E-CIPM 19-483: ANNE

Full text


Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Indenture of assignment [indented]. 20 April. [James].

Assignment to Anne widow of Fulk Fitzwaryn, in the presence of the farmers of two parts of his lands, and John Lannoy and Richard Gratele, next friends of Fulk his son.


In the manor of Wantage, which Fulk Fitzwaryn held: 1 chamber with another called ‘la drawyngchambre’ and 3 cellars below to the east of the hall, 1 garden called ‘le lytulgardyn’ with ingress and egress by the door of the hall, 2 granges with a long house called ‘le longehous’ with all the barton, fisheries, ditches and enclosures to the south within the precincts of the granges; a close called ‘le Asshenmore’ and one called ‘les Mores’ in the north part, both held by Isabel Dallyngrygge ; in the field called ‘le Westfeld’ 20 selions to the south of ‘Meremull’ held by Richard Dycoun , and 20 selions to the south of ‘Meremull’ called ‘Mabilleslond’ held by Ralph Bosch and 6 selions to the south part of ‘Meremull’ held by Richard Dycon , and 10 selions in the south part in the field called ‘le Estfeld’; 13 selions in the south part of Tounhull held by the same Ralph, and 30 selions on Tounhull and 14 selions to the south part, held by the same Richard; in ‘Denefurlong’ 12 selions and 7 in the south part held by the same Richard, and 12 by ‘Mabilleslond’ and 7 in the south part held by the same Ralph; 4 selions in the south of a culture called ‘Chalkhull’ held by the same Ralph; and in the field called ‘le Hale’ 15 selions in ‘Langlond’ with 2 selions called ‘le Hendeacre’, 20 selions in the north part of the same culture, 18 selions there, and 2 in the west of ‘le Asshemore’, all held by Isabel Dallyngrygge

In Grove, of the land called ‘Rowelot’ 5 a. in the field called ‘Lytylmerssh’ by parcels in the south part, and 1 a. in the field called ‘le Northull’, all held by Richard Millyng ; 9 a. meadow in ‘la Inmede’ in the south called ‘Mabillemede’ held by Richard Palmere ; 4 a. meadow in ‘Northmede’ held by Richard Millyng ; 8 a. meadow in ‘Rockeseye’ held by Richard Dycoun ; 3 a. meadow in the close called ‘le Roundemore’ and 1 1/2 a. meadow in 3 ‘moris’ in the west of ‘Josefplace’, both held by the same Richard Dycoun ; 1/2 a. in the ‘Northmede’ of Grove held by Roger Gigour as the mower’s fee, and 1 strip ( gora ) of meadow lying to the east end of ‘Mabillemede’ in ‘la Inlond’ held by the same as the same fee; 100 a. pasture in the pasture called ‘Josefdoune’ held by Richard Dycoun ; and 80 a. in the pasture called ‘le Ratherdoune’ in the eastern part remaining in the hands of the lord.

Half of the profits from the custom called ‘le Averyngsylver’ in Wantage, and all the profits of another custom called ‘Smytheswerk’ in the same place; and all the rents and services of the following free tenants in Wantage: Richard Wodeford 46s.6 1/4d. and 2 parts of 1 ‘church’, Alice Wodeford 11s.10 1/2d. with 1 ‘church’, Thomas Wynterborne 12s.6d., Thomas atte Boure 18 1/4d. William Hardyng 4d., John Felice 7s.2d., Simon Finacourt 8d., Margery Waterbouk 17 1/4d. with 1 ‘church’, William Helere 23d., Richard Derby 2d., John Isaak 11d., Robert Bench 3s., John Kyng, butcher , 6s., Walter Deyere 5s., Richard March 8d., John Longe 3s.10d., William Whithed 6d. with 1 ‘church’, the heirs of John Herele, knight , 5s.5 1/2d., John Counsal , 11s.3/4d., and he will be reeve … has been clerk ( et erit prepositus … clericus fuerit ), Richard Millyng 3s.7 1/2d., Richard Wynterbourne 32s.8d., Robert Boute 2s.1 1/4d., William Barre 5d., William Clement 8s.6 1/2d., John Bonevyle 4d., Thomas Deraunt 13 3/4d., Henry Jolyf 4s.9 1/4d., John atte Water 43s.1d., John Reem 5s., John Fletcher 3/4d., Walter Chapman 3s.10 1/2d., Thomas Wynterbourne, 6s.8d.

The rents and services of tenants by custom of the manor: Richard Wodeford for the farm of 1 tenement called ‘Meestenement’ with 1 ‘church’; Alice Wodeford for 1 curtilage, 2 1/2 a. and 2 stalls for selling fish; Edward Creck for 1 cottage; William Hardyng for various lands; John Felice for a third part of a vacant plot; William Helere for 1 cottage with curtilage; Richard Derby for 1 cottage with lands at ‘Lonshull’; John Kyng, butcher , for 1 tenement and 1 cottage; Walter Deyere for 1 plot with a tenement; William Kyng , ‘webbere’, for 1 cottage; Richard Henele for 2 cottages; Alice Skynner for 1 cottage with lands; John Longe for lands; William Whithed for 1 cottage and lands; John Barbour for 1 cottage; Robert Shank for 1 cottage; Richard Wynterbourne for 1 toft and lands; John Bonevyle , Henry Jolyf , John atte Water , John Reem and Robert Hoom for lands.

