Full text


Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. ... March. [Carew].


Jurors: Thomas ...; ?Henry ...; ... ...; Robert Sy... ... ; Henry ...;


He held in his demesne in fee tail the castle and borough of Bramber, the manors of King’s Barn, Beeding, Washington and Bewbush, the chase of St. Leonard with the new park annexed to it, and the borough of Horsham … with the seven hundreds of Brightford, Steyning, Easewrithe…; annual values,

[King’s Barn] £12 13s.4d.,
[Beeding] £28 6s.8d.,
Washington £24 15s…
borough of Horsham 100s.…

He died on 7 June 1405 . John Moubray , his brother and heir, is aged 16 years and more.

John Dalyngrygge, knight , has held these premises since his death. [Mainly illegible].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. 10 June 1411. [Clypsham].


Jurors: Thomas Pilfold ; William Hemker ; Robert atte Lynde ; William Tanner ; John Wallere ; Thomas Andeknapp ; William Trumpour ; Walter Smyth ; Richard atte Mille ; John Grenehurst ; Thomas Boltere ; and Thomas Spysour .


He held more in his demesne in fee tail than was stated in the previous inquisition, namely the manors of Bosham and Stoughton, with the parcels and members belonging to them, of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown; annual values,

Bosham, which with its dependencies forms the lordship of Bosham, £100,
Stoughton £14 9d.
John Pelham, knight , has held and taken the profits since his death, title unknown.

He died on 4 June 1405 . John his brother and heir was aged 20 years and more on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 55-56

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

302 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 14 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

It was found by inquisition 300 before Nicholas Carreu, escheator , that he held in fee tail the castle and borough of Bramber, the manors of King’s Barn, Beeding, Washington and Bewbush, the chase of St. Leonard with the new park annexed, and the borough of Horsham; and by inquisition 301 before John Clipsham, escheator , that he held in fee tail the manors of Bosham and Stoughton with their members. Inquire by whose grant or in what way he held the tenements.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Bramber. 28 Oct. [Yerde].


Jurors: Peter Fluer ; Thomas Chamberlayn ; Henry Palmere ; Richard Pik ; John Michell ; John Woldere ; Robert Smytht of Offington ; Ralph Veske ; William atte Wode ; John Need ; Nicholas Mechel ; and John Jourdan .


He held the manors of Bosham and Stoughton in fee tail by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton , his brother, of the lands of Roger le Bygod , sometime earl of Norfolk and Marshal [CChR 1300–26 , pp.205–6]. They descended to Margaret duchess of Norfolk as daughter and heir of Thomas, from her to Thomas de Moubray, duke of Norfolk , as son of Elizabeth, daughter of Margaret, and so to Thomas as son of Thomas Moubray , and now to John Moubray as brother and heir.

He also held in his demesne in fee tail the castle and borough of Bramber, the manors of King’s Barn, Beeding, Washington and Bewbush, the chase of St. Leonard with the new park, and the borough of Horsham, by the grant of Richard Hakelut and William Moigne by fines of 1316–7 [CP 25(1)/236/47, nos.14–18] to William de Brewosa, senior , with remainder to John de Moubray and Aline his wife and their heirs. From them they descended to John their son, John his son, to Thomas duke of Norfolk , his son and heir, to Thomas the Earl Marshal, and now to John his brother.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. 4 March. [Cobuldyk].


Jurors: John Thew ; John Popull ; Hugh Noone ; John Malton ; John Rodde ; John Henry ; Thomas Saunby ; Hugh Lyon ; Richard de Burneby ; John Ward ; William Henry ; and Thomas Grenfeld .


He held in his demesne as of fee two parts of the manor of Epworth in the Isle of Axholme and two parts of half the lordship of the island with the reversion of the third parts after the death of Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk , annual value of the two parts 43s. They are held of the king in chief by knight service, and since his death have been held by Queen Joan , title unknown.
Long before his death Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , by letters patent shown to the jurors granted a rent of 40 marks from this manor to Thomas de Burnham .

He died on 4 June 1405 . John his brother and next heir was aged 17 years on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Westminster. 18 June. [Horden].


Jurors: John Feld ; John Mayhew ; Thomas Gyues ; John Wygemore ; Robert Cutte ; Robert Smyth ; Patrick Lough ; Thomas Frankeleyn ; John Sadelere ‘dyere’; John Cuttyng ; John Fylongley ; and John Corby .


