Full text


Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Lechlade. 27 April. [Greuell].


Jurors: Robert lee Mulle ; William Polot ; Henry Peres ; John le Oldesmyth ; John Smyth junior; John Emot ; John Smyth of ‘Pytmore’; Richard Colet ; Hugh Spenser ; William Webbe ; Thomas Say ; and John Carpentere .


On 5 Jan. 1400 , the day of his death, he held in fee tail 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Earthcott near Bristol, parcel of the manor of Warblington in Hampshire, which Edward II gave to Ralph de Monte Hermerii and Thomas and Edward his sons, the king’s nephews, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of Thomas, with knight’s fees, advowsons and other appurtenances [CPR 1307–13 , pp.304–5]. From Thomas they descended to Margaret his daughter and heir, wife of John de Monte Acuto , brother of William late earl of Salisbury , and from her to John earl of Salisbury her son, and so to Thomas as son and heir of John.

The 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Earthcott are held of the king as parcel of the manor of Warblington by homage and fealty.

Thomas the son was aged 12 years and more on 25 March following the death of his father.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 1-3

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Burnham. 18 April. [Launcelyn].


Jurors: Thomas Chamburleyn ; John Adam ; John Monk ; John Abbot ; Thomas Talbot ; William Adam ; John Warde ; Thomas Pegg ; John Purchas ; Stephen Smyth ; John Fox ; and John More .


On 5 Jan. 1400 he held in fee tail 1 knight’s fee in Hambleden near Henley upon Thames belonging to the manor of Amesbury, which fee John Lord Tiptoft formerly held of the earl of the manor of Amesbury. That manor was granted by Edward III to William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury , and his heirs male with all fees, advowsons of churches, abbeys and priories, and all fisheries, chases, parks, woods, warrens, fairs, markets, liberties, free customs, wards, reliefs, escheats and services [Report on Dignity of a Peer , V, p.34; CPR 1334–8 , p.426]. From him it descended to William his son, to John the late earl, son of John, brother of William, and so to Thomas.

Thomas was aged 12 years and more on 25 March 1400 and is now 21 years and more.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 4-5

Writ Head

645 Similar writ. 10 March 1409 [Waker].

Addressed to the escheator of Oxfordshire and Berkshire

Inquisition Head

OXFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Oxford. 20 April. [Wylcotes].


Jurors: John Sutton ; John Bussch ; John Capelane ; Thomas Warde ; John Terry ; John Blakethorn ; John Pypere ; Walter Clibury ; Richard Wyllys ; William Hawys ; William Gibbes ; and Thomas Bertelot .


On 5 Jan. 1400 he held the manor of Cassington in his demesne in fee tail by the charter of Edward I to Simon de Monte Acuto with remainder to William his son and his heirs, with woods, rents, knight’s fees, advowsons and other appurtenances [CChR 1257–1300 , p.346]. Hence it descended to William and John, successive earls of Salisbury, and now to Thomas.

Cassington is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.
He also held the following fees, all belonging to this manor:
1 fee in Boulney by Henley upon Thames ,
1 fee in Newington ,
1 fee in Steeple Aston ,
1 fee in Dornford ,
2 fees in Standlake ,
1 fee in Rotherfield Greys ,
1 fee in Mongewell by Henley upon Thames ,
1 fee in Newington
1 fee in Little Tew

Age of Thomas as above.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 6-7

Writ Head

646 [Writ: see 645 .]

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Newbury. 16 April 1409. [Willicotes].


Jurors: John Erle ; Robert Denneman ; John Hyde ; Nicholas Fairfax ; Nicholas Froggemour ; John Magot ; William Home ; William Gay ; William Mogot ; William Dancastell ; John West ; William Hornere ; John Wastepayn ; and John Banastere .


On 5 Jan. 1400 he held in his demesne in fee tail:

Crookham, the manor, by the grant of Edward III to William earl of Salisbury and Katherine his wife and their heirs [CChR 1327–41 , p.210]. From them it descended as above [no.644]. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.

