Full text


Writ Head

780 Writ. ‡ 17 Nov. 1402 [Mapilton].

Regarding lands and tenements held in dower or otherwise for the term of her life

Inquisition Head

LONDON Inquisition. 12 May 1403 [Walcote].


Jurors: John Rodyng ; Ralph Spakeman ; Roger Roos ; John Bright ; Walter atte Wode ; John Bere; John Salman ; Philip Carpenter ; John Carlill ; John Spore ; John Ballard ; and Henry Payn .


She held nothing in London.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

781 Writ as 780 . ‡ 17 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE Inquisition. Lincoln. 29 Jan. 1403 [Bolle].


Jurors: John Nevell of Faldingworth ; Thomas Sta.e of Dunholme ; William Hannay of Reepham ; John Furre of Faldingworth ; John Leverot of Saxilby ; Laurence Charters of Sudbrooke Park (‘Holm’); Richard Lanham of Reepham ; Robert Sotheby of Cherry Willingham ; Roger Sharp of the same; Peter Hughson of ?Thorpe in the Fallows (Thorp); Richard Wymerk of Scothern ; and John Foulstowe of Saxilby.


She held a third part of the manor of Greetwell in dower of the honour of Tickhill by a rent of 3s.4d., annual value 5 marks.

She died on 9 Nov. last . The third part should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as heir of Ralph, being the son of Hugh earl of Stafford , son of Ralph, son of Margaret, sister of Ralph, father of Ralph, father of Ralph Basset , and aged 25 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

782 Writ as 780 . ‡ 17 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK Inquisition. Wiveton. 2 Dec. [Gurnay].


Jurors: Gilbert de Lye ; Roger Symondesson ; John Punchard ; John Dauy ; Simon de Swanton; Nicholas ?in Thefell; Edmund de Chesi... ; Simon de Mernyngg’ ; Thomas Ixworth; Hugh Arnald ; William Jerueys ; and William atte Howe .


She held a third part of the manor of Sheringham in dower for life of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £13 6s.8d.

She died on 20 [ sic ] Nov. It should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as above.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

783 Writ. ‡ 16 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Regarding Joan who was the wife of Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset of Drayton, chivaler, who held certain lands and tenements in chief, from the inheritance of the said Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE Inquisition. Walsall. 18 Dec. [Walshale].


Jurors: William Russhehale ; John Maunsell ; Richard Bridde ; Roger Onewyn ; Richard Odes ; John Wilkys ; John Cole ; John Bondok ; William Hogetes ; Roger Mollesle ; John Prestes ; and Thomas Bailly .


Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Pattingham and Drayton Bassett, and gave them to Ralph de Olneye and Robert de Birlyngham , chaplains. By a fine of 1340 [CP 25(1) 210/14, no. 56] they were conveyed to Ralph and his heirs male, with successive remainders to Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett, and the heirs of his body, Ralph de Stafford, knight , for life, Richard de Stafford, knight , for life, Ralph son of Ralph de Stafford and his heirs male, Richard son of Richard de Stafford and his heirs male, and Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick , and his heirs.

The Staffords died without heirs male. Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset , married Joan and died without heirs. The manors were then taken into the king’s hands. Pattingham was allotted to Joan in dower. Drayton Bassett remains in the king’s hands because Richard de Bello Campo , son of Thomas, son of the earl of Warwick , is a minor who will be 21 on 25 Jan. next. Pattingham is held of the barony of Dudley, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

Joan died on 9 Nov.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 7-8

E 152/8/390 #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

784 Writ as 780 . ‡ 17 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

SURREY Inquisition tam virtute cuiusdam brevis quam virtute officii. Southwark. 28 Jan. 1403 [Sonde].


Jurors: Henry Blake ; Robert Wiliam ; John Deneweye ; William Stynt ; John Welles ; John Dodyngton; Roger Bowode ; ‘Salamon’ Auncell; Geoffrey Ware ; Edmund Welles ; John May ; and Robert Man .


Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held in his demesne as of fee 2 messuages and 8 shops in Southwark and enfeoffed Thomas Aston, knight , John Leyr, clerk , and John Chercheman , citizen of London, on condition that they should alienate and appropriate with the king’s licence and that of the lords of the other fees to the master of Bethlehem outside Bishopsgate, but this condition was broken, no alienation was made, and they have kept and taken the profits from the death of Ralph. Joan was dowered with a third part, held of the abbot of Bermondsey , service unknown, worth 46s.8d. annually.

She died on 9 Nov., and the third part should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as next heir, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 9-10

E 149/80/1 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition. Nottingham. 20 Nov. [Twyford].


Jurors: Norman Knyght of Wiverton ; John de Wystowe ; Thomas Frende ; John Wardde ; John de Muston ; John Andy ; John Tayllour ; John de Tylton; Henry Woderofe ; John Clementson ; John Parkynson ; and Robert Elysaunt .


She held for life by the grant of Walter Skyrlowe, bishop of Durham , Richard Scrope, late bishop of Chester , Richard Scrope and Thomas de Aston , knights, and John de Leyre , John Broun and John Outhorpe , clerks, the manor of Ratcliffe on Soar with reversion to Walter Skyrlowe and the others. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £20.

She also held in dower a third part of the manor of Colston Bassett by assignment of the same feoffees, with reversion to them. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £10.

