Full text


Inquisition Head

CORNWALL. Inquisition. Stratton. 20 Sept. [Bromford].


Jurors: John Trevysek ; Thomas Trevysek ; Thomas Trengere ; William Trengere ; Richard Penvon ; John Marys ; Roger atte Legh ; Walter Legha ; John Butte ; Thomas B....gh ; William Smyth ; and John ?..dassell .


Alice, now the widow of William Bonevyll, knight , held for life in her demesne in free tenure the manors of Tinten, Polrode, Dizzard, Trefreock, North Tamerton, Rosecare, Treveniel, Trehill and Newhall, with certain stannary works in Creegbrawse. Afterwards she married William Bonevyll , and by indenture dated 17 June 1407 she and William granted them to John Carmynowe , son and heir of William Carmynowe , John Basset , Thomas Reymond , Stephen Baute , John Jayben , Stephen Bony , Thomas Kelly and Walter Westecote for the term of 80 years, rendering 100 marks yearly by equal parts on 1 Nov. and 3 May during the life of Alice. William Bonevyle died seised of this rent jointly with Alice who survives him.

He died on 14 Feb. last . William Bonevyle , son of John, his son, is next heir, and was aged 16 years and more on 30 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/68/42 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Malmesbury. 26 March 1408. [Baynard].

Taken pursuant to a royal writ.


Jurors: Thomas Pruet ; Walter Clerk ; Robert Ruly ; William Heneston ; Edmund Waryn ; Nicholas Spondell ; John Forde ; John Obeton ; John Bailly ; John Lokynham ; Thomas Horn ; and Nicholas atte Forde .


He held half the manor of West Kington in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value [hole in MS] s.

He died on 11 Feb. last . William, son of John, his son, is next heir, aged 15 years and more on 30 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/68/42 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 5 Sept. 1408. [Bromford].

Taken pursuant to a royal writ.


Jurors: John Dauney ; John Vau...t of Clyst; Ralph ?Lop..lod ; Bartlet Pyle ; John Hake ; Thomas Nytheweye ; John Crosse ; John ?Tryuet ; John Kympe ; Richard Kewrigge ; William Smyth ; and John atte Wille .


After the death of Margaret, his [first] wife, he held the following by the courtesy of England of the inheritance of William, son of John, son of Margaret and himself:

Lympstone, the manor and advowson, of the earl of Devon by knight service, annual value £12.

Woodbury, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual vaue £20.

Churchstanton, the manor, of Odo Champernon by knight service, annual value £20.
John son and heir of William de Bryghlegh held 5 a. in Churchstanton with the advowson in his demesne as of fee, and by his charter, dated 27 July 1389 and shown to the jurors, granted them to Henry Andrewe, parson of Lympstone . Thomas Modeslegh, chaplain , Walter Walsshe and Andrew Rydon , and their heirs and assigns. They are held of Odo Champernon by knight service, annual value 2s.

He held in his demesne as of fee:

Membury, 1 messuage and 1 carucate called Beckford, of the prior of Goldcliff , service unknown, annual value 26s.8d.;
and 1 messuage, 1 dovecot and 1 carucate, which he demised to John Vautort and Alice his wife for their lives, with reversion to himself, for the rent of a rose at Midsummer. They are still living, and so he held the rose, and he held of the same prior, service unknown, annual value 20s.

Exeter, 1 messuage next the south gate formerly of Nicholas de Audley, knight , 1 messuage with garden in Coombe Street, formerly of William Gerveys , and 1 garden in the same street formerly of Walter Shoguer of Crediton.

These 3 messuages [sic] in Exeter are held of the king in free burgage as all Exeter is held, annual value 26s.8d.
In his last will and testament William Bonevyle willed Alice, his wife, to have the messuage formerly of Nicholas Audley, knight , as her house there, to go after her death to the heirs male of his body. It is the custom of the city time out of mind that properties there may be devised and left by will.

Dulshayes in Kilmington, 1 messuage and 1 carucate, which he granted to Thomas Bal for life for the rent of a rose at Midsummer. Thomas is still alive, and so Bonevyle held the rose. The messuage is held of the abbot of Newenham , service unknown, annual value 33s.4d.

