Full text


Writ Head

736 Writ. ‡ 23 Dec. 1409 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to Richard Merlowe, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 6 Feb. 1410. [Merlawe].


Jurors: John Brydde ; John Leddebeter ; John Marchall ; John Typhe ; John Kempe ; Robert Estefeld ; John Burgate ; Walter Aylemere ; John Hosyer ; Richard Bernewey ; John Dunnyng ; and Henry Wotton .


Under the will of Bartholomew, dated at Stansted in Halstead on 30 March 1409 and shown to the jurors, she held for life of the king in free burgage a house in the parish of St. Botolph Bishopsgate with gardens, rents and services, with reversion to his heirs, annual value 26s.8d.;
and the reversions of a house called ‘le Gatehous’ to this house after the death of Thomas Berebowe , who is living and holds for life, title unknown, and of all the tenements, lands and gardens by the house which Philip Morsell , Walter Gayton , Lawrence Stapulton and William Breton , all living, hold by the grant of Bartholomew to the use and profit of Thomas Berebowe , with reversion to the heirs of Bartholomew, annual value 40s.

She died on 12 Sept. last . Elizabeth wife of Hugh Stafford, knight , daughter of Bartholomew and herself, is next heir, aged 11 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/78/32 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Chelmsford. 10 Jan. 1410. [Aspall].


Jurors: Guy Duk ; Edmund Preston ; Gilbert Dedham ; Richard Chilterne ; Thomas Loy ; Robert Rouchestre ; John Page of Maldon ; John Burgeys ; John Elde ; Richard Kyrkeby ; John Hacoun ; and John Dodele .


She held for life by the charter of Thomas Cays , dated at Halstead on 29 Aug. 1402 , and the confirmation of John Porter of Tollesbury, dated at the same place on 25 Sept. 1402 , to Bartholomew and herself with remainder to Robert then bishop of London , William Skrene , Robert de Teye , John de Boys , Robert Rykedon , Clement Spice , Ralph Chamberlayn , Richard Waltham , Robert parson of Sible Hedingham , William Cryket , Thomas Berbowe and Edmund Man , citizen of London , and their heirs and assigns, without conditions, the manors of Osea, Asheldam, Langford, Stansted and Little Fordham; 140 a. arable, 20 a. marsh and 12s. rent called Motts in St. Lawrence; 160 a. arable and 4 a. marsh in Tillingham; 40 a. marsh belonging to the manor of Asheldam; 160 a. arable and 40 a. marsh called Nipsell’s Rayments in Mayland; the manor of Latchingdon; the manor of Stansted with appurtenances in Halstead; 2 watermills there; lands and tenements in Markshall; 29s.8d. rent in Stisted; lands and tenements in Wethersfield; other lands and tenements in Mayland, Latchingdon, Tillingham and Halstead; 60 a. arable, 6 a. pasture, 20 a. meadow and 22s. rent in Braintree; 58 a. arable and 26s. rent in Gosfield; and £10 rent in Sible Hedingham; all formerly held by Thomas Cays and John Porter by the grant of Bartholomew; and all the rent called Barantynesfee, lands called ‘Mawawytis’ with 4s. rent in Ulting and elsewhere, and 13s. rent in Hatfield Peverel and elsewhere.

Similarly she held for life by the grant of Richard Clifford, bishop of London , John de Boys , Robert de Teye , Robert Rykedon , Robert parson of Sible Hedingham , Richard Waltham , Thomas Rolfe , Thomas Berebowe , Adam Cresselode, clerk , and William Bailly (?), by their charter dated at Great Totham on 26 May 1409 , the manors of Wood Hall , Great Totham, Patching Hall, Moreton, Little Greenstead and Emanuel; lands and tenements in Little Chesterford; 100 a. arable and 3 a. wood in Great Chesterford; 102 a. arable, 3 a. meadow and 7 a. wood in Ashdon; 20 a. arable in Bocking; the manor of Little Bromley with the advowson of the church and chantry there; 100 a. arable and 3 a. meadow in Littlebury with other lands and tenements in Waldon; 140 a. arable, 30 a. wood, 20 a. pasture and 13s. rent in Wix called Hempstall; 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow, 20 a. pasture and 20s. rent in Tendring called New Hall; 80 a. arable, 5 a. pasture, 3 a. meadow called ‘la Hyde’(?) and tenements in Bradfield; 20 a. arable and pasture and 20s. rent in Mistley; 40 a. arable, 4 a. meadow, 16 a. pasture and 8s. rent called ‘Lynwodes’, and lands and tenements in Great Bromley and Little Bromley; lands and tenements in Little Bentley and Frinton; 40 a. arable and pasture called Kellonds; 100 a. arable and meadow called Stock Hall, with watermills and windmills; and the advowsons of Langford and Greenstead, of the abbey of Beeleigh, the hospital of St. Giles, Maldon, and the church of … to hold all lands, services, reversions, all manors, advowsons of chapels, churches, chantries, abbeys and hospitals, views of frankpledge and other franchises in Essex and elsewhere which the bishop and others held by the grant of Bartholomew, except the manors of Little Maldon, Tolleshunt and Messing and 200 a. of arable, meadow and pasture and wood in Rivenhall and Witham, except the lands called ‘Hyppeworthys’, Jony Fitzandrew, Thomas Fitzjohan , Slades(?), Stanle’ … 1 cottage and 1 a. called ‘Chyrchehalle’ in Sible Hedingham, the advowson …

She held no more except for those manors listed in another inquisition by this escheator.

