Full text


Writ Head

429 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 16 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Thoralby].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Hereford. 26 Nov. [Brugge].


Jurors: John Woueton ; John Leone ; Thomas Pagy ; John Grene ; William Yonge ; Thomas Robyns ; John Welynton ; John Pekeryng ; Richard Wyke ; Walter Graunt ; Hugh Hambury ; and John Bruyn .


Owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, and the minority of Fulk Fitzwaryn his son and heir, the following were taken into the king’s hands under Richard II and remain in the present king’s hands:

Llandovery, a third part of the castle, manor and hundred ;
and Perfedd and Hirfryn in Wales, a third part of the commotes
; all of Henry prince of Wales by knight service, annual value nil because burnt and destroyed by the rebels.

Monnington on Wye and Dilwyn in Herefordshire, a third part of the manors;

Monnington on Wye of Richard earl of Warwick of the honour of Colwyn by knight service, annual value 20 marks;
and Dilwyn of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
The earl of Somerset has taken the profits of the third parts of Monnington and Dilwyn since the death of Fulk by royal grant by letters patent [CPR 1405–8 , p.275].

He died on 31 Oct. last . Fulk his son and heir was aged 1 year on 20 Jan. last .

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 1-2

E 152/8/418 dorse

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

430 Writ devenerunt . 8 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Thoralby].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Bradford on Avon. 15 Nov. [Bonham].


Jurors: John Grenehull ; John Grenyng ; John Nywman ; William Wacche ; John Wacche ; Walter Strete ; William Felpus ; Philip Cole ; Richard Cooke ; John Welshot ; Philip Gay ; and William Leche .


No lands came into the king’s hands owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, but he had held in his demesne as of fee half the manors of Crofton and Stanton Fitzwarren with the advowson of Stanton, and had given them to John Canche, formerly vicar of Wantage , John Croke , William Bryddesmere and John Marchall of Betley, and their heirs and assigns, on condition that they should pay his debts, reward his servants and then enfeoff his son. They held them, paid his debts and, contrary to the conditions, enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life. Fulk Fitzwaryn, the son, entered, and as he was under age in the king’s ward the premises were taken into the king’s hands. He by letters patent of 2 Aug. 1402 [CPR 1401–5 , p.117] gave the custody to Elizabeth Lady Botreaux and Robert Threske, clerk , until the full age of Fulk, or of other next heir. They have held and taken the profits of the half manor of Crofton since the date of the letters patent and still do so. For the issues of the half manor of Stanton Fitzwarren the escheator answers at the exchequer and the farmers do not interfere with these issues. The manors are held of the earldom of Hereford in socage; annual values of the halves,

Crofton 50s.,
Stanton £8

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

431 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 8 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Thoralby].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Market Drayton. 30 Nov. [Colclogh].


Jurors: Griffin de Hille ; Roger Brooke ; John de Mere ; Geoffrey de Pulle ; John de Whitemore ; Richard de Hynton ; Philip de Hulle ; John de Hamme ; Henry de Madeley ; Thomas le Smyth ; John Dunsterville ; and Ralph Raven .


The following were taken into the king’s hands owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn and the minority of Fulk his son, and so remain:

Edgmond, a third part of the manor, which manor with the vill of Newport is held of the king in chief by the service of rendering yearly a mewed sparrowhawk, annual value of the third part 10 marks.

Whittington, the castle, lordship and advowson with the advowson of Selattyn in the Welsh March, held of the king in chief by barony, annual value nil because destroyed, devastated, and burnt several times by the invasion of the rebels.

Redcastle, a third part of the castle and its members, held of John Harecourt by a rent of 1/3d., annual value £4 9s., and no more because the members were devastated and burnt by the rebels.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

432 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 8 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Thoralby].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon. 3 Jan. 1408. [James].


Jurors: John Felice ; William atte Halle ; Walter Janekyns ; Ralph Bossenger ; Peter Sexteyn ; Thomas Lyford ; Robert Kylbourne ; Richard Goryng ; Richard Ardyngton ; John Dyere ; Henry Quylter' ; and John Goolde .