John Strecche , John Passeware, clerk , John Churchulle , John Bruyn , Thomas Brokenton , Walter Walssh and Andrew Rydon formerly held in their demesne as of fee: the manors of Shute, Wiscombe and Uphay; 2 messuages, 1 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Northleigh; 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Southleigh; 1 messuage, 1 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 20 a. wood in Dulshayes; 1 messuage in Brays; 40 a. hilly land and 20 a. wood in Borcombe; 1 messuage and 1/4 carucate in Blackley; 3 messuages, 100 a. arable and 8 a. meadow in Moorcox in the manor of Whitford; 1 messuage, 1/2 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 6 a. wood in Painters Cross; 1 messuage and 4 a. arable in Pacehayne; 1 messuage and 1/4 carucate in Nower; 2 messuages and 1 carucate in Lexhayne; 1 messuage and 40 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture in Sidbury; 1 messuage and 100 a. arable, 6 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in East Membury; 7 messuages and 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture in Waringstone; 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Axminster; 60 a. in Challenger; and the advowsons of Northleigh and Southleigh. By their indenture, dated at Shute on 6 June 1402 and shown to the jurors, they granted all the premises to William Bonevyle, knight , and Alice his wife, to them and their heirs with successive remainders failing such heirs to William Bonevyle , son of John Bonevyle , deceased, and his heirs male, Thomas the brother of William and son of John and his heirs male, William son of William and his heirs male, the heirs male of William, Katherine wife of John Wyke and their heirs male, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Carreu, knight , and their heirs male, and the right heirs of William, knight . He therefore held all in fee tail jointly with Alice, who survives him:

Shute manor of the earl of Devon by knight service, annual value £20;
Wiscombe of the prior of Otterton , service unknown, annual value 100s.;
Uphay of the abbot of Newenham , annual value 100s.;
2 messuages, 1 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Northleigh of the king of the duchy of Lancaster , annual value 100s.;
1 messuage and 1 carucate in Southleigh of the earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value 5 marks;
1 messuage, 1 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 20 a. wood in Dulshayes of the heir of Richard de Merton , service unknown, annual value 10 marks;
1 messuage in Brays of Joan widow of Richard Warre , service unknown, annual value 20d.;
40 a. hilly land and 20 a. wood in Borcombe of the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s, Exeter, service unknown, annual value 20s.;
1 messuage and 1/4 carucate in Blackley of the prior of Otterton , service unknown, annual value 20s.;
3 messuages, 100 a. arable and 8 a. meadow in Moorcox of the earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value 20s.;
1 messuage, 1/2 carucate, 5 a. meadow and 6 a. wood in Painters Cross, annual value 20s.,
and 1 messuage and 4 a. arable in Pacehayne, annual value 5s.,
of the same earl, services unknown;
1 messuage and 1/4 carucate in Nower of the prior of Merton , service unknown, annual value 10s.;
2 messuages and 1 carucate in Lexhayne of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 7 marks;
1 messuage and 40 a. arable, 4 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture in Sidbury of the same dean and chapter, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.;
1 messuage and 100 a. arable, 6 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in East Membury of the abbot of Newenham , service unknown, annual value 26s.8d.;
7 messuages and 100 a. arable, 10 a. meadow and 10 a. pasture in Waringstone of John Crukerne , service unknown, annual value 40s.;
1 messuage and 1 carucate in Axminster of Henry prince of Wales of the honour of Bradninch of the duchy of Cornwall , service unknown, annual value 60s.;
60 a. in Challenger of the abbot of Newenham , service unknown, annual value 50s.

He had also held 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Hatway in Sidbury, and granted it to John Hitteway and Agnes his wife for their lives. They granted their interest to Walter Hautesford and Maud his wife, and they by charter dated 7 Jan. 1403 granted it back to William Bonevyle, knight , and his heirs. So he held it of the dean and chapter of St. Peter’s, Exeter, service unknown, annual value 10s.