Hurst, 200 a. of wood in the parish, with the hundred of Ashridge and rents and services belonging to the manor of Amesbury in Wiltshire.

The following knight’s fees, all belonging to the castle of Christchurch in Hampshire:

2 fees in Hatford by Wantage formerly held by Robert de Hankeford ,
1 fee in Shaw formerly held by the heir of Henry Pynkeney,
1/2 fee in Peasemore next the priory of Poughley formerly held by Richard de Alburbury ,
1/2 fee in Enborne by Newbury formerly held by the heir of Nicholas Wodekok
and 1/4 fee in Chaddleworth by Poughley held by the prioress of Amesbury ;
and also the advowson of the priory of Bisham belonging to the same castle

Age of Thomas as above.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 6, 8

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 10 May [Barantyn].


Jurors: Thomas Maynell ; Robert Coventre ; Thomas Leycestre ; John Horner ; Richard Stowell ; John Dys ; John Baynyng ; John Horold ; William Colshill ; Robert Colbroke ; Walter Hasle ; and John Tromyn .


When he died on 5 Jan. 1400 he held the reversion of 1 messuage with houses and buildings in the parish of St. Dunstan in the East, which John Venour held for life by his grant. It is held of the king in burgage, service unknown, annual value 40s.
This messuage Ralph de Monte Hermerii left in his will, enrolled on 15 July 1325 , to Isabel de Hastynges his wife for her life with successive remainders to Edward his son and the heirs of his body and Thomas son of Ralph brother of Edward and the heirs of his body. It descended to Margaret daughter of Thomas who married John de Monte Acuto , knight, brother of William earl of Salisbury , and so to successive earls.

Age of Thomas as above.

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 9-10

Writ Head

648 Similar writ. ‡ 10 March 1409 [Waker].

Addressed to the escheator of Somerset and Dorset

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. 22 April. [Otery].


Jurors: John Brice ; William Wilcok ; Walter Boucher ; John Daberon ; John Russell ; Henry Baily ; John Dole ; John Burcy ; John Riston ; John Bokhell ; Thomas Bryce ; and John Mede .


When he died on 5 Jan. 1400 he held in his demesne in fee tail:

Knowle, Thurlbear and ‘la More’, the manors, of the king in chief by knight service, by the grant of Edward I to Simon de Monte Acuto and William his son and his heirs, as above [no.645], with the same descent.

In the county, two parts of 7 1/8 fees which comprise 28 1/2 hides:

7 hides in Woolverton held by Reynold Cobham and Eleanor his wife,
5 hides in Leighton held by John son and heir of Robert Mountagu ,
4 hides in South Bradon held by Walter Clopton ,
2 hides in North Bradon held by Nicholas Read and Parnel his wife,
and 1 hide formerly held by William Staunton ;
1/4 fee in Adber held by John Wadham ,
1/3 fee in Adber and Hummer held by John Lovell ,
1/4 fee in Thorne Coffin held by Thomas Lovell and Margaret his wife,
1/8 fee in Oggshole held by Robert Tylly and 1/8 fee there held by the abbot of Athelney ,
and 1 fee in Eastrip, Discove, Trent and Yard in Ilchester and in Thurlbear held by John Bruyn , Walter Quyk , John Bryte and the heirs of John James .

Christchurch in Hampshire, 4 1/2 fees belonging to the castle:

1/2 fee in Stanton Drew once held by Roger Dreu ,
1/4 fee in Lillesdon held by William Bonvile, knight ,
1/4 fee in Wraxall and Nailsea formerly held by John de Bello Campo ,
2 fees there formerly held by Matthew de Columbare ,
1 fee in Nunney once held by John de la Mare ,
and 1/2 fee in Portbury held by Thomas de Blakele and the prior of Breamore .

Greenham, 1 fee held by John Elvet ,
2 fees in Swell and North Perrott held by John Lorty, knight ,
and 1/4 fee in Othery held by William Bonvile, knight ;
and the advowson of the chapel in the manor of Charlton Horethorne in which the prior of Kenilworth finds a chaplain to celebrate on 3 days each week.

