Full text


Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 17 May 1409. [Bendyssh].


Jurors: Richard Martell ; Thomas Markshale ; John Welles ; John Burgeys ; Adam Mydlyng ; William Glascok ; William Borham ; John ...; ?John Chey... ; ?John ...; John ?Drake ; and John Taverner .


Jointly with Idonea his wife by the grant of Thomas Cays and John Porter of Tollesbury, to hold to them for their lives with remainder to Robert bishop of London , William Skrene , Robert de Taye , John de Boys , Robert Rykedon , Clement Spice , Ralph Chamberleyn , Richard Waltham , Robert parson of Sible Hedingham , William Creket , Thomas Berbow and Edmund Man and their heirs and assigns, made without conditions, he held the manors of Stansted, Langford, Asheldham, Osea, Little Fordham, Nipsell’s Rayments in Mayland and Latchingdon and all the lands and tenements formerly held by John Bourghchier, knight , in St. Lawrence, Tillingham, Asheldham, Mayland, Latchingdon, Halstead, Markshall, Stisted, Wethersfield, Braintree, Gosfield, Sible Hedingham, Ulting and Hatfield Peverel, with all the fee called ‘Barantynesfee’ and the advowson of Langford.

Stansted manor is held of the honour of Eye by fealty, annual value 10 marks,
half of Langford manor of the king as half a knight’s fee, and the other half of Lord Fitzwalter as half a fee, annual value £20,
Asheldham of the countess of Hereford of the honour of Mandeville as half a fee, annual value £10,
Osea of the king as half a fee, annual value 100s.,
Little Fordham of the king of the honour of Boulogne as half a fee, annual value £10,
Nipsell’s Rayments of the king of the honour of Peverel , service unknown, annual value 10 marks,
and Latchingdon of the king of the honour of Haughley as 1 fee, annual value 100s.
Of whom and by what service the premises in St. Lawrence, Tillingham, Asheldham, Halstead, Stisted, Wethersfield and Braintree are held is unknown.
Those in Sible Hedingham are held of the earl of Oxford by fealty, annual value 10 marks,
in Gosfield of the same as a quarter fee, annual value 40s.,
in Ulting and Hatfield Peverel of the king of the honour of Peverel as a sixth part of a fee, annual value 100s.,
and ‘Barantynesfee’ of the earl of Arundel of the honour of Castle Acre by fealty, annual value 60s.

He also held jointly by the grant of Thomas Coggeshale , Roger Wolfreston , John de Boys , Thomas Munchasy , Ralph Chamberlayn and Peter Westwode , to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to Robert parson of Sible Hedingham , Robert Rikedon , Richard Waltham , Edmund Man , Nicholas Cokerell and their heirs and assigns, made without any conditions, the manor of Little Bentley with the advowson and the advowson of a chantry there, and two tenements called Hempstall and New Hall and other lands, rents and services in Wix, Bradfield, Mistley, Tendring, Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Great Bentley, Little Bentley and Frinton.

In right of Idonea his wife he held the manor of Bradfield and lands and tenements formerly held by Edmund Brokesbourne in Mistley, Dedham, Bradfield, Wrabness, Ramsey, Wix and Walton le Soken .

Long before his death he made the following grants with reversion to himself and his heirs:

the manor called Bourchiers in Rettendon held of the bishop of Ely , service unknown, annual value £10,
to Richard Waltham ;
50 a. of arable and pasture called ‘Bourghchiersmerssh’ in Rivenhall held of Lord Scales by fealty, annual value 40s.,
and 1 a. in Wickham St. Paul’s to Robert Rikedon ;
and the lands called ‘Sweynes’ in Wivenhoe held of Richard Walton in socage by fealty, annual value 26s.8d.,
to Thomas Bakere .

Also long before his death on 31 March 1409 he gave the manors of Tolleshunt, Little Maldon, Wood Hall , Little Laver, Greensted and Moreton and all manors, lands rents, services, bodies of serfs, advowsons of abbeys, churches, chapels and chantries, views of frankpledge, franchises and liberties which he held in Essex to Richard Clyfford, bishop of London , John de Boys , Robert de Teye , Robert Rikedon , Robert parson of Sible Hedingham , Richard Waltham , Thomas Rolfe , Thomas Berbowe , Adam Crysselow, clerk , and William Baylle and their heirs and assigns without conditions.