By the grant of Richard II to Thomas duke of Norfolk , his father, he held an annuity of £30 from the king payable at the exchequer by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Worcester. 9 April. [Beauchamp].


Jurors: Richard Ketylby ; William Yokkeshale ; Andrew Feckenham ; Richard Eorl ; William Broun ; Henry Hasard ; Thomas Rompney ; John Rompney ; Thomas Fremon ; John Hasard ; Thomas Dylowe ; and John Stocke .


He held the manor of North Piddle of the earl of Warwick for life by the service of one knight’s fee with reversion to the earl and his heirs, annual value £9.

He died on 8 June 1405 , heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Colchester. 14 April 1407. [Rikedon].


Jurors: William Sabarn ; Thomas Bakere of Ardleigh ; John Benet junior ; John Mounk ; John Dryuere ; John Cole of Ardleigh ; Richard atte Hach ; William Neuard ; Geoffrey Stephene ; Edmund Langham ; John Crouch ; and John Talbot .


He held the manor of Dovercourt in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton , as above [no.302]. It is held of the earl of Oxford by the service of one knight’s fee, annual value 45 marks.

He died on 8 June 1405 . John Mowbray is next heir, being the son of Thomas Mowbray, duke of Norfolk , son of Elizabeth, daughter of Margaret, daughter of Thomas Brotherton . He was aged 17 on 10 Aug. last .

Queen Joan has held the manor and taken the profits since his death, title unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 m. 11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Buntingford. 24 March 1407. [Rikedon].


Jurors: Robert Tebaud ; Richard atte Hill ; William Drynkewater ; John Spernere ; William Hoy ; John Broun ; William Pelat ; John Gerard ; William Andreu ; Richard Blake ; Thomas Tannere ; and John Webbe, senior .


He held the manor of Weston in his demesne in fee tail of the king in chief as parcel of the earldom of Norfolk by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton , as above [no.302].

John Cornewaill, knight , has held and taken the profits since his death, title unknown.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 m. 12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Nottingham. 9 April. [Ryggemayden].


Jurors: Richard Johnson of Stapleford ; Geoffrey Abbot of Trowell ; John Repdon of the same; Nicholas Batell of the same; John Chawmberlayn of Hucknall Torkard ; Richard Ballard of Arnold ; Richard Wryght of Basford ; Nicholas Glasenwryght of Lenton ; Robert Greyve of the same; John Campion of the same; Roger Wyldyng of Radford ; and Richard Perotson of the same.


By the grant of Richard II he held in his demesne in fee tail £20 rent from the castle of Nottingham, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas by the sheriff, in support of the name, honour, title and style of earl of Nottingham [CCR 1381–5 , p.331].

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 9 April. [Parles].


Jurors: William Abbot ; William Bedford ; William Wheteley ; Richard Patryk ; Thomas Clerk ; John Frenssh ; Henry Brydde ; John Rauen ’; John Ayleward ; John Canon ’; John Cook of Barton Seagrave ; and John Wagge .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Barton Seagrave, 2 parts of the castle or manor, of the earl of Stafford of the honour of Gloucester , with reversion of the third part which Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk holds in dower, service unknown, annual value of the 2 parts £8.
The king had the revenues from Thomas’s death until 10 Aug. 1405 when he granted them to Queen Joan [CPR 1401–5 , p.498].

Chalcombe, 2 parts of the manor, of the bishop of Lincoln of his castle of Banbury with the reversion of the third part as above. Long before his death the duke of Norfolk granted £10 yearly from this manor to Hugh Dalby and 10 marks yearly to Cecily Boule . They have had all the issues since the death of Thomas. Of whom [sic] and by what service the manor is held is unknown; annual value of the two parts £12.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

310 Writ mandamus . ‡ 11 Feb. 1407 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Icklingham. 29 March. [Rees].


Jurors: John Aas ; John Haras ; Thomas Edons ; John Speed ; Robert Bakhoot ; John Flempton ; John Wade ; Thomas Brandon ; John Fraunceys ; John Clerk ; John Stonard ; and Edmund Seberne .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Framlingham, the manor and castle, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 80 marks.
Henry prince of Wales has had the profits since his death by the king’s grant by letters patent [CPR 1405–8 , pp.23, 26].