Knowle, fees and appurtenances of the manor: 2 fees of which

1 in Langford Budville is held by the archdeacon of Taunton ,
and 1 in Capenor in Portishead by the heir of Richard Portesey ;
1/5 fee in Charlton Horethorne held by John Hamlyn ;
2 parts of 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Stavordale, Charlton and Brewham, formerly held by William Bretvyle and afterwards by John Forster ;
and 2 parts of a wood called ‘Shortewode’ in the hundred of Norton Ferris held of Richard Stente ; services unknown.

By the grant of John de Grandisson, formerly bishop of Exeter , to John de Monte Acuto his nephew, from whom they descended to the earl his son, he held

1 fee in Poyntington
and 1 fee in Chelwood
[CPR 1364–7 , p.312].

By the grant of Edward III to William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury , as above [no.644] with the same descent, he held the advowson of the priory of Montacute with the advowsons of the cells of Kerswell, East Holme, St. Carrick and Malpas belonging to the priory, and £120 rent from the farm of the priory.

Age of Thomas as above.

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 11-12

E 152/9/427 rot. 2 #4

Writ Head

649 [Writ: see 648 .]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 27 April 1409. [Ottery].


Jurors: Henry Sherard ; John Frye ; William Burdon ; Thomas Croyell ; John Saunty senior; John Saunty junior; John Hamond ; Robert Pet..cr.. ; Robert Corbyn ; Philip Tys ; John Spenser ; and Peter Pyneford .


When he died on 5 Jan. 1400 he held in his demesne in fee tail:

Canford Magna, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, by the grant of Edward III to William de Monte Acuto when he was created earl of Salisbury, of the reversion after the deaths of John de Warenne, earl of Surrey , and Joan his wife, who then held for the term of their lives, to him and his heirs male, as above [no.644] with the same descent, annual value 40 marks.

Fees of the manor of Canford Magna:

1/2 fee in Kinson held by John Hamelyn, knight ,
1 fee in Plumber held by John Plumbere ,
1 fee in Melbury Bubb held by John Roseye ,
1 fee in Wraxall and Mapperton held by John de Lovell, knight ,
1 fee in Kington Magna held by John Sendell ,
2 fees in Winterborne Houghton and Houghton held by Ivo Fitzwaryn, knight ,
1 fee in Milborne Stileham, Melbury Osmond and Woodyates held by John Brounyng and Elizabeth Cloyne ,
1/2 fee in Tollard Royal held by John Savage ,
1 fee in Canford Magna held by Richard Milbourn ,
1 fee in ‘Tore’ and Lovard by Puddletown formerly held by John de Whitfeld ,
1 fee in Swanage formerly held by the heir of John de Pursue ,
1 fee in Nutford formerly held by the heir of Ivo de Storton ,
1 fee in Woodcutts formerly held by the heir of Henry de Wodecote ,
and 1 fee in Corton formerly held by the heir of William de Sarisbury .

By the grant of Edward I to Simon de Monte Acuto , William his son and his heirs, as above [no.645] with the same descent:

Swyre, the manor and advowson, of the king in chief, annual value £8,
£20 rent in Lulworth ,
10s. rent in Blackmoor ,
the wood of Blackmoor and the manor of Newland in Blackmoor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.
The manor of Blackmoor is parcel of the manor of Shepton Montague in Somerset.

Age of Thomas as above.

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 11, 13

E 152/9/427 rot. 2 #5

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford. 15 April. [Bodenham].


Jurors: Howell ap David ; James Seyvon ’; John Godewey ; John Bernard ; William Carpenter ; John Jones ; Nicholas Clerk ; Richard Jones ; Thomas Matheu ; Thomas Godyne ; Thomas Churchord ; and Roger Teren .


