Full text


Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 27 Jan. 1410. [Scot].


Jurors: Richard Catlyn of Oakington ; Roger atte Chirche of ?Over ('Howe') ; John Mabely of the same; John Hylgere of Histon ; Roger Dobyn of the same; Richard Belebouche of Westwick ; Thomas Page of the same; John Wwarde of Oakington ; John Jomlot [or Joinlot] of the same; Richard Spede of the same; Thomas Grey of the same; and John Smyth of Girton .


William de Wylughby, knight, lord of Eresby , held the manor of Oakington, parcel of the manor of Lilford in Northamptonshire, jointly with Joan his wife, who survives him, by the grant of John Copuldyk, knight , William Michell of Friskney. Albin de Endirby and Thomas de Endirby , to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs.

The manor of Oakington is held of the king in chief of the honour of Huntingdon , service unknown, annual value 5 marks.

He died at Edgefield in Norfolk on 25 Nov. last , without issue by Joan. Robert his son and heir is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/78/29 mm. 1-2)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

729 Writ. ‡ 10 Dec. 1409 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Cawston. 20 Jan. 1410. [Rokwode].


Jurors: Roger Damyan ; William Crop’ ; Thomas Fraunceys ; Adam Fraunceys ; William ?Scoriam ; John Damyan ; John Hornyngtoft ; Richard Reed ; Roger Fraunceys ; Peter Intewode ; Roger Swerd ; and ... Lesset .


He held the manors of Edgefield, Walcott called ‘Esthalle’, and Wheatacre, except the advowsons of Edgefield and Wheatacre, by the grant of Robert de Wylughby, knight , his father, to him, Lucy his wife and the heirs of their bodies.

Edgefield is held of Thomas Bowet of his manor of Horsford, service unknown, annual value £7;
Walcott of the same Thomas of the same manor, annual value £11 5 1/2d. and no more because the greater part of the demesne abuts on the seashore and strong winds cause the waves to overflow it;
and Wheatacre of Lord Fitzwalter of his manor of Hempnall, service unknown, annual value £16 4s.1d.

He held the manor of Roughton in his demesne as of fee of the heir of Robert FitzOsbert , service unknown, annual value £4 17s.9 1/4d.

He also held jointly with Joan his wife, who survives him, the manors of Chedgrave, and Walcott called ‘Syrwateresmaner’, with 20 a. in Walcott, Keswick, Bacton and Watton, formerly of Simon de Walcote, parson of Walcott , by the grant of John de Copuldyk, knight , William Michell of Friskney, Thomas de Enderby and others, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs.

Chedgrave is held of Lord Fitzwalter of his manor of Hempnall , service unknown, annual value 11 marks 6s.8d.;
and Walcott called ‘Syrewateresmaner’ of Thomas Bowet of his manor of Horsford , service unknown, annual value 5s.4d.

Date of death as above. Robert his son and heir is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/78/29 mm. 3-4

E 149/95/11 mm. 1 (inq.), 2 (copy of writ)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

730 [Writ: see 729 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 14 Jan. 1410. [Rookwode].


Jurors: Hugh de Hoo ; William Fullere ; Robert Cook ; Thomas H...ward ; William Baxtere ; ‘Seman.’ Peyton ; Robert Knyght ; Richard Wolueston ; Nicholas de Kent ; John Baly ; John Clerk ; and Robert Bryd .


He held the manors of Ufford and Combs in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief:

Ufford as a quarter of a knight’s fee with a rent of £4 13s.4d. from Ipswich, payable by the bailiffs, and the profit of 2 leets and 2 tourns in the hundred of Samford, annual value together £8;
and Combs by fealty, annual value £7 1d.

Jointly with Joan his wife he held the manor of Bradfield of the king in chief as a twentieth part of a fee, by the grant of John Copuldyk, knight , and others [as in no.729], annual value 13 marks 2s.

He held the manor of Bawdsey of the earl of Suffolk of his manor of Benhall , service unknown, annual value 73s.4d.

Date of death and heir as above [no.728].

TNA reference

C 137/78/29 mm. 3, 5

E 149/95/11 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Oundle. 25 Jan. 1410. [Adam].


Jurors: William ..dburne ; John Wattysone ; John Knyght ; Nicholas Smyth ; John Moughton ; John Radburne ; Thomas Stauerner ; John Copyn ; Hugh Smyth ; John Heryngton ; John Aylward ; and John Yoman .


Jointly with Joan, duchess of York , his wife, he held the manor of Lilford with the manor of Oakington in Cambridgeshire, parcel of it, by the grant of John Copuldyk, knight , and others as above [no.729]. They are held of the king of the honour of Huntingdon , service unknown; annual value of Lilford alone £20.

Date of death and heir as above [no.729].