No lands or tenements came into the hands of Richard II owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, but long before his death he held the manor and hundred of Wantage, and enfeoffed John Canche, formerly vicar of Wantage , and others, on condition that they enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life with remainder to Fulk Fitzwaryn, son of Fulk. Philip held them and died. Then Peter Besyles, knight, escheator, held an inquisition [no.210 above] at Abingdon and took them into the king’s hands owing to the minority. Fulk came into chancery and showed his charters and muniments, and on 7 May 1407 the king ordered Thomas Chaucer , then escheator, to remove the king’s hands [CCR 1405–9 , p.203].

So Fulk held the manor and hundred of the lordship of Pembroke , service unknown, paying hidage of 100s. by the sheriff by equal parts at Michaelmas and Easter; annual value £40.

Date of death and heir as above.

[Exchequer copy only: deleted:] John de Haryngton, knight, received the issues of the manor and hundred, by virtue of the present king’s letters patent.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 7-8

E 152/8/422 m. 2 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

433 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 8 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Thoralby].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Gloucester. 19 Nov. [Greuell].


Jurors: Walter Toky ; John Wynnyard ; Robert Cooke ; Thomas Barbe ; John Robard ; Robert Aleyn ; John Blundell ; Richard Bysshop ; Richard Bokebynder ; John Holforde of Hartpury ; John Gosselyn ; and Thomas Pers .


No lands came into the hands of Richard II by the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight. Long before his death he had given the manor of Bentham to John Canche, formerly vicar of Wantage , John Crocke , William Bryddusmere and John Marchall of Betley, and their heirs and assigns, in order that they might pay his debts, reward his servants, and then enfeoff his son Fulk, but contrary to the conditions they enfeoffed Philip Fitzwaryn for life. Fulk entered, and as he was a minor in the king’s ward the manor was taken into the king’s hands. By letters patent of 2 Aug. 1402 [CPR 1401–5 , p.117] he granted the custody to Elizabeth Lady Botreaux and Robert Threske, clerk , for a certain rent until the full age of the heir. They have taken and are still taking the issues.

Bentham. The manor is held of the earl of Stafford , service unknown, annual value £6.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 9-10

E 149/91/3 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

434 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 8 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Waker].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Stone. 12 Dec. [Bagot].


Jurors: John Boughay ; Ralph de Howton ; Roger de Bidulf ; William de Howton ; Ralph de Thornbury ; William Galpyn ; Roger de Howton ; Richard de Bromley ; John Pollard ; John Swanyld ; Roger Molle ; and ... de Mulle .


John Kynardessey by a fine of 1314–15 [not found] gave to Nicholas de Audeley, knight , and Joan Lacy, countess of Lincoln , his wife, the castle of Heighley, with the park, the vill of Betley, the manors of Tunstall and Horton, and 30s. rent in Over Longsdon, to hold to them and the heirs of Nicholas. They held the premises all their lives, and afterwards James Lord Audley , their son and heir, held them. He married Joan daughter of the earl of March , and had a son Nicholas late Lord Audley , and daughters, Joan grandmother of John Tuchet, knight , now Lord Audley , and Margaret formerly the wife of Roger Hilary, knight . Joan wife of James died and he married Isabel and had a daughter Margaret, formerly the wife of Fulk Fitzwaryn. Nicholas the son died without heirs of his body, and so the premises descended to John Tuchet and Margaret wife of Roger Hilary ; John Tuchet as son of John, son of Joan, sister of Nicholas son of James; and Margaret wife of Roger as the other sister of Nicholas son of James by Joan his first wife. John Tuchet and Margaret entered the premises after the death of Nicholas, and held them until Fulk Fitwaryn, as son of Fulk, son of Margaret wife of Fulk Fitzwaryn, claiming to be a co-heir through Margaret his grandmother, daughter of James and Isabel, his second wife, entered a third part and held by intrusion without title until he died; but he being a minor at the death of his father, the third part was taken into the hands of Richard II and remains in the present king’s hands.