When he died on 5 Jan. 1400 he held in his demesne in fee tail:

Welsh Bicknor, the manor, which Thomas de Huntele, knight , gave to Ralph de Monte Hermerii , formerly earl of Gloucester and Hertford , and Joan his wife, the king’s daughter, and their heirs, with all homages, rents and services, reliefs, heriots, wards and marriages. Afterwards Vincent de Barnastapolia released and quitclaimed to Thomas son of Ralph, Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies all his rights in the manor.

The manor of Welsh Bicknor is held of the duchy of Lancaster of the castle and lordship of Monmouth , service unknown, annual value 33s.4d.

Llanover, the castle and manor, with all lands and tenements in ‘Longuno’ and elsewhere in ‘Overwent’ and ‘Netherwent’ in the March of Wales, all homages, rents and services, etc., common of pasture in ‘Wentwode’ and elsewhere, and all mill streams, ponds, fishponds, buildings, gardens, liberties and customs which were granted by Thomas de Abbotistone to Thomas, son of Ralph, and Margaret his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies. All descended as above.

The castle and manor of Llanover are held of the earl of Norfolk of the castle of Chepstow , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Parts of fees granted to John de Monte Acuto , knight, by John de Grandissone, formerly bishop of Exeter , his uncle as above [no.648]:

1/2 fee in Ewyas Harold, another 1/2 fee there,
3 parts of a fee in Monnington and Straddle
and 1/4 fee in Foukesyate in the county.

Age of Thomas as above.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 14-15

Writ Head

651 Similar writ. 10 March 1409 [Waker].

Addressed to the escheator of Hampshire and Wiltshire

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Basingstoke. 12 April. [Brerdyng].


Jurors: Thomas Holwey ; John Godard ; John atte Rythe ; John Lond ; Robert atte Frethe ; William Foulrythe ; Thomas Turnour ; John Bailly ; William ?Wyntur ; John Champe ; John Elman ; and ... Croulond.


When he died on 5 Jan. 1400 he held in fee tail:

Hunton and Warblington, the manors, with the advowson of Warblington, which Edward II granted to Ralph de Monte Hermerii and Thomas and Edward his sons, the king’s nephews, as above [no.643], of the king in chief by homage and fealty alone.

Swainstone in the Isle of Wight, the manor, with its members, the castle and borough of Christchurch with the manor of Westover, the hundred of Christchurch, the manors of Ringwood and Efford, members and parcels of Christchurch castle, of the king in chief by knight service;
and 1 toft and 1 carucate in Watchingwell as parcel of the manor of Swainstone, of the castle of Carisbrooke, service unknown.

In various places in the county 12 1/4 fees:

1 fee in Bathampton ,
1/2 fee in Milford, Letton and Keyhaven held by the prior of Bath ,
1/4 fee there held by the master of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem ,
1/4 fee in Keyhaven ,
1/8 fee in Holway held by the prior of Christchurch ,
1/4 fee in Arnewood ,
1 fee in Milford, East Ashley, Barton, Arnewood and North Sway ,
1/4 fee in Downton ,
1/2 fee in Spurshot by Romsey ,
1/2 fee in Kimbridge and West Tytherley ,
1/3 fee in Walkford ,
1/3 fee in East Dean ,
1/2 fee in Efford and Everton ,
1/2 fee in East Ashley ,
1/4 fee in Downton and Everton ,
1/8 fee and 1/6 fee in Barton ,
1/4 fee in Barton and East Ashley ,
1/2 fee in Funckton, Knapp and Murding ,
1/20 fee in Avon ,
1/2 fee in Whippingham, another 1/2 there held by the abbot of Beaulieu ,
1/2 fee in Atherfield ,
1/2 fee in Limerstone ,
1/2 fee in Brighstone ,
1/4 fee in Elmsworth, Hurlebat, Danhull, Calbourne and various places in the Isle of Wight by the service of various tenants,
and 1 fee in the hundred of Ringwood by similar services,
and the advowsons of Ringwood and Shalfleet in the Isle of Wight,
all of which fees belong to the above named manors granted by Edward III to William de Monte Acuto .

Age of Thomas as above.

