Full text


Writ Head

1044 Writ ‡ 27 Feb. 1413. [Smyth].

Addressed to the escheator of Sussex and Surrey. The endorsement of execution does not indicate whether an inquisition was produced for Surrey.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Hailsham. 17 March. [Iwode].


Jurors: Simon Chylby ; Thomas Bray ; P... atte Broke; John Webbe ; John Broun ; Richard Stopham ; Thomas Jay ; Robert Haylotte ; Thomas Hethfeld ; John Hendeman ; Simon Payn ; and John atte Well .


She held the manor of Westdean for life with reversion to Thomas archbishop of Canterbury , Gerard Braybrok, knight , Thomas Feryby, clerk , John Bray of Epworth and Nicholas Mils, clerk , and their heirs and assigns by a fine of 1394 [CP 25(1)/290/57, no.274]. It is held of John Pelham, knight , of the honour of the Eagle , service unknown, annual value 12 marks.

She died on 25 Jan. last. The heir is unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham. 6 March. [Mortimere].


Jurors: Robert Sussex senior; William Swafeld ; Robert Wright of Barrow ; Robert Sussex junior; Henry Knot ; John Norys ; Robert Robliard ; William Hopkynnesson ; Clement Grubbe ; Robert de Burton ; John Robliard ; and John German .


She held the manor of Market Overton for life with reversion to Richard de Veer, now earl of Oxford . John de Horsham, clerk , granted the manor by charter to William de Wyngefeld, knight , and Joan his wife for the term of their lives with remainder to Thomas de Veer and Maud and the heirs of Thomas. William and Joan died, and Thomas being already dead Maud entered and held until the fortfeiture of Robert and from then until she died. The king by letters patent of 21 Dec. 1406 [CPR 1405–8 , p.314] granted, with the assent of parliament, the reversion of the manor which was in the king’s hands on 1 March 1401 to Philippa widow of Robert duke of Ireland and to Richard son and heir of Aubrey earl of Oxford . On 20 May 1407 Philippa released her rights to Richard by indenture and the manor should descend to him.

Market Overton. The manor is held of Edward de Hastynges by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Date of death as above. Robert de Wylughby , son of William, son of Alice sister of Elizabeth mother of Maud, is her heir, aged 27 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 3-4

E 149/99/2 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Buckingham. 25 Feb. [tryklond].


Jurors: Richard Choune ; John Abbot ; William Millewarde ; Thomas Irmonger ; John Warde of ?Maids Moreton ; Richard Togod ; William Clayd ..[E: ?Blaydon]; Gilbert Shaldeston ; Robert Haukyn of Lamport ; Walter Yshak ; Richard Barton ; and Thomas Covele .


She held in her demesne in fee tail after the possibility of issue was extinguished the manor of Chesham with view of frankpledge there under a fine of 1350 [CP 25(1)/287/43, no.449B], by which John de Veer and Maud his wife granted it with other holdings in other counties to Thomas, son of John, and Maud his wife, daughter of Ralph de Ufford, knight , and their heirs male with reversion to John and Maud. John died and the reversion in fee simple descended to Thomas and so to his son Robert.

Chesham is held of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Bulbeck , annual value £20.

She held in dower 1 toft, 15 a. arable, 20 a. meadow and 20s. rent in Cowley of the abbot of Abingdon by fealty, annual value 30s.

She held all the premises at the time of Robert’s forfeiture. On 21 Dec. 1406 the king granted to Philippa widow of Robert and to Richard son of Aubrey earl of Oxford and her heirs the reversions which were in his hands on 1 March 1401 owing to the forfeiture [CPR 1405–8 , p.314]. Philippa released her rights to Richard on 20 May 1407 and the premises should therefore now descend to him.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 5-6

E 149/99/2 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Lavenham. 8 March. [Rokewode].


Jurors: Nicholas Colop ; John Maygos ; John Bedwelle ; Thomas Gye ; Robert Skarlet ; John ?Bryd ; Thomas Corby ; John Barkere ; Robert Longe ; Robert Aylofe ; John Bolton ; and William atte Herst .


She held in dower of the king in chief by knight service the manors of Overhall, annual value £35,
and Nether Hall, annual value 78s.,
in Lavenham,
and the manor of Aldham with the tenement called ‘Helland’, annual value £20,
all with reversion to Richard de Veer, earl of Oxford .

