Full text


Writ Head

126 Writ. ‡ 1 Feb. 1406 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to John Wodecok, mayor and escheator of London.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 17 Feb. [Wodecok].


Jurors: William Wyke ; John Littelyngton ; Nicholas Chapeleyn ; John ?Couy ; John Grymmesby ; Richard Cristian ; Ralph atte Swiche ; John Russell ; Nicholas Turk ; William Hatton ; William Chapeler ; and Geoffrey Sutton .


He held

a house in the parish of St. Benet near Paul’s Wharf in his demesne as of fee of the king in free burgage, as all London is held, annual value when let, 40s.

He died on 25 Jan. Henry Lescrop, knight , his son and next heir, is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. St. Paul's Cray. 17 Feb. [Roos].


Jurors: William Danuers ; John Edelowe ; Richard Stokke ; John de Bery ; Walter Clerk ; Thomas Bifeld ; John Pelle ; John Maister ; Simon Walsshe ; John Swetesire ; John Douuche ; and Peter Clerk .


He held the manor of St. Paul’s Cray in his demesne as of fee of the king of his fee of Lisle, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster , by homage and the service of one knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Chelmsford. 19 Feb. [Leget].


Jurors: John Spencer ; Geoffrey Pole ; Stephen Burre ; Edmund Bussh ; Thomas Bedil ; John Tunbregge senior ; John Hewe ; John Clerk of Stanford Rivers ; Simon Skynnere ; John Penyfader junior ; Geoffrey Sawge ;and Richard de Fifyde .


He held the manor of Fyfield with the advowson and lands called ‘Brettestenementes’ in Fyfield, part of the manor by ancient acquisition, in his demesne as of fee of the king of the honour of Boulogne as 1 knight’s fee, except for 3 a. of the said [sic] ‘Bertelottestenementes’ held of the prior of Little Leighs by a rent of 6d., 16 a. of Richard Tomkyn by a rent of 4d. and 1/2 lb. cumin, and 18 a. of William Wauton, knight , by a rent of 2d.; annual value £27 18s.4d.

He also held

a tenement called ‘Mynges’ of the honour of Richmond by a rent of 10s.,
and one called ‘Pelhams’ of the castle of Anstey , service unknown,
annual value together £4.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bishop’s Stortford. 17 Feb. [Leget].


Jurors: John Smyth of Hunsdon ; Thomas Cherfoule ; John Roghey [?or B-]; John Coke ; John Manystre ; Robert Skenner ; Simon Webbe ; John Hunteman ; William Boole ; Thomas Mynote ; John Buse ; and John Sprynghold .


On the day of his death Joan and Elizabeth, daughters of John Lescrop, knight , held of Stephen the manor of ‘Hay’ in Therfield by the service of half a knight’s fee and a rose at Midsummer. He held the manor of the abbot of Ramsey by a rent of 13s.4d., payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Newark. 17 Feb. [Cokayn].


Jurors: Hugh Garnon ; William Skrymsher ; Robert Crosseby ; Robert Garnon ; John Bekyngham ; Ralph Hokirton ; Thomas Hokirton ; Richard Mayster ; Robert Scryvener ; John Jonson of Little Carlton ; Robert Meryweder ; and Roger Derlynge .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

South Muskham, the manor with its appurtenances in Little Carlton, of the archbishop of York of his manor of Southwell by knight service and a rent of 2s., annual value £8 14s.7d.; and
South Muskham, 1 messuage and 2 bovates, of the earl of Kent by a rent of 14d., annual value 10s.10d.

Kelham, a rose at Midsummer for half a knight’s fee, which Joan and Elizabeth, daughters of John Lescrop, knight , held of him, value of the half fee when it occurs 50s.

Newark, 1 cottage, of the bishop of Lincoln by a rent of 5d., annual value 2s.

Harworth, various lands and tenements, of the heirs of Gerard de Sekyngton by a rent of 1d., annual value 30s.5 1/2d.

Date of death and heir, aged 33 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 18 Feb. [Mitford].


Jurors: Simon de Wiltden senior ; Thomas Whitle ; William Rodome ; Nicholas Turpen ; John Wotton ; John Blenkansope ; William de ?Cmlyngton [Cramlyngton?]; Thomas ?Elwyk ; ?John Wetewod ; Edward Wetwange ; Robert Jakson ; and William Sabraham .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Whalton and Newham, the manors, of the king of the crown by homage, fealty and the twelfth part of a barony.