Jointly with Alice his wife he held the manors of Lynton and Countisbury for their lives in survivorship, by the grant of Walter, abbot of Fo[rde ?] by an indenture under the seal of the abbey, for a rent of £6 13s.4d. payable by equal parts at Christmas and Midsummer, with remainder to William, son of William, for his life, annual value 40s.
Also jointly they held 2 messuages, 120 a. arable, 17 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 4 a. alder in Whitford for their lives by the grant by a fine [CP 25(1)/45/71, no.43; licence, CPR 1401–5 , p.243] of Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon , and Maud his wife, with successive remainders to William son and heir of John Bonevyle , Thomas his brother, William son and heir of Thomas, John his brother, and William son of William Bonevyle, knight , and the heirs male of their bodies, William Bonevyle, knight , the heirs of his body, the earl and Maud and the heirs of the earl, annual value 26s.8d.

In his demesne as of fee he held 1 messuage and 1 carucate at Withyhayes in Woodbury, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 40s.;
and 1 messuage and 1 carucate purchased from Roger Wyanne in Woodbury, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 6d.

He held the manor of Yardbury for life by the grant of John Colshill and Emma his wife with reversion to them and their heirs, of Edward earl of Devon , service unknown, annual value £4.

He died on 14 Feb. last without heirs by Alice. William son of John, his son, is his next heir, aged 16 years and more on 30 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/68/42 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. 30 June 1408. [John Savage].

Taken pursuant to a royal writ.


Jurors: John Goppehay ; John Gilden ; John Cause [E: Caue]; John Bere ; Robert Lambrouk ; John Rollour ; William Roucetre ; John Mede ; John Seyntclere ; Robert Crukern ; Roger Hipwell ; and Thomas Londe .


By a fine of 1384 [CP 25(1)/289/54, no.110] William Bonevyle granted the manor of Beer by Aller, 2 messuages, 2 carucates and 10 a. meadow in Somerton and High Ham, and half the manor of Limington to Thomas bishop of Exeter , Thomas Bittelsgate , John Hulle , John Churchulle , John Streche , John Beynyn , John Passeway, clerk , John Umfrey, clerk , Walter Walsh , Andrew Ridon , Thomas Gerveys , Nicholas Ive , Richard Kendale , William Lange and Richard Colyn . Afterwards Colyn and Churchulle released them by deeds dated 28 Dec. 1391 to the bishop, William Boneville, knight , John Streche , John Beynyn , John Passewaye, clerk , John Umfrey, clerk , Andrew Rydoun and Walter Walsh .

The manor of Beer is held of Margaret Courtenay , annual value 20 marks,
the 2 messuages, 2 carucates and 10 a. meadow in Somerton of Elizabeth Julers, countess of Kent , annual value 5 marks,
and the half manor of Limington of the heir of Lord Beauchamp, annual value …, services unknown.

He also held the other half of the manor of Limington after the death of Margaret his wife by the courtesy of England, of the inheritance of William son of John, his son, annual value £10;
1 messuage and 1 carucate in Ilchester called ‘Torchesplace’, annual value 6 marks;
… messuages, … a. arable, 60 a. meadow and 40 a. pasture in Ilchester and ‘Chestermede’, annual value 100s.;
20 a. in ‘Fromondcroft’ by Ilchester, annual value 10s.
; the messuages in Ilchester of the king, of the borough of Ilchester, all the rest of the heir of Lord Beauchamp, services all unknown to the jurors;
1 messuage, 1 carucate in Martock called Sayes Place of the earl of Somerset , annual value 5 marks;
1 messuage and 1 carucate in Gurney Street by Combwich, Stockland Bristol, Otterhampton and Cannington of Lord Ponynges, annual value 10 marks;
and 1 messuage and 1 carucate in ‘Heyghampine’ called ‘Gasgoyne’ of the abbot of Glastonbury , annual value 100s.
; services all unknown.

John Radeston , John Reynald, parson of Limington , Henry Andrewe, parson of Limpstone , Roger Cartere, parson of Wootton Fitzpaine , John Passeware, parson of Over Compton , John Umfray, vicar of Chewton Mendip , Nicholas Yve of West Kington, Andrew Rydon , William Walsh , John Prestes , William Langes of Axminster, Henry Wotton , Thomas Brokhampton , William Lange , John Bytelsgate and Thomas Gervays acquired to themselves and their heirs from William de Monte Acuto , earl of Salisbury , and William Bonevyle, knight ,

the manor of Thurlbear, held of the king in chief by knight service in fee simple, annual value 40 marks.
Richard II by letters patent of 1392 [CPR 1391–6 , p.54] pardoned this acquisition and their grant of the manor to William Bonevyle and Margaret his wife. By their charter dated 29 Aug. 1392 they enfeoffed William and Margaret, with successive remainders to Thomas their son and Cecily his wife, their heirs male, and the right heirs of William. Thomas the son is dead. Cecily survives.