Berwick Field, a field so-called, as parcel of the park of Berwick by Bungay, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 40s.

Cratfield, Stow Park and Berwick, £18 rent, of the king in chief by knight service, of which Constance widow of Thomas takes £12 in dower and Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk £6 in dower.

Icklingham, the manor, jointly with Constance his wife … [Ten lines illegible].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 17-18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

311 [Writ: see 310 .]

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Norwich. 17 March 1407. [Rees].


Jurors: Simon de Bur.. ; Geoffrey atte Lee ; John Rethe ; John Helere ; Clement Tubbyn ; John Grigges ; William Hendry ; Geoffrey Segrym ; John Neell ; Thomas Mess... ; Thomas Grym ; and Nicholas atte Grene .


He held the following of the king in chief in fee tail:

Forncett, the manor, by knight service, annual value £60.
William Rees has taken the profits since his death by grant to farm by letters patent [CPR 1399–1405 , p.321].

Dickleburgh, the manor, annual value £10.
Constance his widow has held and taken the profits by the king’s grant by letters patent [CPR 1405–8 , p.38].

Suffield, the manor, annual value £30.
Thomas de Erpyngham, knight , has taken the profits since his death, title unknown.

Ditchingham, the manor, service unknown, annual value £32 4s.
Constance his widow has held and taken the profits since his death.

Earsham, the manor, service unknown, annual value £44.
Queen Joan has taken the profits in virtue of letters patent [CPR 1405–8 , p.46].

Halvergate, the manor, by knight service, annual value £36.
Constance his widow has held as above.

Framingham, the manor, annual value £26 13s.4d.
Thomas de Erpyngham, knight , has held as above.

South Walsham, the manor, annual value £41 4s.
… has held.

Harleston, the manor with the half hundred of Earsham, annual value £26 13s.4d.
Constance his widow has held as above.

Hales, a third part of the manor, by knight service, annual value 26s.8d.
Queen Joan has held as above.

He also held the manor of Lopham of the abbot of St. Giles, annual value £46 6s.4d.
Queen Joan has held as above.

He died on 8 June 1405, heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 17, 19

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

312 Writ mandamus . ‡ 11 Feb. 1407 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Warwickshire and Leicestershire.

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Coventry. 4 March. [Palmer].


Jurors: John Waldyeue ; John Dalby ; Robert Wyllenhale ; Richard Myriden ; Jordan de ?Stone ; William de ?Holies ; Thomas ?Gnotton ; Thomas Godewyn ; William Anable ; John Wynmere ; William Rondulf ; and Adam de ... .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Caludon, two parts of the manor with the reversion of the third part which Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk holds in dower, of Henry prince of Wales of his manor of Cheylesmore , service unknown, annual value of two parts £22.

Aspley, the manor, annual value £7;
16 messuages and 16 virgates in Flecknoe, annual value £14;
10 messuages and 10 virgates in Thurlaston, annual value 100s.; and
2 messuages, 2 virgates and 60s. rent in Alspath, annual value 10s. beyond the rent
; of whom and by what service they are held is unknown.

John Wilicotes has taken the revenues of Thurlaston because the earl long before his death granted him 100s. from it. The profits of Caludon and all the rest have been taken by William Bispam , receiver of Queen Joan , since the earl’s death.

Kineton, the manor, jointly with Constance as was found by inquisition immediately after his death, of the king in chief by a rent of £12 payable at the exchequer by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas, annual value £16.
It was released to Constance and she has taken the profits of two parts in virtue of the joint feoffment.

He died on 8 June 1405 , heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 20-21

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

313 [Writ: see 312 .]

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Leicester. 10 March 1407. [Palmer].


Jurors: Henry Wollerby ; Robert Dawekyn ; Richard Husewyff of Rothley ; Richard Bygge of the same; John Stevenson ; John Adkot ; John Draper ; John Smyth ; William Warde ; John ?Burdet ; Henry Pratte ; and Walter Ruskyn of Melton Mowbray .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the manors of Seagrave, Sileby, Mountsorell, Great Dalby and Cold Overton, with 30 messuages, 30 virgates and 100s. rent in Cotes, Smisby, Wymeswold, Hoby, Thorpe Satchville, Twyford, Thurmaston, Thorpe in the Glebe and Melton Mowbray, by the grant of William de Neweton, parson of Seagrave , William de Loughton, parson of Witherley , and John de Repyngdon, parson of Cold Overton , by a fine of 1344 [CP 25(1)/287/41, no.341] to John de Segrave, knight , and Margaret duchess of Norfolk , then his wife. From them they descended to Thomas as son of Thomas duke of Norfolk , son of Elizabeth, daughter of John de Segrave and Margaret; and so now to John de Moubray as brother and heir.