At Whalton are the site of the capital messuage burnt and destroyed by the Scots, annual value nil these days; 180 a. arable and meadow in demesne, 40s. and no more because also destroyed; 8 bondmen each holding 1 toft and 23 a. and rendering 5s. by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun, 40s.; 3 tofts and 3 a. of foreshore rendering 6s.; and 1 watermill burnt and destroyed by the Scots, nil.
At Newham are the site of the capital messuage likewise burnt and destroyed, annual value nil; 165 a. arable and meadow in demesne, 40s.; 6 bondmen each holding 1 toft and 24 a. and rendering 5s., 30s.; and 1 cottage and 2 a., 4s.

Holywell, half the vill, of the heirs of Henry de la Vale, knight , in socage by a rent of 26s.8d.; there are herbage in the site 6s.; 40 a. in demesne at 4d., 13s.4d.; 5 a. meadow, 4s.; rents of servile tenants, 25s.; and rents and farms of tenants at will, 64s.

Little Benton, the vill, of Roger Heron, knight , in socage by a yearly rent of 20s.; there are the site and capital messuage, nil; herbage, 6d.; and rents of villeins, 40s.

Long Benton and Killingworth, 140 a. waste, worth yearly in herbage 40d.,
and the advowson of the chantry of Long Benton at alternate presentations,
of the baron of Greystoke , service unknown.

Date of death and heir, aged 30(?) years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

132 Writ. ‡ 1 Feb. 1406 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the mayor and escheator of Newcastle.

Inquisition Head

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Inquisition. 19 Feb [Thornton].


Jurors: John de Bakworth ; Thomas Philip ; Thomas Pays ; William Gardyner ; Thomas Flesshewer ; Robert Abell ; John de Shipley ; Robert Langhirst ; Henry West ; John Flesshewer ; Walter Sclater ; and John Kendale .


He held in fee simple of the king in free burgage

half a tenement in Pilgrim Street, annual value 7s., and
half a shop in Skinner Gate, annual value 3s.

Date of death and heir, aged 33 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Brewood. 19 Feb. [Delves].


Jurors: John Colyns ; Thomas de Eton ; William Bromhale ; Roger Mulne ; Alan Walker ; Roger le Webbe ; Richard Colyns ; Thomas Wodehamcote ; Robert Wetemore ; William Colyns ; Henry de Wronkeslowe ; and John Northale .


He held the advowson of Thorpe Constantine in his demesne as of fee. The heirs of John Lescrop, knight , deceased, held the manor of Thorpe Constantine, except the advowson, to them and their heirs and assigns, of him by the service of half a knight’s fee and the rent of a rose at Midsummer. He held both of the heirs of William Meynyll , deceased, by the service of half a fee.

Date of death and heir, aged 30 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Market Harborough. 27 Feb. [Parys].


Jurors: Richard Crystyan ; Thomas Alyngton ; John Boresworth senior ; Robert Wenham ; Thomas Ladde of Welham ; William Colman of Lubenham ; Robert Coupere of Church Langton ; Richard Chap of Welham ; John Smyth of the same; Richard Bernard of Great Bowden ; John Bernard of the same; and John Crystian of the same.


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, amounts unknown:

Great Bowden and Market Harborough, the manor with the advowson of Bowden, annual value 40 marks.

Holwell and Ab Kettleby, 100s. rent.

Date of death and heir as above [no.130].

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 17-18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Louth. 19 Feb. [Gypthorp].


Jurors: William de Walesby of Barnoldby le Beck ; Richard Cosyn of the same; John North of the same; William Warde of Wold Newton ; Thomas de Bryggheslay of Brigsley ; Roger Graynesby of Grainsby ; Henry de Somerby of Louth ; Thomas Cowpeland of the same; Alan Cowper of the same; William Lockesmyth of the same; Gilbert Adamsone of the same; and Adam de Kowy... of the same.


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Carlton Scroop in Kesteven by Ancaster, the manor, of the duke of York of his endowment ( de dote suo ) of Grantham in socage by the service of 1 barbed arrow at Christmas . There are the site, annual value nil; 160 a. arable and meadow in demesne with boon works of unfree tenants, 113s.4d.; assize rents of free tenants, £4 9s., 1 lb. pepper and 1 lb. cumin payable by equal parts at Michaelmas and Easter; 27 men holding villein tenements, £9 10s.8d.; boon works and services of villeins included in the value of the demesne lands above; 1 ruinous wasted windmill, nil; and 6d. in rent of assize from the alien prior of Haugham by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.

Sudbrook, 1 croft, of John Tebaud , annual value 10s. payable at the same two principal terms.

Wilsford and Ancaster, 1 croft and 1 bovate in the field there, of the queen of England of the honour of Eye by suit of court at Eye once yearly, annual value 2s.

