Full text


Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 18 July. [Huys].


Jurors: William Beton ; John Pichard ; John Lucas ; John Swan ; John Aleyn ; William in the Herne; Thomas Gobold ; Henry Okham ; John Lyffen ; John Ayleff ; John Scherman ; and John ?Gotobedde .


She held half the manor and half the advowson of Great Childerley of the king of the honour of Huntingdon as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 4 marks.

She died on 26 July [sic , St. Anne] last. Alice wife of Dennis Lopham , aged 38 years, Elizabeth wife of John Thorp , 36, Margaret wife of John Michell , citizen and fishmonger of London, 34, her daughters, and Richard Burman son of Joan another daughter, 24, are her heirs.

Long before her death, by her charter dated 3 July 1410 she granted to Dennis and Alice Lopham and the heirs of Alice 6 tofts, 118 1/2 a. arable and 8 a. meadow in Little Childerley and Lolworth, 1 1/2 a. in Childerley called ‘Ricardislond’, and 2 tofts and 18 a. of land dispersed in the towns and fields of Childerley, Little Childerley and Lolworth all of which were never parcel of Childerley manor. Dennis and Alice still hold them.

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

TNA reference

C 137/85/16 mm. 1-2

E 149/96/13 m. 1

Writ Head

926 Writ to partition. 17 Oct. 1411 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to Nich Huys, escheator of Cambridgeshire

Inquisition Head

[CAMBRIDGESHIRE]. [Partition of lands], by agreement of the heirs of Cecily. Childerley. 20 Oct. [Huys].


To Richard Burman , son and heir of Joan eldest daughter of Cecily:

Five roods of wood to the east of the wood; 7 1/2 roods of a piece of land called ‘sevenacres’ to the east of it; 5 roods of a piece called ‘le Visacres’ at ‘Hamgraveweye’ abutting on that way, lying to the east of the piece; 3 roods of a piece called ‘le Dole’ at the gate of the manor of Childerley in the north of the piece; 3 roods of the ‘Schortedole’ at the head of the piece called ‘le Dole’ to the east; 3 roods of ‘tenlondes’ lying next ‘le Dole’ to the north; 3 1/2 roods of a piece called ‘le Dole at le Grene’ abutting on ‘le Rode’ to the north; 2 1/2 roods of a piece called ‘le Dole at le Sladesende’ in the west next ‘Bokesworthweye’; 3 1/2 roods of a piece called ‘le Dole’ abutting on ‘Bonetonweye’ to the east; 2 1/2 roods of a piece called ‘le Tenlond’ abutting on the ‘Tounesende’ to the west; 3 roods of a piece to the north called ‘Bonetonemede’ to the east; and 7 roods of a piece of 7 a. abutting on ‘Ellesworthweye’ to the east.

One whole croft formerly of William Bonde, senior , wholly allotted to Richard and to Alice wife of Dennis Lopham , another daughter, containing 1 croft and 1 rood of arable next ‘le Dofhouscroft’ which was allotted to Elizabeth wife of John Thorp , third daughter, and Margaret wife of John Michell , fourth daughter. Also the services of John in the Herne 21s. yearly, the services of William Frenssh 3s., and of Henry Pempdehed 19d. beyond 1d. assigned to Alice wife of Dennis Lopham , and 1 of 4 capons which John Custance renders yearly, and William, senior , son of Nicholas Bonde , villein, and his family.

William Bonde the ancient ( magis senex ) and Katherine daughter of Nicholas Bonde with their families are undivided amongst the co-heirs. The site of the manor is likewise undivided and each will present to the church in turn as vacancies occur.

Portion of Alice wife of Dennis Lopham , second daughter of Cecily:

Five roods of wood next the part of Richard Burman, 7 1/2 roods [as above to ‘of a piece of 7 a. abutting on “Ellesworthweye” next the part of Richard’, each piece as above substituting ‘next the part of Richard’ for ‘to the east’ etc .].