They are not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual values,

Seagrave £40 11s.10d.,
Sileby £50,
Great Dalby £40,
Cold Overton £32, and
the 30 messuages etc. £10(?)

He also held two parts of the manor of Melton Mowbray of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown. On 9 March 1404 he granted to John Seynt Johan, knight , £20 yearly from this manor payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

He died on 4 June 1405 , heir as above [no.303]. William Bispham has taken the profits for Queen Joan since his death.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 20, 22

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Bedford. 9 April. [Brudenell].


Jurors: John Frankeleyn ; Robert Cook of Haynes ; Richard Pekke ; William Freloue ; John Pekke ; William Pekke ; John Bourgh ; Henry Boner ; Henry Dalton ; William Botyler ; Henry Hoppere ; and William ?Gebon .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Bedford, the castle, of the king in chief by the service of being almoner on the day of the king’s coronation, annual value 10s. and no more because it is unbuilt and unenclosed.
Long before his death he granted the custody of the castle with the issues of the castle and moat to John Woketon for life, and he still lives.

Willington, the manor, annual value 40 marks.

Stotfold, £6 6s. rent from the manor payable by the farmers, bailiffs or reeves.

Bromham, a quarter carucate in the hands of tenants at will, annual value 40s.

Bedford, the court baron every three weeks, annual value 30s.

Haynes, the park, annual value nil;
and the reversion of the manor apart from the park, which is held for life by Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk in dower, annual value £10.

Stotfold, the reversion of the manor, which, except for the above £6 6s., is held by the duchess in dower, annual value £10.

Sheerhatch, the reversion of 47 a. arable, 12 a. meadow and wood, with 10 a. wood in ‘Strangeswode’ and 4 a. wood in the grove ( grava ) by Sheerhatch, which the duchess Elizabeth holds in dower for life, annual value of the underwood 3s.4d.

Haynes, the advowson of the free chapel, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 4 marks.

His father, Thomas duke of Norfolk , long before his death granted 20 marks yearly to William Rees for life by letters patent of 3 Oct. 1397 ; and by letters patent of 26 May 1388 10 marks yearly to John Cauley for life, and 2d. daily with an annuity of 40s. to John Tunstal for life as keeper of the warren of Willington and the wood of Sheerhatch; all from the manor of Willington. The last was confirmed by the king on 18 Nov. 1399 [CPR 1399–1401 , p.109].

The queen has held these premises and taken all the profits except for the grants to Rees, Cauley and Tunstal.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 23-24

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York castle. 2 March. [Egmanton].


Jurors: ?Roger [?de Pr]eston ; John Drounfeld ; Richard Normanvill ; John de Preston ; Robert Burgeys ; Simon Curson ; Walter ... ; Richard de Hill ; John Pycard ; Thomas Knyght ; Thomas Bysschop ; and John Wylkynson .


He held:

Thirsk, the manor, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service. There are the site, annual value nil, land called ‘Wodehalfeld’ with meadow let at farm of £13 6s.8d. payable by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun, assize rents £12, a mill £13 6s.8d., tolls of fairs and market and perquisites of court £6 13s.4d., and a common oven 66s.8d., total £48 13s.4d. Elizabeth the duchess, his mother, is dowered with a third part to the value of £6 4s.6d. William Maundevyle has a rent of 20 marks from the manor by the grant of Thomas duke of Norfolk , who also by his letters patent dated 24 March 1395 granted a rent of £10 from it to Richard Steresakir , and this was confirmed by royal letters patent [CPR 1399–1401 , p.220], and so the two parts are worth £14 yearly [sic, a third life annuity of 10 marks to Thomas Missenden [ibid ., p.79] was probably omitted].

Hovingham, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20. Elizabeth the duchess has 113s.4d. [sic] in dower from it; annual value of the two parts £13 6s.8d.

Dinnington, two parts of the manor, in fee tail of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 106s.8d.