Barnoldby le Beck, the manor, extending in Barnoldby, Waltham, Waithe, Holton le Clay, Brigsley and Ashby, of the king in chief in socage of the soke of Waltham . There are in Barnoldby, the site, annual value nil; 1 dovecot, 3s.4d.; and 188 a. in demesne, £8; in Barnoldby, Waltham and Waithe £25 4s.1d. in rent of free tenants, payable at Michaelmas 111s.3d., Martinmas 40s.5 1/2d., Christmas 110s. 10 1/2d., Candlemas 19s.6 1/4d., Easter 110s.11d. and Whitsun 111s.1 1/2d.; in Barnoldby 1 watermill, 10s. payable by equal parts at the four usual terms; in Waltham, 1 messuage and 8 a., 13s.4d. payable at the four terms; in Waithe and Holton le Clay, 2 messuages and 20 a., 40s.4d. at the four terms, of which the 2 messuages in Waithe are burdened with a yearly payment of 8d. to the lord of Waltham ; in Waithe 1 messuage and 1 bovate let at farm for 6s.8d. yearly at the four terms; in Ashby 9 a. let at farm for 15d. payable at the four terms; and court and leet profits, 3s.4d.; and in Barnoldby 20s.2d. from 3 messuages, 4 plots, 1 bovate and 3 selions, payable at the four terms.

Grimsby, 4 messuages and 39s.10 1/4d. assize rents payable at the four terms, of the king in chief in free burgage by 7s.1d. rent to the bailiffs of Grimsby in aid of their farm; annual value of the 4 messuages 18s.

Beelsby, a half acre, of the lord of Waltham in socage of his soke of Waltham by 2d. yearly, annual value beyond this nil.

Castle Carlton in Lindsey, the manor, jointly with Joan wife of Roger de Swylyngton, knight , and formerly wife of William de Pert , of the king in chief as appears by royal letters patent [CPR 1385–9 , pp.308, 410), service unknown, annual value £40.

Toft Newton, Frampton and Bicker, yearly rents of 263 marks 6s.8d., jointly with Margery his wife for her life.

Pinchbeck, a rent of £11 from the manor called ‘Russelesmanere’ and 40 a., also jointly with Margery for her life.

Date of death and heir, aged 33 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 19 (writ), 21 (inq.)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

136 Writ. ‡ 1 Feb. 1406 [Wymbyssh].

Addressed to the keeper of the city of York. [Dorse:] the messuages, etc., were taken into the king's hand.

Inquisition Head

YORK. Inquisition. 16 Feb. [Frost].


Jurors: William de Horneby ; Henry de Rothewell ; Richard Esyngwald ; Henry de Doncastre ; Thomas Bussy ; John de Besyngby ; Robert Harpham ; William de Neuland ; Richard de Neuland ; Robert de Rypon ; Robert Haukeshirst ; and John de Wardall .


He held 2 messuages in York in his demesne as of fee of the king in burgage, as all York is held, annual value £13 2s.4d.

Date of death and heir as above [no.135].

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 20 (writ), 22 (inq.)

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. York castle. 23 Feb. [Pykeryng].


Jurors: Robert Bussy ; William ?Baresworth ; Thomas Ullessawe ; William Brandesby ; Thomas de Lutton ; John Somerhouse ; John de Holt ; William Smythson ; John de Burgh ; William Stafelay ; William de Burton ; and Richard de Santon .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Burton Constable, the manor, of Ralph earl of Westmorland as of the castle and honour of Richmond by knight service, annual value £13 6s.8d. payable by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun.

Finghall, the advowson, of the same earl of the same castle.

Hunton, the manor, of Thomas Mounford by knight service, annual value £8.

Skelton, 1 waste messuage and 1 bovate, of Elizabeth wife of John Nevyll, knight , annual value 3s.

Garriston, the manor, of Thomas Mounford by knight service, annual value 106s.8d.

Bellerby, the manor, of the honour and castle of Richmond , annual value £10.

Coverham, the manor, with its members in Agglethorpe, Caldbergh and Melmerby and with the advowson of the abbey of St. Mary, Coverham, of the earl of Westmorland by the service of one barbed arrow, annual value £6.

East Witton, £20 in rents, of the honour and castle of Richmond .

West Witton, advowson of the free chapel, of the same honour and castle.

Masham, the manor, with its members in Fearby, Healey, Ellington and Ellingstring, of Lord Mowbray by the service of one barbed arrow, annual value £40.

Nosterfield, 2 carucates, of the earl of Westmorland by knight service, and 1 carucate, of Henry Fitzhugh , annual value together, 100s.

Clifton on Ure, the manor, of the same earl by knight service, annual value 100s.