John Mountague of ‘la Blee’ formerly held in his demesne as of fee 1 toft, 40 a. arable and 5 a. meadow in Thurlbear by Taunton, and granted them, described as all the lands formerly of John James in Thurlbear, to William Bonevyle, knight , John Streche , Thomas Modeslegh, clerk , Andrew Rydon , Walter Walsh and Roger Tremayl , their heirs and assigns. William and Walter are dead; the rest hold of the bishop of Winchester in their demesne as of fee, service unknown, annual value 20s.

David Brid and Joan his wife by a fine of 1394 [CP 25(1)/201/32, no.12] granted 1 messuage, 60 a. arable, 2 a. meadow and 6 a. wood in Holway to William Bonevyle, knight , and Margaret his wife, with successive remainders to Thomas their son, the heirs of his body, and the right heirs of William. By another fine of 1393 [CP 25(1)/201/31, no.43] John Wroth and Orange his wife granted 1 messuage, 1/2 carucate, 2 a. meadow and 6 a. wood in Holway and Shoreditch to William and Margaret with similar remainders.

Henry Goulde and Walter Walssh held in their demesne as of fee half the manor of Lillesdon, comprising 1 messuage, lands, gardens, closes and 8 1/2 marks rent of John Beauchamp, knight , and Joan his wife, and granted it to William Bonevyle and Margaret for their lives, with successive remainders to Richard their son for his life, John Cobbeham and Katharine his wife, and the right heirs of William. William Bonevyle held it for his life and died holding it of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
Richard the son died in the lifetime of his father. John Cobbeham and Katherine had issue Elizabeth, who still lives. John Cobbeham is dead.

William Bonevyle formerly held in his demesne as of fee:

Milton Falconbridge, 12 messuages, 200 a. and 50 a. meadow, and by his charter, dated 26 Dec. 1395 and enrolled in the Bench in Easter term 1398, granted all his lands there to John Wadham , John Streche , John Beynyn and Walter Walsh , their heirs and assigns, and they held them of John earl of Somerset , service unknown, annual value 100s. William Bonevyle had no estate therein.

Idstock, the manor, by the grant of Ralph Seyntclere , rendering yearly for life 53s.4d., and by his charter dated at Shute on 20 Feb. 1404 he granted it to John Strecche , Thomas Brokhampton , Thomas Modeslegh, clerk , Andrew Rydon and Walter Walssh , their heirs and assigns. They held of the same earl, service unknown, annual value 100s., and he had no estate in it.

West Chinnock, 1 messuage and 1/2 carucate, granted by the same charter to the same, and held of the prior of Montacute , service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

Salt Moor, 20 a. meadow and 30 a. pasture, granted by the same charter to the same, and held of the countess of Kent , service unknown, annual value 26s.8d.

Beer by Combwich, the manor, and he granted it to William Poulet and Margaret his wife for their lives, rendering 11 marks by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

Wearne by Langport, 2 messuages and 1 carucate, of which he granted 1 messuage and 1/2 carucate to Richard Appelyn and Alice his wife for their lives, rendering £6 13s.4d. by equal parts at the four principal terms, and 1 messuage and 1/2 carucate to John Waleys and Agnes his wife for their lives for a similar rent.

Chaffcombe by Somerton, 1 messuage and 1 carucate, and he granted them to William Growe for life to hold by a rent of 30s. by equal parts at the two principal terms.

By the same charter mentioned above, dated at Shute on 20 Feb. 1404 , he granted to the same feoffees the rents and services of William and Margaret Poulet, Richard and Alice Appelyn, John and Agnes Waleys, and William Growe in the above-named places. They all seven attorned to the feoffees, so that he had no estate in any of these lands. Beer manor is held of the prior of Farleigh , Wearne of the bishop of Bath , and Chaffcombe of the abbot of Glastonbury , services all unknown, no annual values beyond the rents.