Thwaite, two parts of the manor, in fee tail, not of the king but of whom is unknown, annual value 26s.8d.
The profits of Dinnington and Thwaite have been taken by Henry le Scrop, knight , by letters patent [Cf. CPR 1405–8 , p.38].

Langton and Burton in Lonsdale, the manors, jointly with Constance his wife, and they were delivered to her after the inquisition following his death. They are not held of the king but of whom is unknown; annual value £20.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 25-26

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 14 Oct. [ap Harry].


Jurors: John Vaghan ; Thomas Dansey of Kingstone ; Richard Aberhale ; Walter Walsch ; John Bernard ; Roger Frensch ; William Norfynton [or –s-]; Henry Botecote ; Thomas Janyes ; John Bailly of Tyberton ; James Seyvon ; and Richard Payn .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant to John de Moubray and Aline his wife [as in no.302 with descent as given there] the castle of Swansea and two parts of the lordships and lands of Gower and Kilvey, with reversion of the third part which Elizabeth the duchess holds in dower for life. They are held of the king in chief by knight service amount unknown; annual values,

site of the castle nil,
the lordship £100 and no more, the greater part of the lordships and lands having been wasted by the rebels.

Date of death and heir, aged 20 on 10 Aug. 1410 , as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 27-28

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Gloucester. 14 March 1411. [Derehurst].


Jurors: John ... ; Walter Toky ; John Staure ; Robert de Aure ; Richard Netherton ; John Clerk of Blakemoor ; John Baret ; Richard Broke ; William Wynthull ; Thomas Streynesham ; John Smyth of Elkstone ; and John Chaunterell .


He held in his demesne in fee tail of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, the castle, manor and lordship of Chepstow, and the manor of Tidenham in the March of Wales, annual value £100.
Queen Joan has held them since his death, title unknown.

Date of death and heir as above [no.303].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 29-30

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

318 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 14 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 317: inquire by whose grant or in what way he held the castle, etc.

Inquisition Head



Jurors: Henry Crook ; John Poleyne ; John Eyton ; Richard Gilmyn ; John Skeye ; John Henryes ; John Dene ; John Whyte ; John Spire ; William atte Hay ; Elias Huet ; and John Hardhed .


Chepstow and Tidenham were granted by Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton , and so descended to him, as above [no.302].

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 31-32

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Spital in the Street. 21 Sept. [Thorley].


Jurors: Robert Jake of Westwoodside ; Richard Gardener of Belton ; John son of Simon of Beltoft ; Thomas B..n of Belton ; John Baylly of Epworth ; Richard de Brunham of the same; Edward Certeyn of the same; John Tylle of Haxey ; Simon Clerc of the same; Robert ?Walterson of East Lound ; John son of Thomas ?Cu... ; Richard ?...lane of Gunthorpe .


He held more than was returned in the inquisition held before John Copuldyk [no.303 above], namely 7 messuages and 10 bovates in Epworth, Haxey, and Owston in the Isle of Axholme, which John Lord Moubray, son of John, son of Roger, held in his demesne as of fee as parcel of the manor of Epworth, and which he by charter granted to John de Clee and Robert de Clee and their heirs and assigns. After the death of John, Robert enfeoffed Thomas de Brunham and Thomas Tutbury on 7 July 1390 . They held and granted them to Robert de Clee , then vicar of Haxey , from the following Easter 1391 for 20 years, with reversion to Thomas de Moubray , then Earl Marshal, and his heirs. They are held of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £4.
The right to them descended to Thomas, and now to John.

Thomas the father died on 22 Sept. 1399 , Thomas the son in June 1405. John the brother and heir was aged 21 years on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm.33-34

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

The 20 years ended at Easter last past.

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. Fen Stanton . 26 May 1411. [Huys].


Jurors: Richard Lodyngton ; Walter Iue ; John Boteler of Waresley ; John Lokyn ; William Filers ; John Ode ; William Clerc ; Richard Rede ; William Welde ; Walter Botle ; John Chamburleyn ; and John Preston .


Thomas de Moubray, late earl Marshal, held in his demesne as of fee tail, to him and the heirs of his body, the manor of Fen Stanton , held of the king, by knight service, quantity unknown; worth 100 marks yearly.

He died on 9 June 1405. John Moubray , under age and in the king's ward, is his brother and heir, aged aged 20 years and more on 10 Aug. last.