A pond called ‘le Mulnmere’ and a toft where the mill formerly stood with a watercourse to it. Certain stalls in the market of which Richard Derby holds 2, Robert Bocher 2, Thomas Folkewyn 1, William Cloweman 2, John Houchyns 1, Walter Chapman of Grove 1, John Drapere 1, John Chapman 1 and Richard Glovere 1; and stalls remaining in the lady’s hands, formerly held by John Brympton 1, John Northcote 1, William Tannere 1 and John Tannere ‘soutere’, 1; pleas and perquisites of the court of Wantage, assize of bread and ale… all other profits … men and tenants there 12d. and 6 bushels of wheat and hidage 8s. … tithing of ‘Noion’ with 18d. from … in the same and 6 bushels of corn … hidage 10s. and 3 bushels … tithing of ‘Lokynge’ with 12d. and 6 bushels … tithing of ‘Martyn’ … view of frankpledge, courts or hundreds within the bounds of the tithings … court of the hundred of Wantage … tithing of Buckland, all profits, farms, amercements, waifs and strays, 7s.8d. of a third part of 23s. hidage … paid to the abbot of Abingdon .

A third part of the profits of the bailiwick of Westcot, of waifs and strays and all other profits, of the fees and amercements and tolls of the town of Wantage, and of the foldage for imparking and woods.

[Many words illegible].

TNA reference

C 137/69/60 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. 24 Feb. 1408. [Baynard].

In the presence of the farmers of two parts of the lands of Fulk Fitzwaryn, and John Lannoy and John Argere, next friends of the heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn.


From the manor of Stanton Fitzwarren, for that manor and the manor of Crofton: the rents and services of the following free tenants: Ingram Hampton 1 silk coif, Thomas Hobbes 1 pair of gloves, Robert Medeman, parson of Stanton , 18d., John Burgeys 12s.; and all the rents and services of the following customary tenants: Thomas Topet for 1 messuage, 1 toft, 1 curtilage and 1/2 virgate; Nicholas Swayn for 1 messuage, 1 curtilage and 1/2 virgate; John Brygge for 1 toft, 1 curtilage and 1 virgate; John Hayward for 1 messuage, 1 curtilage and 1 virgate; Robert Mundy for 2 messuages, 1 curtilage, 1 virgate and 6 a.; William Brygge for 1 toft, 1 curtilage and 1 virgate; John Neweman for 1 toft and 1 curtilage in the north; and John Page for 1 messuage, 1 curtilage, 1 close and 3 virgates; and the following serfs with their broods: Nicholas Wylmot , John Skynnere and William Skynnere ; and all profits fines, amercements, waifs and strays and other payments at the court by all these tenants, with all liberties pertaining to the lands and tenements here assigned.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. 3 May 1409. [Bodenham].

In the presence of the farmers of two parts of the lands of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, and Hugh de Stanford and William Chaumberleyn , next friends of his heir.


From the manor of Monnington on Wye, a third part of a third of the manor, namely a third part of a third of all the houses of the manor, of all demesne lands, pastures, hedges and ditches, of park and moor, of mills and fisheries, of rents and services of free tenants, customary tenants, tenants for life or at will, of all fines, amercements, emoluments and perquisites of court, and of the dovecot.

On 4 May from the manor of Dilwyn, a third part of a third of the manor, namely a third part of a third of all the premises and profits as in Monnington on Wye, with the addition of a third part of a third of all woods, serfs and their broods, waifs and strays, and franchises and liberties, as freely as ever the lords or farmers of the manor had them.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. 21 Oct [Eode].

In the presence of the farmers of two parts of the lands of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, and John Lannoy and William Halle , next friends of his heir.


From the manor of Little Bentham: in the houses 2 chambers over the gate of the inner court called the ‘yathous’ with 2 chambers below, a house to the north of the ‘yathous’ and a house called the ‘malthous’ with a cellar, a stable to the east of the great gate of the outer court with a little house between the gate and the stable, a third part of the barn in the south part by metes, of the chapel, and of the garden in the west extended by metes, of a place for animals in the mansion, and of the site and court both internal and external with free ingress and egress for farmers, tenants and other occupiers of the manor; a third part of the demesne lands comprising 1 close called ‘Dungeworth’ held by Thomas Lambard , 1 called ‘Cadeley’ held by David Henley, lands outside ‘Croyershay’ held by Richard Damede ; a third part of the meadow comprising 1 called ‘Cotenalemede’ held by Thomas Lambard , and 1 called ‘Litelpurymede’ held by Thomas Greneway ; and a third part of the wood, namely 12 a. in the south part called ‘Benthamwode’ by metes; rents and services of free tenants: John de Berkley, knight , 5s., and John Sewyn 3s.5d.; rents and services of tenants by custom of the manor: Agnes Teynton for 1 messuage, curtilage and croft, Thomas Randolf for lands and tenements, David Henley for lands formerly held by Robert atte Grene , Thomas Grene for 1 a., Richard Kyng for 1 messuage, curtilage and lands, and John Gaillour and William atte Grene for lands, all with free ingress and egress.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. The date of the writ has also been corrected.