Osea manor is held of the king of the honour of Boulogne as 1 fee, annual value 100s.;
Asheldam, half of the countess of Hereford of the honour of Mandeville as 1/2 fee, annual value 10 marks, the other half of Walter Fitzwalter as 1/2 fee;
half the manor of Langford of the countess of Hereford of the honour of Mandeville as 1/2 fee, annual value £10;
Stansted of the earl of Suffolk of the honour of Eye by fealty, annual value 10 marks;
Latchingdon of the king of the honour of Haughley as 1 fee, annual value 100s.;
Little Fordham of the king of the honour of Boulogne by fealty, annual value 10 marks;
Tillingham of the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, London, by fealty, annual value £4;
[the marsh belonging to] Asheldam of the king of the honour of Rayleigh as 1/4 fee, annual value £8;
the lands in Nipsell’s Rayments in Mayland of the king of the honour of Peverel , service unknown, annual value 10 marks;
the rent in St. Lawrence of the king of the honour of Boulogne ;
lands in Halstead of the earl of March of the honour of Clare, service unknown, annual value 40s.;
lands in Markshall of the lord of that manor …;
rent in Stisted of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, by fealty;
lands in Wethersfield of the heir of John Nevill, knight , service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.;
the land and rent in Braintree of the earl of March … annual value 40s.;
Gosfield of the heir of John Nevill, knight , of his manor of Wethersfield by fealty, annual value 20s.;
the rent in Sible Hedingham of the earl of Oxford by fealty, annual value £10;
the rent called Barantynesfee of the king of the honour of Boulogne , annual value 10 marks;
the rent in Ulting of the king of the honour of Haughley …;
the rent in Hatfield Peverel of the manor of Langford , service unknown …;
the manor of Wood Hall … 10 marks;
Great Totham of the king of the honour of Boulogne as 1/2 fee, annual value £10;
Patching Hall of the heir of Thomas Maundeville, knight , service unknown …;
Little Greenstead of the earl of Stafford as a third part of a 1/4 fee, annual value 7 marks;
Emanuel with lands in Little Chesterford of the king of the honour of Boulogne as 1/4 fee, annual value 6s.8d.;
Ashdon of Walter Fitzwalter of his manor of Linton … annual value 100s.;
land in Bocking of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, …;
the manor of Little Bromley with the advowson of church and chantry of the bishop of London by fealty …;
lands in Waldon of the bishop of Ely and the countess of Hereford by fealty, annual value 20s.;
[lands etc. in Wix called Hempstall] of the bishop of London by fealty, annual value 100s.;
lands and rent in Tendring called New Hall, annual value 100s.;
… Hyde of the same bishop …;
tenements in Bradfield and land and rent in [Mist]ley of the same bishop, service unknown, annual value 40s.;
… land and tenements in Little Bentley and Frinton on Sea of the same bishop, service unknown, annual value 50s.…

Date of death as above. Thomas Glavant , son of Idonea and John Glavant, her first husband, is her son and next heir, aged 22 years and more.

Eleanor wife of John Fitzrauf, esquire , is the daughter and heir of Edmund Brokesborne , her second husband, and herself, aged 16(?) years and more.

[Both copies illegible in parts, exchequer copy also torn].

TNA reference

C 137/78/32 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Chelmsford. 11 Jan. 1410. [Aspall].


Jurors: Guy Duke ; Edmund Preston ; Gilbert Dedham ; Richard Chilterne ; Thomas Loy ; Robert Rouchestre ; John Page of Maldon ; John Burgeys ; John Elde ; Richard Kyrkeby ; John Hacoun ; and John D[odele] .


She held the mansion of ‘Overehalle’ in Bradfield for life with entry to the mansion and with the timber of the surrounding oaks, by the grant of Ralph Chamberlayn and William Bret to Edmund Brokesbourne , formerly her husband, and herself and the heirs of their bodies. She held the rest of the manor of Bradfield in fee tail with lands and tenements in Mistley, Dedham, Bradfield, Wrabness and Ramsey, arable and marsh and 8s. rent called ‘Strondehows’, and other lands and tenements in Wix, 100 a. arable, 20 a. pasture, 4 a. wood and 10s. rent called Grove House in Walton le Soken , by the grant of Ralph Chamberleyn and William Bret to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, by their charter dated 3 March 1395 . Of whom the premises are held is unknown.

She died on 12 Sept. last . Eleanor wife of John FitzRauf, esquire , is her daughter and heir.

TNA reference

C 137/78/32 m. 7

E 149/96/5 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

739 Writ, melius inquirendo. ‡ 8 June 1410 [Gaunstede].

Regarding 738. Inquire of whom the manor, lands and tenements, etc., are held and by what services.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Colchester. 14 June. [Aspall].


Jurors: John Frethe ; John Martyn ; William Dykeley ; William Aleyn ; John Smale ; John Germeyn ; John Smyth ; William Coudeveyn [?Condeveyn]; Thomas Lyard ; John Essex ; Thomas Barbour ; and Thomas Casuell [?Casnell].


The manor called ‘Overhall’ with the other holdings in Bradfield is held of the heirs of Hubert de Ruleigh as half a knight’s fee,
the lands and tenements in Dedham of James Cranefen by a rent of 6d.,
those in Wrabness of the rectory there by a rent of 2d.,
those in Ramsey of John de Reydon by a rent of 8s.,
and the lands in Wix and Walton le Soken of the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, London, by a rent of 24s.

TNA reference

C 137/78/32 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Overhall, Bradfield
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Wix, Walton le Soken
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Frethe
  • John Martyn
  • William Dykeley
  • William Aleyn
  • John Smale
  • John Germeyn
  • John Smyth
  • William Coudeveyn
  • Thomas Lyard
  • John Essex
  • Thomas Barbour
  • Thomas Casuell


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