Queen Joan took the issues from the time of his death until the taking of this inquisition and still receives them, title unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 35-36

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: This IPM is entirely new and did not appear in the print edition of CIPM XIX.

Writ Head

320 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 14 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 319A; inquire by whose grant or how he held the manor of Fen Stanton in fee tail.

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. St. Ives.. 31 Oct. [Styuecle].


Jurors: John Ode ; William Filers ; John Plomer ; William Marell ; William Clerk ; William Weld ; Richard Motte ; John Seberne junior ; John Lokyn ; William Ordemore ; Robert Ropere ; and John Seberne senior .


He held the manor of Fen Stanton in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of William de Neuton, formerly parson of Seagrave , William de Loughton, formerly parson of Witherley , and John de Repyngdon, formerly parson of Cold Overton , by a fine of 1344 [CP 25(1)/287/41, no.349), to John de Segrave, knight , and Margaret his wife, and from them it descended to Thomas duke of Norfolk , from him to Thomas, and now to John as brother and heir.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 37-38

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 2 June. [Billyng].

Taken both pursuant to a royal writ and ex officio.


Jurors: William Freman ; William Stumbull ; John Stumbull ; John Herryson ; William Baswell ; Thomas Miller of Market Overton ; Clement Grubbe ; Robert Chaumpeney ; William Braunston ; Robert Robelerd ; Robert Wryght of Barrow ; and John Leetys .


He held in his demesne as of fee 1 toft and 2 virgates in Alesthorpe by Burley, not of the king but of whom held and by what service is unknown, annual value 10s.

He died on 8 June 1405 . John his brother and heir was aged 20 years on 10 Aug. last .

Who has had the profits since his death is unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 39-40

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. 'held and by what service' has also been added to the findings.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Northallerton. 2 July 1411. [Hilliard].


Jurors: Robert Grocer ; Thomas Mapilton ; John Bery ; William Snawe ; Richard Barker ; John Wade ; Robert Barnard ; Nicholas Coke ; Richard Graye ; Ralph Belle ; John Cosyn ; and Thomas Lovell .


He held two parts of the manor of Thwaite with the third part in fee tail, and he held the manor of Hovingham in his demesne as of fee.

TNA reference

C 137/62/76 mm. 43-44

E 152/9/441 #5 (misnumbered #4 on roll)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

323 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 17 May 1411 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding inquisition 315 above, held by Thomas Egmanton ; inquire as to his estate in the manor of Hovingham and in two parts of the manor of Thwaite.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Thirsk. 16 June. [Hillard].


Jurors: Robert de Toppecliff ; John Barkesworth ; Thomas Foster ; Robert Saundyrson ; John de Toppecliff ; John Bradley ; Thomas Andyrby ; John Smyth ; John Sell ; Henry Burdon ; Robert Straunge ; and John Queldryk .


He held the manors of Dinnington [sic] and Thwaite in fee tail, of whom and by what service is unknown; annual values,

Dinnington 8 marks,
Thwaite 40s.

He died on 4 June 1405 . John his brother and next heir was aged 20 years on 10 Aug. last .

Edmund Sandeford, knight , has taken all the profits since his death, title unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 41-42

E 152/9/441 #4 (misnumbered #3 on roll)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

324 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 12 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 315, 322 and 323 above, held before Thomas Egmanton and Robert Hilliard . Inquire by whose grant or how he held the manors of Thwaite and Dinningtonin fee tail.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Doncaster. 22 Oct. [Gayrgrave].


Jurors: William Leuet ; William Whyxley ; Henry Wyklesworth ; Thomas de Marten ; John Reue ; John Jurdon ; John Payte ; William Castelford ; John Payne ; John Gatye ; Richard Taillour ; and Richard Kyngh .


He held the manor of Dinnington by the grant of William de Neuton, formerly parson of Seagrave , William de Loughton, formerly parson of Witherley , and John de Repyngdon, formerly parson of Cold Overton , to John de Segrave, knight , and Margaret his wife, the duchess of Norfolk , descending as above [no.313].

He held the manor of Thwaite by the grant of John Moubray to Thomas his son formerly duke of Norfolk , and the heirs of his body. So it descended to Thomas, and now to John.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 45-46

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Kirton. 30 Oct. [Ulkerthorp].