He died on 8 May last . Elizabeth daughter of Idonea and himself is his next heir, aged 10 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/74/52 m. 1

E 149/93/6 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition ex officio. Chelmsford. 28 June 1409. [Bendysshe].


Jurors: Richard Martell ; Thomas Marcheshall ; John Welles ; John Burgeyse ; Adam Midlyng ; William Glascoke ; William Boram ; John Blache ; John Cheynell ; John Roberd ; John Drake ; and John Taverner .


Jointly with Idonea his wife he held land, rents and services in St. Lawrence, Tillingham, Asheldham, Mayland, Latchingdon, Halstead, Markshall, Stisted, Wethersfield and Braintree, the manor of Little Bentley, 2 tenements called Hempstall and New Hall and other lands, tenements, rents and services in Wix, Bradfield, Mistley, Tendring, Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Great Bentley, Little Bentley and Frinton, as appears in another inquisition returned to chancery.

The premises in St. Lawrence are held of the king of the honour of Boulogne by fealty, annual value 100s.;
in Tillingham of the dean and chapter of St. Paul’s, London, by fealty, annual value £3;
in Asheldham of the king of the honour of Rayleigh as a quarter fee, annual value £8;
in Mayland of the king of the honour of Peverel , service unknown, annual value £6 13s.4d.;
in Latchingdon of the king of the honour of Haughley by knight service, annual value 20s.;
in Halstead of the earl of March of the honour of Clare , service unknown, annual value 40s.;
in Markshall of the lord of that manor, service unknown, annual value 40s.;
in Stisted a rent of 29s. of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, by fealty;
in Wethersfield of the heir of John Nevyll, knight , service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.;
in Braintree of the earl of March , service unknown, annual value 40s.;
the manor of Little Bentley of the bishop of London by fealty, annual value £10;
Hempstall and New Hall of the same, annual value 100s., each;
in Wix, Bradfield and Mistley of the same, annual value 40s.;
and in Great Bromley, Little Bromley, Great Bentley, Little Bentley and Frinton of the same, service unknown, annual value 40s.

In right of Idonea he held the manor of Bradfield, annual value £20,
and lands, tenements, rents and services formerly of Edward Brokesbourne in Mistley, Dedham, Bradfield, Wrabness, Ramsey, Wix and Walton le Soken , annual value £10,
of whom and by what service is unknown.

[Marginal notes relating to tenure.]

TNA reference

E 149/93/6 m. 2

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Maldon. 18 May. [Bendysshe].


Jurors: Robert Lyndesell ; John Midlynge ; Richard Martell ; John Welles ; John Burgeys ; William Boreham ; John Taverner ; Thomas Merkyshale ; Laurence Isbronde ; John ?Sewale ; Thomas Purdy ; and Thomas Smyth .


He held 1/2 fee in Little Holland, formerly of Nicholas Talleworthe , annual value 50s.,
and 1 fee in [Ilford] called ‘Benetteshall’, 100s.

He held no advowsons because he granted all his advowsons of abbeys, churches and chantries to Richard Clyfford, bishop of London , John de Boys , Robert de Teye , Robert Rikedon, parson of Sible Hedingham , Richard Waltham , Thomas Rolf , Thomas Berbowe , Adam Crysselowe, clerk , and William Baylle , and their heirs and assigns without conditions.

TNA reference

C 137/75/61 mm. 1-2



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Little Fordham
Total: -
Nipsell’s Rayments
Total: -
Total: -
Sible Hedingham
Total: -
Total: -
Ulting, Hatfield Peverel
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Bendyssh(Escheator)


  • Richard Martell
  • Thomas Markshale
  • John Welles
  • John Burgeys
  • Adam Mydlyng
  • William Glascok
  • William Borham
  • John ...
  • ?John Chey...
  • ?John ...
  • John ?Drake
  • John Taverner


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