Letters patent of 21 Dec. 1406 [CPR 1405–8 , p.314] recited that it was ordered in the parliament of 1401 that Philippa, widow of Robert duke of Ireland , should hold during the minority of Richard earl of Oxford the premises and reversions which she held in dower on 1 March 1401. She then held the manors of Canfield and Downham, rents in Tilbury juxta Clare and a third part of the manors of Prayors and Bourehall in Essex, and the manor of Kensington in Middlesex by assignment of Aubrey earl of Oxford . It was also ordered in that parliament that if Richard when he came of full age wished Philippa to have them for life he should then have the forfeited holdings of Robert duke of Ireland which had been taken into the hands of Richard II and which remained at that time in the present king’s hands. If he should not agree, his heirs would be permanently disinherited of them and Philippa should have them to herself and her heirs for ever by the king’s gift. Richard reached full age on 21 Dec. 1406 and confirmed Philippa in her dowry. The king granted the premises and reversions held on 1 March 1401 to Richard except the manors of Langley and Bradley in Berkshire and the reversions of the manors of Milton and Paston in Northamptonshire, of the manor of Chesham with view of frankpledge in Buckinghamshire, of the manor of Market Overton in Rutland, and of 1 toft, 15 a. arable, 20 a. meadow and 20s. rent in Cowley, Buckinghamshire, all of which the king formerly granted to Philippa and Richard and the heirs of Philippa.

The reversion of these manors, forfeited by Robert duke of Ireland , was in the king’s hands on 1 March 1401 and the manors should now descend to Richard.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 7-8

E 149/99/2 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Melton Mowbray. 24 Feb. [Bellers].


Jurors: Richard Fraunces ; John Roter ; Walter Roskyn ; John Bernarde ; William Fyssher ; John Perker ; Thomas Holewell ; William Smyth ; John son of Robert; John Skeryngton ; John Baily ; and John Wattes .


She held the manor of Wigston Magna for life with reversion to Richard de Veer, earl of Oxford , and his heirs. Nicholas Gernon, knight , William de Wyngefeld, knight , John de Horsham, clerk , John de Haukewode, senior , and William de Wotton held that manor in their demesne as of fee and granted it to her for life by charter, shown to the jurors, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas. Robert duke of Ireland was then the son and heir of Thomas. The king granted on 21 Dec. 1408 by letters patent, shown to the jurors, that Philippa and Richard should have forfeited holdings which were in the king’s hands on 1 March 1401 as above [no.1047].

She held the manor of Wigston Magna for life at the time of the forfeiture of Robert with reversion to him, and the reversion was in the king’s hands on 1 March 1401. It is held of Lord Ferrers by knight service and should descend to Richard, annual value 24 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 9-10

E 149/99/2 m. 6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages. Two 'shown to the jurors' additions also made.

Writ Head

1049 Writ ‡ 27 Jan. 1413. [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] The manor of Great Abington has been taken into the king's hand; she held no other lands in the county at her death.

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Cambridge. 11 March. [Leverer].


Jurors: Henry Brayn ; John Walden of Babraham ; John Copplyng ; John Glaswryght ; Thomas Stapilton ; John Spencer ; Richard Barker of Linton ; Robert Courthose ; John Sabbe ; Robert Smyth of Hildersham ; John Dyster of Great Abington ; and John Amyesson .


She held the manor of Great Abington in dower with reversion to Richard de Veer . The king granted on 21 Dec. 1406 that Philippa and Richard should have the forfeited holdings in the king’s hands on 1 March 1401 as above [no.1047]. Great Abington was held with reversion to Robert at the time of the forfeiture and the reversion came into the king’s hands. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1050 Writ ‡ 27 Jan. 1413. [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator of Essex and Hertfordshire.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition [indented]. Chelmsford. 7 March. [Wrytele].


Jurors: Thomas Smyth of Earls Colne ; Robert Kirton ; William atte Wode ; John Salvage ; William Aunger ; Thomas Bouyle ; Simon Pyt ; William Payn ; John Crowche ; John Smyth ; John Steuene ; and John Herde .


She held the manors of Earls Colne, annual value £10,
and Bentley, annual value £15,
in dower with reversion to Richard now earl of Oxford . They are held of the king in chief, services unknown. The king granted on 21 Dec. 1406 as above [no.1047]. The reversion of these manors came into the king’s hands by the forfeiture of Robert, and they should now descend to Richard in virtue of the letters patent.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 13-14

E 149/99/2 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Buntingford. 14 March 1413. [Wrytele].


