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Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Cirencester. 14 June. [Yate].


Jurors: John Walker of Rendcombe ; Nicholas Mayhew ; John Haralt ; Thomas Corser ; Thomas Teynton ; John Eycote ; Walter Coburle ; John Hyme ; John ?[unclear: D]elewyn ; Nicholas Stuward ; Nicholas Ragalay ; and ?Thomas Colas .


Long before his death he enfeoffed William Pouger , Robert Elkyngton , Robert Cave and Gerard Sutill in the manor of Eycot, to them and their heirs and assigns.

Eycot. It is held of Richard bishop of Worcester by knight service, annual value 6 marks.

TNA reference

C 137/55/50 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Market Rasen. 7 Jan. 1406. [Belle].


Jurors: Henry de Walesby of Walesby ; John Nevyll of Faldingworth ; William Cauf of West Rasen ; William Bysshop of the same; John ?Rothewell of the same; John Dryby of Toft next Newton ; John Raulyn of Newton by Toft ; Robert Dysney of Owersby ; John de Ouresby of the same; John Hunter of Middle Rasen (Media …); Thomas Layceby of the same; and John Osgotby of Osgodby .


He held

the manor of West Rasen, extending in West Rasen, Glentworth, Scawby, Usselby, Hainton, West Barkwith and Southrey, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief as one knight’s fee. There are the site, with dovecot, fishpond and garden, annual value nil; 54 1/2 bovates in the east and west fields, and when the east field is sown the west field lies fallow and uncultivated for pasture because there is no other arable pasture in the summer; 10 bovates in the east field are cultivated and were sown this year, each being worth 7s.6d., total 75s.; 17 1/4 in the same are uncultivated as the greater part are flooded each year, each 15d., total 21s.6 3/4d.; the other 27 1/4 lie fallow, unbroken and uncultivated in common this year; 80 a. meadow in demesne, worth 40s. yearly and no more because the greater part is flooded each year; 1 watermill, 6s.8d.; 1 unused windmill, nil; assize rents and farms payable by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun, £10 17s.2d.; 22 1/4 bovates of land of servile tenure, of which 19 1/4 are in the hands of the lord owing to the plague and let to farm at 3s.4d. each, 64s.2d.; 3 are in the tenure of Robert Haut and John Robyn , villeins holding by ancient custom of the manor; once there were 15 villeins who held the 22 1/4 bovates, for each of which they were accustomed to do 2 boon works weekly from Martinmas to Candlemas except for a fortnight at Christmas, value 3/4d. each work, also 2 boon works weekly from Candlemas to Martinmas, except for Easter and Whitsun fortnights, value 1d. each; from the feast of Saints Peter and Paul ( 29 June) until all the corn was gathered they received a meal each day from the lord; each paid 2 bushels of malt at Christmas or 14d., and 1 cock and 3 hens, value 1d. each, at the same feast; together the 15 gave the lord 2s.9d. at Candlemas for the custom called ‘haysilver’; each bovate rendered 20 eggs at Easter, and each villein 2 geese at Lammas at 2d.; now only 2 villeins render the customs and services; view of frankpledge and pleas and perquisites of court, nil beyond the fees and expenses of the steward; and a weekly market on Thursdays, a yearly fair at All Saints for 3 days, free warren, ‘furce’, ‘infangenth’, ‘tumbrel’ and ‘pilorie’, by ancient custom from the grant of King Henry to the lord of the manor, all nil.

He also held in his demesne as of fee:

Middle Rasen, various messuages, lands, tenements and services called ‘paynelfee’, of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, let to farm to various tenants for 40s. payable by equal parts at Martinmas and Whitsun; view of frankpledge and pleas and perquisites of court, annual value nil beyond the fees and expenses of the steward; and 2 tofts and 2 bovates there of the heirs of Ralph de Nevyll of the honour of Dover, by a rent of 6s.8d., also burdened with 4 marks payable to Walter de Stokes for life.

Newton by Toft, the advowson with 1 rood lying at ‘Galbek’ of the glebe of that church, of John Chaumberleyn of Wickenby by knight service, annual value nil; the living is occupied.

Linwood, 1 toft which William Beverage once held, and 10 a. wood with free ingress and egress for cart and plough by a certain way, of the lady of Bello Monte of the fee of ‘Bayous’ by a rent of 1 lb. of cumin payable on 17 June; annual values, the toft nil because ruinous, each a. of underwood 3s.4d. when 10 years old, but nil this year because it was cut last year.