TNA reference

C 137/78/29 mm. 6-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Spilsby. 15 Jan. 1410. [Driby].


Jurors: John Marche of ?Bratoft ('Toft’); William Maginis [?Magnus] of Burgh le Marsh; Robert Maginis of the same; Walter atte Westend of Sloothby ; Richard atte Halle of the same; Thomas de Halbertoft ; Stephen Abraham of ?Bratoft ('Toft’) ; William de Braytoft of Spilsby; William Chaloner of the same; Hugh Sharp of ?Bratoft ('Toft’); Thomas Sellay of the same; and John Turnour of Spilsby .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief:

Mawthorpe, 52 1/2 a. arable, annual value each a. 4d.

Hogsthorp, 2 pieces of pasture called ‘les Meles’, containing 2 a. by estimation, annual value 4d. and no more because often submerged by the tides of the sea, and 13s.4d. rent from free tenants in the same place; and 8 a. held by bond tenants rendering 13s.4d. at Martinmas and on 17 June (St. Botolph) by equal parts; all by the service of a 14th part of a fee.

Cockerington, 1 messuage, 1 croft of 2 a. pasture and 3 bovates by estimation, by the service of a 10th part of a fee, annual value 50s.

Skirbeck, 1 messuage and the profit called lastage. Of each last of wool comprising 10 sacks taken hence by sea, the master of the ship promises the deputy to collect lastage and profit; if carried within the kingdom, nil; if taken outside the kingdom, 6d. the last, 3d. the half last, separate sacks 1d. From all merchandise taken out of the kingdom: 1 last of dried hides at 20 dickers ( dacre ) to the last, 10 hides to the dicker, 6d., each dicker 1d.; 1 last of undried hides 40d.; each undried dicker 2d.; 1 load of lead 4d.; 100 lambskins 4d.; 100 goatskins 4d.; 100 hareskins 4d.; 1 bundle ( timbra ) of fox furs, containing 40 skins, 4d.; 1 last of bacon comprising 40 bacons, 12d.; each separate bacon 1 1/2d.; 1 weight of grease ( pondus uncti ), containing 14 stone, 14d.; 1 weight of tallow ( cepi ) 4d.; 1 weight of lard ( pinguedinis ) 4d.; 1 bale ( trussell ) bound with cords 8d.; cloths not in bales 1d.; 100 sheepskins with wool, in bale or not 6d.; 100 skins without wool 4d.; 1 fur of hindskin ( penula de byse ) …; of rabbitskins 1d.; of lambskins 1d.; 100 rabbitskins 4d.; 100 squirrelskins in bale 4d.; 100 goatskins 4d.; each scarlet cloth 4d.; 100 lb. wax 4d.; 1 sheaf of steel [rods?] if taken by the sheaf with 32 ‘gaddes’ to the sheaf, 1 1/2d., if several sheafs are tolled 4d. each toll; each bundle of hind furs 4d.; each bundle of marten furs ( martes ) of which 40 make 1 bundle 4d.; 1 weight of cheese or butter 8d.; 1 weight of butter, comprising 16 stone, 1 1/2d.; each tun of wine 4d.; 1 dozen cordwains 1 1/2d.; half cloths not bound in bale 1 1/2d.; 1 millstone 1 1/2d.; and of each couple of ‘frails’ of dried fruit 1 1/2d. The messuage and profits of toll are held of the king in chief as a quarter of a fee; annual values, messuage 40d., lastage 60s.

He also held in his demesne as of fee 20 a. pasture, 20 a. meadow and 13 a. and 3 roods arable in Burgh le Marsh, annual value 26s.8d. and 72s.6 1/4d. in assize rents and rent of 1 lb. cumin there: the assize rents and 27 a. meadow and pasture of Henry de Bello Monte of his fee of Gaunt , service unknown; 16 a.
of Maud Cromwell of her manor of Candlesby ,
service unknown; and 10 a. 3 roods of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England of his manor of Maltby , service unknown.

Jointly with Joan duchess of York , his wife, he held the manors of Orby and Partney by the grant of Albin Enderby , John Stayndrop and others to them and his heirs:

Orby of the dean and chapter of Lincoln, service unknown, annual value £40;
and Partney of the bishop of Durham , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir as above. Joan survives him.

TNA reference

C 137/78/29 mm. 8-9

E 152/9/431 dorse.

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
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Total: -
Burgh le Marsh
Total: -
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No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Marche of ?Bratoft ('Toft’)
  • William Maginis [?Magnus]
  • Robert Maginis
  • Walter atte Westend
  • Richard atte Halle
  • Thomas de Halbertoft
  • Stephen Abraham of ?Bratoft ('Toft’)
  • William de Braytoft
  • William Chaloner
  • Hugh Sharp
  • Thomas Sellay
  • John Turnour of Spilsby


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