Jurors: William Ode ; William Porter of Barley ; William Martyn ; John Parker ; Robert Tebaude of Aspenden ; John atte Welle of Offley ; John Bonchivaler ; Reynold Smyth ; Thomas Gerbode ; John Bunker of Offley ; Richard Stonle ; and John Person .


She held the manor of Great Hormead in dower with reversion to Richard earl of Oxford in virtue of letters patent of 21 Dec. 1406 by which the king granted as above [no.1047]. The reversion of the manor was held by Robert duke of Ireland at the time of his forfeiture and came into the king’s hands. Maud was dowered with it and it should descend to Richard. It is held of the king of the barony of Sanford , service unknown, annual value £20 [in E, altered from £23 to £20].

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 13, 15

E 149/99/2 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition [indented] with the same jurors. Buntingford. 14 March 1413. [Wrytele].


Jurors: William Ode ; William Porter of Barley ; William Martyn ; John Parker ; Robert Tebawde ; John atte Welle of Offley ; John Bonchivaler ; Reynold Smyth of Saffron Walden ; Thomas Gerbood ; William Bonker; Richard Stonle of Offley ; and John Person of the same.


She held the manor of Wells for life with remainder to Paul Kyrton , now master and keeper, and the chaplains of the college of Pleshey and their successors. Richard II by letters patent [CPR 1391–6, pp.381–2] licensed his uncle Thomas duke of Gloucester to grant the reversion after the death of Maud, which he held, to the master and chaplains of Pleshey in pure alms. The duke granted it to John Kyrketon and the chaplains by a fine [CP 25(1)/90/102, no.157] shown to the jurors, and it should descend to the college.

Wells. The manor is held of William Bourghchier, knight , and Anne his wife, daughter and heir of the duke of Gloucester, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 13, 16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Sittingbourne. 11 March. [Hordenne].


Jurors: John Andrew ; William Barbour ; Geoffrey Counseyl ; John Nicholas ; John ?Elys ; John ?Dawe ; John Byrche ; Thomas Sybel ; Thomas Chapman ; Robert Cok ; John ?Rooke ; and Richard Smyth .

[surnames Sybel, Cok and ?Rooke legible in E only]

She held the manor and advowson of Whitstable for life with remainder to the college of Pleshey. Richard II granted licence to the duke of Gloucester to grant the reversion of the manor and advowson of Whitstable and of the manor of Bockingfold to the college of Pleshey [ CPR 1391–6, p.367]. By a fine of 1394 [CP 25(1)/110/243, no.894] the duke granted the reversion after the death of Maud who held for life. By her deed she granted all her estate in Bockingfold to the master and college, and held it no longer. The manors are held of William de Burghchier, knight , and Anne his wife, daughter and heir of the duke.

Annual value of Whitstable, the site nil, 180 a. arable at 12d., 20 a. salt marsh at 12d., 100 a. wood of which 5 may be cut each year, then 6s. each, assize rents payable at Martinmas £7 2s., at St. Andrew 12s., Candlemas 59s., and Lent 11s., 120 hens at Christmas at 2 1/2d., and 80 cocks at 3d., … eggs at Easter … 5d., on 8 Sept. 8 quarters of salt at 6s.8d.

She held the manor of Fleet for life in virtue of a fine of 1371 [CP 25(1)/288/49, no.719] by which Nicholas Gernon, knight , William de Wyngefeld, knight , John de Horsham, clerk , Walter de Wotton and John de Haukwod, senior , granted it with other manors in other counties to Thomas earl of Oxford and Maud with remainder to his heirs.

Fleet. It is held of the archbishop of Canterbury by suit of court every 3 weeks, and should descend to Richard in accordance with the king’s grant of 21 Dec. 1406 [as above]. There are 100 a. arable at 12d., 20 a. meadow at 12d., 16 a. pasture at 12d. and 30s. in assize rents payable at Martinmas and Midsummer by equal parts.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/90/17 mm. 17-18

E 149/99/2 m. 7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XIX has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Andrew
  • William Barbour
  • Geoffrey Counseyl
  • John Nicholas
  • John ?Elys
  • John ?Dawe
  • John Byrche
  • Thomas Sybel
  • Thomas Chapman
  • Robert Cok
  • John ?Rooke
  • Richard Smyth


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