She died on 9 Nov. last . Heirs unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 11-12

E 149/80/1 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE Inquisition. Loughborough. 20 Nov. [Boteler].


Jurors: Thomas Pachet ; Robert Jowce ; John Daddy ; William de Boseworth ; John Irrys ; Thomas Irres ; John Hanchard ; Ralph Irnemonger ; John Banycrofte ; John Dawe ; Robert Dunneham; and Ralph Jonson .


She held for life by the grant of Walter Skyrlawe, bishop of Durham , and the other feoffees, as in the last, with reversion to them:

Barrow on Soar, a quarter of the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.

Ragdale and Willowes, a third part of the manor, and Ratcliffe on the Wreak, a third part of the manor, of the heirs of Ralph Basset of Weldon by knight service, annual value £7 6s.8d.

Long Whatton, a third part of 12 virgates, of Henry Lord Beaumont by knight service, annual value 40s.

She died on 9 Nov. and had no heirs.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

787 Writ as 783 . ‡ 16 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition. Stony Stratford. 23 Nov. [Longevyll].


Jurors: John ?Hewes ; John Heryng ; John Hardell ; John Abbey ; John Anketill ; Elias Barker ; Reynold Yngrith ; John Styward ; Thomas Parker ; John Routh ; Hugh Osebern ; Thomas Raveneston .


Ralph Basset held the manor of Olney and granted it with others to William Herle, knight , and Thomas Radeclyve, parson of Olney . By a fine of 1339 [CP 25(1) 287/40, no. 255] between Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett , Ralph son of Ralph, son of the first Ralph, and Joan his wife, daughter of Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick , and Simon Pakeman as guardian of the young Ralph, on the one side, and William Herle and Thomas de Radeclyve on the other, the manors of Walsall in Staffordshire, Olney in Buckinghamshire and Long Buckby in Northamptonshire were settled on Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett for life, with successive remainders to Ralph his grandson and Joan daughter of the earl of Warwick , wife of Ralph, and the heirs of their bodies, the heirs male of Ralph Basset the grandfather, Ralph Stafford for life, Richard de Stafford for life, Ralph son of Ralph Stafford and his heirs male, Richard son of Richard de Stafford and his heirs male, Thomas de Bello Campo , son of the earl of Warwick, and his heirs male, and the heirs of the earl.

Accordingly Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held Olney for life and so died. Ralph his son died in the lifetime of his father. Then, therefore, Ralph the grandson and Joan daughter of Thomas de Bello Campo held it. Meanwhile Ralph de Stafford and Richard de Stafford and both their sons died without heirs. Joan also died without heirs male of her body. Then Ralph the grandson married Joan, the subject of this inquisition. He died without heirs of his body and the manor was accordingly taken into the king’s hands. In the chancery of Richard II it was assigned to Joan in dower, the other lands descending to Thomas son of Thomas de Bello Campo in accordance with the fine.

Henry Grey of Wilton took possession of one quarter of Olney, title unknown. Owing to the minority of his son Richard two parts of the quarter are in the king’s hands. Joan having died, the third part descends to Thomas son of Thomas de Bello Campo under the fine. He was 21 years of age on 25 Jan.

The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value of three quarters £45, of a third part of a quarter £4 10s.4d. [ sic ].

She also held a third part of the manor of in dower from Henry Grey , with reversion to Richard Grey . It is held of the king in chief as a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 40s.

She died on 9 Nov.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 15-16

E 149/80/1 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

788 Writ amotus. ‡ 20 Feb. 1403 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to Robert Frensshe, escheator of Devon, referring to a previous writ diem clausit extremum issued to Walter Reynold.

Inquisition Head

DEVON Inquisition. Exeter. 5 March. [Frenssh].


Jurors: William Grilleston ; Thomas Halle ; John Smyth atte Wode ; John Stone ; John Frye; Geoffrey Giffard ; Thomas Wollecomb ’; Richard Mounceaux ; Walter ?Leury ; William ?Barry ; John ?Doune ; and Walter Wodelond .


She held in dower a third part of the manor of Tawstock and a third part of the advowson, of the inheritance of Fulk Fitzwaryn , son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn , knight, under age in the king’s ward, whereby the other two parts are in the king’s hands. The third part is worth annually £26 6s.8d. The whole manor with the advowson is held of the king in chief as an eighteenth part of a barony as parcel of the barony of Barnstaple. Ralph Basset died without heirs of his body, holding in fee tail with reversion to Fulk by a fine of 1370 [CP 25(1) 44/60, no. 381] between Thomas Daudeley and James Daudeley of Heighley, knight , the reversion which Ralph Basset held for life being given successively to Thomas Daudeley and the heirs of his body, Roland brother of Thomas and his heirs, and James brother of the same and his heirs, and the right heirs of Thomas, and so to Fulk, as son of Fulk, son of Margaret, sister of Thomas. Thomas, Roland and James, like Ralph, died without heirs, and so it descended to Fulk.

She died on 18 [ sic ] Nov. 1402.

TNA reference

C 137/37/38 mm. 17-18

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Henry Blake
  • Robert Wiliam
  • John Deneweye
  • William Stynt
  • John Welles
  • John Dodyngton
  • Roger Bowode
  • ‘Salamon’ Auncell
  • Geoffrey Ware
  • Edmund Welles
  • John May
  • Robert Man


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