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Assignment of dower [indented]. [Brugge].

In the presence of the farmers of two parts of the lands of Fulk Fitzwaryn, and of John Artour and William Foretop , next friends of the heir.


20 May 1408 : a third part of a third part of the manor of Edgmond, namely a third part of a third of the demesne, meadows, pastures, hedges and ditches, wood, moors and turbaries, mill and fishpond, rents and services of all free tenants and of customary tenants for term of years or at will, of the perquisites of court, all other fines, amercements or emoluments whatsoever forfeited at the court or ‘tourn’, waifs and strays, and all other profits from the manor and its members, and all franchises, liberties and free customs, as the lords or their farmers ever had them.

22 May: a third part of a third of the castle and lordship of Red Castle, namely a third part of a third of all houses, dovecots, parks, woods, demesne arable, meadows, pastures, hedges, ditches, mills, fishponds, rents and services of free tenants and of customary tenants for life, term of years or at will, of all villeins and their broods, perquisites of court, with all fines, amercements or emoluments forfeited in court or ‘tourn’, waifs and strays, and other profits of the lordship, and franchises, liberties and free customs, as the lord or his farmers ever had there.

26 May: a third part [sic] of the castle, lordship and hundred of Whittington, namely a third part of all houses etc. (as in last with the addition of) a third part of the rabbit warren, and of the perquisites and fines etc. of the hundred court.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

484 Writ de dote assignanda. ‡ 16 Feb. 1408. [Gaunstede].

[CCR 1405–9, p.313: order to the escheator in Staffordshire to assign dower in the presence of the farmers of the Fulk fitz Waryn’s lands, and the next friends of his heir Fulk, a minor in the king’s ward, or their attorneys; the escheator in Berkshire having been ordered to take her oath not to remarry without licence. Custody of all lands had been granted to John de Haryngton and others on 14 Nov. 1407 (CFR 1405-13 p. 97)].

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Assignment of dower [indented]. 20 July. [Stanford].

Between [Hugh] de Stanford, escheator in Staffordshire (1) and Anne, who was the wife of Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk [fitz Waryn] (2), by virtue of writ ... attached ... in the presence of the farmers of 2 parts of the lands and tenements that were Fulk’s, and of John... and ?John ... [friends] of Fulk son of Fulk, warned to be present by virtue of the writ, and by assent of the same farmers and friends.

[Only a fragment of the assignment survives, but see her IPM, 630].


The following were assigned as dower: 1/3 castle, lordship and park of Heighley ...of the vill of Betley, viz. 1/3 of 1/3 of the rents and services of all the tenants of the borough, ... of the mills, vivaries, fisheries, stanks of the lordship of the vill; 1/3 of 1/3 toll of the market; 1/3 ... of the vill. 1/3 of 1/3 of the houses of the manor of Tunstall and 1/3 of 1/3 demesne lands and meadows .... of the mills and fisheries of the manor; 1/3 of 1/3 of ....; 1/3 of 1/3 of the lands and tenements pertaining to the manor, which various .... for term of life or years or at will; Horton, 1/3 of 1/3 houses of the manor; ... of demesne lands, meadows, pastures, ‘hays’, ditches, mills, and fisheries; .... of all the free tenants of the manor; 1/3 of 1/3 lands and tenements ..to the manor ... for term of life or years or at will; 1/3 of 1/3 [of 30s. rent in] Over Longsdon ... 1/3 of 1/3 rent of a rose issuing from manor of Bradwell which ... by grant of James de Audeley knight. 1/3 of 1/3 of 2 messuages, 8 cottages, with gardens ... Maud H..worth lately held for term of her life by grant of the said James Audeley. 1/3 of 1/3 ... Newcastle under Lyme, which the same Maud lately held by grant of the same James. 1/3 of 1/3 ... pertaining to the above .. manors with fines, amercements, ?pertaining to the same courts ... ‘wayf’ and ‘stray’ ... in any way pertaining to the castle, lordship, or manors.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 9-10

C 137/67/7 [sic], filed between C 137/67/36 mm. 12 and 13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM contains much additional material not in the print edition of CIPM XIX, which has also been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Assignment of dower [indented]. [Savage].

[Only a fragment of the assignment survives; but see summary of the dower, below no.1056, and her IPM, 634. Visible place-names are:]


'yatehous de Pull...' (?Pylle); 'Langecroft'; 'Shutem...'.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM, which in the print edition of CIPM XIX formed part of no. 484, contains some additional material not in the print edition.

Writ Head

484B Similar writ. ‡ 16 Feb. 1408. [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator of Devon. The endorsement of execution refers to the assignment having been effected by the escheator, Nicholas Bromford, in an indenture. No assignment is extant, but see summary of the dower, below no.1056, and her IPM, 635.

TNA reference

C 137/69/61 m. 13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM, which in the print edition of CIPM XIX formed part of no. 484, contains some additional material not in the print edition.



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  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)



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