Heighley castle and the park, annual values of the third parts nil beyond the wages of the parkers and the repair and maintenance of the enclosure, and
the vill of Betley, annual value of the third 10 marks,
are held of William de Bettyley by a rent of 1d.,
Tunstall manor, annual value of the third 40 marks, of the heir of Adam Greseley ,
Horton, annual value of the third 20 marks,
and the rent in Over Longsdon of the earl of Stafford by a rent of 10s. No other lands or tenements came into the king’s hands owing to the death of Fulk and the minority of the heir.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

435 Writ devenerunt . ‡ 7 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Gaunstede].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Crewkerne. 26 Nov. [Warre].


Jurors: John ?Jewe ; Richard Clopton ; William Denebaud ; John atte Heyes ; John Seynt[c]ler ; John Jermayn ; Roger H[ip]ewell ; John ?P[oug]h[u]ll ; William Seyntkler ; William ?Emm... ; William Rose ; and John ?H[ar]...[gr]... .


He held the manor and advowson of Pylle in his demesne as of fee of the abbot of Glastonbury by knight service, annual value £6.

William Cogan held the manor and advowson of Huntspill jointly with Isabel his wife, to them and his heirs, of the king in chief by knight service, by the grant of William Luscote , John Radyngton , John Waskham and John Elys, vicar of Mere . He also held the manor of Wigborough in his demesne as of fee. He had issue John and Elizabeth and died in 1381–2. After his death the manors of Huntspill and Wigborough with the advowson of Huntspill were in the king’s hands. Huntspill and a third part of Wigborough were assigned in chancery to Isabel in dower for life with remainder to his right heirs. She afterwards married Robert de Haryngton, knight . Then John son of William Cogan died. The two parts of Wigborough were given in chancery to Elizabeth as sister and heir of John, son of William, to her and her heirs. She married Fulk Fitzwaryn, and they had a son Fulk, who was their next heir. Fulk the father died. Then Elizabeth married Hugh Courtenay, knight , and they held two parts of the manor in right of Elizabeth. They had issue and she died, after which Hugh held by the courtesy of England on account of their children.

Isabel wife of Robert Haryngton died. The manor and advowson of Huntspill and the third part of Wigborough were taken into the king’s hands by reason of the minority of Fulk Fitzwaryn, who was the heir of William Cogan , being the son of Elizabeth, sister of John, son of William Cogan. The king by letters patent [CPR 1399–1401 , p.380] granted to the earl of Somerset the custody of the manor and advowson of Huntspill and the third part of Wigborough until the full age of the next heir. The earl granted all his rights there to Peter Courtenay, knight , reserving to himself only the first presentation to the church of Huntspill. Peter Courtenay granted the custody to Hugh Luterell and Thomas Brook , knights, Alexander Clyvedon , John Strecche and John Kyrchulle, parson of Aller . The others released to Thomas Brook , who now holds. Annual values,

Huntspill, manor and advowson £40,
one third of Wigborough 5 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 13-14

E 149/91/3 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

436 Writ devenerunt . 7 Nov. 1407 Gloucester [Gaunstede].

Regarding Fulk fitz Waryn, son and heir of Fulk fitz Waryn, knight, who held of Richard II.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 24 Nov. [Jaycok].


Jurors: William Jewe ; John Dauney ; Thomas ?Spyrewey ; John Furse ; Richard Melhuwysch ; Nicholas Spectote ; John Ston’ ; Walter Bury ; Robert Hille of Gittisham ; William Purye ; Thomas Boys ; and Walter Wodelond .


The manors of Holne, Little Totnes, Nymet Tracy, Up Exe, Creedy Bridge, Beer Charter, Marwood, Kingston, Warkleigh and St. Mary Church, the advowson of Marwood, the borough of Ilfracombe, 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Shillingford by Alphington, and 1 toft and 1 garden in Crediton came into the hands of Richard II owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, the father, and the minority of the son, and remain in the king’s hands. Richard II appointed John Golafre, knight , to be keeper of the manors of Kingston, Warkleigh and St. Mary Church until the full age of the heir without making any payment [CPR 1391–6 , p.20]. After the death of John Golafre the keeping of the manors remained to Philippa duchess of York , his widow, and Thomas Bode , his executors, and so remains. Richard II by letters patent of 16 May 1399 [CFR 1391–9 , p.301] granted all the premises then in his hands to Edward duke of Aumale , now duke of York, until the full age of the heir, Edward granted all his rights in them to Hugh Courtenay, knight , by letters patent, which were shown to the jurors, and Hugh now holds them.