One whole croft [as above to ‘fourth daughter’]. Also the services of Nicholas Bonde 18s., from servile tenure beyond [8s.8d.] assigned to Margaret wife of John Michell and all the services of various tenants of the land called ‘Asshere’ 3s., and services of tenants of land of Alan Thriplowe 2s., and of John Roye for a meadow 4d., and John Asplon 13d. beyond 7d. allotted to Elizabeth wife of John Thorp , services of John Crabbe 13d. beyond 23d. allotted to Margaret wife of John Michell , services of John Custance, 1 capon, and of Henry Pempdehed 1d. beyond 19d. allotted to Richard, and Nicholas Bonde , villein, and his family.

William Bonde the ancient [as above to ‘as vacancies occur’].

Portion of Elizabeth wife of John Thorp , third daughter of Cecily:

Five roods of wood next the part of Alice, 7 1/2 roods [as above to ‘of a piece of 7 a. abutting on “Ellesworthweye” next the part of Alice’, each piece as above substituting ‘next the part of Alice’ for ‘to the east’ etc .].

One croft called ‘John Heynesshonescroft’ and 1 rood next ‘Dofhouscroft’ allotted to Elizabeth and Margaret, fourth daughter, against 1 whole croft formerly of William Bonde, senior , allotted to Richard Burman and Alice Lopham . Also the services of William in the Herne 13s.4d. yearly, services of John Bere 7s. 8 1/2d., services of John Hore for half the lands there which he holds of the manor 4s., services of John Asplon 7d., and 1 capon of 4 which John Custance renders, and William, junior , son of Nicholas Bonde , villein, and his family.

William Bonde the ancient [as above to ‘as vacancies occur’].

Portion of Margaret wife of John Michell , fourth daughter of Cecily:

Five roods of wood next the part of Elizabeth, 7 1/2 roods [as above to ‘piece of 7 a. abutting on “Ellesworthweye” next the part of Elizabeth’, each piece as above substituting ‘next the part of Elizabeth’ for ‘to the east’ etc .].

One whole croft called ‘John Heynesshonescroft’ and 1 rood next ‘Dofhouscroft’ allotted to Elizabeth and Margaret against 1 whole croft formerly of William Bonde, senior , allotted to Richard Burman and Alice Lopham . Also the services of Richard Boteler 15s. yearly and of Nicholas Bonde 8s.8d. beyond 18s. for rent of villein holdings allotted to Alice, the services of John Crabbe 23d., and 1 capon of 4 rendered by John Custance , and Henry son of Nicholas Bonde , villein, and his family.

William Bonde the ancient [as above to ‘as vacancies occur’].

TNA reference

C 137/85/16 m. 3 [partition]

E 149/96/13 m. 2 [writ]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

926A Writ melius inquirendo. ‡ 18 July 1417. [clerk's name illegible]

Regarding XIX.925. The king understands that the tofts, etc., are parcel of the manor of Childerley, and that John Burman the elder son of the said Joan [daughter of Cecily], who was at the time of Cecily’s death and at the time of the taking of the inquisition and long after in foreign parts, was a next heir of the said Cecily; and that the said Richard was the younger brother of John and not Cecily’s heir in any way as supposed in the inquisition. John returned long after the death of Cecily, and entered a fourth part of the manor and advowson and occupied it for some time (tempus non modicum) and had issue, surviving, by which the custody of the fourth part belongs to the king until the full age of the heir. Inquire accordingly.

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 6 Nov. 1417. [Burgoyne]


[Jurors not listed]


[Findings of first part of inquisition as CIPM XX.749]

John Burman was the elder son of Joan, and was in foreign parts at the time of Cecily’s death, and of the taking of the inquisition, and long after, and was a next heir of Cecily. Richard was his younger brother and was never an heir of Cecily. Long after Cecily’s death John returned to England and entered the 1/4 manor and advowson by right of inheritance and occupied it for a long time and received the issues. He had issue: John his son, who survives. John the father died on 29 Sept. 1415. John the son is his next heir and is aged 3 and more. The custody of John and the 1/4 part belongs to the king.

TNA reference

C 137/85/16 m. 3 [writ]

E 149/96/13 m. 3 [inq.]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XIX



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Great Childerley
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • William Beton
  • John Pichard
  • John Lucas
  • John Swan
  • John Aleyn
  • William in the Herne
  • Thomas Gobold
  • Henry Okham
  • John Lyffen
  • John Ayleff
  • John Scherman
  • John ?Gotobedde


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