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 16-17

Writ Head

652 [Writ: see 651 .]

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Devizes. 14 April 1409. [Brerdyng].


Jurors: Robert Ennok ; John Frankeleyn ; John atte Water ; Richard Chambre ; William Reuer ; John Sleymakyer ; William Coppere ; William Baker ; John Knyth ; John ?Whitfoull ; John ... ; and John ... .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Erlestoke, the manor, which Edward II granted to Ralph de Monte Hermerii and his sons, as above [no.643], of the king in chief, annual value £20.

Amesbury and Winterbourne Earls, the manors, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £30,
and £20 rent from the farm of Wiltshire payable by the sheriff by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas,
all by the grant of Edward III to William de Monte Acuto and descending as above [no.644].

The following fees and advowsons, 2 parts of 49 3/4 fees:

1/4 fee in Blunsdon ,
1/5, 1/5 and 1/10 fees in Barford St. Martin ,
1/2 fee and 1/4 fee in Chelworth ,
1 fee in ‘Banwode’,
1/2 fee in Froxfield ,
1/2 fee in Middleton ,
1 1/4 fees in Fifield and Bickton ,
1 fee in North Tidworth ,
1/2, 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 and 1/4 fees in Durnford ,
1/4 fee in Amesbury ,
1/2 fee in Allington ,
1 fee in Lake ,
1/4 fee in East Wellow ,
1/2 fee in West Amesbury ,
1/2 fee in Netheravon ,
1/4 fee in Amesbury
and 1 fee there called Countess Court ,
3 parts of a fee in Amesbury and West Amesbury by the services of various tenants,
1/4 fee in Porton ,
1/2 fee in Coate ,
1/2 fee in Hill Deverill ,
1 fee in Norridge ,
1 fee in Chitterne and Maddington ,
1/2 fee in Maddington, Orcheston and Shrewton ,
1/2 fee and 1/10 fee in Burcombe ,
3 1/2 and 1/10 fees in Pool Keynes, Chicklade and Deptford ,
2 1/2 fees in Boyton, Maddington and Orcheston ,
1 1/2 fees in Zeals ,
1/2 fee in Corton ,
1 1/4 fees in Fisherton Anger, Bickton and Wilsford ,
1 1/2 fees in Homington ,
1 1/10 fees in Little Langford ,
1 1/2 fees in Lus Hill ,
1 fee in Blunsdon ,
1 1/4 fees in Wanborough ,
1/2 fee in Chaddington ,
1 fee in Mildenhall ,
1/4 fee in … and Wilsford ,
1/10 fee in Shaw ,
and 1 1/2 fees in Shrewton, Little Cheverell and Corton separately by the services of various tenants.

Shrewton, the honour, of the king in chief with various fees and parts of fees, view of frankpledge, the hundred of Shrewton, and the advowsons of Winterbourne Earls and North Tidworth belonging to the manors of Amesbury and Winterbourne Earls.

Fees which John de Grandisson, formerly bishop of Exeter , granted to John de Monte Acuto his nephew as above [no.648]: 3 1/2 fees in Upton Scudamore and 50s. rent from the same fees from [Robert] Corbet, knight, tenant there,

1/4 fee in Teffont Evias and 6s.8d. rent belonging to it from Walter Hungerford, knight , tenant there,
and 1 fee in Rockley, and 3 fees in Norton Bavant and Fifield Bavant of which the prioress of Dartford is the tenant.

He died on 5 Jan. 1400 . Age of Thomas as above.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 16-18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

653 Similar writ. ‡ 10 March 1409 [Waker].

Addressed to the escheator of Devon and Cornwall

Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Marhamchurch. 19 April. [Gorges].


Jurors: Robert Hurdewyk ; Roger Leye ; Ranulph Langeford ; Richard Morton ; Thomas Lange ; Walter Lyghe ; Richard Gerueys ; Reynold (Regli’) Burmesdon; Robert Groue ; Robert Laughe ; William Anderdon ; and Thomas Dromond .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the manor of Lantyan, which Ralph de Monte Hermerii granted by charter to Edward his son and the heirs of his body with remainder to Thomas, brother of Edward, and the heirs of his body, and which descended as above.

