and Helen his wife and the heirs and assigns of John, all in virtue of royal letters patent [CPR 1391–6 , p.691].

Helen is dead. All should remain to John, annual value £20.

Roger died on 19 Feb. 1412 . John his son and next heir is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/87/35 mm. 1-2

E 149/98/5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Thoralby(Writ Clerk)


  • John Turvey
  • William Latham
  • John Hille
  • John Broke
  • John Pershale
  • John Chertesey
  • Robert Croke
  • John Lecche
  • John Clay
  • John Trumme
  • John Cole
  • Thomas Duraunt


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