None is held of the king in chief. The manors of

Holne, annual value £10,
Up Exe 10 marks,
Nymet Tracy 20 marks,
and Beer Charter 40s.,
are held of the castle of Barnstaple, service unknown;
Little Totnes, annual value 100s., of Lord la Zouche of his castle of Totnes in socage;
Kingston £30,
Marwood 40s.
with the borough of Ilfracombe £4,
of Edward de Courtenay, earl of Devon , service unknown;
Warkleigh manor £10, of Constance Lady Despenser , service unknown;
the messuage and carucate in Shillingford 6s.8d., of the abbot of Torre in socage;
and the toft and garden in Crediton 12d., of Edmund bishop of Exeter in socage;
annual value of the manor of Creedy Bridge £4.

After the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn, father of the Fulk who last died, the manor of Uffculme, except 4 marks rent which Hugh Courtenay, knight , held by the law of England after the death of Elizabeth his late wife, descended to the Fulk named in the writ in the time of Henry IV , after and owing to the death of Isabel wife of Robert de Haryngton , and formerly the wife of William Cogan , who held it in dower of William. It came to Fulk as heir of William, being the son of Elizabeth, sister of John, son and heir of William. All the holdings of Lady Haryngton were in the king’s hands until he granted the custody by letters patent [CPR 1399–1401 , p.380] to the earl of Somerset . The earl granted all his estate therein to Peter Courtenay, knight , and he granted it to Hugh Lutrell and Thomas Broke , knights, John Strecche , Alexander Clyvedon and John Kyrchill, parson of Aller . The others released to Thomas Broke , so he now holds.

The manor of Uffculme, except 4 marks rent as above, is held of the king in chief by knight service; annual value £20.

William Martyn, knight , held the manor and advowson of Tawstock in his demesne as of fee. He had issue William, Joan and Eleanor. William entered the manor after his father’s death and married Margaret. Joan married Nicholas Daudelegh , and Eleanor, Philip Columbarys . William the son died without heirs. Then Nicholas, Joan, Philip and Eleanor entered the manor, and assigned the manor and advowson to Margaret in dower. Afterwards the reversion was allotted to Eleanor, and Margaret attorned to Philip and Eleanor. By a fine of 1335 [CP 25(1)/286/38, no.161] Lewis de Camoys, parson of Combe Martin , and Baldwin de Ayllemere settled the reversion of the manor on Philip and Eleanor Columbarys for their lives, with successive remainders to Ralph Basset the younger and Alice his wife, the heirs of their bodies, and the right heirs of Eleanor. Philip died, and Eleanor died without heirs. Nicholas Daudelegh and Joan had issue James. Ralph and Alice died. Margaret died, and Ralph son of Ralph and Alice entered the manor. By a fine of 1370 [CP 25(1)/44/60, no.381] the reversion of the manor, which after the death of Ralph Basset should have come to James Daudelegh and his heirs, was settled on Thomas Audelegh and his heirs, with successive remainders failing such heirs to Rowland, brother of Thomas, and his heirs, James their brother and his heirs, and the right heirs of Thomas. Rowland, Thomas and James died without heirs of their bodies. Ralph son of Ralph also died. The manor descended to Fulk Fitzwaryn as kinsman and heir, being the son of Fulk, son of Margaret, sister of Thomas. It is held of the king in chief and was in the hands of Richard II . Joan wife of Ralph Basset , son of Ralph, was dowered with it and Richard II by letters patent of 11 May 1392 [CFR 1391–9 , p.45] granted two parts of the manor to William Esturmy, knight , until the full age of the heir, rendering £50 12s.5 1/2d. by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

He still holds the two parts of the manor of Tawstock of the king in chief of the barony of Barnstaple by knight service, annual value £80 6s.8d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Cave, North or South. 10 Dec. 1407. [Egmanton].

