Full text


Writ Head

667 Writ de dote assignanda . ‡ 3 Nov. 1408 [Gaunstede].

Dower to be assigned in the presence of Thomas Beauford and Thomas Brounflete , knights, who had the wardship, or their assigns.

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND. Assignment of dower [indented]. . 13 Jan. 1409. [Louther].


In the presence of Richard Rose , attorney of Thomas de Beauford, knight , and Thomas Brounflete, knight , treasurer of the king’s household, keepers of the lands, and John Colynson , Richard Cayrons , William Garnet and others, there was assigned in dower from all the lands and tenements of John de Par to hold according to the laws and customs of England:

Helsington, the manor of ‘Grenrigg’, a park now called ‘Briddespark’ and all the metes and bounds which enclose it, and certain parcels of meadow, arable, wood and waste called ‘Haverbrek’, ‘Layre feld’, ‘Brademedowe’, ‘Warrenerclose’, ‘Aynome’ and ‘le Hagg’ now enclosed with Aynome’.

Kendal, a tenement held by John Bakster , tenant at will.

Helsington, arable and pasture called ‘Wormehowe’, ‘Wrightlandes’ and ‘les Knottys’.

Patton, a watermill for corn, with payments for services and profits.

Helsington, Strickland Ketel and Kendal, parcels of arable and waste called ‘intakes’, in the tenure of Robert Johnson , Magoteson [sic], William Brewehous , Adam Thomson , Richard Johnkynson , William Malkynson , Thomas del Scarthe , Emma de Halbank , Richard Ayltee , Agnes de Cartmell , William Swynhird , Thomas Staple , John Bunnyng , John del Watre , Roger Ayltee , Adam Tilson of Crook , William Hird , Peter Fole , Tillote Hird, William Whayntrell , Thomas Sawer , Thomas Hogeson , Adam Pyndpye , Richard Uttyngson , William de Lek , Henry Dogeson , William Leke, junior , Thomas Wylkynson , Richard Bateman , William de Brokbank , John Swynhird and William de Fournes of Barrow in Furness , tenants at will.

Kendal, the rents and services of Thomas Dawnenay , Richard Cayrons , Robert Pierson , John Roose and Thomas de Burgh , being a third part of the rents and services of all the free tenants of the borough who held of John de Parre .

Strickland Roger, the rents and services of John de Lancastre of Brampton and William de Lancastre of Hartsop .

Little Strickland, the rents and services of Helen widow of William Whaplote and of John Helton of Helton .

Barton, the rents and services of Adam de Bourebank .

Strickland Ketel, the rents and services of John de Burgh , son of Richard Burgh , forming with the above a third part of the lands and services of John Parr in Kendal, Strickland Ketel and Helsington.

Kendal, a third part of a quarter of the rents and profits of fairs, markets and tolls, a third part of the profits of the watermill for corn, next the great park there, a third part of a tenement next the mill now leased with it, and a third part of the profits of the court.

Helsington, Strickland Ketel and Kendal, a third part of all wastes, pastures and woods of the inheritance of John Parr in Hayclose, ‘Hoton’, ‘Mounjoy’, ‘Threlcropp’, ‘Sever’, Brendwood and ‘Kyrkebybergh’.

Kendal castle, a tower called ‘Troutebektoure’ with a granary beside it, half a stable … extends to the south, a third part of the profits of the dovecot, with free ingress and egress, a third part of a barn next the castle on the … towards the east, a third part of a byre to the east, a third part of a maltkiln to the east with free ingress and egress, a third part of a forge, and sufficient timber in the great park by the castle for maintaining the houses and enclosures called ‘Bridespark’ and the mills whenever it is needed.

[Hole in MS.]

TNA reference

C 137/75/69 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)



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