He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage, 12 a. arable and 4 a. meadow in Westbury of the bishop of Bath , annual value 10s.;
and 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Yeovilton of the heir of Lord Beauchamp, annual value 20s.
; service unknown to the jurors.

He formerly held the manor of Tatworth and by his charter, dated at Shute on 19 Dec. 1396 and enrolled in Easter term 1398, granted it to John Streche , Thomas Brokhampton and Andrew Rydon , who are still alive, and Walter Walsh , now deceased. The first three still hold it of the bishop of Bath by knight service, and he has no estate in it. Annual value 10 marks.

By two fines of 1397 [CP 25(1)/201/32, nos.33, 35] between William Bonevyle , Margaret his wife, Humphrey Stafford and Elizabeth his wife, and John Beynyn, the reversions of half the manors of Great Lopen and Over Stratton, which Maud widow of Thomas Boclond, knight , held for life, of a third part of half the manor of Merriott, which she held in dower, and of the other two parts of the half, which Hugh Cheyne and Maud his wife held for the life of Maud, were granted to William and Margaret with successive remainders to Thomas Bonevyle and the heirs male of his body, Hugh Bonevyle and his heirs male, William Bonevyle and his heirs male, the heirs of William and Margaret, and the right heirs of Margaret; and the reversions of the other halves were granted to Humphrey de Stafford and Elizabeth his wife, their heirs, and the right heirs of Elizabeth. Afterwards by agreement between William Bonevyle and Margaret and Humphrey Stafford and Elizabeth, the half manors of Great Lopen and Over Stratton were assigned to Humphrey and Elizabeth for their lives in exchange for that half of the manor of Merriott which was not granted to William and Margaret by the fine, and that half which was not granted by Humphrey and Elizabeth except a third part of all the wood called Eggwood and a third part of the fallow land next the wood and except the reversion of 1 messuage, 1 curtilage, 50 a. arable, 15 a. meadow, 1 watermill and 1 dovecot in Bow, Northdon and Crepe in the manor of Merriott, which Richard Slade holds for life, and which reversions were assigned after his death to William Bonevyle and Margaret in return for the said half manors of Great Lopen and Over Stratton, rendering 10 marks yearly to Humphrey and Elizabeth, with remainder after the deaths of William and Margaret to Thomas Bonevyle and his heirs male.

So when he died William Bonevyle held all the manor of Merriott, exceptions excepted, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20.
Thomas is dead. William his son is next heir, aged …2 years and more.

William Bonevyle held the advowson of Buckland of the bishop of Winchester , service unknown, annual value nil.

In right of Alice his [second] wife he held for her life a third part of the manors of Rodney Stoke , Dinder, Lamyatt, Backwell, Ashill, Winford, Priddy, Hallatrow, Twerton, and Saltford in dower from John Rodney , her former husband. By indenture dated 11 April 1403 William and Alice granted all these third parts to Peter Courtenay, knight , now deceased, John Seyntjon, knight , Richard Barbe , John Merlonde , Richard Sutton , John Venables , John Pederton and William Poulet , to hold at farm for the life of Alice, rendering 50 marks yearly. So he held the rent of 50 marks jointly with Alice.

Also in her dower he held a third part of the manor of Clevedon of Lady Despenser, annual value 10 marks.

By a fine of 1397 William Bonevyle granted to John Streche , Thomas Modysle, parson of Churchstanton , Henry Andrewe, parson of Lympstone , Thomas Brokenton , Walter Walsh and Andrew Rydon the manor of Stapleton, half the manor of Sock Dennis, and the advowson of Sock Dennis [CP 25(1)/290/58, no.306]. Richard II by letters patent of 5 Dec. 1397 pardoned their acquisition of Stapleton without licence [CPR 1396–9 , p.268].

Stapleton is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £30.
The half manor of Sock Dennis is held of the heir of Lord Beauchamp, annual value 25 marks.

He died on 14 Feb. last . William son of John, his son, is next heir, aged 16 years and more on 30 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/68/42 m. 5

E 149/91/13 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'Bowmill' has also been changed to 'Bow'.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Broadwindsor. 30 June 1408. [Savage].

