Full text


Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Devizes. 28 Jan. [Bryde].


Jurors: Robert Nyweman ; Thomas Hanecok ; John Groue ; Thomas Horn ; John Whetham ; Roger Grouer ; John Jay ; William Gloucestre ; Robert Provendre ; John Smyth ; William Persons ; and John Peverel .


She held the manor of Little Cheverell with the advowsons of the church and chantry for life by the grant of Master Edmund Seintlo, clerk, and John Lupyate to her, then the wife of Peter Courteney, knight , by charter shown to the jurors, with remainder to the right heirs of Alexander son of John de Sancto Laudo . It is held of the earl of Salisbury by knight service, annual value £9.
Alexander died during her lifetime. William Botreaux is his kinsman and heir, being the son of Elizabeth his sister.

Long before her death she gave lands and tenements which she held in fee in Ogbourne Maizey to Richard Duffeld and Alice his wife to hold for the term of their lives without rendering anything. They still hold with reversion to her. They are held of the duke of York , service unknown, annual value 20s.

She died on 5 Jan. last . William Lord Botreaux , son of Elizabeth her daughter, is her heir, aged 22 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/86/30 mm. 1-2

E 149/98/12 m. 2

E 152/9/446 dorse

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Shaftesbury. 21 Jan. 1412 [?Lanoy].


Jurors: Thomas Hatte ; John Kynvare ;n958_001 Hugh Crocsale ; Anselm Halghwell ; Thomas Hasilmere ; William Catte ; William Chalk ; Roger Pygon ; John Croksale ; William Smyth ; John Deygher ; and Reynold Hogyn .


She held the manor of Maiden Newton with 3 messuages in Throop, 5 in Notton and 9 in Crockway jointly with John her late husband by the grant of John de Clyvedon, knight , Nicholas de Aylesbury, chaplain , and John Huldebrond to them and the heirs male of their bodies.

Maiden Newton is held of Maud Lovell of the manor of Sutton Waldron , service unknown, annual value £10,
3 messuages in Throop, 5 in Notton and 9 in Crockway of John Lysle of his manor of Newton Lisle by a rent of 1d., annual value 100s.

John de Sancto Laudo was twice married. By his first wife, Alice daughter of Walter Paulegh of Brook, knight , he had two daughters, Ela and Joan. Ela is married to Richard Saymour, knight , and had issue Richard Seymour, knight , now deceased. He left a daughter Alice, now in the king’s ward, aged 3 years. Joan was married to John de Chydyok, knight , and had issue John, now aged 26 years and more. Both his parents are dead.

By his second wife John de Sancto Laudo had a daughter Elizabeth who married William Lord Botreaux and had a son William, who is still living.

John de Sancto Laudo died without heirs male by Margaret. Alice daughter of Richard, John son of John Chydyok and William Lord Botreaux are his heirs.

Date of death and heir of Margaret, of full age, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/86/30 mm. 3-4

E 152/9/446 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 21 Nov. [Veele].


Jurors: David Spencer ; John Crokker senior; Richard Wokyng ; Thomas Benet ; Richard Sothwyk ; Thomas Parker ; John Busshupp ; Robert ?Boyfount ; Walter Paul ; John Bugge ; John Fippe ; and Roger Rede .


John de Clyvedon, knight , Nicholas de Aylesbury, chaplain , and John Hyldebrond held the manor of Maiden Newton, 3 messuages in Throop, 5 in Notton and 9 in Crockway in their demesne as of fee, and granted them to John de Sancto Laudo and Margaret, the heirs male of their bodies and his right heirs.

He was twice married … [as above].

Alice, John and William are the right heirs to whom the premises should descend.

TNA reference

C 137/86/30 mm. 5-6

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Frome. 19 Jan. [Lanoy].


Jurors: Richard Pauleigh ; Walter Silfeyn ; Henry Noreys ; William Pouleyn ; John Boteler of Littleton ; John Norton ; John Bonde of Nunney ; William Colesborne ; John Roules ; Henry Nicholas ; Philip Loryng ; and Walter Jones .


She held the manors of Aller, Yeovilton, Cricket Thomas, Shipham, Cheddar and Leigh, 26s.8d. rent in Wells, and the advowsons of Aller, Cricket Thomas and Shipham and of the chantry of Aller by the grant of Robert son of Robert Hull , Richard Virgo , William Buttes, clerk , James Taunton and William Wyrcestre to her and Peter Courteney, knight , her second husband, now deceased, for their lives by a fine of 1391 [CP 25(1)/201/31, no.20], shown to the jurors, with remainder to William Botreaux son of Elizabeth daughter of John and Margaret, and the heirs of the body of William.

Aller with the advowsons is held of Thomas Broke, knight , service unknown, annual value £100;
Yeovilton of the heir of John Wyke of Nynehead , service unknown, annual value 40s.;
Cricket Thomas with the advowson of the heir of Lord Seymour , in the king’s ward, of the manor of Castle Cary by suit of court there twice yearly, annual value £7;
Shipham with the advowson of John Typtot, knight , of the manor of Curry Mallet , service unknown, annual value 60s.;
Cheddar and Leigh of the bishop of Bath and Wells , service unknown, annual value 60s.;
and the 26s.8d. rent in Wells of the bishop in burgage.

She also held the manors of Publow and Newton St. Loe with the advowson of Newton St. Loe, lands and tenements in East Chelwood and Stockwood, and rents and reversions in Stockwood by the grant of Master Edmund de Sancto Laudo, clerk, and Nicholas Saltcok, parson of Newton St. Loe , by charter shown to the jurors, to hold to her for life with remainder to Alexander son of John de Sancto Laudo and his heirs.

Publow and Newton St. Loe with the advowson are held of the heir of Lord le Despenser, a minor in the king’s ward, by suit of court at the honour of Gloucester once yearly, annual value £30;
lands and tenements in East Chelwood of Richard Cockes, lord of that place, in socage, annual value 20s.;
and rents and reversions in Stockwood of the abbot of Keynsham by a rent of one unmewed sparrowhawk, annual value 20s.

Alexander survived his father and died under age without heirs of his body. William Botreaux son of Elizabeth, sister of Alexander, is his next heir, aged 22 years and more.

Date of death as above.

TNA reference

C 137/86/30 mm. 7-8

E 149/98/12 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

n958_001^: Exchequer text: ?Kynbare



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Maiden Newton
Total: -
Throop, Notton, Crockway
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • ?Lanoy(Escheator)


  • Thomas Hatte
  • John Kynvare
  • Hugh Crocsale
  • Anselm Halghwell
  • Thomas Hasilmere
  • William Catte
  • William Chalk
  • Roger Pygon
  • John Croksale
  • William Smyth
  • John Deygher
  • Reynold Hogyn


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