Taken pursuant to a royal writ.


Jurors: John Egeton ; William Crunok ; Thomas Rithwyse ; Robert Hunter ; John Storrok ; Thomas Glouer ; John Seteryngton ; John Steton ; William Rymeswelle ; William Clerk ; John Tykhull ; and Reynold Gerard .


No lands came into the king’s hands owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn and the minority of Fulk his son and heir.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 m. 17

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Extent of fees and advowsons. Bradford on Avon. 18 June. [Baynard].


Jurors: Nicholas Broke ; John Frankeleyn ; John Burgeys ; Thomas Barley ; Robert Alfryge ; Robert Ennok ; William Odom ; Robert Leuerych ; John atte Rygge ; Robert Bakham ; Thomas Upton ; and Robert Cusse .


The following were taken into the king’s hands owing to the death of Fulk Fitzwaryn and the minority of his heir:

Stanton St. Bernard, 1/2 fee held by Thomas Hobbes, 1/2 fee held by Ingram Hampton, 1/40 fee held by Robert Medeman, clerk , and 1/30 fee held by John Burgeys .

Artington, 1/4 fee held by the heir of Henry de Guldeford .

Stanton St. Bernard, the advowson at alternate presentations, annual value 6 marks.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 18-19

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BERKSHIRE. Extent of fees. Wantage. 26 April. [James].


Jurors: John Latton ; Nicholas Willy ; John Bullok ; John Hadenham ; William Fermer of West Hagbourne ; Thomas Goseye ; Robert Banastre ; Richard Tomlyns ; Alexander Okeburn ; John Metford ; Richard Decon ; and Henry Bowels .


The following were taken into the king’s hands for the same reasons as above [no.438]:

Wantage, 1/4 fee held by Richard Wydeford, 1/4 fee held by William Bron , and 1/8 fee held by Alice Wydeford .

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 20-21

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Extent of fees and advowsons. Gloucester. 17 March. [Bryvell].


Jurors: Walter Touky ; John Wynnyard ; Robert Cook ; Thomas Barbe ; John Roberde ; Robert Aleyn ; John Bloundell ; Richard Bisshop ; Richard Bokebynder ; John Holford of Hartpury ; John Gosselyn ; and Thomas Pere .


The following were taken into the king’s hands for the same reasons as above [no.438]:

Bentham, 1/20 fee held by William Castyll, 1/20 fee held by John Sewyn, 1/40 fee held by Richard Dannede , and 1/20 fee held by John Berkelegh, knight .

Little Bentham, advowson of the chantry, annual value 40s.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 22-23

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Extent of fees and advowsons. Ilchester. 26 March. [Savage].


Jurors: John Babyngton ; John Touer ; William Gouer ; John Newe ; Robert Chamberleyn ; John Mede ; Walter Notclyf ; Adam Broun ; William Janyn ; Thomas Frephull ; John Bonde ; and John Broun .


The following were taken into the king’s hands for the same reasons as above [no.438]:

Alstone, 1/2 fee held by Thomas Pomeray, knight , of the manor of Huntspill .

Salthay, 1/2 fee held by Richard Boyton .

Weare, 1/2 fee held by Philip Hampton .

Lower Weare, 1/2 fee held by Richard Power .

Burnham, 1 fee held by William Wykham .

Bempstone, 1/2 fee in the hundred held by the heir of the earl of Ormonde .

Huntspill, 1/2 fee held by Lord Harington.

Worston, 1/4 fee held by Lady Poulet.

Alstone, 1/4 fee held by Thomas Broke, knight .

Huntspill, 1/4 fee held by John Vernay , John Pokeswell , John Wevelscombe , John Orchard and Richard Clopton, 1/2 fee held by John Norton, 1/4 fee held by William Gaskeyne and Robert Herward, 1/4 fee held by John Weston, 1/20 fee in Crokeshams there held by the heir of the earl of Ormonde , 1/20 fee held by Hugh Bryton, 1/20 fee held by William Gover, 1/20 fee held by Richard Juwel , William Northlode and Christine Michel, 1/10 fee held by Richard Chamberlayn, 1/4 fee of the land of John Brenyng held by Lord Harington, 1/10 fee held by William Whyttok and 1/20 fee held by John Gilbard .