He died at West Rasen on 20 Dec. last. John his son and heir is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/55/50 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 20 Jan. 1406. [Coventre].


Jurors: Ingelram Cook ; Richard Berwyk ; John Appulman ; .... Wad..., junior ; John Bryt of Swindon ; John Todworth ; John Ferrour ; John Pycot of Purton ; Thomas Canynges ; Simon Rustel... ; .... Crypus ; and John ...yle .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Chelworth, Bentham and Calcutt, 23 a. 20 perches arable in demesne, annual value 3s.4d.; 14 1/2 a. 20 perches meadow in demesne, 6s.8d.; a quarter of a pasture called ‘Doddesmere’, 12d. and no more because flooded each year and burdened with paying the king’s subsidy; assize rents of 12s. 1 1/2d. from free tenants, of which at Michaelmas 5s.4 1/4d., Christmas 19d., Easter 18 1/2d. and Midsummer 3s.7 3/4d.; 8 messuages, 1 croft and 4 1/2 virgates in tenure of villeins who render both for rent and for ‘shurthes’, pannage of pigs and other customs, 13s.4d. and no more because burdened with 6s.8d. rent to the earl of Cornwall .

Staple, profits of an eighth part of the hundred, annual value more or less ( secundum maius et secundum minus ) 3s.4d.; the court there, pleas and perquisites nil beyond the fees and expenses of the steward and clerk; of the king in chief in grand serjeanty by the service of a certain office in the forest of Braydon , as lord of Chelworth manor , of which they are parcels.

Purton, a quarter of the manor, extending in Purton, Malmesbury, Brokenborough and Lea, and various portions of wood within and without the forest of Braydon, acreage unknown, of the abbot of Malmesbury by knight service, annual value 13s.4d.; pleas and perquisites of the court, nil beyond the fees of the steward.

Date, place of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/55/50 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Selby. 11 Jan. 1406. [Redeman].


Jurors: John Lassy of Gateforth ; John Piper of Airmyn ; Richard Olyver of Drax ; Richard Haxby [?Haxhy] of Selby; Richard Esthorp of the same; Robert Moubray of the same; John Raper of the same; John Copyn of the same; Henry Ward of Newland ; John Rusholme of Drax ; Thomas de Burton of the same; and John de Wod .


He held two parts of the manor of Drax, with the soke of Drax and with its members in Drax, Newhay, Airmyn, Rusholme, Scurf, Long Drax, Lane House, Wood House , Draxburgh and Newland in the soke, and outside the soke Stonegrove, Nunnington in Ryedale, Bilbrough and Moor Monkton, of the king in chief by the service of two parts of a knight’s fee and a rent of 21s. payable by the sheriff at Easter .

Drax, 2/3 manor. There are the site, annual value nil because flooded by the river Ouse; 53 a. 3 1/2 roods arable in demesne at 4d., 17s.11 1/2d.; a ferry with a fishery at Long Drax and a fishery at Rusholme in the Ouse, 40s.; a windmill, 3s.4d.; rents of £23 17 1/2d. from free tenants, of which 100s. is payable at Candlemas and the rest by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas; a rent of 80 hens in the Ember days before Christmas and 340 eggs at Easter; a court every 3 weeks, value nil beyond the fees and expenses of the steward; 20s. from lands and tenements in Newhay by John de Ellerton , chantry chaplain of Newhay , by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas; and the advowson of the priory of Drax.

He also held

8s. rent payable at Easter and Michaelmas from various messuages in the city of York of the king in chief by 3 1/4d. yearly for housegavel, namely: a tenement late of Thomas Nedeler , 2s., a tenement formerly of Aubrey le Flemyng , 4s., and Robert de Bentham ’s tenement, 2s., all in Coney Street.

Date, place of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/55/50 mm. 5-6

E 152/8/406 #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Chelworth, Bentham, Calcutt
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • Ingelram Cook
  • Richard Berwyk
  • John Appulman
  • .... Wad..., junior
  • John Bryt of Swindon
  • John Todworth
  • John Ferrour
  • John Pycot of Purton
  • Thomas Canynges
  • Simon Rustel...
  • .... Crypus
  • John ...yle


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