Full text


Writ Head

444 Writ mandamus . ‡ 19 March 1408 [Maupas].

Addressed to the escheator of Somerset and Dorset. Regarding lands held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Wells. 23 April. [Savage].


Jurors: John Touer ; Richard Michell ; Nicholas ?...rchehull ; Richard Walbrond ; Thomas Northlode ; Abel (?Abelli) Kendale ; William ?Wynd ; Hugh Walbrond ; Richard ?El..well ; John Ag..hawyke ; William Nytere ; and John Pynchard .


Owing to the minority of Joan and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs of Nicholas le Walsh , there came into the hands of Edward III a rent of 26s.8d. in Atherstone, held in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee, and half of certain lands and tenements in Huish Champflower forming the manor of Huish Champflower, and held of Robert de Novo Burgo by knight service, annual value 10s.

Joan and Elizabeth died in the king’s ward without heirs of their bodies, Joan surviving Elizabeth. The heirs of Joan were Alice, the first sister of Nicholas, married to Walter Malet ; Joan the second sister; Simon son of Maud the third sister; and the daughters of Edith the fourth sister, namely Joan married to William le Swon , Lucy married to John Chuket , and Christina married to John atte Hulle . Alice and Joan sisters of Nicholas, Joan wife of William le Swon , and Lucy wife of John Chuket were of full age, and Simon and Christina under age at the death of Joan. Simon afterwards pursued his share out of the hands of Edward III according to the law of England, in virtue of which the heirs were seised of their separate parts.

Christina had

one half of one eighth of 26s.8d. rent in Atherstone, held of the king in chief by the service of one eighth of a quarter fee,
and half of one eighth of 113 a. arable and 3 roods of meadow in Huish Champflower, held of Robert de Novo Burgo , service unknown.
Her share remained in the hands of Richard II and of the present king, who have taken the profits by the hands of the escheators.

Joan sister of Nicholas married Henry le Frere and survived him, holding 8s.10d. rent from the manor of Atherstone of the king in chief by knight service, and a sixth part of the manor of Huish Champflower with the advowson at the sixth presentation. She died on 10 Jan. 1353 . Her heirs were Alice sister of Joan, daughter of John Walsh ; Simon son of Maud, second sister of Joan; and Christina, daughter of Edith Seyncler , the third sister; all of full age.

Rose widow of John Walsh died, holding in dower of John, of the inheritance of Alice, Simon and Christina, 7s.9 1/4d. rent in Atherstone and a third part of the manor of Huish Champflower. Because the manor was held in chief they were taken into the hands of Edward III . Alice, Simon and Christina became heirs by the deaths of Joan, widow of Henry le Frere , and Rose, widow of John le Walsh . By letters of Edward III dated 4 Dec. 1362 Christina received a third part of 8s.10d. rent in Atherstone and a third part of one sixth of the manor and of the advowson of Huish Champflower. Joan had a third part of 7s.9 1/4d. rent in Atherstone and a third part of a third of the manor of Huish Champflower which Rose held in dower…

From the death of Christina on 20 Oct. 1386 Alice Malet was allotted her part and she took the profits of this part of the manor and of the advowson of Huish Champflower for 12 years, and Hugh Courtenay, knight , has taken them since then, title unknown. Thomas Beauchamp, knight , has taken the third part of the rent in Atherstone from the same date, title also unknown. …

Christina died as stated.

Nicholas Hull , her son and heir, is aged 30 years and more.

[Parts illegible, and some readings doubtful]


TNA reference

C 137/68/37 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

445 [Writ: see 444 .]

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 1 Oct. 1408. [John Savage].


Jurors: Henry Sherard ; David Spencer ; Robert Quarell ; William Ricard ; William Warmwell ; Walter Sprot ; Richard Hurdyng ; William Smert ; John Frye ; Robert Heryng ; Ralph Brut ; and John Loket .


Christina wife of John Hulle held nothing in Dorset. Two messuages, 1 curtilage, 84 a. arable, 6 a. meadow, 3 a. pasture and 5s.4d. rent in West Chickerell and Putton came into the hands of Edward III owing to the death of Nicholas le Walsh and the minority of Joan and Elizabeth, his daughters and heirs, because he held 26s.8d. rent in Atherstone in Somerset in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee. His daughters died in the king’s ward without heirs of their bodies, Joan surviving Elizabeth.

Alice, one sister of Nicholas, married to Walter Malet , Joan another sister, Simon son of Maud the third sister, Joan daughter of Edith the fourth sister, married to William le Swon , Lucy the second daughter of Edith, married to John Chuket , and Christina the third daughter of Edith, married to John atte Hulle , were the heirs of Joan, daughter of Nicholas. Alice and Joan sisters, Joan wife of William le Swon and Lucy wife of John Chuket were of full age at the death of Joan. Simon and Christina were under age. Those of full age secured their portions from the king’s hands, as did Simon when he reached full age.

Christina had an eighth part of 2 messuages and of the curtilage, 21 a. arable, 1 a. meadow, 3 roods of pasture and 16d. rent in West Chickerell and Putton. Her part was retained in the hands of Richard II owing to her minority and remains in the present king’s hands. The premises were held of William Filoll and Lady Alice de Briene , services unknown, annual value 20 1/2d.

She died on 20 Oct. 1386 . Nicholas Hull , her son, is aged 30 years and more.

Richard II and the present king have taken the profits by the escheators.

TNA reference

C 137/68/37 mm. 1, 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Huish Champflower
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • John Touer
  • Richard Michell
  • Nicholas ?...rchehull
  • Richard Walbrond
  • Thomas Northlode
  • Abel (?Abelli) Kendale
  • William ?Wynd
  • Hugh Walbrond
  • Richard ?El..well
  • John Ag..hawyke
  • William Nytere
  • John Pynchard


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