Jurors: Roger Clerc of Kirton ; John Nicoll ; Richard Burdon ; John Ray... ; John Dolman ; Robert Touroure ; Richard Eden ; Robert Burdon ; Thomas Burdon ; John Burdon ; Thomas Braydesale ; and William Yonge .


He did hold more in his demesne in fee tail, namely the name and honour of earl of Nottingham and a yearly rent of £20 from the county of Nottingham payable by the sheriff by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas by the grant of Richard II to his father as above [no.308].
They now descend to John Moubray , his brother, who was aged 21 years on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 53-54

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

326 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 17 May 1411 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 314: inquire as to his estate in the rent of £6 6s. from the manor of Stotfold, the park of Haynes, and advowson of the free chapel there.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bedford. 8 June. [Gyffard].


Jurors: John Adam ; John Monk ; William Neuer ; Thomas ?Auctell ; Thomas Albyn ; Ralph Vessy ; John Warde ; Thomas ?Alyon ’; William Hendes ; Geoffrey Monk ; John Harryes ; and Thomas Gylmot .


He held the rent of £6 6s. from the manor of Stotfold, the park of Haynes and the free chapel in his demesne in fee tail.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 57-58

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Long Stratton. 25 Aug. 1411. [Wyntur].


Jurors: Robert Parke ; Edward Swathyng ; Peter Jay ; Edmund Yonghousbande ; John Swey ; William Barker ; Nicholas Newman ; Roger Telyng ; Roger Thorn ; John Arnald ; John Parmonter ; and John Drake .


He held more in his demesne in fee tail than was returned in the inquisition taken before William Rees [no.311], namely

the manor of Hanworth of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £40.

He died on 4 June 1405 . John his brother and heir was aged 21 years on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 59-60

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

328 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 14 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk. Regarding 31011, 327, 329, held before William Rees and Edmund Wynter : inquire by whose grant or how he held various lands in Norfolk and Suffolk in fee tail.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. North or South Lopham. 2 Nov. [Oldhalle].


Jurors: Peter Payn ; Nicholas Blome ; John Walsham ; William Boun ’; Robert Ayleward ; Thomas Bregge ; William Stokkere ; Henry Kelsale ; John Cotell ; Adam Ranyngham ; Roger Nobbe ; and William Cole .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the manors of Forncett, Lopham, Dickleburgh, Suffield, Ditchingham, Earsham, Halvergate, Framingham, South Walsham and Harleston, with the half hundred of Earsham, by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton as above [no.302].

He also held in his demesne in fee tail a third part of the manor of Hales, by the grant of John Mowbray to Thomas his son, the former duke of Norfolk , and the heirs of his body. So it descended to Thomas, and now to John.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 61-62

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Woodbridge. 1 Sept. [Wynter].


Jurors: Richard de Rendelysham ; William Northerne ; Richard Banyard ; John Roberd ; William Barett ; John Cheke, junior ; John ?Gauoker ; John Stubbe ; Robert Coke ; William Jurdon ; Roger Borhed ; and Robert Toke .


He did hold more in his demesne in fee tail than was returned in the inquisition before William Rees [no.310], namely:

the manor of Walton, of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £60; and a parcel of wood called
‘Pontrellyshege’, with the wood called ‘Berwykwode, the field called Berwick Field, and the enclosed pasture called Stow Park in Sibton and Peasenhall, not being parts of the manor of Bungay, of whom and by what service they are held is unknown, annual value £4.

He died on 4 June 1405 . John his brother and heir was aged 21 on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 64-65

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

330 [Writ: see 328 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Botesdale. 3 Nov. 1412. [Oldhalle].


Jurors: John Bradenham ; Thomas Mildenhale ; Peter Candeler ; John Hempman ; Robert Flecher ; Henry Goldfynch ; John Slawe ; Henry Baxtere ; John Bretoun ; Henry Reue ; Robert Leueday ; and John Lardener .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton , descending as above [no.302]:

Framlingham, the manor and castle; the manor of Walton; Berwick Field part of the park of Berwick by Bungay; £16 rent in Cratfield, Stow Park and Berwick; and a parcel of wood called ‘Pontrellyshege’, a parcel of wood called ‘Berwykwode’, a field called Berwick field, and a close of pasture called Stow Park in Sibton and Peasenhall.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 61, 63

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

331 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 14 Oct. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Regarding 314 and 326; inquire by what grant or how he held the rent from Stotfold and the park of Haynes in fee tail.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Shefford. 27 Oct. [Englissh].