Fees belonging to the manor:

1 fee in Trethake ,
1 fee in ‘Balystek’, Trenestrall and Bosvissick ,
1 fee in Shobrooke ,
1 fee in Boconnoc, Glynn and Penpont ,
1 fee in Leigh Durrant ,
1 1/2 fees in Delabole, Hammett and Trecorme ,
1 fee in Trenode ,
1 fee in Langunnet
and 1 fee in Tremadart ,
with all the rights to the chantry of the free chapel of Lantyan ,
all held of the duchy of Cornwall, service unknown.

He also held 2 parts of 200 marks from the mint of the stannary, payable by the collector by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, by the grant of Edward III to William de Monte Acuto and his heirs male, with descent as above [no.644]. Elizabeth widow of William de Monte Acuto holds the third part of the 200 marks for life in dower with reversion to Thomas.

Age of Thomas as above.

[Margin:] examined

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 19-20

Writ Head

654 [Writ: see 653 .]

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 17 April 1409. [Gorges].


Jurors: John Gonys ; John Fallewille ; Philip Walepytte ; William Wodemeston ; John ?Crosse ; John Hacche ; John Haredon ; Thomas Lonnedeston ; Nicholas Cotelom ’; William Champe ; John Bradelegh ; and Robert Yeo .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Stokenham, the manor, with the borough of Chillington and the hundred of Coleridge, the manor of Yealmpton with the borough of Noss Mayo, the manor of Oakford and Pyworthy, and the manor of Start, all of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £100 with the advowson of Stokenham and Pyworthy, and all by the grant of Edward II to Ralph de Monte Hermerii , with descent as above [no.643].

Fees of the manor of Stokenham:

1 fee in Worthele ,
1 fee in Collaton St. Mary ,
1 fee in Houndbeare with a rent of a pair of gilt spurs,
1/10 fee, 2 fees, 3 parts of a fee and 6 parts of a fee in Torridge, Little Modbury, Lupridge, Little Bolberry and Winsor ,
1/4 fee in Coffleet ,
1/3 fee in Bowden with a rent of a pair of gilt spurs,
1/3 fee in Poulston ,
1/3 fee in Loworthy
and 1/32 of a fee in Allen Wood and Stowford.

Wonford, the manor, with the manor and advowson of Clyst St. Mary, of Edward Courtenay earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value 4 marks, by the grant of Edward I to Simon de Monte Acuto , with descent as above [no.645].

Fees of the manor:

1 fee in Rollstone ,
1 fee in Brampford Pyne ,
1/4 fee in Brampford Speke ,
1 fee in Rocombe ,
1/3 fee in Rushford ,
1/2 fee in Hittisleigh ,
1/2 fee in Melhuish Barton ,
1 1/4 fees in Tedburn St. Mary ,
1 fee in Bagtor ,
1 fee in Middle Rocombe ,
1/3 fee in Shilston ,
1/2 fee in Huish ,
1/2 fee in Oldridge ,
1/2 fee in Great Fairwood ,
1 fee in Chagford and Kingsteignton ,
1/2 fee in West Ogwell
and 1/2 fee in Treable and Partridge.

TNA reference

C 137/75/54 mm. 19, 21



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Canford Magna
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Melbury Bubb
Total: -
Wraxall, Mapperton
Total: -
Kington Magna
Total: -
Winterborne Houghton and Houghton
Total: -
Milborne Stileham, Melbury Osmond, Woodyates
Total: -
Tollard Royal
Total: -
Canford Magna
Total: -
Tore, Lovard
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Ottery(Escheator)


  • Henry Sherard
  • John Frye
  • William Burdon
  • Thomas Croyell
  • John Saunty senior
  • John Saunty junior
  • John Hamond
  • Robert Pet..cr..
  • Robert Corbyn
  • Philip Tys
  • John Spenser
  • Peter Pyneford


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