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Inquisition Head

[SOMERSET. Beginning torn off].


Jurors: ... Robert Dolyng ; Richard Odom ; Henry Boon ; Richard Barbour of ...;


… He held in his demesne as of fee a service rent of a rose [from premises in Kilmersdon] … with his wife for their lives reversion of a messuage … by a fine of 1363 [CP 25(1)/200/26, no.75] … in socage of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem …

He held in his demesne as of fee the manor and hundred of South Petherton with the hamlets of Barrington [Chillington and South Harp] of the king in chief by knight service, annual value of the manor, hamlets and hundred £200.
Long before his death by a charter dated 14 Feb. 1370 and made with royal licence he granted to William Botreaux, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, his (Ralph’s) daughter and her heirs a rent of £40 from the manor and hamlets, described as all his lands and tenements in Barrington, South Petherton, South Harp and Chillington, payable by equal parts at the 4 terms, with licence to distrain if in arrears. They have held the rent since then. Long after this Ralph gave the manor, hundred and hamlets to Giles Daubeney for life, rendering £100 yearly at the 4 principal terms, with the king’s licence [inspeximus, CPR 1408–13 , p.287]. So Giles held the manor etc. except for the rent of £40.

Ralph held no more when he died on 22 Nov. 1378 . Giles, under age in the king’s ward, is next heir, being the brother of John, son of Giles, son of Giles, son of Ralph, and aged 16 years and more.

Giles son and heir of Ralph held the manor of South Petherton etc. burdened with the £40 rent and took the profits and also held the rent of a rose from Kilmersdon from the death of his father until his own death on 24 June 1386 .

After his death the premises and rent of a rose were taken into the hands of Richard II owing to the minority of Giles son of Giles, and the king took the profits, except for the rent of £40 and those from lands and tenements which Eleanor widow of the elder Giles held in dower. How much she held and for how long is unknown.

When Giles son of Giles reached full age he had livery of all the premises apart from the dower of Eleanor, and of the rent of a rose, and he took the profits except for the £40 and a rent of £10, which by royal licence [CPR 1396–9 , p.263] he granted to William Daubeney for life on 20 Nov. 1397 , to be taken by equal parts at the four terms, with licence to distrain if in arrears. Giles died on 22 Aug. 1403 , and the premises were again taken into the king’s hands owing to the minority of John his son. A third part was assigned to Margaret widow of Giles son of Giles in dower.

John died on 24 Sept. 1409 , under age in the king’s ward. A third part of 2 parts was assigned to Elizabeth his widow in dower. The other 2 parts of the 2 parts were granted to Queen Joan to hold until an heir reached full age. So Margaret held a third part, Elizabeth 1 part of the other 2 parts and the queen 2 parts of 2 parts, all excepting the rents of William and Elizabeth Botreaux and William Daubeney .

TNA reference

C 137/79/42 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
hundred, South Petherton, Barrington, Chillington, South Harp
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • Robert Dolyng
  • Richard Odom
  • Henry Boon
  • Richard Barbour


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