Thirn, lands, tenements and a yearly rent of 6d., of the same earl by knight service, annual value beyond the rent 60s.

Thornton Watlass, the manor and advowson, of the same earl by knight service, annual value 100s.

Thornton Watlass, the vill, 2 messuages and 2 bovates, of the same earl by knight service, annual value 10s.

Burton upon Ure, 1 messuage and lands, of the heir of Richard Scrop, knight , by knight service, annual value 3s.4d.

Scruton, the advowson, of the honour and castle of Richmond , and 1 cottage, of whom held and service unknown, annual value 6s.8d.

Barningham, the manor, of the prior of Guisborough , service unknown, annual value 100s.

Newsham in Broughton Lythe, and Dalton, various lands and tenements, of Henry FitzHugh, knight , service unknown, annual value £4.

Richmond, a tenement, of the earl of the castle, annual value 10s.

Ainderby Steeple, the manor and advowson, of the honour of Richmond by knight service, annual value £10.

Upsall, the manor, with its members in Thornbrough, South Kilvington, Coldcotes and Sedbury and with the advowson of South Kilvington, of Andrew Luttrell by knight service, annual value £20.

Over Silton, the manor, of the heir of Richard Malbyssh , service unknown, annual value 100s.

Thirsk, a waste tenement, of Lord Mowbray, service unknown, annual value 5s.

Huntington, 1 tenement and half a bovate, of the abbot of St. Mary’s, York, service unknown, annual value 2s.

Great Driffield, the manor, with its members in Little Driffield, Kelleythorpe, Beswick, Brigham and Kilham, of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £36.

Faxfleet, the manor, with its members in South Cave, North Cave, Sancton and Hotham, of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £30.

North Dalton, 10 marks rent from various lands and tenements, of the king in chief, service unknown.

Kingston on Hull, £20 from the fee farm of the town by the hands of the bailiffs.

Wadsworth, 1 messuage, 6 waste cottages and 120 a. in the vill, of William Chaworth, knight , service unknown, annual value 20s.

Dalton Lathes ’, 1 messuage so-called and 120 a., of the king in chief by a rent of 1d., annual value 20s.

Oswaldkirk, 1 messuage and 1 bovate, of Lord de Roos , service unknown …

Ampleforth, 1 messuage and 1 bovate, of the abbot of Byland … , annual value 13s.4d.

Ecclesall, the manor, with its members in Sheffield and Aldwark, of Thomas de Nevyll, Lord Furnivall , as of his castle of Sheffield by the service of appearing at his court there once each year, annual value £14 13s.4d.

Bilton in Ainsty, £9 12s. rent which William Dayvill held of him by that amount.

Over Sedbury near Gilling in Richmondshire and Birkby [Cumb], 1 knight’s fee and a rent of a rose at Midsummer for these manors which Elizabeth widow of John Lescrope, knight , holds of Stephen for life. He held Over Sedbury of the honour of Richmond ; Birkby of Walter bishop of Durham , both by knight service.

Halnaby, half a knight’s fee and a rose at Midsummer from Joan and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs of John Lescrop, knight , who held the manor of him. He held it of Thomas late Earl Marshal , service unknown.

Thrybergh, Ravenfield, Bramley, Great Dalton, Little Dalton and Doncaster, 1 messuage, 3 mills, 140 a. arable, 20 a. meadow, 30 a. wood and 34s.10d. rent, similarly held of him by Joan and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs of John Lescrop, knight , to them and their heirs by the service of half a knight’s fee and a rose at Midsummer. He held of Thomas de Reresby, knight , service unknown.

Hollin Hall, the manor, similarly held of him by the same Joan and Elizabeth and by the same services. He held of Robert Plesyngton , service unknown.

Date of death and heir, aged 33 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/56/52 mm. 23-24

E 152/8/416 #4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Carlton Scroop
Total: -
Total: -
Wilsford, Ancaster
Total: -
Barnoldby le Beck
Total: -
Grimsby, Grimsby
Total: -
Total: -
Castle Carlton in Lindsey
Total: -
Toft Newton, Frampton, Bicker
Total: -
Total: -



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Carlton Scroop
Total: -
Barnoldby le Beck
Total: -



  • Wymbyssh(Writ Clerk)


  • William de Walesby
  • Richard Cosyn
  • John North
  • William Warde of Wold Newton
  • Thomas de Bryggheslay of Brigsley
  • Roger Graynesby of Grainsby
  • Henry de Somerby
  • Thomas Cowpeland
  • Alan Cowper
  • William Lockesmyth
  • Gilbert Adamsone
  • Adam de Kowy...


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