East Pennard, 1/4 fee held by the abbot of Glastonbury .

Dodeput’ and ‘Overton’, 1/2 fee held by John Reymond .

Low Ham, 1/2 fee held by John Berkele, knight .

Pylle, 1/30 fee held by John Loryng , extending at 20d.

Hornblotton, 1/2 fee held by William Wason .

Huntspill, the advowson, £20.

Pylle, the advowson, 6 marks.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 24-25

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Extent of fees and advowsons. Exeter. 26 July. [Bromford].


William Grilleston; Thomas Halle; Giles Bampton; John Prous; William atte Wode; John Neweman; Richard Foldhay; John Crosse; John Frye; John Floyer; Walter Henys; and Simon Michell.


The following were taken into the king’s hands for the same reasons as above [no.438].

Kingston, 1/30 fee held by William Somayster , extending at 4s., 1/20 fee held by Robert Veale, 1/20 fee held by Walter Rogger and 1/6 fee held by Joan Chansy .

Langstone, 1/8 fee held by Walter Forde of Langstone .

Michelcombe, 1/20 fee held by John Jaycok .

Holne, 1/20 fee held by William Brygge .

North Holne, 1/18 fee held by John Stephyn and Alexander Shuteman .

Up Exe, 1/11 fee held by John Loigge, 11s.

Washbourne and Farmstone, 1 fee held by the heirs of Robert Waysbourne .

Warkleigh, 1/10 fee held by William atte Hulle , 1/2 fee held by John Avenell and 1/10 fee held by Richard Brademour .

Newland, 1/50 fee held by John Lymbeare, 18d.

Hathercombe, 1/4 fee held by Robert Blakewill .

Holne, 1/4 fee held by William Hone .

Rawstone, 1/2 fee held by the heir of Walter Roweston .

Westcott, 1/4 fee held by Thomas Westcote .

Fishleigh, 1/2 fee held by John Elys of Fishleigh .

Shuttaford, 1/4 fee held by John Skatford .

Beer Charter, 1/20 fee held by Nicholas Fitzhughe, 1/20 fee held by William Wydecombe, 1/16 fee held by John Phelip , 6s., 1/20 fee held by Henry Simon, 1/20 fee held by William Boys, 1/50 fee held by Henry Godyng , 18d., 1/20 fee held by William Mayou, 1/20 fee held by John Bron, 1/20 fee held by John Harry, 1/20 fee held by John Knylle, 1/20 fee held by John Palmer, 1/30 fee held by Henry Parkman , 4s., and 1/35 fee held by Philip Pearde, 4s.

Marwood, 1/20 fee held by Thomas Evyas .

Leigh, 1/4 fee held by John Chidderlegh .

Foxhill, 1/4 fee held by John Wyke .

Gaddon, 1/20 fee held by John Hardyng and 1/20 fee held by William Wynchestre .

Bradfield and Stenhall, 1/4 fee held by William Walrond .

Wood, 1/26 fee held by Richard atte Wode , 4s.6d.

Yondercott, 1/4 fee held by Giles Bampton and 1/2 fee held by Hugh Tapele .

Worlington, 1/4 fee held by the heir of John Ivelcomb and the heir of Thomas Hodelsford, 1/6 fee held by the heir of Peter Gorewell, 1/10 fee held by the heir of Walter Molton , and [1/16] fee held by Alexander Prycche, 6s.

Marwood, 1/4 fee held by Richard Spenser .

The advowsons of

Tawstock extending at £20,
Marwood 20 marks,
Warkleigh 6 marks,
Nymet Tracy 6 marks,
Satterleigh 2 marks
and Uffculme £20.

TNA reference

C 137/67/36 mm. 26-27

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Little Bentham
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Walter Touky
  • John Wynnyard
  • Robert Cook
  • Thomas Barbe
  • John Roberde
  • Robert Aleyn
  • John Bloundell
  • Richard Bisshop
  • Richard Bokebynder
  • John Holford of Hartpury
  • John Gosselyn
  • Thomas Pere


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