Taken pursuant to a royal writ.


Jurors: John Clerk of Uphay ; Henry Shepherd ; Mark Horne ; John Spirwy ; Hildebrand Knycche ; John Goudfelaw, ?junior ; Nicholas Thecchere ; John Hancok ; Roger ?Oneyit ; Henry Colmoure ; John atte Orchard ; and Edward Whatecombe .


By a fine of 1385 [CP 25(1)/5 1/49, no.45] John Stokelond and Mary his wife granted to William Bonevyle, knight , and Margaret his wife 1 messuage, 1 mill, 4 carucates, 7 a. meadow, 6 a. wood and 20s. rent in Pimperne, Afflington, Moreton, Herston, Swanage, Arfleet Mill and Corfe Castle, which William Clavyll held for life, in reversion after his death with successive remainders to Thomas their son, his heirs male, and the right heirs of William. Margaret died. Thomas married Cecily, now the wife of William Cheyny , and they had a son William. Thomas died, and William Clavyll died. William Bonevyle entered and held when he died.

One carucate is in Pimperne, held of the heir of the earl of March , who is in the king’s ward, service unknown, annual value 40s.;
1 messuage, 1 carucate, 7 a. meadow and 6 a. wood are in Afflington, held of the same, service unknown, annual value 100s.;
1/2 carucate and 5s. rent are in Moreton, held of the same, service unknown, annual value 20s.;
1/2 carucate and 5s. rent are in Herston, held of the lord of Godlingston , service unknown, annual value 20s.;
1/2 carucate and 5s. rent are in Swanage, held of the heir of the earl of March , service unknown, annual value 20s.;
the mill is in Alfleet Mill, held of the same, service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.;
and 1/2 carucate and 5s. rent are in Corfe Castle, held of the same, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

John Streche , John Passewaye, clerk , John Churchehulle , John Beynyn , Thomas Brockhampton , Walter Walsh and Andrew Rydon held in their demesne as of fee 6 messuages, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture on the hills, 8 a. wood and 15s. rent in Wyld and 1 messuage, 1 toft, 2 carucates, 15 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Dalwood, and by their indenture dated at Shute on 6 June 1402 granted all their lands in Wyld and Burgh in Dalwood to William Bonevyle, knight , and Alice, and their heirs, with successive remainders to William son of John Bonevyle and his heirs male, Thomas his brother and his heirs male, William son of William, knight , and his heirs male, the heirs male of William, knight , then half to Katherine wife of John Wyke and her heirs male, and half to Elizabeth wife of Thomas Carreu, knight , and her heirs male, and the right heirs of William Bonevyle, knight . So he held in fee tail jointly with Alice,

the 6 messuages, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow, 200 a. pasture on the hills, 8 a. wood and 15s. rent in Wyld of John Arundel of his manor of Wootton Fitzpaine by knight service, annual value 5 marks,
and 1 messuage, 1 toft, 2 carucates, 15 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Burgh in Dalwood of Joan widow of Richard Warre by knight service, annual value 5 marks.

He held the manor of Colway in right of Alice for her life, of Thomas Ponyng, knight , by knight service, with remainder to John Carmynowe and his heirs, annual value 6 marks.

He held 1 messuage in Lyme Regis to himself and his heirs, of the king of the borough of Lyme , by a rent of 2s.8d., annual value 12d.

He died on 14 Feb. last without heirs by Alice. William son of John, his son, is next heir, aged 16 on 30 Sept. last .

Thomas son of William and Margaret died during his father’s lifetime. William is his son and heir, aged 12 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/68/42 m. 6

E 149/91/13 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Combwich, Stockland Bristol, Otterhampton, Cannington
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Thurlbear, Thurlbear
Total: -
Total: -
Milton Falconbridge
Total: -
Idstock, Shute
Total: -
West Chinnock
Total: -
Salt Moor
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Sock Dennis
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • John Savage(Escheator)


  • John Goppehay
  • John Gilden
  • John Cause
  • John Bere
  • Robert Lambrouk
  • John Rollour
  • William Roucetre
  • John Mede
  • John Seyntclere
  • Robert Crukern
  • Roger Hipwell
  • Thomas Londe


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