Jurors: John Breton of Hoo ; John Beeston ; John Fitz of Polehanger ; Maurice Hanscombe ; John Mede ; John Coke of Holmes ; Nicholas Bolle ; Thomas Peke ; William Trauaill of Haynes ; John Frankeleyn ; William Ropere of Shefford ; and John atte Halle of Clophill .


He held in his demesne in fee tail £6 6s. rent from the manor of Stotfold, payable by the farmers, bailiffs or reeves there, the park of Haynes and the advowson of the free chapel there by the grant of John Mowbray to Thomas his son, the former duke of Norfolk , and the heirs of his body. So it descended to Thomas, and now to John.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 66-67

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

332 Writ mandamus . ‡ 20 Nov. 1410 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to Thomas Knolles, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 5 June 1411. [Knolles].


Jurors: Nicholas Harde ; John Holbech ; John Sparwe ; John Sabyn ; John Dys ; Thomas Clerc ; Walter Colshull ; John Dalby ; Richard Smyth ; John Clerc ; John Parys ; and Thomas Kebell .


He held in his demesne in fee tail 1 messuage and 1 vacant plot with various shops, rooms and other buildings annexed at the Broken Wharf in the parish of St. Mary Somerset, of the king in burgage, amount of service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

He died on 8 June 1405 . John his brother and heir was aged 20 years on 10 Aug. last .

Thomas de Lancastre , the king’s son, has had the issues since his death, title unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 68-69

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

333 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 1 Nov. 1412 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to William Waldern, mayor and escheator. Regarding 332: inquire by what grant or how he held in fee tail.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 5 Nov. [Walderne].


Jurors: John Sabyn ; Henry Heton ; Richard Salle ; Walter Colshill ; John Lacy ; John Dalby ; John Wytton ; Peter Fouler ; John Netter ; William Wynter ; John Parker ; and Thomas atte Wode .


He held the messuage etc. [as in no.332] by the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton of the lands of Roger le Bygod , and they descended as above [no.302].

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 70-71

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Abridge in Lambourne. 1 Nov. [Rasch].


Jurors: Simon Skynnere ; William Kynge ; John Chapman ; John Hugh ; Thomas Shelley ; John atte Strete ; John Petite ; John Hunt ; John atte Felde ; John Seylere senior ; John Boneauntre ; and John atte Hill .


He held more than was returned in the inquisition before William Loveney [not found], namely

the manor called Lady Hall in Morton in his demesne as of fee, which manor William Halle , deceased, held for life by the grant of Thomas, late duke of Norfolk , his father, with reversion to the right heirs of Thomas the father. It is held of the king , service unknown, annual value £8.

William Halle died on 20 Oct. 1400 . John Burgh, esquire , then held it until 4 June 1405 , title unknown. Then owing to the minority of Thomas it was held by the king until the following Christmas, and he had the profits by the escheator. Since then Nicholas Alderwyche has held, title again unknown.

Thomas died on 4 June 1405 holding the manor in his demesne as of fee, and so it descended to John his brother, who was 21 years of age on 10 Aug. last .

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 72-73

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

CALAIS. Inquisition. 27 July. [West].


Jurors: Richard Cadigan ; Richard Cotoun ; William Londesdale ; John Crosse ; William Haveryng ; Robert Uryel ; Robert Kendale ; John Aclane ; John Mauley ; William Hake ; William Gate ; and John Assheley .


He held two parts of a rectangular plot in the parish of St. Nicholas, towards the church on the south side. Part has various buildings, part is vacant. It is held by a rent of 40s. and by providing two parts of the services of a watchman for the defence of the city, annual value beyond this and beyond repairs to the premises 5 marks.

Date of death and heir as above [no.316].

TNA reference

C 137/63/76 mm. 74-75

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
castle, lordship, Chepstow, Tidenham
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • John ...
  • Walter Toky
  • John Staure
  • Robert de Aure
  • Richard Netherton
  • John Clerk of Blakemoor
  • John Baret
  • Richard Broke
  • William Wynthull
  • Thomas Streynesham
  • John Smyth of Elkstone
  • John Chaunterell


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